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Assistant Director of Nursing
  Registerd Nurse (Lieutenant) - The Asisstant D.O.N.s job is of course, to assist the D.O.N. This RN assists with in-service training, supervising all nursing staff, scheduling of shifts, ordering of medical supplies, MDS and RAP sheets, covering for vactions and sick days of the D.O.N., and of course the inevitable PAPERWORK! I think we all understand this position.

Director of Nursing
  Registerd Nurse (Captain) - The Director of Nursing. This job title should be self-explanatory to all. This RN over sees ALL Nursing staff and aspects of Nursing care. And to make all staff under them absolutely miserable (just kidding...sheesh!). Very tough job to do. This RN, as far as the Nursing Home setting, can go no higher. Except to a non-nursing position, or a nursing position with the corporation home as a consultant (trouble shooter). Most of the D.O.N.s I have worked with have earned my respect as Nurses, educators, and leaders. But there have been a few that made me wonder how they passed their boards (not joking here)!


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