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the dream

i once had a dream

you were there

i was in this sleek polished oak rowboat... on a weeping willow lake

you were rowing, and looking ever so handsome in your letter jacket

i was sitting on the cushioned seat, in a beautiful pink flowing dress

with a parasol, and the wind blew my chiffon and brushed my golden blond hair, letting it sparkle and shine in the warm spring sunlight

i was like an angel, you said,

you couldn’t stop pinching me, just to see if i was real

looking at my tan skin, blue eyes, sweetly curving body shape

and you talked to me

when we used to talk, you would call me Casper, or marshmallow

or four-eyes, or nerd-magnet

you were so witty!

i used to laugh at all your jokes

more then the others, anyway

i always listened to your conversations

that rose when your grandma died in fourth grade, that was mine

you never thanked me, but that’s all right, i could tell that you were pleased with it

you gave it to Suzi.

but we never talk anymore

not your fault, of course, there’s so many people in our grade

and high school is so much busier then middle, it’s no wonder that you’re always busy or

not home whenever I call

i guess that the note i taped to your locker inviting you to Homecoming someone stole

when we pass in the hall, and i say ‘hi’, i don’t blame the fact that you can’t hear me

or see me

or touch me

or hear me cry at night

it’s not your fault

i wanna go back