Chapter 2

JC, Kesha, and Lance pulled up to Justin's house in JC's Jeep. JC honked the horn and Jon came running out, following closely behind him was a tall brunette. JC guessed she was the babysitter. Jon ran to JC as he got out of the Jeep. JC picked him up and gave him a big hugh. "Hi, Jon."

"Hi, JC."

"What about me? Don't I get a hug?" Lance asked. Kesha and him had gotten out of the Jeep. Jon ran over to Lance and jumped in Lance's arms knocking him down. Everyone started laughing.

"Thanks bud," Lance said to the child on top of him.

"Your welcome," Jon said still laughing.

"Jon, I want to you meet my girlfriend Kesha," JC said.

"Hi," Kesha said.

"Hi," Jon said shyly.

"Don't start getting shy on me," JC said. Then Justin came out of the house. He looked at Jon, still setting on Lance and shook his head.

He said, "Hi guys." Then he walked over to Kesha and gave her a hug. "It's good to see you. It's been awhile."

"Yeah I know. I really missed all you guys. And of course I didn't even get to see Chris."

"You mean you didn't see him before he went to his mom's?"

"Nope. He left before I came this morning."

"Kesha, I'm sorry." Then he hugged her again. JC and Abby watched them closely. JC was still afraid they had feelings for each other, even though they both swore they were just friends. Abby wondered why Justin was the one hugging Kesha if she was JC's girlfriend.

"Hi there," Lance said to Abby.


"My name is Lance. What is yours?"

"My name's Abby. I'm Jon's babysitter. I'm guessing you're one of Justin's friends."


"Sorry guys. This is Abby. She's Jon's babysitter. Abby, this is JC, his girlfriend Kesha, and Lance."

"Hi," she said meekly.

"Let's go," Jon said pulling on Abby's hand. They all piled into the Jeep. JC,and Kesha in the front and Justin, Abby, Jon, and Lance in the back. They all chatted on the ride there. When they all piled out of the Jeep, Jon said, "Abby, I have to go to the bathroom."

"I'll take you, Jon," Justin said.

"No, I want Abby to take me."

"It's ok. I'll take him," Abby said. She took his hand and they headed towards the bathroom.

Once she was out of earshot, JC asked, "Does she know who we are?"

"I don't know. She doesn't act like she does," Justin said.

"Guys, look whose coming," Lance said pointing toward a goup of teenyboppers heading their way.

"Oh great. Here we go," Kesah said stepping back out of the way.

As Abby and Jon headed bck to the guys she noticed a group of young girls gathered around the guys. Kesha was standing away from the group. She walked up to Kesha and said, "Doesn't this get old? I mean you must get a lot of attention going out with a member of NSYNC."

"So you do know who they are?"

"Of course. I wouldn't be a teenager if I didn't know who they were."

"Yeah it gets real old being pushed out of the way so he can sign autographs."

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you and JC meet?"

"No, I don't mind. Chris Kirkpatrick is my cousin and last summer I went on tour with them and fell in love with JC."

"How old are you? I'm sorry, it's none of my business."

"It's ok. I'm 17. I know there is a huge age difference but I'm in love. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"

"No not at all."

"How old are you?"

"I'm 17 too."

"Abby, I'm going over by Justin," Jon said.

Abby looked and saw that most of the girls were gone and said, "Ok,"

"Have you always lived in Orlando?" Kesha asked.

"Yeah. Most of my life."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, but I do have a really annoying ex-boyfriend who won't leave me alone."

"That sucks."

"I know." Then they saw the guys headed for them.

"Here they come to grace us with their presence," Kesha said.

"Bitter are we?"

"I guess I am a little bit."

"Well, from what I've seen, you have a right to be."


JC walked up to Kesha, kissed her on the check, and said, "What are you ladies talking about?"

"Girl stuff. You wouldn't be interested," Kesha said.

"Oh really, try me," JC said.

"Um.... NO," Kesha said.

"So Abby do you know who we are now?" Lance asked.

"I've always known you guys were NSYNC. I just never said anything." She took Jon's hand and started walking away. They all followed her.

"You knew all along and you didn't say anything," Justin said.

"Yeah. Just because I know who you are and like your music doesn't mean I'm going to act like some teenybopper and go around screaming when I see you."

"Well, I think you should have been curtious enought to tell me you knew who I am," Justin said.

She stopped dead in her tracks and said, "I'm sorry. I thought I was being curtious. I thought you would enjoy not being recognized for once."

"Well, I guess you were wrong weren't you," Justin said.

Abby said, "I better go." She started running back towards the parking lot.

"Justin, that was mean," Lance said. Then he ran after her.

"What is wrong with you? Why did you say that?" Kesha asked. Then she shook her head and went after Lance and Abby.

"Man, what's wrong with you?" JC asked.

"I don't know. I don't know why I said that."

"Why did you make Abby run away?" Jon asked.

Justin picked him up and said, "I don't know, Jon. I just don't know."

"I think you need to go apologize," Jon said.

"I will. JC will you watch Jon?"

"Yes. Go!"

He found all three of them at the Jeep. Abby was crying, Lance was trying to comfort her, and Kesha was trying to talk to her. He walked up and said, "Abby, can I talk to you for a minute. In private?"

Abby surpressed her tears and said, "Yeah, sure. Would you excuse me for a minute." She followed him away from the Jeep.

"Abby, I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that. I didn't mean it."

"Then why did you say it?"

"I don't know. I guess I was shocked. People usually tell me if they recognize me."

"I'm sorry, Justin, that is no excuse. What you said hurt me."

"I know. There is no excuse for what I said. I am very sorry." He got down on his knees begging. "Can you ever forgive me?"

She started laughing. "Yeah. I forgive you. Now get up." he stood up and hugged her.

"Thanks for forgiving me."

"Don't worry about it."

Then Abby felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to find Kevin there. "Oh no. Of all places you have to be here."

"Abby, is that anyway to greet your boyfriend."

BOYFRIEND! Justin thought.

"Kevin, we are not going out anymore. We broke up two months ago. Remeber?"

Kevin ignored what she had said noticing the guy behind her. "Is this guy bothering you?" He took a step toward Justin. Lance saw this and started walking towards them.

Abby got in front of Kevin and pushed him back. By this time Lance was by Justin's side. Abby said, "Kevin, these are my friends Lance and Justin. Guys, this is my EX-boyfriend Kevin. He has a problem realizing we broke up. Now lets get back to Jon. Bye, Kevin." She linked arms with Lance and Justin and walked away.

She heard Kevin yell, "I'll call you later."

The guys started to turn around but she pulled them on. "Just let it go."

"You went out with that guy?" Justin asked.

"Yeah. He was sweet in the begining, but he changed. He became obsessive and controlling. I broke if off and he said he would never let me go. Now every time I see him he acts like we are still together. He just won't get over it and move on."

When they got back to JC, Kesha, and Jon they told them what happened. Then they went on with their day having fun.

At about 3:00 Jon said he was tired so they went home. When they got back to Justin's house Lance decided to stay with Justin and Abby because JC and Kesha wanted to spend some time alone.

Before they left Justin said, "You guys are to be here at 6:30 to eat with us. My mom wants us all here."

"Ok, we'll be here," JC said, then they drove off. The others went in and put Jon down for a nap. They sat around and watched T.V. for the rest of the afternoon.

Lynn came home at 5:00. She was suprisesd to see Justin and Lance there. "Why are you guys here?"

"Well, I do live here don't I?" Justin said standing up and giving his mom a hug and kiss.

"Yeah. I just figured you would be out doing something."

"We went to Universal this morning but Jon got tired, so we came home," Justin said.

"That was sweet of you to spend the day with your little brother."

"I had fun with the little guy."

"That's good. I'm going to go start supper."

"Oh, I almost forgot, Chris and Joey won't be coming. They went to see their mommies."

"That's ok. Less is more."

"JC is bringing Kesha."

"That's fine. Abby, why don't you stay too," Lynn said.

"I don't want to intrude," Abby said.

"You wouldn't be intruding. You are like part of the family. Plus everyone wants you to stay don't we?" Everyone said yes.

"OK, I'll go call my mom." She left for a couple of minutes then came back and said, "She said it's ok."

"Good. I'll go start cooking then." Then she left the room.

"I should probably go check on Jon," Abby said.

"OK," Justin said. Abby got up and left the room. "What do you think of her, Lance?"

"She's a great girl."

"I really like her. She's beautiful and she knows how to handle herself. She proved that this morning. She's wonderful."

"You should go for it. You two would make a great couple," Lance said.

"Thanks man. I appriciate the support."

"You're welcome." They sat in silence until they heard to doorbell ring. Justin jumped up to answer it, but Abby beat him to the door. She opened it and there was JC and Kesha.

Justin said, "What are you doing here so early? It's only 5:30."

"I know," JC said. "We just thought we would come early and hang out with you."

"That's cool. Come in," Justin said. They all went into the living room and sat down. "Hey, what do you guys want to do after supper?"

"Why don't we go to a club?" JC said.

"16 and over," Kesha said.

"That's right. I keep forgeting you're not 18 yet." JC said. Kesha slapped him and he kissed her.

"That sounds good," Justin said. "What does everyone else think."

"Yeah sure," Lance said.

"What about you Abby?" Justin said.

"Um, I can't. I have plans for tonight. I have to meet my friends at the beach at 8:00."

"What's happening at the beach?" Lance asked.

"A few of my friends are having a bonfire," Abby said.

"Cool. Do you mind if we tag along with you? It sounds like fun," Justin said.

"No, I don't mind. I would love to have you guys come with me and meet my friends."

To Be Continued.....

Chapter 3
