Chapter 2

Kristina came out from the room with tears starting to come from her eyes. She always hated the doctor, shot’s were the worst. But being with Audrey somewhat contained her madness. “Kris, are ya okay?” Audrey said trying to comfort her.

“Yeah sure, uh huh.....” Kris said trailing off.

“Well now it’s time for me to start getting my stuff into my apartment, so if you would be so kind as to vacate the seat, we can go!” Audrey said hurrying her up. The whole way there Audrey was worrying about not getting her things moved on time. She wondered how she was actually going to get all her things moved in and situated. They made it to the house at around 3:00 and started to hike up the “Endless Road to Nowhere.” Audrey lived on the 12th floor and the elevator hasn’t been working for the longest time so her and others named it the “Endless Road to Nowhere.” Luckily enough for her, the landlord allowed her to use the empty apartments to store her things until today. Kris and Audrey finally made it to her floor and found that the door was slightly opened. They rushed over to her apartment and found all her furniture and systems situated.

“What the hell happened here, Aud? I thought we were going to fix this up. Did you hire someone?” Kris asked puzzled.

“No, when I left this morning my apartment didn’t look like this. Ya know how it looked, a table and some chairs, now it’s an apartment.” It seemed that someone had already done the job Kris and Audrey were suppose to do. Who could have done this for me???? I never told anyone! Well maybe my neighbors helped me out???? They have been really nice lately.

“Aud, look!” Kris said, “There’s a note for ya.”

Aud, Hope you don’t mind us helping out! Well, we were in the neighborhood and decided to give you a hand. You weren’t home so we looked for a hidden key and sure enough we found one, but don’t worry we won’t tell anyone where it is. The landlord gave us a key to the rooms with your things and we moved them in and fixed it up. This will just give you more time for you and Kristina to get ready. So, if it’s not a problem we’ll pick you up at 7:00 instead of 7:30. Gotta go! We’ll see you later!

Til Tonight,

~All of us~

“Aud who was it from,” Kris asked.

“Oh well it’s just the friends I told you about,” Audrey said. “They’re just trying to help out and I guess they did. What a great bunch. Oh and they are picking us up at 7:00 so we got to get ready sooner.”

“Okay,” Kristina answered.

They had four hours to kill until they were picked up by the guys. Neither of them knew what to wear so they hit the mall down the street to find something new. After about 45 minuets, Kris finally got her outfit together. Audrey, on the other hand, was about to lose it. She wanted to impress the guys but at the same time wanted to be herself. She decided to hit the one store she knew would give her what she wanted, Rue 21. “Kris, I’m hitting Rue, give me 15 minutes.”

“Ok babe, I’ll be right here.”

Audrey knew what she wanted and at Rue she would get it. She got to the store and pulled out the outfit she’d wanted forever. She needed to impress, well so she thought, and this was the winning outfit. Audrey finally got paid up and walked back to Kristina. “Alrite hunnie, let’s go!” a confident Audrey said.

“Woohoo, it’s about time!” Kris replied.

They drove home at about 4:30 and reached the house more excited then when they had left. “I don’t know why but I’m way hyped up to go to this dinner,” Kristina said.

“Really? Well this is just the beginning,” Audrey said, “You’re in for more later tonight!” It was approaching 7:00 and Audrey still wasn’t ready. She had been in her room for almost an hour. Kristina hadn’t seen her since she left the room.

“Aud, are you okay in there?” Kris asked.

“Yup, almost finished, sorry I’m taking so long!”

“It’s okay. Well a car’s pulling up and some guys are coming out, five of them, I think. I can’t really tell,” Kristina said peering out the window.

Oh my goodness, they are early!!!!!!! Let’s see, do I look okay? Should I wear my hair up? Will he like this outfit? He???? Ok calm down, they are just friends. No one to impress. No one but myself and .....

“Aud, I’m opening the door for them!”

Kristina walked over to the door and began to open it. She greeted Chris, Lance, JC, Joey, and Justin not realizing who they were.

“I take it you’re Kristina,” Justin asked trying to snap Kristina back into reality.

“Yeah that would be me,” Kristina said. “Make yourselves comfortable.”

“Don’t mind if we do,” Joey said taking his now owned seat by the kitchen.

“Ummmm, where’s Aud?” Chris asked at the exact same moment Audry walked out of her room. The only decent thing the five guys could do was stare in awe. Audrey came out all fixed up in the heart-stopping outfit. Seeing the star struck kind of look they gave her, even she surprised Kristina.

“Wow, Aud, you look beautiful,” Lance said.

“Why thanks, Lance,” she said. “That’s very sweet of you.” Chris just looked at her in amazement. She had never looked so beautiful, even if only had known each other for a day. Justin saw his expression and spoke up.

“Well, we should be going. We don’t want to be late,” he said.

“Where are we going? Isn’t it at your house, Chris?” Audrey asked a bit confused.

“Well we had a change of plans. We are going to have dinner at an Italian restaurant in upper O-Town, if that’s ok with you.”

“Yup let’s go,” Kris and Audrey said in unison.

The seven of them made their way downstairs and outside waited to the limo that waited for them. “Wasn’t this a jeep 30 minutes ago?” Kris asked stunned.

. “Yeah well, let’s just say it’s magic,” JC said.

“Uh huh okay,” the others said trying to hint that what JC said was stupid.They all piled into the limo, ladies first, being as gentlemanly as possible, Kristina, Audrey and Lance on one side and Chris and the others on the opposite side. Then off they sped to the restaurant. On their way there, the guys figured what a better way to start the evening then to seranade the two with a song.

“Since we’re probably gonna be cooped here for a while, we decided to sing you two a song.” The only thing Kris and Audrey could do was nod their heads yes. It was shocking to have them sing just for her and Kris.

I lie awake I drive myself crazy Drive myself crazy Thinking of you Made a mistake When I let you go baby I drive my self Crazy Wanting you the way that I do ......

-“I Drive Myself Crazy”

Kristina and Audrey felt like they had drifted on to a dream world. Never had they experienced such beautiful voices sing to them so sincerely. The guys, on the other hand, saw something new since being a group. The expressions on Kristina and Audrey’s face made them realize how lucky they were to be singing and just being them. Singing for the two with such feelings that they had was something new and unreal for them. During the little rendition, Chris and Audrey couldn’t stop making eye contact, something Kristina and the rest of the guys noticed. Kristina, Joey, and Chris had switched places after the song and found themselves talking about Chris and Aurdey. “Are you sure it wasn’t me??” Justin said. “They were looking at each other rather oddly, weren’t they?”

“Yes, Justin they were,” Kristina said, “and I must say, I’ve never seen that look before. I mean we’ve been friends since I was seven and she’s given every look in the book. That’s a new one to write up.”

JC laughed at her little comments. “Well they do look pretty cute, just look at them, try and disregard Joey he’s just in the way.”

They all stared at the hopeful couple and kept talking. Lance then came over to Justin, JC and Audrey to join in their little conversation. “You do have a point JC,” Justin said. “Hmmmmmm, we should do something about it huh?”

“Please tell me you’re talking about Chris and Aud!” Lance said.

“Yes we are actually, why?”

“Well they are a little awkward towards each other,” Lance said.

“What do you mean?” JC questioned.

“Oh well it’s just that Joey’s doing more of the talking then Chris is, he seems to have become nervous.”

“Whoa that’s not like him,” Justin noted “He’s usually more forward with girls. See it’s a sign! This isn’t just some girl anymore, it’s Audrey!”

JC and Lance realized what Justin meant. Audrey would soon change Chris’ life and maybe even the other way around. Kristina was still a little lost but Lance helped her out and filled her in with details. The driver signaled the group that they would be arriving at the restaurant soon. Sure enough they arrived at 8:00 on the dot. Out stepped Audrey and Kristina in awe at the beautiful scenery of the area. The restaurant seemed pretty empty for a Friday night. There were no customers anywhere, only the staff.

“Shouldn’t there be people,” Audrey questioned.

“Yes there should be people, but there aren’t because the manager owed us a favor. He closed it for the night just for the seven of us. And here we are,” Justin said. “So ‘It’s Eating Time!’ let’s go.”

They made their way inside the beautifully decorated restaurant. Music was playing, it couldn’t get any better. There, in the center of the room, was a large table for seven. JC and Chris both pulled chairs out for Kristina and Audrey; while Justin, Joey, and Lance pulled out chairs for each other for laughs.

The Maitre’de came out with menus and offered the usual specials. After about 15 minutes, they had all ordered. Kristina and Audrey were off in their own conversation. Oddly enough it still hadn’t hit Kristina that Audrey’s new found friends were the members of NSYNC.

“Aud, Oh my God ..... I mean What? Huh? Geez!!!!!” Kris said trying to get the words out.

“Kris, calm down ..... it’s not everyday you do this. I’ll tell you this now, I have a feeling I’ll be seeing them more, you too.”

“Yeah you have a point,” Kris noted.

The guys seemed to have their own conversation going also. “Would you please excuse us, we need to wash up before the food gets here,” Kris said.

“Sure it’s right down that hallway,” Justin pointed out.

“Thanks give us a few minutes,” Aud said.

Once the girls had left, the guys resumed in their conversation. “This is turning out better then I planned,” Chris said.

“Yes, actually it is. That’s a first,” JC mentioned.

“Cmon the truth guys, tell me these ladies don’t look good,” Joey asked. “Cuz they are looking mighty fine to me.”

“Joey, shut it,” Justin and JC said in unison.

Audrey and Kristina came back just in time. Their dinner was ready and waiter’s and waitress’ were around the table ready to serve their meals. The food looked wonderful. The night was amazing.

This has got to be the most amazing night of my life. Nothing could possibly go wrong. I’m here with wonderful friends and having a wonderful dinner. Just perfect. All I have to do now is wake up.

“Audrey?” Lance said from across the table. “You’re food’s getting cold.”

“What?? Oh I’m sorry, I kind of drifted off there,” she said. They continued eating and conversing throughout the night. They had all seemed to get along quite well. Dinner went on for what seemed like enternity to Audrey. She was just in such awe that nothing could ruin it, so she thought. At about half way through the glorious dinner, the restaurant door burst open.

The seven all looked to see who was at the door to find a young woman stepping in. She seemed to be lost, not knowing where she was headed. “Hello?” the voice said. “I saw the light on and wanted to know if anyone was here. I need some help finding some people.”

Everyone started looking at everyone else at the table, somehow the guys knew this voice, but couldn’t quite make it out.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 3