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what's with all these carpet salesmen?

5-7-01: I feel rather sad. there's four more days until the seniors are out of school.. i guess it's not really a big deal, but it does signify the ending of a chapter and the beginning of an unknown--therefore very frightening--one. at the rock show the other night i went outside with julie and sat on the crumbling concrete steps by the Mary statue and cried. brendan was sick, so he couldn't go... i just couldn't help thinking that this is nothing but a dress rehearsal for next year, and the thought finally hit home of not being able to just run down lockwood to see him. He'll be SIXteen hours away.. but once i turn eighteen (or whenever my mum will let me) i'm taking a friend, or maybe just go alone if no one's interested, and driving all the way down there every three-day weekend. And i will, too.

i wanna go back