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No John In 2000 Ring Index, Sites 31-59

# Index of No John In 2000 Ring Site Description Visit
No. 31 Let's Give Them Their Freedom! Dedicated to providing the best information on; AIDS, POW/MIA's, Child Abuse, Special Dedication, Missing Children, Family Safe, Child Safe, IRL, Auto Racing, Jim Guthrie Visit
No. 32 Flush McCain This page is to inform the public of how John McCain turned his back on the POW/MIA's and we definitely don't need him as Prtesident in 2000 Visit
No. 33 PappyFO's Home Page A Home Page for others to visit and see some of Nam.  Tribute's to the Women & The Corpsmen who Severed and gave there all. Visit
No. 34 Firebase Freedom A site with information of concern to all veterans, focusing mainly on the POW/MIA issue, but includes many links to veterans sites across the Web. Updated frequently, it is a source of some great veteran information. Visit
No. 35 My Hero My Adopted POW/MIA's A Tribute Samuel Adams, Thomas Moore and Charles G. Dusing three friends taken prisonor at the same time. Visit
No. 36 Adopted POW/MIA Heros POW/MIA site. Visit
No. 37 Bug's POW/MIA Page A page dedicated to our missing servicemen Visit
No. 38 Toads Favorite Fire Pads My Fire Fighting related web site with links to over 2000 fire departments world wide, safety tips, CPR info, and much more Visit
No. 39 Florida's Fallen Vietnam Heroes Complete listing of Florida's Fallen and missing Vietnam heroes Visit
No. 40 Politician - John Sidney McCain This site contains articles and documents about Arizona Senator John Sidney McCain, Presidential wannabe. Does he measure up, you are the judge! Visit
No. 41 The Reading Room A site about me and my current career in the Untied States Army. Visit
No. 42 SSgt Burt C. Small Jr. Honors SSgt Burt C. Small, Jr (POW) Visit
No. 43 Save America Gun control, POW/MIA Visit
No. 44 POW/MIA Site honors 4 adopted POW/MIAs. Visit
No. 45 Remembering... Dedication pages to my two adopted POW/MIAs...Robert S. Griffith and Larry C. Jamerson Visit
No. 46 The Circle of Life A dedication to my father, Cmsgt.Thomas Moore, USAF 10-31-65, who went MIA and was known to be a POW but never made it to a prison camp. supposed to have been KIA by the hands of the Viet cong , but no proof. other than hear say. my page is dedicated to dad, and the other men with him as well as all the sons and daughters of all the men who did not return. and to tho Visit
No. 47 Jon's corner of Reality My personal page about me, and the things I care and am concerned about. Visit
No. 48 ArizonaAlbarb's Home Page SEE (JOHN McCain) for what he realy is A Liar /A Traitor /A Coward /U.S.A.'s SHAME Visit
No. 49 MY HEROES - MY ADOPTED POW/MIA's Tribute to my adopted POW/MIA's Samuel Adams, Thomas Moore, Charles Dusing Visit
No. 50 Paul Kierstead Moser My site is dedicated to Paul Kierstead Moser, lost 10-02-69 NVN along with 25 others. The site focuses on this particular incident, but I fight for each and every American that was allowed to rot in the jungles of Southeast Asia, all of our POW/MIA's. They never turned% Visit
No. 51 Florida's Fallen Vietnam Heroes Complete listing of the KIA's from Florida in Vietnam along with list of POW/MIA's Visit
No. 52 My Politically Incorrect Website Contains lots of links and general information. Operated by the system administrator of DALEK.ORG, for whom the POW-MIA issue is especially close to home. Visit
No. 53 Keyes 2000 - Utah The Official Utah web site for Republican Presidential candidate Alan Keyes. Visit
No. 54 Northeast POW/MIA Network Description: New Hampshire Chapter of the NE POW/MIA Network whose goal is to raise public awareness about the ONGOING POW/MIA issue. Visit
No. 56 Rolling Thunder (r), Indiana Chapter #1 Rolling Thunder (r), Indiana Chapter #1. Raises awareness of POW/MIA issues. Annual Memorial Day ride to the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC. Visit
No. 57 POW/MIA's for the State of New Hampshire To Honor Our POW/MIA's; To Gain A Full-Accounting of Our POW/MIA's; To Educate the Public about POW/MIA's; To Ensure This Never Happens Again! Visit
No. 58 Rolling Thunder Inc. National Chapter Rolling Thunder® Inc. major function is to publicize the POW-MIA issue. To educate the public that many American Prisoners of War were left behind after all past wars. To help correct the past Visit
No. 59 JUST ANOTHER JARHEAD Missouri's Missing, poems, etc Visit