Chapter 14

…JC’s coming back tomorrow, Sunday, and to sum up what has happened this past week since I read JC’s letter, well that would take a while, but I’ll do it anyway. We spent the majority of this week at Justin’s house. There wasn’t much to do at my apartment so we stayed there, for comfort I guess. Well, we practically just went to movies for three nights straight. Thursday, we stayed home and chilled by the fireplace, it was pretty cold out.

Yesterday was so bad that I decided to start a whole new paragraph. Well it wasn’t that it was bad… I think I made a bad decision and I don’t know how to really explain everything. But then I don’t really know if I’m taking this the wrong way. Anyway, the three of us agreed to go out to the plaza and shop, since it was Friday. We also needed to re-stock Justin’s cabinets cuz we kind of ate the majority of the food. But that’s not the important part. We were strolling around the plaza for a couple hours when we turn the corner and literally bump into Cory and Matt, a friend of his. We made some friendly conversation, although I highly regret doing so. I noticed a lot of things different about him. Maybe not too big of things to bother me, but the little things he does now. He and Matt had lunch with the three of us and somehow in the middle of the whole fiasco, he and I sat together alone far from everyone else. I didn’t even notice this until Julie called us over. It’s like we were so in depth in our conversation that nothing else around us mattered. Kind of like that “Forces of Nature” thing. Which honestly scared me because Ben Affleck and his wife ended up together and seemed to live a wonderful life. So it just makes me more confused.

Then it happened…

“Kris, aren’t you going to get ready? Julie said.

“Ugh! Ready for what?” Kristina said. I can’t believe all the interruptions I’ve been having lately!

“Uh, we’re going to decorate the house for tomorrow cuz the guys and Audrey are coming back home. Geez! Of all people, you should be the most excited! I swear Kristina! Goodness!”

“Whoa, wait a minute! What’s all this aggression I hear coming from you? Chill okay! I’m just a little worried about… well you know.”

“Aggression? What aggression? If anyone’s aggressive, it’s you!” Julie said getting apprehensive. “Anyway, I see why you’re actin’ like that. I mean, yesterday was pretty awful and it kind of came to a surprise that…”

“Will the two of yo please get your butts downstairs!” Shelley said.

“Yeah okay!” Julie and Kristina followed Shelley to start decorating.

Several hours later the house was completely vamped for their return home tomorrow. Kristina, Julie, and Shelley say on the couch talking. “Guys, I’m really worried about tomorrow.” Kristina said.

“Well, it was your decision, and not to seem as if I’m taking sides but I’m glad you...” Julie said.

“Me too.” Shelley added in. “I mean you seemed really happy and I want you to be like that always.”

“I guess so.”

**The Next Day at the Airport**

“Okay, c’mon people! Keep walking. I have to see my babe!” Shelley said zigzagging through the mass of people.

“Shel! Hold up! The plane had just landed, it’ll take a little while.” Julie said catching up.

“I’m sorry, I’m just excited to see him.”

Kristina on the other hand was a little hesitant to leave the house. She walked towards the arrival tunnel hand-in hand following Julie and Shelley.

Joey and Lance were the first ones out. Their tunnel broke off to a private room where the girls waited. “Hey you!” Joey and Lance said embracing Julie and Shelley. They both stopped when they saw Kristina. “Hi.” They said to her and sat down with Julie.

Kristina was losing all confidence.

Justin was the next to come out. He ran up to Shelley with his arms wide open and scooped her up in a big hug. “I miss you so much!” He said kissing her.

“I missed you too.” Shelley said.

“Is that?” He said looking towards Kristina’s direction.

“Yeah.” She said softly.

“Oh.” The two sat down and waited for the others. Chris and Audrey came out next. Chris said his hello’s while Audrey greeted Kristina. “Hey you two.”

“Hey.” Kristina said almost in tears. Everything wasn’t going her way and she was afraid of what would happen when JC came out.

“Hi Audrey.” Kristina’s guest said.

“Nice to see you again.” She said.


Just as that was said JC came out with a big grin on his face. “Kristina!”

Oh no! She thought as she turned around to greet JC. He wrapped his arms around her swinging her around. He set her on the floor and kissed her cheek. “I’ve missed you uncontrollably.”

“Yeah. So have I.” Kristina said shedding more tears. She didn’t want to hurt him but what was done was done.

JC let go of Kristina sensing something was wrong. “What is it? Something wrong?”

Kristina stepped away from JC. Everyone in the room was watching their every move. “Kris…what?”

“JC…this is Cory…” She said taking his hand in hers. “…My boyfriend.”

JC’s heart sank. He looked at Kristina then down at the floor. He didn’t know what to say. He felt angry at himself and at the same time a little happy for Kristina because she had made her decision. But it wasn’t him.

“Hi. Nice to meet you.” JC choked out. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Same here.”

Everyone got quiet. There was so much emotion and tension in the room. Shelley kept close to Justin trying not to show feelings. Julie took a hold of Joey and Lance’s hands. Chris wrapped his arms around Audrey. In the background Kristina could hear “This I Promise You.” It was playing on Shelley’s portable MP3 player. It was their performance from the Rosie O’ Donnell show a couple months before. Kristina couldn’t take anymore of what was happening and ran out of the room with JC and Cory running after her. The two split up to look for her. Shelley turned off the player and was in tears, so was Julie. It was hurting them to see Kristina like this. She didn’t deserve being treated like this, not after a life she’s had. Audrey walked over to them and took them in her arms. They cried as *NSYNC’s security guards came in and took their luggage to the limos.

About half an hour later, someone on the PA came on asking Audrey to come up to the front desk to retrieve something. She walked up there and was handed a note. On the outside it said to read once they got to Justin’s. So with that, the group left with Cory following behind them. They got to Justin’s house and all piled onto the couch.

“Well the note said to read this when we got home. Looks like Kristina isn’t here so I’ll start.” Audrey said.

To all of you:

As I sit here secluded from everyone around me I think to myself, “How did I get myself into this mess?” And I realize it is my entire fault. Now I know you may not think that, but it’s true. I’m sorry if I had hurt anyone, JC especially. I didn’t plan any of this, Julie, Shelley, you know this all came to a surprise to me how this past week turned out.

Cory, I’m sorry if you are confused and lost. I care for you deeply but I also care much for JC. You both mean the world to me and I don’t know what to do…

Audrey noticed the tear marks on the paper. She kept reading trying to keep herself calm.

Audrey, I will explain later. Or better yet, have Julie or Shelley explain to you. I don’t think I can make it through the whole explanation. I know you are all probably wondering where I am. Don’t worry wherever I am, I’m probably okay. Again I’m sorry I’ve put you all through this. I just need time to think. I’m sorry I left all of you hanging. I will try to explain everything when I get home. Till then…

With Love,


The room met with silence again. JC and Cory kept their distance from each other to keep the room a little sane. Julie was one of the first people to speak. “Um…Well now. Okay. I know this is really awkward but let’s just go with the flow and let everything happen when it should.” She walked out of the living room and into the kitchen to get everyone some snacks. Inside, she found herself consumed with tears. Lance walked in on her quietly and slowly put his arms around her.

“You okay?” He asked.

“For the most part.” She said hugging him. The two walked out with the snacks and sat besides the others. The others were conversing about Kristina and soon were hushed by JC’s cell phone ringing.

“Hello?” The person on the other end did not respond to JC. “Um…Hello?” JC heard someone crying in the background and he knew then who it was. “Kristina?” He said into the phone grabbing everyone’s attention.

“Hi…JC,” She said. “Yeah it’s me. Look, just tell everyone that I’m okay but I’m not coming home tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow morning.”

JC, not wanting to argue, said, “Okay, I’ll do that. Just promise me one thing.”

“Okay.” JC started walking to the den and closed the door behind him.

“Promise me you’ll be safe.” Kristina could hear all the pain in his voice. It was hurting him inside.

“I promise JC…I promise,” she said. “JC, I’m so sorry this happened. I don’t know what to do anymore. I didn’t want any of this to happen…JC, I…L…” She stopped.

“What Kristina? What?”

“Nothing…no, I have to go, I’m sorry.” She hung up on him.

JC, stunned, left the den and returned to the living room. He sat down and starred Cory down but in a calm way.

“Well? Where is she?” Justin asked getting worried about her.

“She didn’t say. She did say that’s she’ll be back tomorrow morning.”

Cory had gotten up and went for the door.

“Where are you going?” JC asked sternly.

“Out to look for Kristina.” With that he left the house. JC thought about leaving too but decided to wait it out with the others.

Hours went by and it was about seven in the evening. Everyone’s tension has eased up and was trying to act as calmly as possible. Dinner has ended and there was a faint knocking coming from the front door. JC, thinking it was Kristina, answered the door. He swung it open to find Cory.

“Well did you find her?” He asked.

“No. I looked everywhere and didn’t see her.” Cory told JC. “I just came over to tell you to watch out for her. I know we have our differences but please.”

“Yeah. I will.” JC said closing the door as Cory walked away.

Audrey walked over to JC. “I know you’re worried about her. I am too. She’ll be fine. She’ll come home tomorrow. We should all get some rest now. It’s been a long day.”

Everyone agreed and headed to their rooms. JC went into the den and sat on the edge of his bed thinking about Kristina. He looked around the room and saw the picture of him and Kristina when they first met. He took the picture in his hands and placed it closer to him as he laid back and fell asleep.

**At a Local Club**

Kristin walked around Downtown Orlando. There wasn’t any school the next week so it was okay for her to be out. She walked around thinking about JC but also thinking about how happy she’s been with Cory the past week. She’s never felt so content with her life until Cory came back.

She decided to let out all her stress by going to the local teen club. There, she met up with a friend of hers and chilled for the majority of the night.

“Kris, I heard you and Cory got back together. Matt told us the other day. Is that true?” Kristina’s friend, Bobby, asked.

“Uh…yeah, he asked me out about 48 hours ago. But we’ve been pretty close this past week so it’s kind of like we’ve been back together for the entirety of the week.” She said. “Why?”

“Oh well maybe because he kind of looks single to me.” He said pointing off towards the opposite side of the club. She looked over, following the direction of Bobby’s finger and gasped when she saw who was over there.

**Back at Justin’s house**

Audrey was in her room lying face down with her head buried into the pillow crying. Chris came out of the bathroom and overheard her cries. He opened the door startling Audrey and walked in. Audrey sat up facing Chris and started wiping her tears away.

“Hunnie, are you okay?” He asked handing her a Kleenex.

“No, Chris, I’m not.” She said. “I’m so worried about Kris and I don’t want her heart to suffer anymore.”

“I know you’re worried. We all are. Like she said, she’ll be safe.” Chris said finding the best opportunity to do what he’s wanted to since they met. “Um…Audrey I have to do this before I lose you to some unknown guy.”

“What are you talking about?”

He kneeled in front of Audrey and took her hands in his. “Audrey, I…”

**Back at the Club**

Kristina walked to the other sire of the club and tapped him on the back. The guy turned around and was shocked to see Kristina standing there.


“Yeah, hi to you too, Cory!” Kristina said over the music.

“What are you doing here?” Cory asked.

“Releasing my stress, obviously thinking about you and JC and what I should do.”

Just then a girl about Kristina’s age walked up to Cory. “Babe, who is this?”


“Hi, I’m Kristina,” she said.

“Yeah, that’s it.” Cory said.

“Oh hi, I’m Amanda.” She said shaking Kristina's hand and then wrapping her arms around Cory. “Hun, when are we going to leave? You told me you’d take me out on our six month anniversary.”

“Six months, wow.” Kristina said. “Are we ever going to get that far again Cory?”

“What does she mean?” Amanda said confused.

“Um…Well…” He began not knowing that to say next.

“Oh nothing. Goodbye Cory… forever.” Kristina said walking away.

Kristina’s friends were cheering. “I want to go home, it’s getting late.”

I’ll take you home them,” Bobby said. The two were about to leave when Kristina turned around and walked straight up to Cory and threw a right hook towards his face. Cory flew down to the floor grasping his jaw.

“Thanks for making my decision! I should have known all along that you were a two-timing, heartless jerk!”

**Back at Justin’s**

Audrey stared down at Chris not knowing what it is he wanted to say. Chris looked up into Audrey’s hazel eyes and continued with what he was going to say.

“Audrey…I want to be with you forever! You mean the world to me…”

“What are you getting at?”

“What I’m trying to say is…I want you and I to be an us, Audrey, you and me together.” He said awaiting a response.

Audrey was quiet and then without thinking leaned down and kissed Chris. She pulled away and looked deep into his brown eyes.

“Uh…I take that as a yes?” He said with a smile.

“A definite yes!” Audrey said realizing her strong feelings for Chris. The two lay back on the bed and talked.

"I really miss your braids. I guess this poof will have to do!”

“Hey! Leave me poof alone. If you’re going to make fun of anyone’s hair, make fun of Justin.” He said enjoying the awaited feeling of Audrey running her hand through his hair. They spent the rest of the night chatting and cuddled in each other’s arms.

Finally someone who cares about me and will never hurt me. I know Chris will always be there for me… **Back with Kristina**

Kristina and Bobby had left the club at around two in the morning. She was afraid to wake anyone up so the two drove around town till dawn. They had McDonald’s and soon arrived in front of Justin’s house at around seven-thirty.

“Thanks for everything.” She said. She looked at the front door and sighed. After much contemplation she left Bobby’s car and opened the front door. No one was awake. She went upstairs and peered into the rooms. She found Julie, Lance, and Joey all on the floor with bags of chips and sodas around them. In another room she found Justin and Shelley sitting on the loveseat with their arms wrapped around each other. Kristina found the same thing with Chris and Audrey on the bed of Audrey’s room. She headed downstairs to the den and slowly opened the door to find JC lying on his bed with their picture still in hand. She walked in and pulled the ottoman next to the bed. She sat there admiring JC, running her fingers through his hair. A smile emerged from his sleeping self, but didn’t wake up as if it were all a dream.

Since no one was up and were dead asleep, Kristina decided to make everyone breakfast. She went to reach for something in the cabinets and remembered the day when JC came up behind her after taking a shower. Chills ran down her body as she continued to make their breakfast. She noticed that more and more flashbacks of her and JC popped into her head. The more they came, the more she was beginning to realize her true feelings for him. Breakfast was completed about an hour later and totally wore out Kristina. She hadn’t slept since the previous night. So without waking up the others, she walked outside to the poolhouse and slept on the futon peacefully.

**In Audrey’s Room**

The new smell of bacon and eggs awoke Audrey from her peaceful sleep. She looked down and saw Chris’ head lying on her lap. She began to move when Chris also woke up.

“G’morning.” He said yawning.

“Good morning.” She said leaning over and kissing him. “I love the feeling of kissing you.”

“Mmm…” Chris said. “We should go downstairs, whoever cooked the food was right on time.”

“Yes let’s.”

They walked downstairs hand-in-hand and stopped when they didn’t find anyone in the kitchen or dining room.

“Um…okay, well let’s just start eating.” Chris said pulling out Audrey’s chair for her.

**In Justin’s Room**

Justin awoke once he realized Shelley was gone. “Uh…Shel, baby, where are you?” No one responded and he got paranoid. “Shelley…hunnie?”

“Yeah babe,” She said coming out of the walk-in closet all ready for the day. “I’m sorry I didn’t wake you…I took a shower and got ready, then I smelled breakfast and was on my way downstairs. Care to join me?”

“Of course.” Justin said getting up and walking out of the room with Shelley.

The two got downstairs and greeted Chris and Audrey. “Hey you two, thanks for making breakfast for everyone, but you should have woken us all first.” Justin said pulling out Shelley’s chair then sitting down himself.

“But Justin…we didn’t cook this. It was here when the two of us got downstairs.” Chris said. “C’mon, it’s me. Like I’d cook!”

The four just looked at each other and started eating once again.

**In Julie’s Room**

Chips on the floor, empty bins of ice cream, crushed soda cans everywhere. That’s what a midnight snack between three people gets you. Julie, Lance, and Joey were passed out. Julie was lying on the floor by the window with Lance’s head on the small of her stomach. Joey was at her feet lying on his stomach, his back covered with cheetos and cookies.

Julie awoke once the sun’s beams hit her face. “Ugh…” She said staring down at the guys. “What happened in here?”

“I don’t remember.” Lance said, waking up.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” Joey said. “We ate way too much last night.” Joey was gripping his stomach as he tried to get up for the bathroom. Lance did the same.

All of a sudden, Julie burst into laughter. “Um…What’s so funny?” Lance said turning around to face her. Joey tried turning around but instead fell to the floor.

“Look at us! We have soda stains on our clothes, the rooms a complete disaster zone, we don’t remember what we did last night…we’re like complete drunks having a massive hangover!” Julie said practically in tears from laughing so hard.

Joey looked up from the floor and stared at Lance. The three of them started laughing. Soon after the two walked up to Joey and attempted to get Joey off the floor, but they were running into some problems. They decided to drag him to the stairs and left him there to walk down on his own.

They all finally made it too the dining room Justin, Shelley, Chris, and Audrey eating.

“What the…Uh, what happened to the three of you?” Justin asked staring at them.

“Um…well we kind of got hungry last night and brought a majority of the snacks upstairs then we kind of got into a fight, a big food fight.” Julie said trying to remember it all.

“Okay, well do you want breakfast?” Audrey said. “There’s so much to go around.”

Joey, Lance, and Julie looked at each other and ran towards a bathroom. “Ugh…I think I’m going to be sick!” Lance said running behind Julie to the bathroom.

The others couldn’t help but laugh at the three. “I think they had one too many cookies!” Chris said.

**In the den**

JC awoke, not to the smell of breakfast, but to a new fresh scent. “Kristina?” He said sitting up and looking around his room. “I could’ve sworn I sensed her being here.”

He set the picture back on the dresser and walked to the dining room. Joey, Lance, and Julie had already gotten back from their rendezvous with the bathroom.

“Good Morning people!” JC said in an awkwardly good mood.

“Uh…same to you Mr. I had to much ofwhatever you’re on.” Julie said half conscious.

“I’m not on anything to be exact.” JC said sitting down. “Who made breakfast?”

“Well we all came to the conclusion that you, Mr. Giddy, cooked it…I’m guessing you didn’t.” Julie replied.

“Okay…no I didn’t…then who did?” Everyone shook his or her head. Several minutes went by and Audrey began to notice how quiet JC had gotten. He looked as if he were in deep thought.

“JC, you okay?” She asked.

“Huh? Oh…yeah. Everything’s all making sense now!” He exclaimed, standing up and walking around the table.

“JC, what is?” Justin asked.

“Want to clue us in?” Audrey asked confused.

“Not to be mean, but you of all people should know who prepared all of this for us!”

“I’m not catching on.” Everyone agreed and listened as JC continued.

“Okay, so I notice the little things bout her…I mean she is here, or has been here I know it!”

“WHO IS SHE?” Julie screamed.

“Kristina! She cooked the food, set the table, she did all of this!”

“And you know this how?” Shelley asked.

“I mean look at the plates. When do we ever use the white ones with the ORANGE trim. When do we ever have all four kinds of juice from the refrigerator out on the table? When do we evee have pancakes that are ALWAYS deformed? And look, there’s one extra plate and the utensils are on the LEFT side!”

Everyone started in awe as JC went on and on about the smallest detail he noticed about Kristina. They cleared up the table after eating leaving just enough food for Kristina. JC offered to wash the dished. He didn’t care, he knew she was around here somewhere and nothing would bring him down., As he rinsed the dishes, he peered outside towards the poolhouse and noticed the glass door opened just a little. He finished in the kitchen and walked out, his wifebeater drenched in water, but he didn’t notice and kept walking.

Justin walked into the kitchen to tell JC to get ready and when he got there, JC was already gone. He noticed water marks on the floor and followed them out the door where he saw JC enter the poolhouse. He went to go see what he was up to and went to the door.

**In the poolhouse**

JC looked around and saw Krisitna sleeping peacefully on the futon. A big sigh came from him as he walked over to her. “I knew you were here.” He said caressing her hair. “I’m glad you’re home and safe.”

Kristin awoke to the touch of JC’s hand. She looked up and saw him sitting next to her. “Hello.”

“Hey yourself.” JC said staring down at her. “Thanks for breakfast.”

“Anytime.” She said entwining her hand in his.

“What’s that on your shirt?” He said pointing down near the small of her stomach. There were a few bloodstains. She looked down and realized that is must have been from the club.

“Oh well I kind of punched Cory.” She said muffling her voice.

“What was that?” JC said stunned. “You hit him?”

“Yeah...” She said.

“Hard enough to make him bleed?”

“I guess so.”

“Alright Kris!” He said. “So I take it you…”

“Know who I want to be with…”

“Yeah…” He said awaiting her answer.

“Yeah I know now. Joey’s always been the one I’ve really loved. He’s my world, my entire life.”

Kristin could see his smile fade away. She let out and little giggle. “JC, whoever or whatever made you think that I would pick Joey over you!” His smile reappeared and he leaned down and kissed her sweetly.

Just then, Justin walked in seeing the kiss JC and Kristina were sharing. He froze right at the doorway. A jealous feeling came over him.

Why…I shouldn’t be feeling jealous! I should be happy for the two of them, that this fiasco is finally over. I have Shelley and am very happy with her. I shouldn’t make a big deal over a little kiss. But I should be the one kissing her and holding her, not JC. I should have taken the first move back on the rooftop when I was alone with her. This can’t be happening!

Justin walked back into the house angrily and talking to himself. Once he entered the room he froze when he saw who was standing in front of him.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 15