Chapter 3

Warning: This contains a sex scene so if you are offended by this please don't read.

Later that night at the bonfire, all the girls were going crazy because 3 members of NSYNC were at their bonfire. Abby and Kesha took this chance to take a walk.

"I don't see how you handle this. It is driving me crazy and I'm not even seeing one of them," Abby said.

"And don't start. Abby, promise me that you will never date one of them. Please promise me."

"Ok. Ok. I promise. I'm not their type anyway." With that Kesha sat down in the sand. Abby followed her lead. "Why are you making me promise this? I would think you would be an abdacator of anyone who wanted to date a member of NSYNC."

"Yeah, so they can feel like me. Always being pushed aside to sign autographs. To never be trusted."

"What do you mean by that?"

"If you date one of them, he will always believe you love one of the other guys."

"Oh. JC thinks you like Justin."

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I kinda felt some tension there this morning. And I guess I just put it all together."

"Well you're smart. Do you know why me and JC came back early this afternoon?"


"Well, we got into a fight about Justin. I told JC I didn't have any feelings for Justin. And Justin obviously likes you so how could he have feelings for me."


"Oh no."

"Justin likes me?"

"Yeah. It's abvious. I guess I figured you knew."

"Nope. Had no idea. Why does this always happen to me?"

"What? I figured you would be happy."

"Kesha, it's complicated. He is a great guy and a great friend but I can't get involved with anyone right now."

"Just let him down easy. He's been hurt too many times before."

"Kesha, I don't want to hurt him."

"Then you need to tell him. Tonight."

"I will. Kesha?"

"You're a great friend." Then Abby started crying. Kesha gave her a hug. All the sudden they heard laughing.

"You know what, I think we were being spied on," Kesha said.

"I wonder how much they heard."

"I don't know. Just follow my lead."

"Ok." Kesha got up and looked at who was laughing. It was JC and Justin. Abby stood up behind her. Kesha started walking back to the bonfire. As she walked past JC he tried to grab her hand to stop her but she pulled away and kept walking. Abby followed her ignoring the guys.

"What did I do?" JC asked.

"I don't know, maybe you just go caught spying on your girlfriend. Wow, she looks pissed."

"Thanks, Justin. That helps a lot. And I wasn't spying."

"Your welcome." Then JC slapped him on the back of his head and started walking after Kesha.

"Ouch, man. That hurt."

Kesha and Abby got back to the bonfire; JC close on their heels. Kesha walked up to Lance and said, "Lance, can you take me home?"

"You can drive my car," Kesha said and threw him her keys. Lance looked stunned and confused but he took her anyway.

JC walked up to Abby and asked, "Where's Kesha?"

"Lance took her home."

"How did he do that?"

"He drove my car."

"Oh, I see. Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah I guess so."

"In private."

"Ok, hold on a sec." She went and told her best friend, Ronnie where she would be Then she went with JC.

"What? Don't you trust me?" JC asked. "No, it's not that. She just has a cow if she doesn't know where I am, or hear from me every once-in-awhile."

"Oh, I see. The whole overprotective friend bit huh?"

"She has right to be," Abby said with a distant look in her eyes.

"Oh really, why is that?"

"I don't really want to talk about it. Didn't you have a question to ask me?"

"Yeah. What did I do that was so wrong? Justin and I wanted to come see you two. We didn't know you were having a heart to heart.

"JC, she's upset because she thought you were spying on us. That's why she left.

"Oh my God! I wasn't spying I swear."

"I believe you. Now you have to go talk to her."

"Can I borrow your car?"


"Thanks, Abby." He reached out and gave her a hug. She stiffened. Just then Justin walked up the beach. He saw JC and Abby hugging. He turned around and walked back to the bonfire.

Kesha was sitting at home alone. Her parents were gone for the week. She just couldn't see why JC would spy on her. Why didn't he trust her? Just then the doorbell rang. She realized she hadn't even turned the lights on. "It's probably Lance. He probably can't find his way back to the beach." She opened the door and there stood JC.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," Kesha said.

"Can I come in and explain?" Kesha nodded her head yes. They went into the livingroom. JC sat on the couch and Kesha sat in one of the chairs. "I want to tell you I wasn't spying on you. I love you and trust you. I would never spy on you."


"Yes. I would never spy on you. Never."

"I'm sorry I overreacted. But after the fight we had this afternoon......"

JC interupted her. "That was all my fault. I know you don't like Justin."

"You're right. I don't. I love you." She walked over to him, sat on his lap, and kissed him passionately. They kissed for awhile, then Kesha reached down and untucked his shirt. She reached up his shirt and rubbed his chest and stomach. Kesha pulled away and took off her shirt.

"Kesha, we can't. You're parents."

"They're gone for the week. Took my brother with them."

"We should be getting back to the bonfire. Everyone will wonder where we are."

"Let them wonder." She lifted up his shirt and started kissing his chest. She kept kissing him, moving down to his stomach. She started to unbutton his pants. He stopped her. "JC, what's wrong? Don't you want to?"

"Kesha, of course I do." He got up and went to the window. "But you are only 17. You are too young. Plus your parents would kill me. They would never trust me alone with you again."

Kesha walked over to him and slipped her arms around his waist. "JC. Turn around and look at me." He did, but she didn't let go of him. "JC, baby, I love you. I am ready for this. I am. I have thought about this a lot and I'm ready. My parents will never have to know. We just won't tell anyone."

JC looked into her eyes for a long time. Then he leaned down and kissed her. Kesha felt JC unhook the clasp on her bra. She let it fall to the floor. Kesha pulled away and pulled JC's shirt off. Then she took his hand and led him to her bedroom. They finished undressing each other and laid down on the bed.

Back at the bonfire, Abby had stayed out on the beach away from the others. She wanted to think. She saw someone coming up the beach. She then realized how alone she was and tensed up.

"Girl, where have you been? I've been looking for you forever."

"Ronnie, what's the matter?"

"I haven't been able to find you for over 2 hours. Where have you been?"

"Oh my God! It's been 2 hours? I've been here thinking the whole time."

"Yup, 2 hours. It' midnight. You better be gettin your butt home or your parents are going to kill you."

"I have to find JC. He has my car."

"I haven't seen him, but I saw Justin."

"Oh no. I didn't talk to him."

"Talk to him about what?"

"Just something between us. Don't give me that look. You know I will tell you later." They walked back to the fire. She saw Justin talking to Lance and some other guys. She walked up to him and asked, "Justin, have you seen JC? He has my car and I have to get home. Why he didn't drive his own I will never know."

"Because I have his keys," Justin said. "Where was he going with your car?"

"He was going to see Kesha. But I figured he would be back by now."

"I'll drive you home in his Jeep and we'll get this all worked out tomorrow."

"Ok. Lets go."

As they walked to the Jeep all Justin could think was This is my chance. You have to tell her how you feel. They found conversation all the way to Abby's house. When they got there Justin asked, "Do you sit for Jon tomorrow?"

"No. It's my day off."

"Oh. So do you want to come to the studio with me and the guys. We have to do some recording tomorrow. Kesha will probably be there."

"Yeah. I'd love to. What time do you want to pick me up?"

"Probably about 9:00. But I 'll have to double check that. So I'll call you with an exact time in the morning."

"Ok. Sounds good. Goodnight."

As she was about to get out of the Jeep, Justin grabbed her hand to stop her. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah sure."

"Abby, I like you. You are sweet, sexy, funny, and great with Jon. I think I can feel some chemistry here, but maybe I'm wrong. How do you feel?" He still had ahold of her hand.

"Oh God! Justin, I think you are wonderful. You're cute, charming, and are a great older brother but I can't.

"Why? I just don't get it. You obviously feel the same way about me as I do about you. Why can't we make this work?"

"Justin, I am going to tell you something that only 4 people in the world know about. You have to promise you won't tell anyone."

"I promise."

"About a year ago I was raped. By my boyfriend. He wanted to take our relationship to the next level and I didn't so he raped me. I have never been able to get close to a guy since then."

"Was it that creep we saw earlier? I'll deck him."

"No. It wsn't Kevin. Kevin was just someone I made the mistake of getting to know."

"Abby, I know you've been hurt but you're going to have to try to get over that and move on. I would love to be the person that is by your side every step of the way."

"Justin, that is so sweet of you. I just don't know if I can do it."

"Abby, do you realize you've been holding my hand for the last 15 minutes?"

She looked down at her hand in his. "I guess you're right, but holding hands is a long way from opening myself up again."

"I know, but it's a start. So what do you say? Can we give it a shot?"

"Justin, I want to but I'm scared."

"I won't do anything to hurt you, and I won't push you."

Abby thought for a few minutes then said, "Ok, lets give it a shot."

"Sounds wonderful."

"Well, I have to get outside. I'm late for my cerfew. I'm already going to be in trouble because I don't have my car. And I want to go with you tomorrow, so I have to go."

"Ok go. I'll call you tomorrow morning."

"Ok, bye."

"Bye." She let go of his hand and got out of the Jeep.

Kesha woke up with the birds chirping and JC in her arms. She thought about what had happened last night. It was perfect. Her first. She wondered if it was JC's first too. "I'm sure it wasn't. I mean he is 22," she thought out loud. Kesha decided she better get up and shower. She decided to use the shower in her parents room so she wouldn't disturb JC. She stood there just letting the water run over her body for what seemed like an hour. Then she felt soft gentle hands on her back. They worked themselves up and down her back. Then they found thier way to her breasts. She turned around and gave JC a huge hug, letting her hands roam. He started kissing her neck and nibbling her ears. Then Kesha said, "Hey, I came in here to get clean. You're not helping."

She reached for her scrub and bodywash. JC said, "No, let me do it." He took them from her. He lathered up the scrub and started washing her body. She washed him all up when he was done with her. They got out of the shower and got dressed.

"I better get home. The guys are going to wonder where I was all night." He started looking for his keys. "Babe, do you know where my keys are?"

"You put them on the front table when you came in last night."

He went and looked. There were keys there but they weren't his. Then he remembered. He looked out the front door and there was Abby's red Mustang.

To Be Continued.....

Chapter 4
