Chapter 5

Abby was the first one to wake up. She found herself in Justin's arms. She realized then that she was completely happy there. She wanted to stay there but she had to go to the bathroom. So she kissed Justin's nose and got up. As she waled by JC she accidently stepped on JC's fingers.

"Oh my God!" Abby said.

"Owwww," JC said queitly so he wouldn't wake up Kesha.

"JC, I'm so sorry." Kesha stirred and JC put his fingers to his lips and motioned for her to go into the other room. When they got there she took his hand and looked it over. "Are you ok? I'm so sorry."

"It's ok. I'm sure I'll live. What are you doing up so early? We fell asleep kinda late."

"Well, I didn't sleep very good. Plus I've always been an early riser."

"Why couldn't you sleep very well?"

Abby knew the reason why but she couldn't tell anyone. "Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else. That's a very small place for 2 people."

JC didn't believe her but accepted her answer. "So what ya got for breakfast?"

"Not much." Abby went and looked through her cabinets. "I got an idea. Why don't you and I go get some donuts at the bakery down the street."

"Sounds good." JC grabbed his keys and left.

Shortly after they left Kesha woke up. She looked around for JC and Abby and couldn't find them anywhere. She went back to the living room and found Justin awake.

"Where's JC and Abby?" Justin asked sleepily.

"Have no clue." She went over to the couch and sat down next to Justin laying her head on his shoulder. "Can't find them anywhere in the house."

"What time is it?"

Kesha looked at her watch. "7:30."

"Well they should be home soon. Abby has to babysit at 9:00. I think."

"Still tired?" She asked him.

"Yup. So how are you and Chris?"

"Well, the only time I've seen him was yesterday."

Justin looked down at her. "What is going on there?"

"Well I think Chris has a bigger problem with me and JC dating than he is willing to admitt." "Everyone but him knows that." She looked up at him. They realized how close their faces were. Justin leaned down and Kesha leaned up. Justin started to put his arms around her when he thought of Abby. Kesha thought of JC at the exact same moment and the both pulled away. The sat there in an akward silence. Then they heard a car pull up and laughing. They heard the door open and Justin went to great Abby. Oh my God! What just happened here? I did not just kiss my boyfriends best friend and one of my best friends Kesha thought to herself. Then she felt someone come up and start messaging her back. "Hi, JC."

"Hi, babe. How long have you been up?"

"About 20 minutes."

"Suprised you're up since we stayed up so late." JC had a smile on his face. Kesha leaned her head back and pulled her JC down to her and kissed him. It was a sweet, passionate kiss. "We got breakfast. Lets go eat." As they walked by the den Kesha noticed a couple in a passionate kiss. She knew then that her kiss with Justin meant nothing. She loved JC and Justin loved Abby. It was just one of those things that was bound happen. I'm just going to forget about it she thought to herself.

As Justin walked toward Abby and JC he thought to himself I didn't just do that. I love Abby and if she found out it would kill her. I've got to talk to Kesha and soon. He walked up to Abby and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hey sweetie."

"Hey, Curly." She leaned up to kiss him but remembered that JC was standing next to them. She pulled back and turned to find JC gone.

"Ab, what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing. I thought JC was still standing here."


"Well that's good," she said teasing him.

"So do I get to kiss my beautiful girlfriend or what?"

"Since you asked so nicely." She leaned up and kissed him so intensly that his knees went weak. She pulled away and led him to the den. She kissed him again with the same amount of intensity. And this time she took the kiss farther by slipping her tongue in Justin's mouth.

Justin was in heaven. He had the girl of his dreams in his arms. The finally pried themselves apart and went to the kitchen to get food. JC and Kesha were already in there eating. Both Abby and JC noticed that Justin and Kesha wouldn't look at or say anything to each other. JC felt his suspicion rise What happened while we were gone?

"So what are we you guys going to do today?" Abby asked.

"I don't know. We have to rehearse at 6:00 I think," JC said.

"You have to babysit today, right?" Justin asked Abby.

"Yup, which reminds me I should go take a shower and get ready."

"Can I join you?" Justin asked teasingly. Abby slapped him hard on the arm. "Owww," Justin yelled. "That hurt."

"Sorry. Let me make it better." Abby pulled him to her and kissed him forgeting Jc and Kesha wer in the room. JC cleared his throat and Abby pulled away.

"I really need to take that shower," she said walking away.

"So what are you doing today, Justin?" JC asked.

"I'll probably help Ab watch Jon. What are you guys going to do?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do Kesh?"

"Don't care as long as I'm with you."

"Awwwww. How sweet." JC leaned over and kissed her. Justin turned away and started thinking about what he was going to say to Kesha.

"I have to use the restroom. Be right back, JC said and left. Justin and Kesha sat there in silence.

"Kesha, we need to talk about this," Justin said breaking the silence.

"I know. How about we meet at the Java at 3:00."

"Sounds good."

A couple minutes later Abby came running down the stairs. She was wearing a tight blue baby-T and a pair of khaki shorts with dark brown sandals. She ran up to Justin and gave him a kiss. Then she started cleaning up the mess they had made. "Where's JC?" she asked.

"He went to the bathroom," answered Kesha. Just then he waled in. The three of them sat around the table talking while Abby cleaned up.

When she was done, Abby said, "I've got to get going."

"Why it's only 8:30," Justin said not in a hurry to go home.

"Well I have some errands to run and I'm usually there early."

Justin walked up to her and put his arms around her waist. "You weren't early the day I met you."

"I was running behind that day. And if I remember right so were you." Abby smiled remebering Justin standing there in a towel.

"Lets not talk about that," Justin said blushing. He bent down and kissed her.

"We should probably be going too," Kesha said.

"Well lets all head out then."

As they were heading out the door JC said, "Justin, don't forget to talk to Lance today."

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot. I'll talk to him this afternoon."

"Ok. See ya tonight."

"Ok, bye."

On the way to Justin's house Abby asked," When are you going to tell your parents about us? They are like a second family to me and I hate lying to them."

"I know what you mean. I don't want to lie to my parents so I'm going to try to tell them sometime today."

"Cool. That gives me time to think about how to tell my parents too."

"You don't think they will like me?"

"It's not you, Justin. They just don't like any guys after what happened. They don't trust anyone. Neither did I until now." She grabbed his had and kissed it.

"Ab, over the past 2 days I have seen a change in you. You're not that shy girl that was on my doorstep, and you're not that scared girl that wouldn't let me touch her in the Jeep the other night. I think you are the most affectionate girl I know. Not that I don't like it, I love it. It's that you have changed so drastically in the last 2 days."

"I think I'll take that as a compliment," she said laughing.

"It was supposed to be one."

"Well I don't know why this has happened. When I'm in your arms I feel like a normal person, like it never happened."

Justin smiled. "Well we'll have to keep you there more often won't we?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Justin leaned over and kissed her check. They both completely happy.

"What do you want to do?" JC asked Kesha.

"Well I have to meet a friend at 3:00 but other than that I don't care."

"How about a quiet movie at your house. I would say my house but I don't thing Chris would give us a moments peace."

"I wouldn't worry about that. The minute I showed up he would be gone."

"What's going on between you two?"

"What happened before is happening again. We're growing apart and he acts like he doesn't care."

"Kesh, I'm sure he does. He just has a weird way of showing his emotions is all."

"I don't know. I think I'll talk to him today. I'll go home, shower, anc change then go talk to him. Then we can have our quiet movie."

"Ok sounds good. I'll drop you off then you can head over to our house."

"Sounds good. Know what?"


"I love you!"

"I love you too!"

When they arrived at Justin's house his mom was sitting at the table drinking coffee. When she saw Justin she screamed,"Justin Randall Timberlake! Where have you been all night? You had us worried sick!"

"I'm going to go chek on Jon," Abby said quietly and left the room.

"I'm waiting," Lynn said.

"Ok. Mom I'm going to tell you something but you have to promise me you will stay calm and not get mad."

"Justin, just tell me."

"Ok here it goes. Me and Abby are seeing each other. That's where I was last night. We started watching a movie and fell asleep. Ask JC and Kesha they were there too." Lynn just sat there. "Mom, say something. Anything."

She looked up and smiled at him. "I'm happy for you two. But I'm not happy at what you did."

"Mom, it's not my fault. I fell alseep and so did everyone else."

"You're forgiven this time but don't EVER do it again."

Justin went over and hugged his mom. "Thanks. You're the best. I love you!"

Abby went up to Jon's room. She opened the door slowly and walked in. He was still asleep. He looks so cute when he's sleeping. Just like is brother. Jon started to stir. Abby got him washed up and dressed and thy headed downstairs. She didn't hear any arguing coming from the kitchen so she thought it would be safe to go in. She walked in and saw Justin hugging his mother. How adorable! When Jon saw Justin he jumped our of Abby's arms and ran to him.

"Hey, buddy," Justin said picking Jon up. Jon gave him a big hug. "What's up with all this love? I saw you yesterday."

"I know but I missed you."

"Well I missed you too." Justin gave him another hug. They look so cute together Abby thought to herself. "How about we get some breakfast now?"

"YEAH!" Justin fixed him a bowl of cereal and put it in front of Jon.

When Justin sat down next to Jon Lynn asked," Aren't you going to have some too?"

"I already ate at Abby's." Then as if remembering her he looked up at her. He gave her an award-winning smile and motioned for her to sit down next to him. She opted to sit on the other side of Jon. Justin gave her a funny look. Abby shrugged it off. She didn't want to upset Lynn. Lynn was like her second mom and since her mom was never home that made Lynn seem like her own mother. She didn't want to hurt her.

Jon saw Justin's funny look and asked, "Is there anything wrong, Just?" Jon was the only person Justin would let call him that.

"No buddy, everything's fine."

"I've go to get going," Lynn said. "Abby, I will be home early. Probably about 5:00 or 5:30. I want to watch the boys rehearse tonight."

"Ok," was all Abby said. she was a little disappointed. She wanted to watch them rehearse but she couldn't, not if Lynn was going to be there.

"Abby, can I talk to you in private for a minute?"

"Ya sure."

"Bye boys. See ya later." Lynn and Abby walked out to the car. "Are you ok, Honey?"

"Ya. I guess I jsut miss my parents. They let on another business trip yesterday."

Lynn gave her a hug. "Honey, I'm sorry. I'm here if you need me ok."

"I know. Thanks. Now you beetter be getting to work." Abby was on the verge of tears.

"Ok. I'll see ya later, Honey." Lynn always called her Honey.

"Bye." Lynn left and Abby went back into the house.

To Be Continued...
