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These are my Ferilons Suameritan and Ritouteri. Ritouteri(the striped one) is a male from the Plains Tribe. His genetics are Gme*nB*lT*r*DhY*. Suameritan is a female outcast from the Woodland Tribe. her genetics are GMe*N*b*L*T*Rq*HY*. They are the Alpha male and female of the pack and,here are there brand new cubs below...

aren't they adorable?!!

These two are Wild Fire and Cosmiosa. They look like a cute couple huh? Wild Fire is a male from the Plains tribe. Cosmiosa is a female from the Mountian Tribe. They get along great though!

And their cubs! I can't wait to see what they will look like when they are all grown up!

Next we have Sand Dollar and tigre. They are both very cute ferilons. I bet their cubs will be cute too! Sand Dollar is a female from the Aquatic tribe. Tigre is a male from the Plains tribe.

Here are Ruetrando and Etra. They are the omegas of the pack. They are both very beautiful though. Ruetrando is a male from the desert tribe. Etra is a female from the Aquatic tribe.

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