Chapter 8

“So where do you think the guys are taking us?” Shel asked.

“I’m not really sure,” Kristina said putting her hair up in a ponytail.

“Better not be anywhere fun cuz I’m still not feeling too well,” Audrey said heading to the bathroom to change.

“Goodness, Aud, just ruin the fun for us two!” Shel said heading for the door.

“Whatever I’m not ruining anything, I’m just saying that I don’t want myself throwing up everywhere in front of the guys!” she said from inside the bathroom.

“Ok you two, enough, where ever they take us should be good and besides Chris probably knows you’re still not feeling well so he’ll make sure to take us somewhere where you don’t have to do much,” Kristina said making her bed.

The guys had finished with the dishes and such and were getting themselves ready. It was nearing 1:00 when finally everyone was ready.

“Hey ya’ll, let’s get going,” Justin said heading for the door.

“Ummm ... Justin do you even know where we are headed to?” Joey asked.

“Actually no,” Justin said laughing.

“Besides, the girls aren’t down here yet,” JC said.

“I say we all go and play some miniature golf. I’m sure they’ll give us a course to ourselves. Doesn’t your friend work there Joe?” Chris said.

“Yeah, he does. I’ll call him and ask.”

“Ok this will be just fine, since Aud’s still not feeling too well.” Chris said.

“Yeah, that’s right, ok so call already Joey.” JC said.

“Aye, aye, Captain!” Joey said sarcastically.

The girls made their way downstairs in a line. They all decided to wear jeans and a baby tee so they would be comfortable with whatever the guys would be choosing to do. The guys looked over and whistled at them causing each of them to blush terribly. “Ok guys enough with the whistling. These girls are seventeen you know!” Audrey said sitting herself down.

“We decided on miniature golf over at Joey’s friend’s work.” Chris said.

“Oh ya know what, that actually sounds like fun.” Shelley said sitting with Justin.

“Good then it’s settled, I just got off the phone with Jared and he said that it’d be okay to give us a course for ourselves the whole day.” Joey said. “So let’s go already!”

“Let’s see there’s eight of us ...” Justin said.

“Oh my goodness, Justin did you count all of us all my yourself?” Shelley said sarcastically.

“Very funny, you are so getting it from me when we play,” Justin said.

“I’m scared.” She said with even more sarcasm.

“Anyways, as I was saying, there are four cars here. We can either go two by two, which is too much, or go four and four in two cars.”

“Let’s so four and four, so we’ll have less cars.” Audrey said.

“Ok, I’ll drive,” JC said.

“I’ll drive too,” Chris said, “I wouldn’t want Kristina driving me anywhere.”

“I heard that!” Kristina yelled getting into JC’s car.

Justin and Shelley rode with JC. Chris, Audrey, Lance and Joey were in the other car. Chris’ car went first since he knew where to go. His car rode mostly in silence so that Audrey wouldn’t be as irritated and annoyed due to not feeling well. JC’s car in the other hand was as loud as ever.

“Hey guys, I haven’t played miniature golf since like eighth grade!” Kristina said excitedly.

“Whoa calm down, babe! Let’s not make a big deal out of it!” JC said trying to calm her down a tad.

“I can’t JC, I’m just off the wall right now!”

“JC, it’s ok, this is what we at school call “The Phase” when it comes to Kris. She’ll get extremely hyper and won’t shut up for hours. She gets in trouble in class for it all the time.” Shelley said.

“Kris?? Getting in trouble at school?? Oh no not my girl!” JC said over-exaggerating.

“What is this madness? Pick on Kristina day??? I am so not loved anymore!! Where did I go wrong??” Kristina said slouching down in the chair.

“Kris, if it’s any conciliation, I still love you!” Justin said feeling a bit insecure for just saying that.

“Awww ... thank you Justin! At least someone loves me!” Kristina said making it easily referable to JC and Shelley.

Just as the cars turned the corner, a NSYNC song came up. “Here’s to all the NSYNC fan’s out there, the first song to ever come from these talented guys, ‘I Want You Back’ ... Can’t wait til you guys come out with new slammin songs!” Dj Clue said.

At that point Kristina was overjoyed to be hearing them on the radio. JC went to turn it down but Kristina stopped him and turned it up even higher. Shelley was getting into the song and sang along with Kristina. “.... so don’t hang up the phone now ... I’m trying to figure out just what to do ... I’m going crazy without you ...” Kristina and Shelley sang. “You’re all I ever wanted, You’re all I ever needed (Yeah), so tell me what to do now, when I want you back!” To JC and Justin this was absolute comedy. They have never seen fans of theirs singing their songs with so much hype as the two girls had. They were singing off the top of their lungs without a care in the world. Justin couldn’t help himself and sang as loudly and Kristina and Shelley were. JC didn’t want to feel left out so he was singing right along with the three.

Audrey looked back and saw the crazed people in JC’s car. “Hey guys, look at JC’s car. They are just a bit too hyper! I think Kristina’s “Phase” is kicking in.”

“Huh?” Joey and Lance said.

“ ‘The Phase’ is when Kris gets all hyper and can’t shut up. So I bet that’s what is going on back there.”

The guys couldn’t help but imagine what JC and Justin were going through. They all looked back again and saw that they were all going insane together.

“Well at least they are having fun back there!” Chris said puling into the building.

The song ended and the four were laughing like there was no tomorrow. “I would never believe that I would have that much fun singing one of our songs!” JC said almost out of breath.

“Damn I agree, that was trippin’ Kris!” Justin said giving her a high five.

“Thank you, thank you!” Kristina said getting out of the car and taking a bow.

Joey and Audrey went inside to get the course ready. Chris and Lance made their way over to JC and the rest of them.

“Would the four of you like to come inside? Or are ya’ll too tired to play from all the commotion during the ride here?” Lance said.

“Oh no, we’ll play. Kris was just getting us hyped up for a fun day.” JC said walking to the door with his arm wrapped around Kristina.

“Yeah, she was. But it was fun so I’m not complaining.” Justin said pushing Shelley to the door.

“All right, I think!” Chris said following the four along with Lance.

It was around 1:45 when everyone was ready to play. Kristina was holding everyone up trying to figure out which golf club and golf ball to use. She finally decided on a pair and they were ready to play. The teams were divided into groups of fours. It was arranged the same way the car arrangement was to make it easier on everyone.

“Okay, JC, Kris, and the rest of you are doing Course 1, while Lance, Aud, Chris and I are going to run through Course 8. So let the games begin! Have fun!” Joey said walking to their first hole.

“Okay guys, do you mind if I not play in this round? I just want to kick back a little while.” Audrey said taking a seat on the bench.

“Yeah sure go ahead,” Lance said. “Unless you’re just backing down cuz ya don’t know how to play.”

“Oh don’t start with me ‘Poofu’” Audrey said. “I know perfectly well how to play this game. Just wait til I feel like playing then be aware of some butt kicking coming soon after.”

“Ouch Lance, I’d say she’s threatening you!” Chris said. “That’s my girl!”

“Whatever, let’s just play already.”

~*~ On Course 1 ~*~

“So how are we going to play?” JC said.

“Well JC, this is called a golf ball. Over there is the hole you have to put the golf ball in. You need to try to get the ball into the hole in as less shots as possible, understand?” Shelley said sarcastically.

“Ok Shelley, thank you for you sarcasm,” Justin said.

“You’re welcome!” she said.

“High five, Shel! Good job!” Kristina said laughing.

“Thank you, Kris, at least my sarcasm is appreciated!”

The four played their game and headed back to the others. “Hey guys, we’re done, no more for us.” Justin said sitting down.

“Aww, poor baby, is someone mad for being beaten?” Kristina said sitting on his lap.

“Nope, I’ll admit it was fun losing, right Shel?” Justin said holding Kristina close.

“Yep, he’s right, losing was fun,” she said walking back from the refreshment stand with JC.

“Ha, but winning’s better.” JC said. He was having awkward feeling about the position Justin and Kristina were sitting in. He felt like taking Kristina from Justin. Instead he just shrugged it off.

Joey and Lance were finishing up their turn while Audrey and Chris sat with the others. Audrey played a couple holes but that was about it. She had been starting to feel a lot worse than she was earlier that morning.

“I’m glad you four had fun,” Audrey said. “I haven’t been playing much but they seem to understand.

“Aud, you ok? You’re not looking to good right now.” Chris said sitting over with Audrey and holding her close.

“Umm... I’m... O..”

“Audrey??? Audrey say something!” Chris said looking at Audrey who collapsed in his arms.

Everyone, including Joey and Lance, ran over to her and Chris.

“Chris? What happened? Audrey wake up!” Kristina said practically yelling and almost tearing up.

“I think she’s just tired and needs rest. She wasn’t feeling well. So Kris, can it with the yelling!” Justin said trying to calm her down.

“I’m sorry, I’m just worried about her that’s all. She’s been trying so hard to get better and spend time with you guys. With your schedule and all it’s hard to just kick back ya know.” Kristina said.

“Yeah, I can say this for all of us when I say she’s right. But anyway, Audrey should get some rest. We have all weekend, it’s not going to ruin anything.” Lance said.

“No guys, hear me out. I’ll take Audrey back to Justin’s and I’ll stay with her all day! You six spend the rest of the day with each other. I’m sure Audrey won’t mind.” Chris said.

“I don’t see a problem with that?” JC said. “Anyone disagree?”

Everyone replied saying it was okay. Kristina on the other hand was a little hesitant. “I don’t know, I mean I just want her to be okay.”

“Kris, she’s not dying. Chris will take care of her just fine, I’m sure of it.” Shelley said giving her a hug.

“Ok then it’s settled, I’ll take my car, since JC’s jeep will fit all six of you.” Chris said walking the now woken Audrey to the exit. He soon got her situated and drove off to Justin’s house.

“Kristina, come here,” JC said with open arms. Kristina went as asked and slipped inside his arms. “Look, she’ll be fine, I promise. If you don’t have a good time today then blame it all on me. But I promise you she’ll be okay, she just needs rest. We’ll have a blast today and you wouldn’t want to waste those precious moments with me now would you?”

“Oh please, with you? No I was looking forward to spending my time with Joey.” She said walking to Joey. She looked back at JC and saw the hurt expression on his face.

“So Joey, what are our plans for today?”

“Well babe, I was saying a romantic dinner, movie, and back to my place.” Joey said playing along.

“Oooh, sounds nice.”

The others couldn’t help but laugh at the two. JC was beyond crushed. He started for the door to the arcade. The look on his face was priceless and Kristina just couldn’t hold it in any longer, Joey too. She freed herself from Joey and ran to JC.

“JC, stop!” Kristina said grabbing his arm. “I’m sorry, you know how much I love spending my time with you. I cherish every moment of it. I just needed to ease my stress and Joey was the perfect victim.”

“Hey!” Joey said.

“You know I love you!”

“Yeah I know,” he said feeling content.

“Anyway, as I was saying, I would never think of cutting you out of my plans. Never. So stop pouting!” She said taking him into her arms.

“Aww.. now if that isn’t a Kodak moment!” Lance said. “What is?”

“Can it, let’s do something else.” JC said walking inside with Kristina in arm to their private room. Everyone followed the two inside eager to know what crazed ideas JC would come up with.

~*~ In Chris’ Car ~*~

“Hey Aud, how ya holding up?” Chris said trying to make conversation.

“I’ve been better.”

“You scared the daylights out of me! You don’t have to brave this up for us. That’s why I am taking you to Justin’s to rest.”

“Thank you,” Audrey said in a whisper.

“Don’t worry about it. I just want you better so the two of us can spend some quality time together before we leave for Hawaii.”

“That would be nice,” She said looking out the window. “I’m sorry Kris and I couldn’t come with. We’ve been really busy and we kinda already had plans for New Years with Shelley. Sort of like a ‘Girls Night’ ya know.”

“Oh, it’s no problem. There are plenty of other opportunities where you two can travel with us somewhere.”

“You really mean that?” She said looking at him.

“Yes of course. We can’t get rid of you two so we might as well bring ya along.” He joked.

“Can’t get rid of us? We can’t get rid of you five!” She said laughing.

Chris’ car pulled into the driveway. Chris got out and helped Audrey to the door. He ordered her to go upstairs and rest while he went and looked for food to bring up to her to eat. She followed and made her way upstairs. After about five minutes of contemplating to himself what to get her, he yelled to her.

“Aud, ya want anything in particular to eat? There’s lots of food to choose from.” When he heard no response he ran upstairs to check on her. He got upstairs and swung the door open to find Audrey sleeping peacefully at the edge of the bed still clothed in her jeans and tee. He carries her to the other side of the bed and tucked her in as gently as he could.

“Get better Audrey. Don’t ever scare us like that again. You’re to precious to lose, to special ... to me.” Chris said to Audrey’s sleeping body. He left her and headed downstairs to watch some tube to pass the time. He had already prepared food for Audrey and left it on the dining table for when she’d wake up. He turned on the television and started channel surfing. He found himself falling asleep on the couch with his last thought being Audrey.

~*~ Back at the Arcade ~*~

“Hey guys, it’s 3:00 and I’d like to do something else now.” Joey said.

“Hey why don’t we catch a flick? We do have those free passes ya know.” Lance mentioned.

“Free passes? And how did you snag those?” Shelley asked.

“Long story. We were on break from tour this past summer and we all decided to watch a movie. We got there and fifteen minutes into the movie a couple fans came up to ask for autographs. Next thing ya know everyone in the theater approached us for autographs ending the movie there. So the manager gave us passes to use and next time we want to go the theater’s all ours. So shall we?” JC said.

They all agreed and Justin proceeded to call the theaters. Five minutes later he came back with the news. “Okay, it’s settled, the only movie that wasn’t sold out was Toy Story 2 at 3:45. So I told him that was what we were going to watch.” To his surprised the others gladly accepted the movie offer

. “That’s cool man, I mean we have “minors” with us, we wouldn’t want to torment their little minds with all the violence seen in movies.” Joey joked.

“Minors? Please we are probably more mature then you’ll ever be!” Kristina and Shelly both snapped.

“Ouch, the things we say to get stabbed in the back.”

“Aww.. Joey we love you!” The two girls said running over to give him a hug.

“Okay, enough of all the mushy stuff, let’s get moving.” Lance said.

The group made it to the theaters just in time. They headed for the manager’s office and got situated. The manager, Mr. Clark, showed them to their theater and took down orders for food to eat. Twenty minutes later, Mr. Clark came back with the food. Since they had the entire theater to roam about, they all seated themselves far from each other. Joey and Lance were down at the bottom. Justin and Shelley were four rows above them. JC and Kristina were three more rows upward. It was stadium seating so the seats were great. The lights were dimmed and the movie previews began.

Halfway into the movie Kristina’s eyes began wandering the theater. She looked down to see Joey and Lance completely indulged in the movie. She ventured to Justin and Shelley who were sitting rather closely. The bar in-between the seats was raised and the two were cuddling together.

“Kris ya want some candy? Kris???” JC asked hovering the box in front of her face.

“What? Oh no thanks, I’m good.” She said returning to the movie.

“Whatcha staring at?”

“Nothing. Just wanted to see how the others were holding up. Look at those two. How cute do they look?”

“Very cute actually. Now get back to the movie. It’s actually pretty good.” JC said looking up from his popcorn and candy.

“If only I were a few years older, JC and I could be doing that same exact thing.” She said in a whisper.

“What was that?” JC asked confused.

“Nothing, just commenting on the movie. That’s all.” She said rather embarrassed. She continued on watching the movie trying to clear her head. The six of them would be in there for a long time since Mr. Clark said he’d show them two features since the crowd was dying down a bit.

~*~ Back at Justin’s ~*~

Audrey had woken up to the sun reaming through the curtains. She got up and changed into some sweats and a t-shirt. She headed back for the bed but was stopped when her stomach growled.

“I wonder if there’s any food?” She said out loud to herself.

She made her way downstairs and went straight for the kitchen. She didn’t even see Chris sleeping on the couch.

“What do I want? Tough choice, Lynn just went to the grocery and there’s tons of food. Do I want a sandwich? Chicken? Pasta?”

She looked over and saw Chris lying on the couch. From where she was standing she couldn’t see that he was asleep so she ran and jumped over the back of the couch and on top of him. “What the??” He said rather shocked.

“Oh my goodness! Chris, I didn’t know you were asleep! Honest!” She said getting off him.

“I think I’ll live. Just a little sore but okay.”

“I’m sorry again!”

“That’s ok, hun. I see you’re doing much better now. The rest did you some good and now you’re in top shape. Glad to see that.” He said sitting up.

“Yep, I’m all better now. I went to grab some food then I saw you and you know everything that happens after.”

“What time is it?” He said staring at his wrist.

“It’s almost 4:30. Kris, Shel, and the others aren’t back yet. They’ll probably pull an all nighter since you are leaving for Hawaii.”

“Yeah, well at least we’ll have some time together,” He said wrapping his arm around her.

“How many times have ya said that today Chris?”

“Probably a lot, but I mean it everytime.”

“You’re the best.” She said a bit out loud.

“I know, you don’t have to tell me everyday.”

Audrey blushed rapidly. She didn’t mean for him to hear what she just said. But what was done was through with. She sat there in Chris’ arms and the two of them watched some television.

Audrey got up at 5:00 to find Chris asleep yet again. She decided to order them some food for dinner. She got up and kissed Chris on the forehead and walked out to the kitchen. Chris stirred after he was kissed. He reached around for Audrey and found her missing. He turned around and watched her do what she was doing. He was so mesmerized by the way she moved, the way she talked into the phone, the way she gets confused, everything about her. Chris saw her turn back to the couch and immediately turned to face the t.v.

“Chris? You weren’t just watching me were you?”

“Umm ... No of course not,” He said rather embarrassed.

“Really?” She said slyly.

“Okay, I was. I’m sorry. You’re just looking amazingly gorgeous right now that’s all.”

He said getting twice as embarrassed as before.

Audrey didn’t know exactly how to respond to what she just heard. She couldn’t make out if he was just messing around with her or if he really truly meant what he said. So many thoughts raced through her head in such a short period of time.

“Umm .. thanks Chris. I think I should go upstairs and get cleaned up so we can do something later.”

“Ok sounds good.” He said hoping something else would have happened.

She got up and started for the stairs. Without thinking she turned back to Chris and kissed him sweetly but passionately on the lips. Their eyes both closed. Audrey pulled away to see Chris’ eyes still closed. She walked back up the stairs with a million and one feelings running through her mind. Chris, on the other hand, was beyond stunned. Saying he was shocked would truly be an understatement.


To Be Continued…

Chapter 9