Chapter 4

When Justin woke up he thought about the night before and smiled. He looked at his clock and sat straight up in bed. It was 8:30. He had overslept. He was supposed to pick Abby up in half-an-hour. He had to call JC and see what time he had to be at the studio. He picked up his phone and dialed his number. Lance picked up.

"Hey, Lance. It's Justin. What are you doing there?"

"I stayed over."

"Cool. Can I talk to JC?"

"He's not here. He never came home last night."

"Do you know where he stayed?"


"Ok. What time do we have to be at the studio?"


"Ok. See ya then."

"Ok. Bye."

Justin then called Abby. It ran 5 or 6 times, then a sleepy voice answered, "Hello?"

"Hey there sleepy head."

"Hello? Who is this?"

Justin started laughing then said, "Abby, it's Justin."

"Oh. Hi, Justin."

"I just called to tell you I will pick you up at 9:30. Ok?"

"What time is it now?"

"A little after 8:30."

"Ok, I think I can get ready in an hour."

"You better."

"Don't worry, I will."

"Ok. See ya then."

"Ok. Bye." He hung up the phone and went to get ready.

JC just stood there and stared at Abby's car. "Kesha, can you come here for a sec?"

"Yeah, babe. Coming." He heard footsteps running down the stairs. She walked up to him and asked, "What do you need?"

"Look outside." She did.

"JC, why is Abby's car in my driveway and where is yours?"

"Well I let Justin have my keys because he was going to take Abby for a drive to tell her how he feels. Then you left and I wanted to go look for you, but I didn't have a car. So I asked Abby if I could borrow her car and she said yes. I guess I forgot about it last night."

"Well what are we going to do?"

"I'll call Justin. He probably has my Jeep."

He picked up te phone and dialed Justin's number. It rang 10 times before anyone answered.

"Hello," Justin said out of breath.

"Hey Curly. What were you doing?"

"Taking a shower. Where are you?"

"I'm at Kesha's. I'll explain later. Do you have my Jeep?"

"Yeah. Do you have Abby's car?"


"Ok. Just drive it to the studio and we can get it all worked out there. Abby's coming with me. So I'll see you there in an hour."

"Ok. Bye." He hung up the phone and wrapped his arms around Kesha's waist.

"What did he say?"

"We're going to work it out at the studio in an hour."

"Ok. Sounds good. Now if you will excuse me I have to do some work."


"I have homework to do. I'm taking summer classes remember?"

"Yeah I know you're taking classes, but can't you do the work later? Come spend the day with me."

"JC, you know I would love to forget my work and just spend the day with you but I can't."

"Well bring your work with you. You can do it while we're recording and rehearsing."

Kesha thought about it for a couple of seconds then said,"Yes." She then leaned up and kissed him.

Justin got into JC's Jeep. He was running late again. He was always late. "I guess I should change my morning routine," he said to himself. He pulled up at Abby's house at 9:45. He was about to get out and go to the door when she walked out. She climbed into the Jeep and Justin took off.

"I was going to come to the door."

"That's ok. No one's there anyway."

"Where are your parents?"

"They left on a business trip at 5 o'clock this morning."

"Where they mad that you got home late?"

"They were asleep and didn't know I got home late. I just hope they didn't notice my car was gone."

"Oh, that reminds me, JC is bringing your car to the studio and I'm giving him his Jeep. So that means I will need a ride home."

"Don't worry I'll give you a ride." She looked at him then grabbed his hand that had been laying in his lap. He looked over at her and smiled.

When they got to the studio everyone else was already there. "And where were you?" Lance asked when Justin walked in.

"I took a little long in the shower. Then I had to pick Abby up. Sorry." They were still holding hands and everyone noticed, especially Kesha.

"So, do you have my Jeep? Here are your keys, Abby. I'm so sorry. I'll explain everything later." Kesha looked at him sharply. He just gave her a don't worry look.

"Well lets go. We have to do some recording today," Lance said sounding annoyed.

"Ok, I'm coming," Justin said to the guys. Then he turned to Abby and said," You can stay out here with Kesha or you can come in with us."

"I'll stay our here for now."

"Ok. I'll see you in a couple of hours." He let go of her hand and started walking into the other room.

When he was almost into the other room Abby yelled at him, "Hey, Justin." He stopped and turned around. She walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then she walked over to Kesha and started talking to her. Justin just stared after her for a few seconds, then he went into the studio completely happy.

When Justin left the room Kesha asked, "What is up with you and Justin?"

"We are, how do I say it, seeing each other."

"I thought you said you couldn't get involved with anyone."

"It's a long story. Hey do you want to go out tonight, just me and you? I'll tell you the whole story."

"What about the guys?"

"Well we can have supper, just you and me, then we can meet up with the guys."

"Sounds good."

"By the way, I'm guessing those two guys that were staring at me are Joey and Chris."


"I mean I know who they are, but I think Justin could have introduced us."

"I think his mind was on something else."

"I'm sure you're right."

In the studio they got right to work recording a new song. After about two hours of recording their manager gave them a 10 minute break. Chris took Justin over to one corner and said, "Ok, Justin, tell me who this girl is and what's going on."

"That's right. You haven't met her have you?"

"Nope. Now who is she?"

"Her name is Abby."

"I figured that much when you said her name this morning. Now who is she?" Chris was getting frustrated and raising his voice. The other guys looked over at them.

"Shush. Calm down. I'll tell you. Just Chill."

"Come on, Justin. Quit playing with me."

"Ok. Ok. She is Jon's babysitter."

"And what was with the hand-holding this morning?"

"It's a long story."

"So spill."

"Ok. Ok. Well it started yesterday. JC wanted me to go to Universal with him. I wanted to spend the day with Jon so I took him with us which ment that Abby had to go too. Not that I minded, she's so beautiful. Anyway we hit it off right away. Then we went with her to a bonfire her friends were having. There was a mixup of cars and I ended up driving her home. We talked for a long time. She shocked and outraged me with something about her past. But the evening ended good."

"What did she tell you about her past?"

"Well..." he was interupted by their manager telling them it was time to start recording again. "I'll tell ya later." They rehearsed for another 2 hours, then they decided to take a break for a late lunch. They walked out to get the girls. When the guys walked out Kesha and Abby were laughing hysterically.

JC walked up and sat on Kesha's lap. "What are you guys laughing about?" Kesha pushed him off her lap and onto the floor. "Ow!" JC yelled. "That hurt."

"Oh, honey I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" She leaned down and kissed him on his forehead. He leaned up and kissed her passionately.

"Get a room," Chris said. Then he turned to Abby and said, "You're name's Abby right?"

"Yeah," Abby said.

"I'm Chris and this is Joey. I thought I would introduce us since someone didn't do it earlier."

"I was thinking the same thing," she said looking at Justin. "Well I know who you guys are, so let me tell you who I am. I'm Jon's babysitter."

"Well it's nice to meet you," Joey said shaking her hand.

"Thanks." She leaned towards him and whispered into his ear. "To tell you the truth I'm flattered to be standing here with NSYNC. But don't tell Justin. We don't want him to get a swelled head do we?"

Joey laughed and said,"No we don't."

"Hey what are you two whispering about?" Justin asked.

"Nothing," they both said laughing.

"It doesn't sound like nothing to me."

"Really it's nothing. Now lets go get some food," Joey said.

"That's Joey, always thinking about food," Chris said.

"Well it is 2:30. I need food," Joey said. Everyone busted up laughing.

"Lets go," Chris said. Everyone headed to the door except Lance. "Hey, Lance, aren't you coming?"

"No, I think I'll stay here. I'm not very hungry."

"Ok, we'll see ya later."

"Bye." How can I tell them??

"I'm going to ride with Abby," Justin said throwing JC his keys.

"I will too," Kesha said. Everyone stared at her. "I have to talk to my girl. I'll see you guys at the restaurant."

"Ok," Chris said shrugging it off. JC just stood there speechless.

"Come on, JC. I need food," Joey whined. JC got in the Jeep staring at Kesha the whole time. Then he left spinning out obviously mad.

"Here, Justin, you drive," Abby said throwing her keys at him. Abby and Kesha got in the backseat. When they started going Abby whispered,"Why did you do that. You obviously pissed him off."

"I wasn't trying to. I need to tell you something and ask Justin something."

"Well go ahead and ask him."

"Hey, Justin."


"Has JC explained about last night?"

"No he said he would explain when we got back. Why what happened?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering if he said something."

"Say something about what?"

"Nothing, Justin."

Abby and Kesha went back to whispering. "What was that all about and what do you want to tell me?"

"Ok but we have to be quiet. Justin doesn't know anything yet and I don't want him to know yet. I mean he will find out eventually because these guys tell each other everything but I guess I'm hoping JC won't say anything. And you can't tell him I told you this."

"I won't say anything. I promise."

"Well I suppose I should just say it."

"Kesha, whats going on?"

"Abby, I had the most wonderful night last night."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. JC and I, you know, for the first time."

"OH MY GOD!" Abby screamed. Justin looked in the mirror and applied the breaks. "Sorry, Justin. I'm ok really."

"Abby. Shush. Remember I don't want anyone to know."

"I'm sorry. I'm just so shocked. You're only 17 and he's 22. What will your parents say?"

"Well I don't really want them to know."

"I can understand that we will have to finish this conversation later ok?" Abby said as Justin pulled into a parking spot at the restaurant.

"Ok tonight at dinner."

"Ok." They all got out of the car. JC, Chris, and Joey were standing at the entrance of the restaurant. Kesha went up to JC and put her arms around his waist. He just stood there not responding.

"JC, I had to talk to Abby about what is going on with her and Justin. That's all it was really."

"Are you sure that's all it was?"

"I'm positive." She leaned up and kissed him passionaltely.

"You two really need to get a room," Chris said. "Are you two over there coming?" Chris yelled at Abby and Justin. They had stayed by her car.

"Yeah we're coming," Justin yelled. He put his arm around Abby's waist. She stiffened. Justin felt this and removed his arm.

Abby stopped and said, "Justin, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to do it. I just do." She was almost in tears.

Justin grabbed her hands and said, "Abby, it's ok. After what you've been through I completely understand."

"Yeah about that. Please don't tell anyone."

"I won't. I promised I wouldn't and I won't," he said thinking about how he had almost let it slip earlier.

"Thanks. I know how hard it must be for you to keep this from the guys but I just don't want their pity."

"They wouldn't pity you."

"Yes they would! Besides that's not something I want people to know about."

"I understand. Don't worry I won't say anything.

"Thanks." She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. She grabbed his hand and started walking.

"About time," Chris said. Justin gave him a dirty look. "What?" Chris asked.

"Lets just go eat." Justin said annoyed.

"Finally," said Joey.

They went in and ate. Then headed back to the studio. Abby and Justin in her car and Kesha, JC, Chris, and Joey in JC's Jeep.

"Do you want to go out tonight?" Justin asked.

"Well me and Kesha are going to have dinner then we can do whatever you want."

"Ok, sounds good but what's happening that you have to talk so much. And what was with the thing in the car earlier?"

"It was nothing. She just needed to talk to me. She just needs a friend right now."

"I understand. Where do you want to go tonight?"

"I don't care. Whatever I just want to be alone with you."

"Are you sure?"

"We are seeing each other right?"


"Then we have to spend some time alone together getting to know each other." I am going to beat this. I am.

"Abby, I feel like I'm pushing you. And if this has anything to do with what I did this afternoon, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."

"It's not that. Really it's not. I have wanted to get over this for a long time. I hate not having a meaningful relationship. I hate not having the ability to just let people touch me. But most of all I hate being alone."

"Well you won't be alone anymore. I promise you that."

"Justin, do we have to go straight back?"

"Yeah. We still have to rehearse. It's so stupid. We've got a month break, no performing, no appearances, nothing, but we still have to have our dance steps down. Our managers are so stupid sometimes."

"I see your point. Ok. Then after Kesha and I get done with dinner why don't I swing by and pick you up, wherever you guys decide to eat."

"Sounds good." They were back at the studio. There were no cars in the parking lot so Justin figured everyone was still at lunch.

Abby took this opportunity to tell Justin how she felt. "Justin, I was going to wait and tell you this later but I can't wait." Justin turned himself in the seat so he was facing her. "Justin, I have been alone for a long time. I mean noone has ever gotten to my heart since you know what happened. Until now that is." Abby took his hands in hers. "Somehow in the past 2 days you have gotten in. I don't know how and I don't really care. I just know you're someone very specail to me." Justin just sat there looking at Abby.

Then he spoke. "Abby, I think you're a really specail person too." Abby put her arms around his neck. Then she pulled him closer and she moved closer till her lips met his. It was just a small little kiss but it meant the world to Justin. For Abby it was a big step but one she was glad she took.

Just after Justin and Abby's shared kiss the guys and Kesha pulled up. JC got out of his Jeep as Justin got out of Abby's car. "Where is everyone? It's been over an hour," JC said.

"I don't know but we should probably to see if Lance is still here," Justin said.

"That's a good idea," Chris said still sitting in the Jeep. So they all piled out and headed to the building. Justin went to grab Abby's hand, but she dodged his hand and put her arm around his waist. He was reluctant to do the same but he did. He was pleased when she didn't flinch or stiffen.

Abby noticed that when Justin put his arm on her waist she didn't stiffen. She was proud of herself. Maybe I am going to be normal after all she said to herself.

As they walked in they found Lance on his cell phone. "I can't. I know you need me but I can't." He looked up and and saw everyone. "Hey I gotta go. I know I will try to work something out." Oh my God. How much of that did they hear Lance thought to himself. "Hey guys you're back. The rest of the crew left. They said we had done enough for today."

"Cool," Joey said. "Now I can sleep." Lance laughed nervously.

"Lance what's up? You seem kinda tense and look pale. Are you ok?" JC asked.

"I'm fine. Great. Perfect. Now if someone can give me a ride back to my apartment I want to take a nap. I need a sleep."

"I'll give you a ride," Abby said. "Just give me directions."

"Ok. Thanks. If you don't mind I'd like to go now."

"Ok. Kesha, you have your cell phone right?"


"Ok. I'll call you about where and when alright?"

"Sounds good."

"Justin, are you coming with us?" Abby asked.

"No, I think I'm going to go to JC and Chris' with them."

"Ok. I'll come over after I drop him off."

"Ok. Bye. Bye, Lance."

"Bye everyone," Abby said. Lance mumbled something that resembled bye as he walked out the door.

"I wonder what is wrong with him," Justin said after they had left.

"Yeah. And what was with that phone call?" JC asked.

"I'll try to talk to him later," Justin said.

"Speaking of later, Kesha, what are we doing?" JC asked.

"Well for supper you're on your own. Abby and I are having a girls only supper."

"Oh really? And after that?"

She walked up to him and put her arms around his waist. "After that I'm all yours." He leaned down and kissed her.

Hearing this Justin remebered that JC had stayed at Kesha's the night before and said he would explain everything. "Hey, JC. Can I talk to you in private for a minute.

"Yeah sure." They went into the other room. "What's up?"

"I was just waiting for my explanation."


"You said on the phone this morining that you would explain why you didn't go home or take Abby's car back."

"Oh, that. Not here man. Not with Kesha in the other room."

"Ok but I better get my explanation tonight."

"Don't worry. You will." He turned around and started walking out of the room. He stopped, turned around and said, "Why don't you and me have supper tonight. We can explain everything to each other."

"Sounds good." Then JC turned around and walked out of the room.

Lance is being really quiet. I wonder what is wrong Abby thought to herself.

"Lance. Lance....Hello is anyone home?" she asked waving her hand infront of his face.

"What?! Oh. What do you need?" Lanced asked snapping out of his trance.

"Well for one I need directions and for two what's wrong?"

"Go up to Sycamore then take a right. And there is nothing wrong with me."

"Lance, I know we've only known each other for 2 days but you can trust me. I won't tell anyone."

"Abby, I know. If there was anything wrong I would tell you. I just need a break. I'm really tired of touring and everything."

"Ok. I understand." She didn't believe a word he had said but she decided to leave it alone. They rode all the way to Lance's apartment in silence except for Lance giving directions. Abby decided to go home and see if her parents had called before she went to JC's place.


"I wonder where she is?" Kesha asked.

"I'm worried. She would have called if something had come up. Something's wrong. I know it. I can feel it," Justin said.

" Well you know where she lives right?" JC asked Justin. Justin nodded. "Then lets go over to her house and check on her."

"Great idea. Let's go," Justin said practically running out of the room.

"JC, I'll stay here in case she tries to call," Chris said.

"Ok, we'll call ya if we get any news."

"Ok, bye."


As they were getting into JC's Jeep, Kesha's phone ran. She answered it. "Hello."

"Hey, Kesha." It was Abby.

"Oh my God! Where are you?" Kesha screamed. JC and Justin knew then that it was Abby.

"I'm home. I'll explain in a minute. Let me talk to Justin right now."

Kesha handed the phone to Justin. "Hello?"

"Hey, Justin."

"Abby, where are you?"

"I'm at home. See I went home after I dropped Lance off to see if my parents had called. When I got there Kevin was sitting on my doorstep."

Justin stiffened. "Abby, he didn't hurt you did he?" JC and Kesha stared at Justin with wide eyes.

"No, Justin. I'm fine. He just wanted to talk. I told him he had 10 minutes but he talked for 2 hours. I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

"Of course I can. I'm just glad you're ok." JC and Kesha gave a sigh of relief.

"So do you still want me to come over?"

"Actually, we're all headed over to your house."

"Ok. I'll see you in a little bit. Oh and will you explain all this to Kesha?"

"Yeah, I'll do that. Bye."


Justin handed the phone to Kesha. "So what did she say?"

"She went home to see if her parents had called and found that guy Kevin at her door."

"That guy from yesterday at Universal?" JC asked.

"Yup, that one. Well I guess he wanted to talk and being the nice person she is she listened to him and lost track of time."

"Well I'm glad she's ok," Kesha said.

"Me too," said Justin.

"We better call Chris," JC said.

"Good idea," Kesha said. She dailed the number and Chris answered it on the first ring.


"Hey coz."

"Hey Kesh. Have you heard from Abby?"

"Yeah. She just got caught up talking to a friend. We're still going to her house. Are you going to come over too?"

"No, Joey's here. I think we're just going to play Playstation. You guys have fun."

"Ok. You too. Bye."


"He's going to stay home and play video games with Joey."

"So it's just the couples tonight huh?" JC joked.

"Yup." They all laughed.

When they got to Abby's house she was on the phone wiht her parents. she motioned for them to have a seat. "Nope no big plans for tonight. Just going out with some friends." "No they're noone you've met." "MOM! I'm not an idiot. I know. I remember I was there you know." "Yeah well neither do I. I have to go. My friends are here. Love you." "Bye."

"Sorry about that."

"Abby, can I talk to you for a minute? In private," Justin asked.

"Yeah sure." They went into the kitchen.

"You haven't told your parents about me?"


"Can I ask why?"

"Well they are just so overprotective after what happened. They would freak if they knew I was going out with a guy after only 2 days."

"I understand."

"Have you told your parents or Jon that we are seeing each other?"

"No. I'm waiting for the right time."

"Well then we're in the same boat aren't we?"

"Yup. I guess we are."

"So what do you want to do after supper?" She walked over to him and put her arms around his waist.

"Well I know that you said you wanted to be alone but I thought we could come back here and watch a movie with Kesha and JC. They will want to leave early I'm sure."

"Sounds good. But after they leave you're all mine." Abby said laughing.

"Sounds great." Justin leaned down and kissed her on her forehead. "We should probably be getting back in there. They're going to start wondering what we're doing in here."

"Let them wonder." She leaned up and kissed his nose.

"Lets go." He grabbed her hands and swung her around. They walked into the living room hand in hand.

"So, Kesha, where do you want to go eat?" Kesha asked.

"I don't care." She was sitting on JC's lap trying to tickle him. It wasn't working.

"Why don't we stay here and cook something?"

"Sounds good. Now all we have to do is get these guys out of here."

The guys both put hurt expressions on their faces. Abby started pushing Justin towards the door.

"Hey. Don't be so eager to get rid of me."

"Don't worry, I'll make it up to you later."

"Is that a promise?"

"You bet." Justin was kidding but Abby was serious. She felt different with Justin. Not scared or afraid of his touch. In fact, she longed for it.

After the guys left Abby said,"Do you really want to cook?"

"Not really. Do you?"

"No. Let's order in. How about Chinese?"

"NO! I eat that all the time with JC. How about Italian?"

"Sounds good." While they waited for their food they talked about the wether and other non-important subjects.

After the food arrived Kesha said,"So tell me what is going on with you and Justin? And what happened this afternoon?"

"Ok. I'll start from the begining. But you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not even JC."

"Ok. I promise." Kesha sensed this was serious. Abby told her the whole story about being raped and the nights events. Kesha stopped eating and just stared at her. When Abby was finished Kesha went to her and gave her a huge hug. When Kesha pulled back she saw a single solitary tear running down Abby's cheek. She wiped it away. "Abby, I'm so sorry." That was all she could think of to say.

"It's ok. I've moved on. Justin has helped me a lot. I feel different with him. I'm not scared of his touch. I think he is what I needed to get over this."

"I'm glad you two found each other. You seem perfect for each other."

"So what about this Kevin thing this afternoon."

"Lets not go there. I'm still trying to figure that all out myself."

"Ok, but once you figure out you have to tell me all about it."

"Ok. It's a deal. Ok now it's your turn. Tell me about last night." They went back to eating.

"Well I already told you what happened."

"Yeah but why?"

"Because I love him so much and I felt it was time to show him how much."

"Yeah but that is a huge step."

"I know but I was ready. I am glad I did it."

"You do realize though that JC could get into a lot of trouble for this?"

"Yeah and believe me I had to really convince him that no one would find out about it. So you can tell anyone. Not even Justin."

"Don't worry. I won't."

"Enough of this serious stuff let have some fun."

"Ok. What do you want to do?"

"I see a swimming pool. Lend me a suit and lets go."

"Ok. Lets go."

The guys went and grabbed some ice cream from the Dairy Queen then headed to the beach when they left the girls.

"So am I going to get my explanation now?" Justin asked.

"Yeah. You just have to promise to tell no one. I mean no one. Especially Chris."

"Ok. Ok. I promise."

"Well as you know I spent the night at Kesha's house last night. Well her parents are gone. We ended up making love for the first time."

"Oh my God, JC!"

"Man I know. I just love her so much. It just felt so right. I know I could get into trouble, that's why I don't want anyone to know. It just felt like the right time for both of us. And it was so wonderful."

"I'm happy for you, JC. I really am."

"So tell me what happened with Abby that I missed."

"Well we talked. She told me about this terrible thing that happened in her past that has made her scared of guys. She feels the same way about me as I do about her. She's really timid when it comes to touching and kissing and stuff like that. I feel like I'm pushing her."

"Well just lay off and let her make the next move. Leave it totally up to her."

"Great idea. I think I'll do that. Well we should probably be heading back."

"Yeah you're right. Let's go."

JC and Justin headed back to Abby's house. When they got there no one answered the door. Justin went and looked in the garage window.

"They're here. Abby's car is in the garage," Justin said.

"Should we just go in?" JC asked.

"Yeah lets go." They went in. Justin yelled out Abby's name but noone answered. "You take upstairs and I'll look downstairs."

"Ok." JC headed upstairs. Justin started to search the downstairs. As he was walking through the living room he happened to look out the sliding glass doors. In the backyard he saw a swimming pool with 2 people in it. He rean upstairs to find JC.

"They're in the pool," Justin said. They headed downstairs and looked out the doors. The girls were out of the pool now, sitting in patio chairs.

"Hey. I've got an idea," JC said. He explained his plan to Justin. Justin laughed and agreed. They snuck up behind the girls and picked them up.

"Justin, what are you doing?" Abby yelled.

"You'll see," he said. Justin and JC started walking towards the pool.

"Justin, don't even think about it," Abby screamed.

"JC, put me down. NOW!!" Kesha yelled.

"Nope," was all JC said. The guys walked up to the pool and threw the girls in. They stood there laughing. The girls got out of the pool and headed for the house, ignoring the guys.

"Abby, come back. It was just a joke," Justin said running after her.

"Kesha, honey, come here. I'm sorry," JC said. He tried not to laugh but he couldn't help it.

The girls went up to Abby's room to change. "Lets make them think we are mad at them a little longer," Kesha said.

"Sounds good. Lets watch a movie. How about Titanic?"Abby asked.

"Sounds good. Men hate that movie." The girls went down to Abby's living room. The guys were sitting there. Abby popped in the movie then sat down on the couch next to Kesha.

"So what movie are we watching?" JC asked.

"Well we're watching Titanic. Don't know about you," Abby said. Both of the guys groaned. They both hated that movie, but they both stayed anyway.

After about an hour of the movie the girls couldn't stand it anymore. They started laughing. The guys just looked so funny trying to look interested.

"What's so funny?" Justin asked.

"Nothing," Abby said with an evil grin on her face.

"It's something." Justin got up and went over to Abby and started tickling her. JC did the same with Kesha. After awhile JC and Justin looked at each other and said, "Switch."

Abby grabbed Justin's hands. Justin looked at her and saw the feer in her eyes. "Lets stop. They've had enough," Justin said. He pulled Abby up and said, "We're going to go get some popcorn." They walked into the kitchen. When they got in there Justin asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm just not comfortable with other guys touching me."

Justin pulled her in for a hug. "I'm sorry. It's just something we always do. I am so sorry. I didn't even think."

"Justin, it's ok."

Justin pulled back and looked into her eyes. "Abby, I feel like I'm pushing you. And I don't want to do that."

"Justin, you're not pushing me. Everything feels different with you." She ran her fingers through his hair. "I'm not scared fo your touch. In fact I long for it. I long to feel your lips touch mine. I want to feel your arms around my waist, my cheek touching yours." Justin just stood there and stared at her. Then he put his arms around her waist. She leaned up and he leaned down and they kissed. Justin wanted to take the kiss farther but he was going to let her make the first move. But she didn't. She pulled away and smiled at him. They just stood there staring into each others eyes. Justin was leaning down for another kiss when the door opened. It was Kesha wondering where the popcorn was.

"I wonder what all that was about?" JC asked when Abby and Justin left.

"Maybe she just doesn't like being touched by weird guys like you," she said as she started tickling him.

"Oh...This is war." He tickled her right back.

After awhile of tickling each other Kesha said, "I wonder where they are. It doesn't take that long to get popcorn." Before JC could say anything she was up and on her way to the kitchen.

After Abby and Justin fixed the popcorn they all sat down to finish the movie. This time Abby and Justin were on the couch and JC and Kesha were on the floor. Before the movie was over they had all fallen asleep.

To Be Continued.......

Chapter 5
