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slices of life through the curtain

we're trying to peek between the doorframe to a room better and brighter then this one no mind it's a murder mystery on stage for as long as it's bright and beautiful with faces one thrills to see then it's something inattainable and i try not to be seen.

I thrill as i see them we're crammed back here i'm next to the wall and the stairs at my bach with sliver in my front. The dark doesn't matter as the energy (life!) there sweeps me and turns then out there into gods. They come back through the thin wooden doors which shut with a snap breathless doors frail and fake but stronger then any material there separating life from death? Energy from this black pits backstage?

Darkness rushing out quick move move get hats thrown at me coats under over every arm goddammit david where're you? flash shadowy wood people run past blackfelt stage right where's david frantic calm He's getting water over himself, you know past words i run down david peter run up both peter's calm david i need your coat but he's already tearing off his trenchcoat and is fighting with his wet sportscoat goddammit here and take my tie too be sure to wash [?] it here put this is this the rght way here here Peter laughes at david he looks back oddly smiling with the rush of emotions, the energy is leaking and dripping backstage like melted cocaine. then they enter and i hang up the coats and hats in the lockerroom.

back, then