Chapter 1

He walked out of his room. He was glad to be home. He really missed his family and his BED. He had been on tour for the last 6 months, he had a month off, then they started tour again. When he got to the kitchen he saw a bowl of Apple Jacks, a glass of milk, and a note on the table. He went over picked up the note and read it.

Hey sweetie. Had to go to work early, left you some breakfast. Jon should still be sleep, could you stay with him until the babysitter arrives at about 9:00. Go have fun today. Have the guys come over for supper tonight at about 6:30. It's good to have you home.

Love Mom

He looked at the clock, it was 8:00. He sat down and ate his breakfast. Then he went to check on Jon. He was still asleep, so he went to take a shower and get dressed. Just as he was stepping out of the shower heard the doorbell ring. He wrapped a towel around himself and went to get it.

She rang the doorbell and stood there for a minute. She was about to ring it again when the door opened. There stood a really cute guy with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was dripping wet so she guessed she had interrupted his shower. "I guess you're Justin," she said. Lynn had told Abby that her oldest son would be coming home. "My name is Abby. I'm the babysitter." With that he must have realized what he was wearing because he turned bright red.

"Yeah, I'm Jusin. Come in." He moved out of the doorway to let her in. "Nice to meet you. Jon is still alseep. I'm going to go get dressed." And with that he ran up the stairs. She decided to check on Jon. He was still asleep. "He must have had a big night last night," she said to herself. Then she heard the phone ring. She went to answer it. "Harless house," she said.

"Um, yes. Is Justin there?" The voice on the other line asked.

"Yes, but he is getting dressed right now. Can I take a message?"

"Yeah. Tell him JC called."

"Ok, I'll tell him. Bye"

"Thanks. Bye."

Abby went and sat down on the couch in the living room. She started reading the book she always carried with her. She got so into the book, she didn't hear Justin walk in the room. He stood there and watched her for a minute, then said, "Good book?"

She looked up shocked, "Yeah. It's pretty good. Someone called for you. He said his name was JC."

"Ok, thanks." He left to go call JC back.

JC answered, "Hello?"

"Hey JC. What did you need?"

"Hey Curly. We're going to Universal. We wanted to know if you wanted to go."

"Who's all going?"

"Just Lance, Kesha, and me. Chris and Joey went to see their moms."

"Yeah, I'll go. Do you mind if I bring Jon with me? I want to spend some time with him."

"Of course not. I want to see the little guy. By the way, who was that girl who answered the phone earlier?"

"That's Jon's babysitter. She'll probably come too."

"Ok. We'll pick you up in half an hour."

"Ok, see you then."

"Ok. Bye."

Justin went to get Jon up but Abby had already gotten him. They were in the kitchen eating breakfast. Justin walked into the kitchen and said, "Hey buddy. Did you sleep good?"


"Do you want to go to Universal with JC and Lance?"


"Well lets finish your breakfast first," Abby said.

"Justin can Abby come too?"

"Sure. That's a good idea, Jon."

"No. I don't want to intrude."

"You wouldn't be intruding. It's just a couple of my friends. Plus Jon really wants you to go."

"Please, Abby. Please come," Jon begged.

She looked at his pleading face and said, "Ok, I'll go."

To Be Continued

Chapter 2
