Chapter 1


There went the breaks to her hand-me-down car. She was hit from behind and was trying to stop from going any further. “Oh just great!” Audrey said, “Another one takes a big bite of my account!” While thinking where the money would possibly come from to pay for whatever damage was done, curious pedestrians were starting to surround the two cars. Audrey Conners was such an organized, sophisticated, young woman who knew what she wanted in life. Being 5’5, 23 years old, and a hazel eyed brunette, life was pretty much easy for her, but she knew better and took everything the hard way. Although she wasn’t the shy type towards her friends, around others, she was THE shyest person on the face of the Earth. After graduating college, she headed out for the “real world” She took wrong turns here and there but managed to get through the first couple months being a real adult just fine.

“Ahhhhhhhhh..........” he yelled as he came out of his car. What am I going to tell Him about his car? ‘Umm I wasn’t looking and I sorta crashed?’ He’s gonna kill me! He thought about that and started walking over to the car in front of him. Audrey finally got out of her car and was startled at the man now standing in front of her. She could only make out his clothes and his body, the sun’s glare was shadowing his face. He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a muscle shirt, and a flannel to go over it. He was built well enough for her liking and his hair reminded her of someone she knew of but couldn’t quite get the grasp of who it was. She tilted her head to the side and got a glimpse of his face and it was then that it hit her, he was a definite hottie.

“Are you ok?” asked the man.

“Yeah, sure thanks,” Audrey said. After the police questioning, they got the cars to a safe distance and started to talk about the damage done to both cars. Luckily for both it was just the front of his car and the rear of Audrey’s. More shock came from Audrey just thinking about him.Wow this guy is gorgeous and he seems so familiar. The accident must have dome something to my head. I mean he’s just ‘Wow.’

Her train of thought left her when he spoke up. “Hi, I didn’t introduce myself properly before, I’m Chris.”

“Yes, I apologize too, I’m Audrey.”

“Look, I’m sorry if I scared you!” Chris said noticing then how cute she looked.

“I’m ok. Thanks though. So how’s your car?” she said nervously.

“Oh it’s good, except for the bumper,” he said, “it’ll live!”

“I’m sorry about that anyways.”

“Nah Hun, it wasn’t you,” Chris said immediately blushing from the word hun.

Of course, Audrey being the negotiator that she is, wanted to make sure the cost were split evenly. “Well we should see how much I owe you,” she said hesitantly hoping it wasn’t much.

“Know what, let’s call it all off, I’m sure it’s nothing.”

“Are you sure?” she questioned.

“Yeah, I mean this isn’t even my car,” Chris said thinking about JC lecturing him. What did you do to my Car?” You better pay for this dread boy or else! Oh yeah he could just imagine what JC would say to him.

“Umm .... I really don’t know,” she said trying to get him to let her pay even for a little bit of it.

“Oh, c’mon, you can follow me to my house and we’ll get something figured out, ok?” He said anxious to get to know her better.

“No, Chris, I really don’t want to intrude, I mean you’re Chris from ....”


“Well, yeah, hey I knew that ....... I just kinda forgot.” Audrey said feeling really pathetic for just saying that.

“Audrey, it’s cool. So are ya coming?”

Audrey had to think, like always, about this new upcoming situation. Oh my God, what am I going to do? I mean should I go on with my merry life, or follow Chris Kirkpatrick to his house because he wants me to come? Ha when I thought there would be other more serious things to think about, know I have to make a decision that might change my whole perspective of him and NSYNC. “Yeah, okay, I’ll go if ya say so,” she said after the long silence.

“Alright! Follow my car.!” Chris ended and headed over to the car. They started their cars and drove off.


The whole way there, thoughts were running through Audrey’s head. What am I doing to myself. I’m just getting myself into another big mess that will probably hurt me in some way. Audrey had always had a fear of being hurt by others, especially guys, that’s why she isn’t so open to anyone other than close friends and family. They reached Chris’ house and the first thing that pops into Audrey’s head was Whoa look at that house!. Chris knocked on her window to try to get her attention. But she just sat there in her car dazed until it finally hit her that Chris was the one knocking. “Are ya coming out anytime soon?” he joked trying to get her at least a tad bit comfortable.

“Yeah sorry. Hold on.”

The two of them entered the house and found the four other guys inside waiting for Chris to show up. The moment they walked into the room Joey found his way to the doorway and introduced himself. “Hello doll, I’m Joey.”

“It’s a pleasure,” Audrey said, “and yes you don’t have to introduce yourselves, I already happen to know who each of you are.”

A slight silence rang across the room until someone spoke. “Chris you brought a fan to the house?” Lance questioned.

“No dimwit, this is Audrey. We kind of got into an accident on my way home.” Chris said trying to avoid JC’s new found evil stare.

“Accident????? Chris, would you like to enlighten us about your accident?” Justin asked, wanting Chris to be lectured for once.

“Yes Chris, please explain,” JC said with as much courtesy as possible.

“Well, the cell phone rang and I answered it. I guess I wasn’t paying any attention when I hit Audrey’s car.”

“You what??????????” JC asked getting even more angry.

“Well it wasn’t exactly all his fault,” Audrey said trying to cut in.

“It’s not?” Justin asked feeling all hope of Chris being yelled at decreasing.

“Well we were at a traffic light and I wasn’t paying much attention either and it was green. If I would’ve gone then the whole crash would have had never happened,” She said. “And so it was more or less both our faults, so please don’t nag on Chris for the whole damage.”

“Well, since you put it that way, Audrey, then Chris you are off the hook, FOR NOW! Just wait til I get the estimate on it. Oh no then watch out!” JC said.

“No, JC, that will all be taken care of trust me, I’ll go sometime soon so you can have your car back.” Chris noted. Audrey just sat there on the couch giggling to herself as she watched the five guys argue with each other. She never really thought that even NSYNC would fight, well not over little things like this. Wow I can’t believe ANY of this is happening! Someone please wake me up! I’m in THE house NSYNC lives. Ok so I’m not the biggest fan, but just the thought of every die hard fan who would want to be in my shoes, whoa this is WAY too much! At least this will all be over soon, I hope! Just then her cell phone rang.

“May I please be excused, I should take this call.”

“Yeah sure go right ahead, you can go to the other room,” Chris said. Audrey got up and left for the other room. Once she was gone, the others began to speak up.

“Man Chris, how in the hell did you manage to wreck JC’s car and pick up some really Hot chick?” Joey asked thinking about doing the same thing to get a girl.

“Oh shut up Joey, like I said it was a mere accident and she just happened to be in the other car.” Chris said thinking about Joey’s little statement.”

“Well, c’mon tell me she’s not even the least bit attractive, Chris.”

I’m afraid to say this,” Lance said, “but Joey’s got a point, she’s kinda cute.”

“Oh drop it right now! Please!” Chris said getting irritated.

~*~Meanwhile in the other room~*~


“Aud, it’s me Kris.”

“Oh hey babe, what’s up!” Kristina was crazy, rambunctious, and basically the complete opposite of Audrey, personality wise, but physically they practically looked like twins. Audrey loved the girl like a little sister, well her being seventeen and all.

“Well I heard about your accident,” Kris said.

“Already, jeez word gets out!”

“Nah I saw it in the news, I recognized your car and knew it was you.”

“Oh ok,” Audrey said.

“So who hit you?” She said anxiously.

“Well, I can’t really tell you this part just now, but I promise you you’ll hear it first from me, the ENTIRE story, k!” Audrey said trying to hint away from NSYNC because she knew how much Kristina loves NSYNC.

“Yeah ok fine, well I have to go, k, another day at school!”

“What???????? you mean you’re at school?” Audrey said getting extremely mad.

“Well yeah, I got worried about you and so I asked to use the bathroom, and I went to the pay phone to call you,” she said hesitantly.

“Kristina Rebecca Ward, you get your sappy butt back to class and learn something or else!!!!! I’ll pick you up at 1:30, ok,” Audrey said practically yelling through the phone.

“Yes, Mom!” Kris said hanging up. Well now that that’s over, she can be .... just too much! But she reminds me of myself when I was her age. She started to walk towards the door; when it opened and hit her.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry Audrey,” Justin said.

“Oh well I’m okay, I guess, No biggie.” She said rubbing her forehead.

“Well Chris wanted me to ask you if you wanted to join us for dinner this evening to get to know each other better.”

“Well, I’m really busy today, I don’t know if I can,” Audrey said, “I mean the accident ruined my day’s schedule and I need to finish moving my things into my apartment, and I have to take my best friend Kris out of school to get her to her appointment!”

Justin realized that she was stressing out and knew that the dinner would help a lot. “Well, C’mon I’m sure the guys would love to help you move your things into your apartment, and you can take Kris with you to the dinner, it won’t be too fancy, just a casual dinner. That’s all, so will you please?” Justin pleaded. After a brief silence, Justin spoke up again. “Just out of curiosity, is Kris a fan of ours?” He asked trying to sound as polite as possible.

“Yes actually she is,” she said noticing Justin’s expression change from normal to “Oh No.”


“Is there a problem with that?” Audrey asked, “Because if there is then I won’t bring her along, but remember it was YOUR idea!” She knew that would make Justin change his mind, but what she didn’t understand was why he would act like that about Kris.

“No there’s no problem, we’ve just had weird experiences with fan’s coming here.”

“So are you sure ...... I mean ....” her voice trailed off.

Just then JC walked in and joined into their conversation. “So what’s happening?” JC asked.

“Oh we were just talking about Audrey’s plans for today and about the dinner tonight” Justin informed JC.

“Really? So have you decided if you are going?” JC asked.

Justin, without giving Audrey a chance to talk, spoke. “Well she has but then hasn’t because you see, she’s meeting her friend Kris at her school to bring her to an appointment and Kris is suppose to come home with her after and if that’s true then she’ll have to go to the dinner too, well maybe cuz I said she could, but that’s beside the point .....”

“Justin where are you going with this?” a confused JC said looking at Audrey who was also confused.

“Oh I dunno, I guess it won’t hurt huh?”

“No it won’t, is she a fan of ours Audrey?” JC asked.

“Yeah she is, that’s what I told Justin and he just started to tweak out. Why exactly is that?,” Audrey asked.

“Oh,” he said laughing, “don’t worry about Kris, the only reason Justin acted like that was because the last fan we had here who was a friend of well one of our friends, and she just freaked out and almost knocked Justin out and put him in the hospital.” Audrey’s mouth dropped when he finished talking. She didn’t believe a fan would really do that.

When seeing her expression, JC laughed. “I was just kidding about the hospital part,” JC said seeing Audrey’s sigh of relief, “But she really did knock Justin out and he wasn’t conscious for a little while, so he’s just a little cautious about bringing fans to the house.”

“Oh I see, well I don’t have to bring her, really I don’t!”

JC stopped her from saying anymore with just a look and with that she gave in and said that she’ll take Kris with her.

“Alright since that’s all settled, we can leave now right?” an anxious Justin asked.

“Yeah ok.” they both said.

The three of them all walked back to the living room where Chris, Joey, and Lance were waiting. Everything that has happened all seemed too unrealistic to Audrey. Whoa, first I meet Chris, then the rest of NSYNC, now they are inviting me and Kris to dinner????? How could someone like me just all of a sudden become friends with NSYNC? Boy is Kris going to freak, well maybe not .... hmmm maybe I should surprise her, a little token for going to the doctors to get her shots. Or what if .......

“So have you thought about my offer, Audrey?” Chris asked.

“Yes I have and if it’s not a problem, is it okay with the rest of you if I bring my best friend, Kris, along? You see she has to get shots today and she really doesn’t want too, so maybe this dinner thing can be a surprise for her? I mean if that’s ok with all of you?” Audrey asked hoping they’d say yes.

“Audrey, that would be wonderful. That’s really sweet of you to do that for her,” Lance said.

“So then it’s official, dinner’s here at 8:00 sharp!” Chris said. “Hey why don’t you leave us your phone number and address so we can call and pick you two up.”

Audrey thought about it. “That would be great, thank you. I probably won’t be home because I’ll be running my errands but call at around 7:00 and we’ll work something out, sound good?”

“Yup!” all five said.

“Ok then I’ll see you guys later,” Audrey said a little excited. With that said, Chris started to walk her to her car to say goodbye. Audrey backed out of the driveway and made her way to Kris’ school. That was sure interesting. It’s not everyday that you do this with others this famous. What am I going to wear? Should I dress to impress? Haha, that’s ridiculous! She made it to Kris’ school in no time and ran to the front office to ask for Kristina. After ten minutes, Audrey could see Kristina running to the front office with an awkward grin on her face. The two of them got into Audrey’s car and were off the Kris’ appointment.

Kris noticed that Audrey was staring off into space and tried to get her to talk about her day. “Aud, Aud ..... are ya in there? If you don’t speak up we could get into another one of your accidents,” she said trying to ease up her obvious stress.

“Well I was just thinking about my little morning with some new friends of mine, and well I was just thinking, so there!” Audrey said.

“Ok so WHO are your new friends?”

“Well I guess you’ll find out because they invited us to a dinner this evening.”

“You’ve invited me to a dinner without my consent, Aud, you know better than that!” Kris said almost yelling.

“Whoa whoa whoa, calm down, if you don’t want to go, you don’t have to. You’re gonna regret it though,” she said knowing her curiosity would get the best of her.

“Alrite, alrite, I’ll go!” Kris said finally giving in, “I just need something to wear! Can I borrow some of your clothes? I mean if it’s so big that I might have regretted it, then I need to wear something nice, right?”

“Well, they said is was just a kick-back kind of thing so we should just wear something casual but dressy but not too much! And yeah of course you can borrow some stuff!” With all that figured out they made it to the doctor’s office. Fifteen minutes later, Kris was called in to get her needed shots. This gave Audrey time to think about tonight.Let’s see, it’s going to be me, Kris, and five of the most eligible guys known to man, well woman. This is going to be one hell of a night. But why??????? Why would he invite me to dinner? Why would he want to get to know me better??? This is not yet coming to me why this is all happening. I should just go with it, Chris and the guys can’t possibly hurt me in anyway, well not relationship wise. They’re just friends. Wow, that’s strange, NSYNC and me of all people FRIENDS. But I’m right, they CAN’T hurt me, no one will ever again. “No one will hurt me again,” Audrey said in a whisper.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 2