Chapter 4

It was 12:30 when Audrey and the rest of the guys arrived at her apartment. The whole ride there was crazy. Audrey and Chris didn’t speak one word to each other, something both Lance and Joey noticed. Audrey opened the door to see JC and Justin asleep, one on the couch, the other in the armchair. She invited them in and went straight for her room to find Kristina asleep as well. She set her things down and headed back towards the living room. JC and Justin were woken up by the three and were ready to leave. “Hey, Aud, I have to say this was a fun and interseting day.” Joey said.

“Yeah it’s not everyday we get down time and have it be like this,” Lance noted.

“Well I had loads of fun too, and I can probably say the same for Kris .... tina.” Audrey said. Chris had looked up once she mentioned Kristina’s name.

“Thanks for everything,” JC said. “We’ll call you two sometime.”

Just then, Justin came over and pulled Audrey aside. “I hope everything goes well in court next week, f you need anything just call. Kris has mine and JC’s numbers.” Audrey was a little clueless, but finally realized what he just said.

“Thanks Justin, that means a lot.” Audrey answered back. “I’ll give you the scoop after the hearing.” They said their good bye’s and left her apartment. Audrey went back into her room and found Kristina’s journal open. She usually reads it only because Audrey writes in there too. They thought sharing the journal would imply more trust and it works. She looked for today’s entry and started reading.

Dear Journal,

You will never believe what happened to me. My day went from awful to absolutely wonderful. Disregarding the shot I got earlier, everything after that was bliss. Well where should I start??? Aud got into a car accident earlier this morning. I called her cell phone from school to see if she was okay. Well anyway, she picked me up before my appointment and we drove off to the doctor’s office. I eventually got my shot. It felt like forever. I come out and in the car or something like that, she told me that she and I are going to a dinner with some new friends of hers. I didn’t know who they were til they picked us up. We went to the mall to get some outfits to wear and came back an hour or so before they picked us up. Well Audrey was still in her room when they came. I opened the door to see ...... the members of NSYNC, that’s right, NSYNC come walking through the door. It didn’t hit me til we got to the restaurant that they cleaned out for the seven of us. Okay, in the limo ride over there, they sang to Audrey and me. They sang I Drive Myself Crazy, well the chorus, but that was enough. I mean Aud’s taken me to concerts but this was just too much to handle. When we got to the restaurant, everything was just so beautiful. We had dinner and conversed on tons of different things. Lance is a really great guy, as was Joey. We talked a lot in the limo about certain things that shall remain nameless for now. Justin and JC were beyond cute, well they rest of the guys too. Chris was extremely hilarious. He cracked me up so many times.

Audrey looked up from the journal to see Kristina with a smile on her face, she was probably having good dreams that night. She thought about what Kristina wrote about each guy and realized she was right. But Audrey wanted so much to add more about Chris, about how he chased after her and cared. Instead she continued reading.

Then right before desert was handed out, some woman came into the restaurant storming in. We didn’t know who it was at first. I looked over at Audrey and she looked a little sad, like nothing could get any worse. Well Justin went up to whoever the chick was and it ended up being JC’s ex-girlfriend, Micah, I think was her name. Well JC ran from the table and I ran after him to see what was wrong. He went into the men’s room and I stayed outside the door, trying desperately to get him to come out. I finally got him to come out about ten minutes or so later. What was weird was the compliment he gave me ...... “You look cute when you’re trying to cheer people up.” That little thing ran through my head the rest of the night. I didn’t know what to do about it when he told me so I just kept quiet. The rest of the dinner was fab. We all piled up into the limo and I guess I drifted to sleep cuz when I woke up I was in Aud’s pjs lying in her bed. I got up and walked out to see JC and Justin on the couch watching TV. They turned around and greeted me. I made my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I mentioned ice cream and the two ran up and scared the living daylight out of me. They grabbed us some bowls, spoons, and began munching on the ice cream. We were quiet for a little while until JC spoke up and asked about me. He wanted to know about more about me. I began saying the usual age, location, blah blah blah stuff. I told them my life was pretty much boring ....... but then Justin wanted more I guess, so I told him about my whole, and I mean whole life. I ended with the court case. They seemed to really care. Which was a little odd for me. JC said that they would be there for me and Aud, which is cool. Hey they even said that if I live with Audrey, they’d come over more often.

Audrey stopped reading again and a smile began forming on her face. They would be coming over more. Audrey flipped pages to see that Kristina wrote a lot, well it only looked like a lot because the journal was small. She was amazed at how much fun Kristina had at home. She decided to write an entry once she finished reading Kristina’s entry. She looked back down at the book and started reading once again.

That would be too unbelieveable. Yeah and JC said that they’d be supportive with the whole court thing. I’m not sure they know it but that means a lot. It’s weird how seven people like us could get along so well. It’s like we’ve known each other for a long time. I wonder how Audrey’s doing at the club. Hope she’s having a good time. I’m outtie for now.


Audrey had finished reading Kristina’s journal entry. It was almost 1:00 in the morning, she and Kristina had planned on going to Disney World since they had free passes. Since they were so tired Audrey decided to go next week instead. She looked around for a pen and soon found one and began her own journal

Dear Journal,

Well since Kristina wrote mostly about the dinner, etc. I’ll start in the limo ride. We left the restaurant and the guys wanted to go out some more. They decided on a club. We found Krisitna was sleeping. JC being a gentleman moved Kristina over so that she slept on his shoulder. He carried her up to my apartment and put her on my bed. I got her changed and that’s the last I saw of her. Justin and JC stayed at home with her just in case she woke up, and by her entry she did. Well being at the club with Joey, Lance, and Chris had its ups and downs. I danced with each of them more than once I think. Joey kept coming up with the funniest topics to talk about. Every couple minutes he’d get excited at all the new women who would come into the club. I heard he was flirtatious, just not that much. haha! But he was being a gentleman, so that’s a plus. Lance was too much, not in a bad way, well what I mean is .... he never treated me badly. He always asked if I was okay, if I was comfortable. He couldn’t have gotten any nicer. Then there came Chris. Throughout the whole night, he was just the best person. At the dinner, he pulled out my chair. At the club, he asked to buy me a drink. He asked for the first dance. I could honestly tell that he was trying to impress someone ..... I’m not sure it could be me. But then again I was the only one there.

She looked up from writing to see Kristina moving like usual. The one thing Audrey wished the most was that she would never be hurt like she was before. She left that thought and proceeded with writing again.

Well the last dance I had was with Lance, it was to my fave song, Back at One. At around the mid-way of the song, I brought up the girlfriend subject, not thinking I could ever relate to any of his stories. I was so .... wrong. He had a girlfriend who used him for her own advantage. As you know that has already happened to me, someone who I loved, used me to give him more free time. So I ran, from Lance, from the club, to the nearby park. I walked and walked for what seemed like forever. Then it started to rain. I looked up from the ground to see Chris standing a little ways from me. I was so caught up in crying that I ran straight into his arms. He held me there in the rain and told me that everything was going to be okay. Somehow I believe him. I kept crying and crying keeping him as close as possible. Out of nowhere, he began singing to me. I think he sang Here and Now. It was a really heart-felt song. Once he finished singing I looked up at him and all my tears were gone. He had done that, all with a simple song. I didn’t have a care in the world. I stood up more to reach his height and kissed him on the cheek. I saw the limo pulling up and I ran from him. I got into the limo and stared at Chris from the window. He was standing there stunned I guess. He eventually came back to the limo. The whole way home was quiet. I guess we all had reason to stay that way. This night was crazy. That’s what mostly happened. I guess I’ll end it there then.


She kept the journal open and changed into some comfortable clothes to sleep in. It was almost 2:00 at that point. She didn’t want to disturb Kristina so she pulled out the futon in the other room. After getting herself situated, she drifted off to sleep, the last thing on her mind was the park and what had happened there.

~*~ The Next Week ~*~

The alarm had gone off at 7:00, Kristina had stayed there overnight so that they could hit Disney World early. She had woken up earlier and got herself ready for today. She went to the other room, wake Audrey. She took the stereo and blasted music through the apartment, that for sure woke her up. She looked up from the futon and saw Kristina all ready to leave. “Kris, what time is it?” she asked.

“Aud, its 7:00. What time do you intend to get to the happiest place on Earth???” Kris noted while eating her cereal and reading what Audrey had written the week before. She was gone all week doing her thing at school and never gotten the time to read it. “Why didn’t you like tell me any of this??? Oh well, I’m reading it here anyway. Are you getting ready or not?”

“Yeah, yeah ... give me half an hour and we’re gone.” Audrey said trying to get up.

It was now 8:00, the two were just about ready. Kristina had already jumped into Audrey’s car. She laughed to herself thinking about how one little accident can give you five wonderful friends. Audrey finally made it to the car and they were off to Disney World. The drive seemed endless. There was nothing that the two could talk about, so they blared the music while driving down the highway. Just then on the radio, DJ Clue announced that the guys from NSYNC were on the phone line, that got Audrey’s and Kristina’s attention. “So guys tell us about the new album.” Clue asked.

Lance was the first to speak, “Well Clue, it’ll be out next year, hopefully February-March, somewhere around those months. We’ll be sending out the new single out soon also to radio sations.”

“Yeah we are really stoked about this one. We put a lot of NSYNC into this and it should be a really great album.” Justin mentioned.

“All right, so when do you guys have down time?” Clue asked.

“Well right now we are on break for about two weeks,” Joey said. “We’ve got some pretty interesting things happening to us lately, nothing to drastic, just crazy.”

“Yeah he’s right.” Chris added.

“Well thanks for giving us some of your time to talk to us,” Clue said. “Any shouts out from you guys?”

“Hmmm ..... Actually yeah. I speak for the five of us, we want to say hello to Audrey and Kristina,” JC said. “We’ve got lots more years to go and we all mean that. Good luck tomorrow. Sorry we haven’t called you two in a while, our faults not yours. We’ll call you two soon, promise.” Kristina and Audrey just stared at each other. The cars behind them were honking and yelling for Audrey to go at the light. Audrey finally kicked back to reality and started to drive on. Kristina had turned up the volume a little higher. They were all caught up in getting to Disney World that they forgot the court hearing was the next day. They continued listening while Audrey drove.

“Yup,” the rest of the guys said in unison.

“Anyone else wanna say what’s up?” Clue asked for the last time.

“Nah, just those two. We needed to give them as much luck for tomorrow as possible.” Chris said. “The two of you will be on our minds tomorrow.”

“Well, thanks again,” Clue said. “And now here’s I Drive Myself Crazy for all you NSYNC fans in O-town.” The rest of the drive was spent singing to NSYNC. What the guys had just done for them was more than awesome. It was the nicest thing they ever had done for them. They finally made it to Disney World at around 9:00 due to some back-up on the roads for people wanting to get in. Having the guys say hello to the two made their whole day. They knew that today would be a blast.

Their day went by so fast, Audrey looked at her watch to find it was 1:39. “Kris, hun, it’s 1:39 already!” Audrey said. Kristina turned around to look at Audrey.

“Are you serious? It seems like we just got here.” Kristina said. “Wanna get out of line and grab some food? I hear the burger place over in Tomorrowland’s pretty good.”

Audrey thought about it and said, “Nah let’s get on this last one, then we’ll eat. This is suppose to be the ride of the year, might as well try it out. Besides, I can hold my hunger for a little while longer.” Kristina agreed and waited some more for the line to move any further. They got off the ride at about 2:00. They had a blast. Kristina was the first to leave, she ran to the food line since it was getting longer. Audrey would eventually catch up. Just then her cell phone rang. She went to dig through her bag while walking to Kristina. She found it and answered the ringing. “Hello?” Audrey said.

“Audrey?” the voice said.

“Yeah who is this?” The voice sounded really familiar to her, but she couldn’t quite figure out who it was.

“It’s JC,” he said. “What’s up and why is it so loud around you?”

“Oh hey JC. Well Kristina and I are at Disney World right now. We had free passes and decided to use them to give us some spirit before tomorrow.”

“Oh that’s cool. Hope you’re having fun,” JC added. “You want us to call back another time later today? We don’t want to spoil your day talking to us.”

“Oh don’t worry about it JC. We are about to get some food so we can talk to you while we eat,” Audrey said. “So you’re not spoiling anything. Well here, talk to Kris, while I get out orders down.” She handed the phone to Kristina without telling her who it was. She began talking into the phone. “Hello?” Kristina said a little puzzleed, but when JC said hi she knew who it was

. “Hey JC! How are you?”

“Well I’m doing good now,” he said. “How’s Disney World?”

“Oh it’s a blast. This has been the best trip ever,” she said acting like a little girl.

“That’s good to hear. If you would have told us, we could have gone with you two,” JC noted.

“Haha very funny. You guys have better things to do then spend it here,” she said. “It would have been nice, though, but it’s ok! We did hear you on the radio on our way here.”

“Oh you did? Well we meant every word. I’m sorry to call you two at such a bad time. I told Audrey that I’ll just call you back later on ...” JC explained.

“No don’t,” she snapped. “It’s ok really. We’re just going to eat. It couldn’t have been better timing. Although Kristina couldn’t see it, that made JC smile. He clicked back into reality when Justin started running towards him to get to the phone.

“Hello?” Justin said huffing for breath. “What’s up Kris?”

“Hey Justin, I’m doing good. What’s wrong with you?”

“Oh nothing I ran over here to talk to you and Audrey when Joey told me he was calling you two.”

“Awww that’s nice of you to do that, but you didn’t have to. I’m sure JC wold have given up the phone sooner or later. Hold on be right back, gotta help Aud. Kristina got up from the table and proceeded to help Audrey with the trays. She set them down and began talking to Justin again. “Justin, ya still there?” she asked.

“Yeah still here, but it’s Lance now,” he said.

“Oh ok, that’s cool!” she said. “How are you Lance?”

“I’m doing good. I can’t talk long I have some errands to run, so I guess you can tell Audrey that I say Hello and that I’m sorry if I said something wrong at the club. Kristina was mouthing off everything Lance was saying to let Audrey know what he was telling her. Audrey grabbed the phone from her and started to explain to Lance. “Lance, its Audrey. Forget what happened at the club, it was mostly my fault for bringing it up, so don’t worry about it.”

“Ok then, if you say so,” Lance added. “Have fun you two.”

JC came back on the line. “Audrey, well we’ll leave you two to eat. You’ll be home later right? Well if you are then, we’ll drop by or something. Joey left with Lance but he sends his hellos and Chris went to take Busta for a walk. He’ll be back in an hour or so. So we’ll talk to you tonight, okay?”

“Yeah that’s fine,” Audrey said. “See ya tonight guys.”

She said her good-byes and laughed a little when she heard Justin say good-bye to Audrey and Kristina. Kristina replied by yelling good-bye in-between her bites of food. JC said his good-bye and hung up. Audrey continued to eat her food and conversing with Kristina about the guys and the rest of their stay at Disney World. After their lunch they spent about four more hours there. They packed up and were ready to leave at about 6:30. Kristina had bought so many things, something for each of the guys for being the sweethearts they were and supporting them for tomorrow. She piled them all up into Audrey’s car and they were off to her apartment. The whole way home, they listened to NSYNC’s c.d. They hadn’t a worry in the world then and that’s how they wanted to keep it. They got home at around 7:15. There was a note on the door that read:

To Audrey and Kristina:

We came by earlier and you weren’t home from Disney World yet. Something then came up and we had to leave. We’re sorry that we couldn’t hang for a while. We will talk to you later, ok? Good luck again for tomorrow. Bye.

Later days,

The guys

Audrey ripped the note off and walked inside. She stopped leaving Kristina to hit her. “Aud, what the hell?” Kristina yelled.

“Kris, look,” Audrey said stunned. Kristina looked inside the room to see flowers and little notes everywhere. The two walked in some more to find more flowers, balloons, and other little things scattered in each room. There in the middle of the room on the table was a bigger card written by each of the guys. It read:

To Kristina and Audrey,

Good luck tomorrow, hope you get to stay with Audrey. Kristina, whatever happens will for a reason, same towards you Audrey. Keep us in mind and nothing will go wrong promise.


To Audrey and Kristina,

Kick some court ass tomorrow! You’ll be on our minds throughout the whole ordeal. Hopefully you’ll be thinking of us crazy people too. Now get some rest. You’ve got some serious things happening tomorrow which will beniefit someone in the long run. Bye now.



I agree with Joey, kick some ass! Haha, I promise everything will be great when it’s over. You’ll be with Kristina and you’ll be together as a family. Busta says good luck too, ya know in that lil puppy dog way! Take tons of care and get some rest tonight. We’ll see you soon!!!!


To Audrey and Kristina,

Thanks for telling JC and me about this. Sorry we had to tell the others, they really wanted to know. So don’t be mad. They are as supportive as we are. Just think only one more day and you’ll be with Audrey and in a way closer to us. Take care of each other.



Well, what else can I say besides everything that the rest of the guys said. I want to thank you for telling me all this. It shows that you trust us and that’s what we need, trust. I’m sorry we couldn’t hang out any time tonight. We will talk to you when we find out the case is over, so expect a call after the court trial. Good luck from me and from all of us. We’ll keep you in mind, and hey, we’ll take you out to lunch after. Sound good? Okay, I’ll call you later.


The girls were in tears, to think that they could care so much in so little time. They left everything where it was a left again in search of the guys. They needed to thank them personally and it couldn’t wait til tomorrow. Audrey locked up and went down to the car with Kristina. Off they went to look for the guys

To Be Continued…

Chapter 5