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  • ¤ ShOot 4 thE mOon. EvEn iF yOoh miSs, yOu'LL lAnD iN thE sTaRs ¤

    ¤NeVeR aRgUe wiTh a fOoL- pEoPlE miGht nOt knOw thE diFfErEnCe ¤

    ¤fRiEnDsHiP iS liKe mOnEy, eAsiEr mAdE tHaN kEpT ¤

    ¤SeX iS tHe mOST pOsiTiVe EnErGy tHaT 2 pEoPlE cAn mAkE. If wE'rE gOnNa diE aNyWaYs, wE miGhT aS weLL diE fUcKiNg ¤

    ¡¿thiS qUoTe iS dEdiCaTeD tO piMpiN' b.H. AnD siLLy b.H. wiTh aLL tHa dRaMa tHat yOoh 2 pUT uP wiTh..juSs rEmEmBer thiS :

    ¤dRaMa iS liFe witH thE dULL biTs cUt oUt¤

    ¤ LoVe iS liKe fLyiNg ~ it'S aN eXhiLeRaTinG fEeLing tHat nOthing elSe can creAte, bUt wHen yOu crASh iT hUrtS liKe hEll.¤

    ¤ dOn'T bE diSmayEd at gOodbyes... a fAreweLL iS neCeSsarY bEfoRE yOu can meEt agAin. aNd mEetinG agaiN, aFter mOmentS or liFetimEs, is cErtAin for tHoSe wHo are fRiendS.

    ¤ thE mOst bEaUtiFuL diScOVerY thAT tRue fRienDs cAn maKe iS thAt thEy cAN gRow sEpArAteLy wIthOut gRowinG apaRt.

    ¤ anGelS cAptuRe lOve & sPRinKLy iT uPoN oUt hEaRts.