Chapter 22

The song ended, leaving Kristina in more tears. JC fought hard to keep his emotions locked up inside. Kristina turned to her right and watched the street lights beam through the windows. She looked up through the front winder and saw the moon peaking through the clouds. She smiled a little and turned to be closer to JC. He wrapped more of his arm around her as he drove to the hospital. Kristina slowly began to drift off to sleep hoping Audrey would be okay. They finally reached the hospital twenty long minutes later. The two were led to a private room where they met up with Joey, Julie, and Lance. Justin and Shelley went out to get coffee and hot chocolate for everyone.

“So what’s up?” JC asked. He had Kristina sit down. Julie moved over to comfort her.

“The doctors haven’t come back yet. We got here and were sent straight into this room. We haven’t even seen Chris yet.” Lance said. Justin and Shelley had just gotten back with the drinks. They were all handed out. Shelley went to go sit with Kristina and Julie.

“You okay babe?” Shelley asked.

“I’m okay, scared and terrified, but okay. What happened? She was just fine earlier this week. I just don’t know...” Kristina began. JC walked over to her and cradled her in his arms. She began crying once again nearly spilling her drink.

“Don’t cry babe. She’ll be okay.” JC said trying to comfort her. Just then Chris walked in with one of the doctors. Chris’ eyes were all red and it was terrifying Kristina. She ran over and hugged him tightly.

“Please tell me she’s okay.” She said looking into Chris’ eyes. The doctor looked down at Kristina and knew she was the one he wanted to talk to.

“Kristina, I take it. I’m Dr. Young. Audrey is in intensive care. She isn’t breathing on her own and is on oxygen. She had a severe asthma attack and luckily for Chris he got to her fast enough, if not I don’t think she would have made it this far.”

“But is she going to be okay?” Kristina persisted.

“As of now, it’s shady. Her breathing is shallow and irregular and…”

“Doc, I think she’s heard enough. Please tell us if she makes any improvements.” JC said taking Kristina away from the doctor.

“I will.” The doctor said leaving them in the room.

“She never told us she had asthma.” Julie said.

“Well, I knew. I just never did anything about it because she said it was slight asthma and she hardly ever gets attacks. I should have done something...gotten her an inhaler,’s all my...”

“Don’t even start and say it’s your fault, Kris.” Justin said. “You knew just as much as we did that we couldn’t help her back at the cabin.” He walked over to her and hugged her.

“I know. But I wanted so much to help her. I can’t lose her...she’s the only mother I’ve known, she’s been there for me and now I’m hopeless to do anything.” Kristina said weeping into Justin’s shirt.

“You can pray. That’s all we’ll be able to do for now.” Lance said. Everyone agreed. They looked over at Joey and saw that he was curled up and sleeping. Tears had stained his shirt. Kristina walked over to him and sat in his lap. He woke up and took Kristina in his arms. She sat comfortably and whispered the same phrase over and over.

“Please let her be okay, please let her be okay, please let her be okay...” Everyone felt Kristina’s pain. They watched as she slowly fell asleep in Joey’s lap. They each kissed her forehead and made themselves comfortable for the hours ahead of them.

**That Morning, 8:30 am**

Kristina had woken up from the sun hitting the panes of the windows. It was Friday morning and everyone was completely exhausted. They made it through the few hours of sleep given to them. The doctor came in to check up on the group.

“Good morning Dr. Young.” Chris said. “How is she? Can we go see her?”

“Good morning to you too Mr. Kirkpatrick.” He pulled Chris out into the hallway to discuss Audrey’s condition. “She’s not looking any better. Her breathing is labored but it’s getting to be at a steady pace. It’s still sketchy and I’m not promising anything just yet.”

“Thanks Doc.” He said.

“You can go see her though. A couple people at a time, just to talk to her and keep her going.”

“Okay. Thanks again.” He said entering the room. Everyone had woken up and was awaiting news from Chris.

“Well?” JC said trying to get Kristina to wake up. He finally did when Chris was about to respond.

“She’s not any better. Her breathing is not as close to stable yet.” Everyone groaned and sighed silently praying for their friend to get better. “The doctor informed me that we can go a visit her. Just talk to her and let you know you are there.”

Kristina was the first to offer to go in. She asked that JC go in with her. He agreed and walked into the room with Kristina close to him. Kristina gasped when she saw Audrey. Her body was pale and tubes were coming out from her. Machines were surrounding her hospital bed. She gripped JC’s hand tighter as she got closer and closer to the bed. JC pulled a chair up to the bed so Kristina could sit down. She sat down and took Audrey’s hand in hers. Audrey showed no sign of recovery, she lay there so still, so helpless.

“Audrey...” Kristina began. “Are you listening hun? It’s me, Kristina. So how have you been? Lying here obviously.”

JC had to laugh at her remark. He put a hand on his shoulder to assure her that everything is going to be okay. She continued, “Guess what Audrey, I just had four cups of coffee. Hah, now I know what you mean now when you say it’s addicting. But it’s so good.”

Kristina seemed rather calm while talking to Audrey’s body. “I love you, hun, you know that. You are going to get better and we will grow up old together like we said we would. Don’t leave me here alone. We all love you and we can’t live without you.”

The others squeezed into the room, the doctor gave them the okay to all be in there. He thought it would help. Kristina stuttered her words but soon managed to finish what she was going to say. “Aud, you are going to be okay. You have to be okay. I can’t go back to school knowing you aren’t okay. Not that I would really care much if I didn’t go to school.” Chris shot a look towards Kristina. “Okay, so Chris will make me go to school. Why did you have to pick such a caring boyfriend?” Chris smiled. Kristina got up and moved over so someone else could talk to Audrey. JC sat down in place of Kristina.

“Aud, its JC. You get better, you here?” He started. “You’ve been like a sister to me when I couldn’t have my own sister here. You introduced me to Kristina and to Julie and Shelley. I have so many memories that I will have stored for life because of you. So many things wouldn’t have happened if we didn’t meet you. Our trip to Hawaii wouldn’t have been that much fun. Please get better. We all love you.”

Julie and Shelley shared the seat and sat down to talk to Audrey. “Hey Audrey. It’s Jewels and Shel. We’ll just make this short. GET BETTER!” They both said. Everyone laughed softly. “You’re our land lady. We are not about to pay Kristina our rent.”

It was funny how they all could find some humor in this. They were all so confident that Audrey would make it through this. It was better for them to think positive but were they being too positive?

Julie and Shelley left the chair and Lance and Joey sat in next. They talked to her for a while. They all decided to get some breakfast. Joey and Lance walked outside to get the keys and get ready to get their breakfast. Julie and Shelley left with them. They hid their emotions well to keep Kristina in good hope. Justin walked over to Audrey’s bedside and sat in the chair.

“’s Justin. You know, the guy with the hair.” JC, Kristina, and Chris laughed. “I know we don’t talk much, but when we do it’s always a good time...” He continued reminiscing to Audrey about the time they have spent together so far. Justin began to get emotional when he started talking about the trip to Hawaii. Audrey and Justin shared a wonderful moment at the falls on an island nearby. It was special between the two of them. Kristina walked over and gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around her as they walked out of the room, followed by JC.

Chris stood by the wall and slowly stepped closer and closer to Audrey. He sat down and took her hand in his. He caressed the side of her face with him other hand and moved away a fallen hair. He began to weep quietly to himself before he started to talk to Audrey.

“Audrey, it’s me Chris...I’m here for you babe. I’m never going to leave this hospital until I know you are going to get better. I don’t care if I miss some promotional gigs, I’m staying here with you. Please get better...please. I need you with me, I need love me. There are so many things we still need to accomplish in our lives together. Audrey I...”

JC had just walked into the room to tell Chris that Joey had come back with breakfast. Chris sighed and kissed her hand. “I’ll be back real soon.” He said getting up and kissing her forehead again.

The group went into the private room to eat their breakfast. Joey and Lance had gotten McDonalds and as much as everyone loved McDonalds, they couldn’t bring themselves to eat. But they tried getting through such a simple breakfast. Too many memories of Audrey flashed in their heads as they slowly took bites out of their food. After thirty long minutes, they had finally finished and Chris was ready to go back inside the room. The others stayed behind. Chris inched his way towards Audrey’s room. He managed to step inside but now he walked over to her bed slowly and cautiously. He sat back down in the chair and continued to talk to Audrey.

“Audrey, remember the song we sang to the four of you? Yeah, well if it’s really true to our lives, then we will make it through this. I can’t even begin to think what our lives would be like if we never had that car accident. Or what my life would be without you. Without your smile, your laugh, and even the way you yell at Kristina. I can’t see my day without…you. I…”

Chris couldn’t say the words. He’s wanted to but couldn’t. He looked down at her body and seemed for it to be the right time. “Audrey Conners, I…I…I…Love you.” He said breaking down and crying in front of her. Just then her heart monitor began to get slower and slower. The doctors rushed in and found that the oxygen supply was blocked and she was dying by the seconds. The doctors rushed Chris out of the room and tried to do everything they could to get oxygen to Audrey’s body. Everyone in the room had gone out to see Audrey when they saw Chris outside on the floor crying.

“NO!” Kristina yelled running over to Audrey’s room. Chris grabbed her and pulled her towards him.

“Kristina, no! You can’t go in there!” He yelled pulling her closer.

“No! Audrey! Chris...what’s happening?”

“I don’t know. I just heard the heart monitor slow down and the next thing I know doctors are running in here trying to revive her. The last thing I heard was...was...”

“Was what?” Kristina yelled, tears streaming down her face.

“Was a flat line.” Chris said, his face paler than a ghost.

“NO! PLEASE NO! GOD, don’t do this! PLEASE!” Kristina said. The girls were in tears, Julie was held closely by Lance and Justin held Shelley. Joey couldn’t believe what he was hearing; it also went with JC. He took Kristina from Chris and held her closer. “No, God, please, don’t! AUDREY!” Her cries rang through the hospital. The guys were crying just as much as the girls were.

The doctor came outside ten minutes later. Kristina looked up at him with plead in her eyes. “Please...” She began but stopped when the doctor looked at her.

“Audrey...” He stopped allowing everyone to settle down. “Audrey’s okay. We were able to get oxygen flowing back in her body and her heart started again.” Everyone rejoiced and the crying stopped. “She woke up...”

“She did?” Chris interrupted.

“Yes, but only for a few moments. The lack of oxygen led to another asthma attack, this one not as severe but she’s fallen back into a deep sleep. She’s still on oxygen and her chances of living are decreasing.” The doctor said. He got a page and excused himself.

Kristina fell to the floor leaning against the wall. She tucked her legs close to her and started rocking back and forth. She started to hum “This I Promise You” to herself and cried to herself. Everyone saw the extreme pain she was going through. They left her alone and walked back into the private room. Dr. Young came back twenty minutes later and told Kristina she could go back into the room to see Audrey. Kristina got up and walked in slowly seeing Audrey. She looked worse than before and it just made Kristina’s heart feel heavier.

“Audrey...please don’t leave me. Don’t leave me.” She said. Chris had walked in and stood in the doorway watching her. “There’s so much we have to do, jump off a cliff, sky dive, all that crazy and insane stuff no one else will do. You can’t leave me, Chris, of any of us. I love you Audrey, don’t do this to me...please.” It seemed as if she was listening because the heart monitor sped up a bit, but still no improvements. Chris walked in some more and put a hand on Kristina’s shoulder. Kristina looked up and saw Chris and leaned back towards him. He gave her a reassuring hug and told her that the others were going to head back to the cabin to get some rest. They had been there all morning and they needed to get refreshed and they could come back later on tonight. Chris had made arrangements to keep the private room for the weekend and for as long as Audrey was going to be in the hospital, hopefully not long. Kristina left after kissing Audrey’s forehead. Chris sat down and stared at Audrey. He wanted so much to turn the hands of time and try to make things better. But he knew it was impossible to do such a task. Chris kissed her lips softly and left the room and met up with the others in the parking lot. The ride back to the cabin was dreadful. Chris kept looking at Audrey’s empty seat and tried so hard to contain his emotions. Both cars made it to the cabin. It was almost 12 noon and everyone was tired, hungry, and just emotionally drained. Kristina had fallen asleep in the car. JC carried her into the cabin and placed her in their room. He went into the living room and saw seven very tired people. He went into the kitchen to get everyone some water. He got back and they were all sleeping. He put the drinks down and walked into his room. Kristina was sitting up on the bed and stared at JC as he walked in.

“How are you?” He asked. “Why are you up? You should rest.”

“No, I’m okay. Tired, yes, but I will be fine. I kind of wanted you to be here. I feel more comfortable and I don’t want to be alone right now.” She said patting the space on the bed next to her.

He moved over to her bed and slipped into the covers with her. They laid down and wrapped their arms around each other. Kristina soon fell asleep, followed closely by JC.


“Audrey are you okay?” Kristina said. Audrey had started coughing heavily.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” She said regaining her composure.

“Looked like you were having a hard time breathing.”

“No, I’m okay, really I am.” Audrey said. “It’s just a little asthma. It’s not really serious.”

“You sure? We can go get you something so it won’t get any worse...we learned about this in school and I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“Yes. Now go.” She said unlocking the car doors. Kristina left for school but started to worry about Audrey.

**End Flashback**

Kristina woke up breathing heavily. JC woke up and started to worry.

“What, Kris? What is it?” He asked.

“I just had like a dream about Audrey and the day I found out she had asthma. She had that same problem breathing like the one last night.”

“Shh. Kristina it’s okay. Don’t worry hun. I’m here.” He said cradling her in his arms again. “She’ll be okay.” JC looked over at the clock and saw that it was 9 P.M. He and Kristina walked out into the living room to find every still asleep.

“Looks like we’re all pretty exhausted.” JC said. He and Kristina went into the kitchen to find dinner all ready. They sat down and ate a little before heading back to wake the others. JC’s cell phone rang and he excused himself to go answer it. He came back rather disappointed as he sat on the floor.

“What is it?” Kristina asked slipping in between his legs and sitting down comfortably.

“We have to record for the new album tomorrow and it’s going to be all day. We won’t have any time to go and visit Audrey. Chris is going to be crushed. It’s mandatory that we go so I know he won’t be able to leave.” He said.

“Oh...” She said as she looked at Chris who was just waking up. She had him wake up the others and told them the bad news. Everyone groaned as they made their way to the kitchen to eat. They came back into the living room about an hour later. Kristina had left to get her things ready for the stay at the hospital. They all made arrangements for the next week if Audrey’s still in the hospital so Kristina wouldn’t be home by herself. Shelley wasn’t going t move in for a while, likewise with Julie. So Kristina was going to be staying at Justin’s for a while and it was better because he was close to the high school. Julie was going to stay at the apartment a couple nights to maintain it. Everyone met up in the living room after getting his or her things ready.

“So that’s it. Our weekend ends here. We all go back to our normal lives and…” Kristina started.

“We’ll be fine. We are going to make it.” Chris said. “We will make sure the three of you are okay until Audrey gets better. It’ll be hard, all the promoting will keep us away, but we’ll try.” The guys agreed and hugged each of the girls. “We’ll call the school Monday morning to tell them the situation and hopefully we can work something out.”

Kristina forced a smile to her face as she went to the car to put her things inside of it. Everyone followed her procedure and everything was packed and ready for Saturday morning. They sat in the living room quietly, just staring into the fireplace. They fell asleep then and there and woke up in the morning.

**At the Hospital**

Chris and the guys had dropped of the girls at the hospital after taking them to the apartment to drop off their things. They all went to visit Audrey before they left for the studios. Audrey was still in the same condition as before. The doctors had noticed that Audrey’s lungs weren’t as healthy as they should be. The conclusion was second hand smoking she received at her job. It just made her situation worse and it wasn’t helping her breathe correctly. Kristina, Julie, and Shelley sat around in the room taking turns keeping Audrey some company. She showed signs of recovering but soon they deteriorated as the day went on. They guys called in every hour on the hour to check up on Audrey. Chris even managed to sneak in some calls when the others guys were recording. Kristina put the phone up to Audrey’s ear as Chris talked to her and gave her previews to the new album. It seemed to work because Audrey was responding slowly. The doctor came in with a puzzled look on his face.

“What’s wrong, Dr. Young?” Kristina asked getting up from her seat.

“We were going over Audrey’s medical files and we can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong. This is very uncommon for someone to have an asthma attack and stay unconscious for this long.” He said. “We’ll look into it more.”

“Thank you.” Julie said as he walked out.

Kristina looked at Audrey’s body and couldn’t help but cry a little. Shelley took her away from the bed and the three sat down in the far corner of the room talking about others things too keep their minds clear for a while. It was nearing nighttime. The guys were on their way to pick up the girls. Audrey showed little improvement but enough to keep the girls hopes going. The guys had planned Sunday out for the girls so they didn’t have to worry. There wasn’t anything they planned that would cause them to be too far from the hospital. It was just too ease some stress and keep Shelley and Kristina sane before they go back to school that next day. They all went back to Audrey’s apartment to spend the night. They all thought of going to Justin’s instead but Kristina insisted that they stay there. She wanted to feel her presence in the house. They all got into the rooms they were given. Kristina took Audrey’s room and shared it with the girls. The guys split up amongst the two other rooms. They all seemed to sleep lightly, with one person on their minds, Audrey. Kristina got up and walked into the living room turning on the CD player and playing some CD’s. Lance came in a couple minutes later and joined Kristina, guess he couldn’t sleep much either. Another person appeared in the room, Justin. He sat with Kristina and leaned over to put his head on her lap. Minutes went by and all of them were in the room listening to Kristina’s choice of music. They seemed to find peace just sitting there, something they haven’t found for days now. Slowly each person dozed off and fell asleep peacefully, hoping that tomorrow everything would change for the better.

Chris found himself singing along to Brian McKnight’s song while thinking about Audrey.

One, you’re like a dream come true
Two, just wanna be with you
Three, girl it’s plain to see that you’re the only one for me
And four, repeat steps one through three
Five, make you fall in love with me
If every I believe my work is done
Then I’ll start back at one…
Back at One: Brian McKnight

A few tears rolled down his face. Kristina looked up from JC’s arms to see Chris on the opposite couch by himself. She slipped out of JC’s arms and sat over with Chris. She sat between his legs and leaned back on him. Chris wrapped his arms around her and smelled the scent of Audrey’s perfume on Kristina. He started to cry a lot more this time. Kristina shed a few tears along with Chris. They lie there looking at a picture from Disney World that they had all taken before going into the park. Audrey always had to have her pictures the next day and so while they were rearranging the apartment Audrey put up the pictures in frames and put them around the rooms. They both had to smile at all the pictures she had lying around the house of the nine of them. Kristina stopped at a particular picture. It was of her and Audrey sitting on their couch the week after the court hearing. They were a family, like mother and daughter. Kristina buried her face into Chris’ shirt and cried herself to sleep. Chris saw what she was staring and rocked Kristina slowly until she really fell asleep.


If you can hear me, please…please get well. I love you, you hear. Now don’t let us live our lives without you…

Chris finally drifted off to sleep dreaming about Audrey.

I love you…

To Be Continued…

Chapter 23