Chapter 16

In Justin’s car, the ride to the “happiest place on earth” was dreadful. In Chris’ car, everyone was pretty calm, except for JC. He knew something he really didn’t have to know. A part of him is thankful that Julie told him, then another part of him wishes he never heard what she had said. But what was done was done with. Kristina looked over and saw JC in deep thought. She took her hand in his and looked out the window. JC looked over and smiled. Kristina could see his expression on the reflection of the window. She turned to him with sincerity in her eyes. This made JC feel more content that nothing would happen with her and Justin. They two cars finally got to Disney World. Chris had called earlier to ask their bodyguards to be there just in case and invited the bodyguards’ family and *NSYNC’s close friends so the park wouldn’t seem too empty. Chris and Audrey walked up to the manager’s office to confirm everything. There was another event happening, kind of like an early grad night for some early graduates. While the two were in the office, Justin tried to figure out a way to talk to Kristina and explain why he snapped. But he couldn’t get anywhere near her because JC was watching over her like a hawk. Julie looked over at Justin and saw how hard he was trying to get over to Kristina. She walked over to him and pulled him away from the group to talk.

“Justin, what are you doing?”

“I have to talk to Kristina.” He said walking away.

“Why?” She said grabbing his arms and pulling him back.

“Because I yelled at her in the kitchen at home. She told me she over heard our conversation. So I got a little angry and snapped at her. Then she told me she heard one stupid line and ran out to JC.”

“Oh.” She said. She looked over and saw Chris and Audrey walking back. “Look, we should go now.”

He looked over and nodded. They walked back to the group and proceeded to go inside the now empty park. Justin took Shelley’s hand and ran off going straight to the rides, followed by Lance, Julie, and Joey going to a different part of the theme park. Chris, Audrey, Kristina, and JC went off to the calmer ride first, JC and Kristina in one direction, Chris and Audrey in the opposite. Their bodyguards, their family, and their close friends ran off to have their own fun. Everyone agreed to meet back at Cinderella’s castle at 12:00. Chris realized that he had five whole hours with Audrey and no one to bug them. There weren’t many hassles to wait in line. A couple fans that were there for the early grad night asked for autographs but that’s about it. They respected the fact that today *NSYNC was going to be regular people and didn’t try to hunt them down. Chris and Audrey rode all the slow paced rides. They went to go on the Small World ride. There weren’t that mane people there, since it wasn’t such a popular ride with teenagers so they had their own boat. They sat in the middle cuddled in each other’s arms watching the machines sing and act around. They even had time for a make out session before the ride ended.

“Oh, I’m so happy we’re here.” Audrey said walking with Chris around the park.

“I am too. This has got to be the best trip here.” He said kissing her. He took out the one time use camera from Audrey’s bag and started snapping pictures of her.

“What are you doing?” She asked starting to hide form the camera.

“Making memories.” He said. She blushed and grabbed the camera and started taking pictures of him. The two were running around when Chris ran into someone. He turned around and saw JC and Kristina.

“Um… do I want to ask?” Kristina asked Audrey.

“Haha… we were just taking pictures and it got out of hand.” She said helping Chris up.

“Well okay. Care to join us?” JC asked.

“Yeah, I’m getting tired of all these slow rides, Chris.”

“Okay, let’s go.” The four walked over to the Tower of Terror and saw Justin and Shelley waiting in that same line. They got up to the two and talked as they waited in line.

“Oh no. We are not going on this ride!” Chris yelled.

“Why not?” Audrey asked.

“I am SO afraid of heights and you expect me to go on this ride.”

“Puh-lease.” Audrey said pouting her lips. Her hazel eyes pleading with Chris.

“Oh okay.” He said. “Don’t ever give me that look again. It’s hard to turn down.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around Chris who returned the hug.

Kristina watched as the two were getting closer and closer. She didn’t know that Justin was looking towards her direction also. Shelley caught Justin staring at Kristina and it made her feel very uncomfortable especially when he left go of her hand to go over and talk to her. Luckily for her, the line started moving so she grabbed his hand again and walked forward. She heard a low sigh coming from him and it just made her feel even worse.

They finally got to the ride and strapped themselves in securely. The higher and higher the seats got, the more Chris was tightening his grasp of Audrey’s hand. She looked over at him and smiled, easing his tension.

“Ah… Get me off, Get me off!” Chris started yelling once the ride stopped at the very top. Everyone on the ride laughed. Audrey leaned over and kissed him sweetly. He calmed down right before the ride dropped sending them crashing down to the floor. Kristina had a hold of JC’s hand screaming and laughing. Everyone was screaming uncontrollably. Chris could be heard screaming from a mile away causing Audrey to laugh hysterically. The ride ended and Chris was grasping his stomach, holding onto Audrey, as he led himself to a nearby trash can. Kristina and JC were laughing and talking about Chris. Justin walked out with Shelley in front of him observing JC and Kristina.

“Um… I am going to get Chris cleaned up. You four go ahead.” Audrey said getting Chris up and heading for a restroom nearby.

“Okay.” Kristina said taking JC’s hand and walking towards Tomorrowland follow closely by Shelley and Justin.

Audrey waited as Chris went inside the men’s room to wash up. He had thrown up in the trashcan. He came outside about five minutes later with an exhausted look on his face.

“Aw… Baby, you okay?” She asked.

“Yes. I told you I didn’t want to go on that ride.”

“I’m sorry babe.” She said. He leaned over for a kiss when Audrey stopped him.

“I would love to but not until you get some gum or something!” She said seeing the devious look on Chris’ face. He pulled out a piece of gum from her bag and started running after her. She ran and ran twisting and turning through the crowd in the park. She saw Joey and jumped on his back causing him to jolt forward hitting Lance. She yelled for him to keep running and he tried running as fast as he could with the extra weight on his back. Julie and Lance just watched as Chris came streaming by yelling for Audrey and Joey to stop. He finally caught up to the two and threw her on the grass nearby and started tickling her crazily. She was tearing up from laughing so hard. Julie took the camera from Audrey’s bag, which was on the floor, and started snapping pictures of the two. Lance and Joey walked over to the stand to get them all drinks. When they returned Audrey was still lying on the floor laughing and Chris had gotten up.

“Ha! Thought you were smart, Eh?” Chris said chuckling.

“Heh. Okay. Whatever you say Chris.” She said getting up and taking one of the drinks from Joey. “I’m sorry I had to just jump you like that! You were the first person I recognized.”

“It’s okay.” He said trying to rub his back..

“Oh my God!” Everyone turned in the direction of the scream. In came Kristina running towards Joey.

“Hun, are you okay. My knight in shining armor is hurt!” She said looking up at him rubbing his back for him.

“No I’m okay.” He said taking her in his arms.

“Hey everyone. What happened?” She said looking at everyone sitting on the bench and on the grass.

“Audrey jumped on my back rather quickly and unknowingly to me and told me to run because she was getting chased by Chris and it just hurt a little.”

“Audrey! My goodness! This is the love of my life right here and you are destroying him!” She joked causing everyone to let out a good laugh. JC, Justin and Shelley had caught up to Kristina breathing heavily.

“What’s wrong with you three?” Lance asked puzzled.

“Kristina saw Joey… from a mile away… and started running… towards him. So we… ran after her and… it led us here.” JC said in between breaths.

Everyone looked at everyone else and laughed even harder. JC playfully tapped Kristina for making them run all this way for Joey. “Hey now. Don’t be hitting my woman!” Joey said acting tough.

“Yeah, his woman.” Kristina said seeing JC’s evil grin start to appear and that sharp look in his eyes. “Ah…Joey! HELP! He’s got that look on his face! Not good.”

“Don’t worry! I’m here to save the day.” He said goofing around with JC. He had his whole Superman motif going on and it just made the whole situation funnier. JC and Joey pretended they were fighting each other. Joey ended up winning throwing JC to the floor. He lay there on the grass admitting defeat. Kristina ran over to JC and straddled his stomach hugging him.

“This is my kind of hero.” She said to JC, causing Joey to pout. “Don’t worry Joey, there’s always next time. A sly grin landed on her face as she got up and looked over towards Justin.

“I’m not liking that look Kristina.” He said letting go of Shelley and walking back towards a wall.

“What look? There’s no look. Just innocent little me.” She said getting closer and closer to him. He was up against the wall and Kristina swung her arm acting as if she was going to hit him. He reacted as if she would and when the timing was right she whispered something to him. “We have to talk.” He nodded his head.

She walked away victoriously and waited with the others till Justin came back. “Ha. Justin was beat up by Kristina!” Julie said. “The King of all Afros loses again.”

“Whatever Julie. You can gloat all you want; you don’t have anyone to protect you. I know where you sleep!” He said.

“Ooh…I’m scared! Don’t even let me have to get Kristina all aggressive and jump you butt! Oh wait. You don’t have one!”

“Oh…” Was all you heard from everyone else. Justin sighed. “You win!”

“Ha. As always!” Julie said parading around him.

Several minutes later, the group went their separate ways and continued enjoying their evening. Chris looked down at his watch and noticed it was almost 10:30. He watched as Audrey ran off to see the Disney characters that came out. He saw this whole other side of her that he didn’t see in Hawaii. She was acting like a child again. He noticed the way she smiled when Mickey Mouse and Goofy gave her a hug. He noticed how a strand of hair would always fall down to the side of her face. He always loved brushing it aside and setting it behind her ear.

Audrey turned around and saw Chris staring at her. She loved everything about him. The way he just stood there looking at her made her feel good. She loved his new haircut. The feel of his hair running through her fingers, the softness of each little strand. She loved how his eyes lit up everytime he saw her. She ran over to Chris to get some pictures of him with Mickey and Goofy. She stepped back and peered through the camera and stopped when she saw how cute he looked with Goofy and Mickey draped over him. She snapped the picture and ran over to Chris, kissing him deeply. He returned the kiss sweetly. They walked around some more, soon catching up with Julie and Joey.

“Where’s Lance?” Audrey asked consuming herself in Chris’ scent of cologne.

“Oh, he’s behind us. He wanted to go on a ride we didn’t want to and so we told him where to meet us afterwards.” Julie said.

“Joey, I’m surprised.” Chris said.

“Surprised at what?” He asked confused.

“That you aren’t hitting on some of the high school kids here.”

“That’s the problem. They are high school kids!” He joked. “Besides, I’m having too much fun being here with Jewels.”

“Uh oh, Jewels…I think you’ve changed him around!” Audrey said laughing. Just as she said that a tall blonde employee walked by catching Joey’s attention.

“Gotta go!” He said walking after her. The three just stood there shaking their heads. “He’ll NEVER change!” Chris said.

“Mind if I tag along till Lance gets back…or until I see one of the others?”

“Nope, go right ahead. I’m getting kinda bored just talking to Chris.” Audrey said.

“Hey!” He said as they continued their way around the park. Lance soon caught up to Julie and walked along side her with Audrey and Chris.

Chris and Audrey went to get some food. Lance and Julie waited at a bench around the corner. “Have fun on the ride?” She asked.

“Yep. Lots, but I would have rather gone on it with you rather than complete strangers.” He said looking at her with a killer smile. This made Julie blush a little.

“Well if you wouldn’t have chosen such a loser ride, I would have gone with.” She said joking around. He smiled at her sarcasm. Chris and Audrey came back with the food; Julie and Lance saw what they had gotten and just gave them a look.

“What?” Chris said confused.

“You honestly think we are going to eat ice cream and cookies?” Julie said looking at Lance. They remembered their little rendezvous with their midnight snack. “I’m just a little sick of junk food right now!” Lance agreed looking away from the food.

“Um…okay.” Audrey said. “More for us.” They sat around eating. Julie and Lance got bored so they decided to go on some more rides. The couple was left alone again. “Why is everyone deserting us!” Audrey said.

“I don’t know. I think it’s nice. We get to be alone.” Chris said feeding Audrey some of the ice cream.

“I guess you’re right.” She said kissing him. She leaned back into his arms stretching across the bench. They had a perfect view of the fireworks that were said to be going off for the yearlong Millennium bash at around 11:30. It was almost that time so they waited till it started. The rest of the group came and sat with Chris and Audrey waiting for the fireworks. Joey sat on the ground with Julie and Lance. Justin and Shelley were on the other end of the bench in each other’s arms. JC and Kristina were the last ones to get there. They sat down on the patch of grass behind the bench.

JC noticed Kristina shaking. “What’s wrong Kris?”

“I’m just a little cold. This long sleeve shirt isn’t helping much.” She said realizing that she should’ve brought a jacket.

“Here,” He said handing her his zip-up sweater. “This will keep you a little warmer.” She took it and put it on smelling the scent of his cologne. She sat there talking to Julie and noticed more of a chill coming on. JC watched as she conversed with Julie noticing that she was still freezing her butt off. Just then the speakers rang telling everyone the fireworks were going to start.

“Hey Kris, come here.” He said. She got up and sat between his legs while he wrapped his arms around her keeping her warm. Audrey looked behind her and saw the two. She smiled realizing how happy they must be. She snuggled in more with Chris while the first couple fireworks went off. Justin looked over at Kristina and was angered by the thought that JC was the one with his arms around her. He looked back up to watch the fireworks. Shelley noticed him looking at Kristina but did nothing about it. Julie looked over at Justin when he was staring at Kristina. She felt so sorry for him and had a worried look on her face. Lance noticed this but decided to say anything until they got back to the house. JC looked over at Justin and shook his head. Knowing that Justin had those kinds of feelings for Kristina was just irritating him. He placed his chin on her shoulder causing Kristina to laugh.

“What’s up funny?” He said.

“That tickles.” She said leaning back into him placing her head on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry.”

“ No, actually that’s okay. I like being this close to you.” She said with a devilish grin on her face. JC saw this and just got a big smile on his face.

Everyone continued watching the fireworks as they lit up the dark sky. The half-hour show was just about over and everyone was busy trying to get on more rides. Since they were all there it was pretty useless to all meet at the castle. They sat and chatted for a minute contemplating if they should all go home or not. They decided to stay a while longer and take advantage of this. They didn’t have to worry about going home with the guards since they drove here themselves. They all agreed that they would meet back in front of the castle at 3:00 am to go home.

Kristina wanted to go on the new rock-n-roller coaster. She asked if anyone wanted to go with. No one really responded. “I’m beat.” JC said.

“Oh that’s okay. It’s right over there, I can go on by myself.” She said starting to walk away. Justin found this as a perfect opportunity to talk to her and be alone with her.

“Wait! Kris, I’ll come with!” He said running up to catch up to her, he saw that the line was pretty lengthy and just smiled knowing that he’d be with her for a while. This move just made JC a little uncomfortable. Julie looked over at JC who already looked like he was going to kill someone.

**In Line with Kristina and Justin**

“Hey.” He said catching up to her.

“Hi.” She said wondering if she should have stopped him before he got in the line with her. They were pretty quiet. Justin didn’t know what to say and how to start conversing without giving in to his feelings and ending up doing something regretful.

“We should take advantage of being along and talk about what happened in the kitchen.”

“Yeah I guess we should,” Kristina said staring in JC’s direction. She could still see the group from where they were standing. The line moved a little more and now they were out of sight. Kristina sighed.

“Look, I know I’m probably the last person you would want to stay in line with. But please hear me out.”

“Okay…go ahead.”

“I’m sorry I just snapped at you like that. I was just in serious thought and hearing that you heard something from my conversation just got me a little irritated.”

“Well I only did hear one line. I just don’t know what to do about hearing that.” She said looking up at him.

“Well care to tell me what you heard?” He said sweetly.

“I…I…” She didn’t know how to say it. “I heard you saying something about you having strong feelings for another girl and that you could never find those feelings towards Shelley. I ran downstairs after you said that.”

Justin was shocked that of all things she had heard, it was that particular line. “I’m sorry you had to hear that. I was just so confused about her and the words just started coming from my mouth.”

“Who is she?” Kristina asked looking at him with understanding in her eyes.

“Um…Well it’s not important anymore.” He said hoping she would drop it.

“Uh… okay J, whatever you say. Whatever you do, I’m sure the other girl will love you like you love her.” She said hugging him ever so tight. “Just give her time.”

If you only knew it were you, Kristina, if you only knew how I felt about you. He thought to himself as he continued hugging Kristina.

“I’m sorry too, I guess.” Kristina said.

“Why’s that?”

“Because I didn’t give you a chance to explain. I shouldn’t have run out of the kitchen. I’m sorry I wasn’t being such a good friend either.” She said letting go of him.

“How about we end this and just have fun the rest of our time here.” He said changing the subject.

“Okay.” She said moving forward as the line moved on. They conversed the whole way to the beginning of the line. They waited for the next car to pull up when Justin asked about her and JC.

“So…what’s up with the two of you?” He asked, using all his will power to get the questions out calmly.

“Well, we’ve been getting a lot closer…especially after yesterday. I mean, before Hawaii, we were still really close. Today just made us closer than we’ve ever been. I’m so happy with him. I finally found someone who cares about me just as much as I care about him. He makes my days complete. I just can’t wait until my birthday next month, I’ll finally be 18 and we won’t have to hide our feelings for each other anymore. He’s just as eager for that day to come as I am. He’s the guy every girl dreams of being with and I will be soon.” She said, her eyes lighting up at the thought of JC.

“Well…that’s good to hear. I’m happy for you.” He said wincing at his own words.

“What’s happening with you and Shelley?”

“Oh, we’re okay I guess. We’ve been pretty distant since I’ve come back. Maybe because I consume too much of my time thinking about that other girl, you know. I care about her a lot and I don’t want her to get hurt. I just have to know where my feelings are going with this other girl.”

“I’m sorry to hear about that. Don’t hurt her. She one of my best friends and it would kill me to know she can’t be with you anymore. But if you know in your heart for sure, that this other girl and you were meant to be than go for it.” Kristina said taking his hand in hers. The next ride was ready for it’s riders. The two got into the front seats and were soon off on the ride screaming and laughing. Throughout the entire ride, Justin kept thinking about what Kristina had said. She had no clue that the girl Justin was referring to was indeed…Kristina. The ride ended. Kristina and Justin walked out to meet up with the others, who were still crowded around the bench.

“I take it, the two of you have made up?” Audrey said.

“Yeah, we’re okay now. Best friends again.” Kristina said with a smile. Justin cringed when he heard the phrase “best friends again.” She walked over to JC extremely happy and content that today was working out just fine. Justin walked over to Shelley and kissed her passionately, trying to see if there’s still a spark between them. Shelley pulled away and looked at Justin who still had his eyes closed.

“Wow.” He said scooping Shelley into his arms. Shelley eased up a bit. If he reacted this way about a little kiss like that, she didn’t have to worry about losing him just yet.

It was around 1:30 in the morning. They still had 2 ½ hours until they were going to leave. Again everyone left Chris and Audrey while they went to the rides. “You know, forget what I complained about earlier. I can get use to them leaving just the two of us alone.” Audrey said smiling and kissing him.

“So can I. Hey, let’s go on some rides, yeah?” He asked.

“Okay. Let’s go.” She said. They walked around and saw an old attraction.

“BUMPER CARS!” Chris screamed, grabbing Audrey’s hand and leading her over to the ride. There were people already waiting for the next one. Audrey always loved the immature side of him.

“Hey! Wait for us!” Audrey and Chris turned around to see Justin, Shelley, Julie, Joey, Lance, JC, and Kristina all charging to get in line. The made it in time and filled up all the working cars. They asked to be the only ones out on the floor. Once everyone one was belted in, the cars began. JC made it his soul duty to crash Justin up. He still held a grudge towards Justin. Justin thought he was just messing around and didn’t think much of it. Poor Lance, his car wouldn’t go anywhere. It would go straight but wouldn’t stop. Joey and Julie both got evil looks on their faces and took turns ramming into Lance’s bumper car. Kristina, Shelley, and Audrey were having the time of their lives going after their guys. All of a sudden the guys’ cars stopped. They wheeled themselves around and started streaming down the floor after the three girls. Everyone watching from the outside waiting to go on the cars was laughing at a side of *NSYNC they’ve never gotten the chance to see. There was so much laughter it was contagious. The ride ended and everyone got off allowing people to get on. The group split us once again.

Kristina and JC were headed to the little countries around Disney World. They stopped at a place that looked a lot like Paris. JC tired his best impersonation of a Frenchman. Kristina smiled at his efforts. On the corner was a vendor selling glowing red roses. Kristina had entered one of the stores to look around. JC took it upon himself to buy one of the roses. Kristina came back and couldn’t find JC anywhere. She called out his name and he soon came up from behind her, covering her eyes. She turned around to see JC holding up the rose.

“Aw…for me?” She said.

“Only for you.” He said kissing her lightly. Kristina sighed once he pulled away.

“You’re too good to me.”

“I know.” He said loving every single minute they were spending in “Little Paris.” “You know, this is the city of love.”

“Yeah, well that’s the real Paris. We, my dear, are in Orlando.” She joked.

“Oh, did you have to ruin the moment?” He asked childishly.

“No.” She said kissing him and walking away, leaving him breath taken.

Audrey and Chris found their way into Little Norway. “Norway, Chris?”

“Yeah, they have great food.” He said watching her reaction. “Besides, I have to be original, why not take my girl to Norway.” Audrey giggled. She knew he was being cute. They walked around a little more going through each little town. He had bought her one of the toy swords that light up and make sound, he also got one for himself. They ran around pretending to fight with them, laughing and acting as care free as possible. Everyone around them, whether they knew the couple or not, knew that what they had was special. The calmed down a bit and walked onto the bridge overlooking a lot of the park.

“Wow, this is beautiful.” Audrey said mesmerized at the view.

“Yeah, yes it is.” Chris said wrapping his arms around her. “Nothing compares to you.”

“So cliché!” She said laughing. “But I’m glad it’s coming from you.” She turned her head and kissed Chris’ cheek. They stood there in each other’s arms for the remainder of their stay.

It was rounding the 3:00 mark. Everyone was headed back to the castle to go home. The crowd was beginning to thin out little my little. The grad night kids were going to be there a while longer. Soon everyone was in front of the castle.

“Let’s go home. We’re all pretty beat.” Julie said. “I mean look at Justin. You know he is tired when his hair is 2 inches shorter!”

Everyone let out a tired laugh. “Look at Kristina.” Audrey said. Everyone turned his or her head towards her direction. Kristina was sitting on the bench with JC lying back on his lap. In her hand was the glowing rose JC had bought for her. She was out cold. “I don’t think she’s had such a wonderful day like this in a long time. Thanks guys. Especially after a week she’s had, she deserves all of it.” Everyone agreed. JC picked her up and carried her to the car. The seating arrangements were changed to accommodate Kristina’s already sleeping self. He placed her in the back seat and Justin drove off to the house, followed by Chris’ car. JC took her out of the car and placed her in the den so it was easier for him to manage. Audrey went upstairs to get her some clothes to change in. She managed to get her changed without waking her up. She kissed her forehead and went upstairs to her own room. JC got dressed in his wife beater and boxers and went outside to sleep on the pull out bed in the couch.

Julie walked out of her room to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Justin walked up behind her startling her a little. He walked into the bathroom with her and headed for the end of the room.

“Mind if I share the bathroom with you. There’s two sinks anyway.” He said sleepily.

“Yeah, sure.” She said trying not to show that she told JC about his feelings. She felt awful for telling JC but she couldn’t help the fact that he was in pain. But she realized that she didn’t help the problem at all, she somehow made it worse.

“Today was fun, huh?” Justin asked starting conversation and running the water.

“Yeah. I had a blast.”

“JC, was pretty harsh on me during the bumper car thing. Wonder why?”

“I think I know why.” She said in a whisper.

“What was that? You know why?” He said becoming more awake.

“Um…hand me the toothpaste.” She said trying not to look him in the eye. She could sense his anger in his voice and it was terrifying her.

“NO! Julie, youknow why he acted like that?” He said snatching the tube of toothpaste and throwing it across the room.

“Yes.” Julie was shaking in front of Justin, who was obviously furious.

“HOW?” He said.

“Look, I know you’ll be mad but please try and keep it down. When I was in the kitchen with JC and Lance I kind of pulled him aside to talk cuz he wasn’t doing to well. I felt sorry for him and I sort of told him.” She said, her voice getting lower.

“You what? Julie! You were supposed to keep that a secret! I can’t believe you did that! Julie…I trusted you! You of all people to do something like that to me. I…”

“I’m sorry! He was going to find out eventually, wouldn’t he?” Justin was silent trying so hard not to rip her head off. “Justin, say something, anything. I know I did wrong. I’m sorry.”

“DON’T talk to me! You know what, you did me a favor. I don’t have to worry about him knowing anymore. Now it’s on.” He said heading for the door.

“But Justin…” She said holding back her tears and grabbing his arm.

“I TOLD you NOT to talk to me. As of right now, you don’t exist!” He said storming out of the bathroom and into Shelley’s room. Since Kristina wasn’t there, he decided to sleep there.

Julie fell to the floor and cried. She went into her room several minutes later, sitting at the desk in the room. She looked over and saw Lance and Joey sleeping peacefully on the beds. She walked out of the room and headed for the empty room down the hall. Julie walked over to the bed with her head buried deep into the pillow. She fell asleep crying all alone in her room.

Kristina awoke just as he left and tried to call him but her voice was going away from all the screaming she did today. She got up and walked over the living room. Kristina still had the rose in her hand. JC was still up watching t.v. He was surprised that she woke up. He scooted over, sitting up and leaning on the back of the couch, as she lay down with her head on his lap. She soon fell asleep again. JC leaned down and kissed her forehead and soon drifted off to sleep to the sound of her breathing.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 17