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i'm sitting in english class talking about jane eyre, rather ms masset is, i'm writing these words here in the year two thousand and one in this primitive culture with no air conditioning it's just a little too hot to be wearing a kilt.

The teacher's desk is bright blue like the sky that we haven't quite pierced yet and insted filled with nasty things like the soda that girl drank with GHB and died.


just like One-Eyed Jack, mr. strohmeyer's little jack russel terrior-mutt who only has one eye and day before yesturday Jack ran into a south city street and was hit by a car and crawled to mr. strohmeyer and died in his arms.


just like amiee's soul when sarilyn was kicked out of her house by aimee's too-catholic parents because sara's a lesbian if they found out that aimee's one, too, would they kick her out?

their own daughter?


such ancient times! if these are the best days of my life sitting here in this my too-hot kilt and big clunky shoes and a ring without a partner then i'd better just turn in my key now and save everyone the trouble.

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