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Licensed Practical Nurse
  Licensed Practical Nurse (Sargeants) - The middle man. The mediator between the CNA/Orderly and the upper echelons. We, since this is the niche I fit into, do all the nurse-type grunt work. Passing medications, doing treatments, nursing assessments of residents who the CNA/Orderly have reported have a change of condition, notify the physicians of changes in condition, order newly prescribed medications from the pharmacy, accompany Physicians on Doctors rounds, monthly assessments, insert and remove catheters, G-tube feedings, supervise the CNA/Orderly, incident reports, and paperwork and paper work and MORE paper work. There are many other fuctions of the LPN that are to numerous to mention. In my opinion, a good LPN Charge Nurse will also assist the CNA/Orderly with the daily care of the residents. We, as the CNA/Orderly, are not afforded the respect or the pay that you would expect. In fact some of the higher echelon do not consider us as "REAL NURSES". I personally resent that assumption. WE are Nurses! Live with it Higher echelon!

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