Chapter 21

It was dark outside. Nature was making her usual rounds creating the surroundings around them and making it at beautiful as possible. Chris had woken up everyone and told them to meet out in the living room. They all got in there to find Justin and Julie still sleeping. They woke them up and all sat down on the couches and the floor.

“Chris, whatever you have planned better be good, I’m so tired!” Kristina said leaning towards JC. He wrapped his arms around her to make her more comfortable.

“I know, babe, we are still kind of tired. It’s almost 9:00. And we’re all pretty hungry, we skipped lunch because we were all sleeping and I’m not about to miss dinner too.” Audrey said yawning.

“Don’t worry. Everything’s ready. Just get some warm clothes on and some flashlights, then we’ll leave.”

“No food?” Joey asked.

“No food, Joey. Sorry.” Chris said.

“It’s okay, Joey. We can all starve together.” Kristina said. They all walked out of the living room and got the things Chris asked for ready. Fifteen minutes later, they were all outside waiting for Chris. He finally walked out and led everyone towards the secret area. They had arrived there ten minutes later. Everyone was extremely exhausted from the short walk. The area was completely scarce of trees and you could see the sky so clearly from the point. Kristina looked up and saw the stars shining brightly. Chris and Audrey set up some blankets that he packed and everyone sat on them.

“This place is…” Kristina started.

“Beautiful…” Shelley said.

“Amazing…” Audrey continued.

“Nicer than the site of Justin’s hair…” Julie added in causing everyone to laugh hysterically.

“Nice way to break the moment, Julie.” Lance said jokingly. Chris pulled out food for the nine of them. They all ate and continued staring up at the beautiful sky.

“I don’t think I could get any more fuller just eating a light dinner.” Julie said.

“Tell me about it.” Joey said lying down on the blankets.

“Wow!” Kristina said.

“What?” they all said in unison.

“I just saw a shooting star!” She said happily. She made a wish and smiled.

“Aw…no fair. I want to see one.” Julie said.

“Why?” Justin asked.

“So I could wish that you’d get a haircut and spare us our eyesight!” She said. Justin came over and hugged her tightly.

“Thanks Jewels. I can always count on you for a good insult.”

“Heh, I know.” She said kissing his cheek.

“Uh…now don’t go doing that. I may have to start liking you.” He joked.

“Yuck…no! I take that kiss back. Here…” She said kissing Lance. “Now Lance gets your kiss.” Lance smiled and took Julie in his arms. They all sat and talked about anything but the world outside of them. Julie almost slipped and mentioned something about her college move. Everyone looked at her confused. Justin and Lance sighed. They shook their heads but then were smacked upside their heads by Julie.

“Great help you guys are.” She said.

“What?” They said. Julie laughed. “It’s okay guys, it’s my fault.”

Audrey, Shelley, and Kristina looked at their dear friend with utter confusion. They also shook their heads and looked back up at the sky.

“There’s a couple clouds coming in. Hope that doesn’t ruin everything.” Shelley said. Kristina looked over to find JC asleep. “How could you fall asleep? My goodness, you sleep WAY too much! Even I don’t sleep this much!”

Julie looked at Kristina and shook her head. “Yeah right, Kris. I’ll believe that when I see it!” Everyone looked over at JC and shook their heads. Kristina lay down and placed her head on JC’s stomach. Audrey noticed the gleam in her eyes as she watched the stars twinkle in the night.

“I have the greatest idea…well if JC would just wake up, then we could do it.” Justin said.

“What is it?” Joey asked. Justin woke JC up and took all the guys in a little huddle a little ways away and told the his idea. Justin and the idea he had come up with astounded the guys. He could think this late at night? It had to be a record or something. The guys walked back and saw the girls looking at them with strange looks on their faces.

“What’s up your sleeve?” Julie asked Justin.

“Oh nothing. We wanted to share something with the four of you.” He replied.

“Oh no. This can’t be good.” Shelley said laughing. The girls eased up a bit and sat with their back towards one another. The guys circled around them and sat down. They started tuning up their voices and a couple seconds later the guys started to sing a rather new song to the girls. Not entirely new, they had heard it on a previous appearance by the guys but it sounded nothing like this.

When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surrounds you
Are secrets and lies,
I’ll be your strength
I’ll give you hope
Keeping your faith when it’s gone
The one you should call
Was standing here all along...

The girls watched as the guys led into the chorus. Their eyes shined as each guy perfected the harmonies. Kristina listened ever so closely to the words and her eyes began to tear up. She was lost in a whole other world when JC began his verse.

I’ve loved you forever
And in lifetimes before
And I promise you never
Will you hurt anymore,
I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is a battle we’ve won
And with this vow
Forever has now begun..

Kristina began to cry. The words touched her heart so delicately and it was making her very emotional. Everything JC sang in his verse were true, she knew he was going to stay by her side no matter what. JC extended his hand and she gladly took it. They stared into each other’s eyes as the guys sang the ending of the song. The girls were in tears; the four of them just wept with love in their eyes. Never had they heard such a beautiful song. Audrey turned her position so she sat in between Chris legs. She kissed his cheek. “That was beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.” Audrey smiled. “We heard that song being played to us and we all thought of you. We recorded that and had the four of you in our minds. It was Justin’s idea to sing it to you. We realized how true to our lives it seemed.” Chris said.

“Kristina, you okay Hun?” Audrey asked noticing that Kristina still shed some tears.

“Yes. Yes, I’m okay. That song...” She began.

“We know. When we worked on it in the studio in Hawaii we all had that reaction. This song is for you, all of you, from the five of us.” JC said leaning over and kissing Kristina’s cheek.

“Thank you, this means so much...I...” She said getting all choked up in her own words.

“Don’t say anything, Kris.” Julie began. “We all know what you’re going to say and we agree with you. We’ve got a good group of guys here.” They each hugged the guys and sat back down.

The girls finally stopped crying and leaned up against a guy. “I’m feeling loved here, I got two girls.” Joey said gleefully. Julie and Shelley were leaned up against Joey. They all laughed. “Justin and Lance are just a bunch of losers now!”

“Aw...Julie, how could you leave me hanging like this?” Lance said.

“I’m sorry babe. But Joey is...well he’s the Italian Stallion and you’’re…” She stopped.

“The MISSISSIPPI ALBINO!” Kristina yelled out laughing. “The Italian Stallion sound a heck of a lot better the Mississippi Albino!”

“She said it not me!” Julie said hiding behind Joey’s arm. Everyone laughed again. Audrey got choked up and started coughing uncontrollably.

“Aud?” Kristina asked getting worried. “You okay?”

She kept coughing and gasping for air. Chris rubbed her back asking her if she was okay.

“Yes, I’m okay. I just got choked up that’s all.” She said rubbing the area right below her neck.

“You scared us there for a minute.” Chris said.

“No, I’m okay really.” She knew she was lying. She just didn’t want everyone to worry.

I’m sorry if I scared any of you. I haven’t told anyone yet. I know I’ll get better...I know I will...This will pass, the doctors are wrong...

Audrey thought to herself remembering the small hospital visit she took while in Hawaii. An incident like that had happen while she was there and went to have it checked. The results didn’t make her too happy. She shrugged off her thoughts and went back to talking to the others.

They sat around gazing up at the stars. Shelley and Justin had gone off to their own spot on the blankets and talked for a while. They came back about fifteen minutes later smiling together. Looks like they had patched up a few things. Justin came back but still had that look on his face that he wasn’t completely satisfied with his life. Julie looked over at him and asked if he wanted to talk. He nodded his head and she said that they’d talk in the room. Justin agreed and continued on with the evening. Kristina could hear the rhythmic breathing JC had going on behind her. She tilted her head to find him sleeping with his chin on her shoulder. She signaled for the others to help her get him to lie down. They finally got him comfortable enough. Kristina lay her head down on his shoulder and stretched her legs down the length of his body, entwining their legs together. The two lay there comfortably.


“Yes, love?” He said nuzzling her neck.

“Can two people really go through as much as Kristina and JC have and still care about each other that strongly?”

“I don’t know. But I guess so. Look at them. They don’t have a worry in the world.”

“I don’t want to sound as if I’m being mean towards Justin...but...”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m just saying that I think it’s time he realizes that JC and Kris are suppose to be JC and Kris. I can see it in her eyes when JC’s name is mentioned.” Audrey said looking on at the two.

“I know what you mean. I mean Justin’s my man, he’s one of my best friends. But I see something else for him, someone else. Shelley makes him a different person. Anything he thinks he feels for Kristina is just a cover up and just a double meaning. I think he cares for Shelley too much to realize it.”

“I think I know what you mean. I’m just worried about Kristina that’s all. She’s like a daughter to me and I can’t see her getting hurt anymore. Let along trying to choose between two best friends.”

“Yes, well let’s not think about them anymore. Let’s concentrate on us.”

“What’s there to talk about?”

“Everything. Like how much I care about you and cherish every moment I share with you. You make me so happy and when I’m with you all my troubles go away. You always know the right things to say to make me smile. No ones ever affected me in that manner.”

Audrey smiled and blushed. “Chris, you mean the world to me. Everytime I’m with you I just feel so alive. When we kiss, I think about that night you chased after me at the club. When we stood in the rain and you started to sing to me. All my troubles seemed to melt away. You did that. You taught me how good it feels to finally...”

“To what?” Chris asked puzzled as to why she stopped.

“Nothing. I just smile when I see your face and wonder why I’m the lucky person to be with such an amazing guy like you.”

“You’re not the lucky one. I am. What are the chances of meeting someone like you. Especially with a life you and Kristina have been through. There aren’t too many people like you. I’m the lucky one to get the only Audrey Conners in the world. I’m the lucky one for being able to sit here with my arms around you telling you how I feel about you. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Chris thought about what he was saying and the more and more he realized that he was falling in love with Audrey.

How can someone make me feel this way? If I had a nickel for everytime you made me smile, I’d be the richest person in the world. You make me feel like a million dollars. Like I’m someone truly one’s ever made me feel that way. Now someone has and she’s my girlfriend, someone I would love to spend me golden years with. I love her...

His thoughts were shattered when he felt something hit his head. “Is this? It can’t be.”

Just as he finished his sentence, rain started to sprinkle down. Everyone looked at everyone else and started to gather the things. Kristina woke up JC and ran towards the cabin. The rain came down hared and harder as they ran towards the door. Each person ran inside shaking off all the water.

“Oh my god! That was so much fun!” Shelley said with such delight in her voice.

“Fun?” Justin asked. “If it’s so fun why don’t you just do it again?” He threw her over his shoulders and ran back outside. Shelley screamed for help but everyone was inside by the fireplace. Justin put Shelley down and ran inside. Shelley grabbed Justin and he fell back grabbing onto Shelley for support. They looked into each other’s eyes and pulled away immediately.

“Sorry.” Shelley said. She looked at him, the rain flowing down his face, and stepped back slowly. She walked back into the house and was met by Audrey who had a towel ready for her.

Justin stood in the rain collecting his thoughts. What just happened there? I felt so attracted to her standing that close to her. The look in her eyes, that’s what I would always see when she looked at me. But that was when we were together. She hasn’t given up on me yet but...why? I can’t believe what a jerk I’ve been to her, she’s still hoping. And I’ve been here...being such a… loser.

He regained himself and walked in and grabbed a towel from Audrey. It was around 11:30 when everyone had dried up and gotten into more comfortable clothes. The rain was still pouring outside, leaving everyone stranded inside to sit around and talk. Chris walked everyone to the rooms in the back to find a huge indoor pool and an arcade in another room. They all crowded in the arcade room and started goofing around in there.

“Nothing better than free games!” Julie said. She and Lance were playing air hockey against Justin and Shelley. JC and Kristina were having the time of their lives in the photo booths printing out pictures left and right. Joey was sitting out watching everyone and stuffing his face with popcorn. Audrey and Chris were in the boxing ring and had the oversized gloves on and started to box when Joey yelled go. Audrey and Chris started to box. Audrey saw the look in Chris’ eyes and dropped her gloves and started running away from him. She couldn’t get out of the ring and was just running around in circles. Everyone stopped what they were doing and went over to watch the two making fools out of themselves. Chris finally managed to pin her down. He threw off his gloves to get a better hold of her. She tried to get free but couldn’t. Chris let go of her arms and started tickling her.

“Ah...let me go! No! Help! Ah...Chris!” She yelled. Chris finally stopped. Audrey looked up at him and kissed him sweetly.

“Oh...” Everyone said causing Chris and Audrey to blush. Chris looked at Audrey and realized the position they were lying in. Audrey noticed it also and got up from under him. Once she sat up she kissed Chris again.

“I love...” She began. Chris honestly thought she was going to say something he’s wanted to say to her. He was let down.“...This place.”

“Yeah, it’s a great place.” Chris said. They got out of the ring and sat down with Joey. Kristina and JC came back with rows and rows of pictures.

“Got a little carried away?” Audrey asked pointing at the pictures.

“Heh, yeah I guess. It was fun. All these pictures are cute though.” Kristina said.

Screams started coming from the air hockey table. They all ran to see what was going on. Julie and Lance had just lost to Justin and Shelley, again.

“YEAH! WE WON!” Shelley said jumping up and down. “Hah…we won…YOU TWO lost. LOSERS! Hah! Yeah!” She yelled pointing at Julie and Lance. She lost her balance and landed in Justin’s arms. He pulled her closer and kissed her. Shelley pulled away, shocked. Everyone gasped and looked at the two. Justin looked down at her and smiled slowly. Shelley looked into his eyes and saw that he really meant everything in that little kiss. She kissed him back with more passion.

“Does this...” Justin began to ask.

“I hope so...”


“No, don’t apologize...just kiss me.” She said. He willingly obeyed and kissed her with a passion that was long awaited. They pulled apart and everyone cheered. JC looked at Justin and they shared a friendly smile. They knew what each other was thinking and they were glad everything was settled. JC could now concentrate on Kristina more now that Justin has found what he’s been wanting. Everyone smiled and went back to hit some more games. The clock hanging above the boxing ring read 1:30. They didn’t care what time it was. They were having too much fun. They knew it was their last week together before their schedules really got busy. So they spent the whole time without a care of time.

About a half-hour later they all hit the sack. Julie and Shelley switched sleeping arrangements so Shelley would be with Justin and they can catch up on the last couple days. Kristina was in her room waiting for JC. He offered to sleep on the floor again, since he didn’t want Kristina sleeping there. He’d rather sleep there then bunk with Joey. He came out in his swim trunks.

“Isn’t is a bit late to go swimming, JC?” She asked. He threw her swimsuit over to her and asked her to get changed, no questions asked. She agreed and went to the bathroom to get ready. He left a note asking her to meet him in the indoor pool at 2:30. She waited in their room until 2:30 and walked down there. She opened the door and peered inside. She didn’t see JC anywhere. She walked in and closed the door behind her. He came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“What are we doing here?” She asked leaning back on him.

“I thought we could go swimming. It’s raining outside, so we might as well do it here. Besides, we can have some more time to ourselves. Just you and me.” JC said leading her to the shallow end of the pool.

“But we just went swimming in the lake.” She argued.

“I know…What? You don’t want to be in here with me?” He said pouting his lower lip.

“Aw…baby, you know I can’t say no to that. I do want to be here with you, but swimming?” She joked.

“Yes. Swimming, what’s wrong with my idea? Besides, there’s nothing else we could do here. Everything else is locked and Chris won’t open the doors to those rooms unless he wants to and I’m not about to go and ask him for the keys.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She followed JC to the shallow end. “You without a shirt on…something I wouldn’t turn down.” She whispered.

“What was that?” He asked not hearing what she had just said.

“Oh, nothing.” She said with a smile.

They walked in feeling the warmth from the heated pool. “Mmm. Feels good.” She said. She swam off towards the other end of the pool leaving JC there to watch her. He smiled. Kristina kept calling for him but he wouldn’t move from his spot.

“Oh, c’mon you big baby. Please. It’s nice over here.” She said. He got an evil grin on his face and dove underwater. Kristina couldn’t see him clearly because the pool lights hadn’t turned on all the way. She swam around looking for JC. Suddenly she felt two arms wrap around her. He emerged behind her breathing deeply into her neck.

“I’m…right…here.” He said seductively. She turned around to see him right in her face. She saw a strong passion in his eyes. She smiled and licked her lips then kissed his lips. She moved over to his bruise and kissed it softly.

“This bruise needs to leave.” JC complained and pouted. “It hurts! And all because Adaria was misled my charming looks.” He joked.

“Charming, huh? Sure.” She saw the disappointed look appear on his face. “I’m just kidding, babe. No, I think it’s convenient. Just gives me another reason to kiss you.” She said kissing his bruise again. They swam over to the seat at the side of the pool. Kristina sat in his lap. JC leaned over and started kissing her strongly then moving down her neck. Kristina wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight.

What’s happening here? This could go in the wrong direction. I’m not ready for that. Heh, wouldn’t mind, but still. Okay I’m seriously killing Julie. I don’t even know why I thought about such a horrid topic like that.

JC ran his hands up and down the side of her hips. She kissed him again and pulled away. She looked into his eyes and he knew what she was going to say. He nodded his head and kissed her again.

I’m sorry, Kristina. I would have to say I got a little out of hand. I know it’s not time for you, for me even. I know there’s no excuse, though.

Kristina went into the closet and pulled out the small floating bed. She placed it in the pool and laid on it. JC swam up next to it and splashed some water on her. She was caught off guard and the bed flipped over. She resurfaced and saw JC lying on the bed. An evil grin came upon Kristina’s face. She swam away from JC and got on the diving board. She took a dive in and splashed water directly on top of JC. He fell over and hit the water hard. Kristina swam out of the water and hid nearby.

“Kristina! I’m going to get you for this!” He yelled.

“Shh. They are going to wake up!” She yelled from a hiding spot and giggling.

“They can’t hear anything. It’s too far from the rooms to be heard.” He said deviously looking around the room for Kristina.

Kristina saw him looking around from across the room. She laughed softly, but JC heard. She ran away from where she was and dove into the pool. JC soon followed after her and they both resurfaced in each other’s arms. Again, they were in a very awkward position. Kristina was tired from running and couldn’t keep herself afloat. JC took her legs and wrapped them around his waist, causing them to be even closer than they wanted. He looked into her scared eyes and assured her nothing was going to happen. She smiled and kissed him innocently. Kristina wrapped her arms tightly against JC as he swam them towards the stairs of the pool. Just then they heard a scream coming from Audrey’s room. Kristina immediately got worried and grabbed a robe and ran towards her room. JC soon followed after her. Everyone had gotten out of his or her room to see what was happening. Kristina opened the door forcefully and ran over to Audrey’s bedside. She yelled for Audrey but she didn’t respond.

“Chris?” She said. “What happened?”

He wasn’t paying much attention. Chris was on the phone calling 911. “Yes, she’s not breathing...yes I tried and nothing happened...Okay please hurry…quick!” He hung up and everyone saw that his eyes were red and puffy from crying. “Audrey, you’ll be okay baby, don’t worry.” He said. Audrey was lying on the bed and wasn’t breathing.

“We were talking and I noticed she wasn’t saying anything so I thought she fell asleep. Kristina yelled to her lifeless body and cried into her shirt.

“No! Audrey, No! Please, wake up! Please! What’s happening? No, please...don’t do this to me...right now! Audrey!” Kristina yelled and cried even hared when Audrey didn’t respond. JC walked over to her and pulled her off the bed as the paramedics came into the room with a stretcher. Kristina turned and cried into his shirt. He pulled her as close to him as possible. Julie and Shelley were crying into Lance and Justin’s shirts. Joey had a hold of Chris to keep him sane. Chris cried into Joey’s shoulder as he watched the paramedics get Audrey ready. They hoisted her up and were off to the hospital just as soon as they came in. Everyone gathered some things and hopped into the cars and headed to Orlando Hospital. JC and Kristina stayed behind to finish getting dressed. They finally got ready and jumped into JC’s car. Kristina looked out the window, the rain pouring down the windows. JC reached over and took Kristina’s hand in his. She looked over at him and managed to get out a small smile. He continued driving and on the radio was DJ Clue.

“This is going to all ones we care about out there in O-Town.” He said. Just as he finished his sentence, “God Must Have Spent (A Little More Time on You)” came on. JC leaned down to turn it off but Kristina stopped him and let it play.

Can this be true?
Tell me, can this be real?
How can I put into words what I feel?
My life was complete
I thought I was whole
Why do I feel like I‘m losing control?
I never thought that love could feel like this
And you changed my world with just one kiss
How can it be that right here with me?
Is an angel, it’s a miracle…

In all of creations are things great and small
You were the one that surpasses them all
More precious then any diamond or pearl
They broke the mold when you came in their world
And I’m trying hard to figure out
Just how I ever did without
The warmth of your smile
The heart of a child
It’s deep inside
It keeps me purified….

A few more tears streamed down the side of her face as she moved her position and sat closer to JC. He wrapped his free arm around her and she began to weep even more. They listened to the song very closely and became even sadder.

“God, please let her be okay...please.” Kristina whispered.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 22