Chapter 6

Kesha knocked on the door. She knew JC was there, his Jeep was in the parking lot, but she hadn't seen Chirs' car. Kesha knocked again. Still noone answered the door. Kesha knocked for a 3rd time. This time JC answered it, dripping wet with a towl around his waist. Kesha started laughing.

"So you think this is funny huh?" Kesha nodded her head. "Well how about a great big hug?" Before Kesha could move JC had engulfed her in a hug getting all her clothes wet.

When JC let go of her, she slapped his bare arm. "Thanks so much."

"Owww. That really hurt."

"Sorry babe, but you deserved it."

"I know. So can I make up for it?"

"Depends. What did you have in mind?"

"This." He pulled her close and kissed her. The kiss lasted forever and in the middle of it Chris walked in.

"Whoa." They pulled apart. JC excused himself, emabarassed because all he was wearing was a towel.

Kesha saw her chance to talk to Chris. "So how are you?" They sat down at the kitchen table.

"I'm good. How about yourself?"

"Good here too. Haven't seen you much since you've been back."

"N guess we haven't."

"Chris we need to talk."

"About what?"

Kesha was starting to get mad. "How about the fact that we never talk anymore. When I call you guys you're always busy or not there."

"I"m sorry, but I am a busy person."

"I know but you have always made time for me before. That is before me and JC started seein each other." Chris looked up sharpley. "That's it isn't it? You still can't get over it can you? Chris just sat there and looked down at the table. "chris, I love him. And he loves me. What's the problem?"

Chris finally said something. "Kesha you're 17, he's 22!! Don't you see a problem there?"

"No Chris, I don't. And nobody else does either. Just you."

"Kesha, I can't talk about this anymore. I've got work to do."

Kesha sat there stunned. He was blowing her off. "I'm sorry to take time out of your busy schedule. Don't worry I'll never bother you again. Goodbye forever." She ran out of the apartment and drove away. Chris started crying, his head in his hands.

JC walked in, saw Chris, and asked, "What happened? Where did she go?"

“I messed up good this time. You better go find her. She’s pretty upset.” JC took one last look at Chris then ran out of the apartment looking for Kesha.

Abby walked into the kitchen and saw Justin and Jon still sitting at the table. “So what do you want to do today, Jon?”

“BASKETBALL!” he shouted.

“Ok. Go get your ball,” Abby said laughing. Jon ran out of the room in search of his basketball. Abby started rising off the dishes in the sink when she felt Justin’s strong arms wrap around her waist. She leaned back into him.

“Why didn’t you sit by me earlier?”

“Your mom was in the room.”

“I already told her?”

Abby spun around, still in his arms. “When?”

“While you were upstairs getting Jon up.”


“She said she’s happy for us. She doesn’t approve of what we did last night, but she’s happy for us.”

“But we didn’t do anything last night. We all fell asleep watching a movie.”

“I know but she’s a parent. She always thinks there’s more going than what there really is.”

“This is great. Now all I have to do is tell my parents and hope they react as well as your mom did.”

“They will. I’ll charm their socks off.” Abby started laughing but stoped when she looked into his eyes. They were filled with love and happiness. They were about to kiss when Jon ran into the room screaming, “I got it! I got it!”

Abby and Justin quickly let go of each other. Abby said, ‘Let’s go play.” All three of them went out to the basketball hoop.

“Me against you two,” Justin said.

“Jon and Abby looked at each other and smiled. “That’ll work,” Abby said.

Half an hour later Justin was lying on the ground with Jon and Abby dancing around him. Justin was whining. “I lost to my little brother and a girl!”

“You better watch it,” Abby said with mock anger. Just then a car came flying around the corner and pulled into the driveway almost hitting Justin. Kesha jumped out of the car and Abby could see she was crying. “Kesha, what’s wrong?”

“Abby, he’s such a jerk. I hate him and never want to see him again.”

“Kesha, calm down and tell me what’s wrong.”

“Kesha, are you ok?” Justin asked. Kesha looked up surprised to see him standing there.

“Yeah. I’m fine.”

Abby saw the change in Kesha when she found out Justin was there. “Justin, why don’t you take Jon and get him cleaned up. I’ll be in in a little bit.”

“Ok. Come on, Jon.” He could see the girls wanted to talk in private.

“Ok. Now tell me what’s wrong.”

“I tried talking to Chris today and he just pushed me aside like I was nobody. He said he was too buys to talk!”

“So you guys didn’t talk at all?”

“Well I found out he still has a problem with me seeing JC. That is rediculous. I can see him being a little overprotective since he’s my cousin but this is just too far.”

“Kesha, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say except hopefully he’ll wake up and see what a jerk he’s being.”

“I don’t think that will happen. Plus when I let I said goodbye forever, as in I’ll never see you again.”

“Ok Kesha. I’m so sorry. I wish I could do something.” Abby hugged her.

“Abby, you are. Just being here and listening to me means so much.”

At that moment JC pulled up in his Jeep. “I’ll leave you in JC’s capable hands,” Abby whispered before letting her go and walking into the house. JC got out his Jeep and walked up to her. They just stood looking at each other.

“I’m sorry I left like that, but I just had to get out of there.”

“It’s ok. I think I’ll understand once you tell me what happened.” Kesha told him everything. JC took her in his arms and kissed the top of her head.

“Do you ever think he’ll realize what a jerk he’s being?”

“I hope sol. It would be the biggest mistake of his life if he lost you.”

“Thanks, JC. You always know how to make me feel better.”

“You’re welcome. That’s what I’m here for. To make you happy.”

“Well I know one thing that would make me happy.”

“What’s that?”

“How about a kiss?”

“I think I can handle that.” He kissed her passionately.

“When they pulled apart, Kesha said, “Let’s go watch a movie or something.”

“Sounds good.”

“We should probably go say goodbye before we leave.”

“Yeah you’re probably right.” They walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Justin answered.

“We just wanted to let you guys know we are leaving,” JC said.

“And I want to thank Abby again,” Kesha said.

“She’s our back by the pool with Jon,” Justin said.

“Thanks.” She slide past him.

“So is everything ok?” Justin asked.

“Hopefully it will be. Why does Chris have to be such a jerk about this?”

“Well, JC, she is only 17 and if Chris knew the whole story he would flip out.”

“I know. Well in a few months she’ll be 18 and we won’t have to worry about it anymore.”

“Yeah, I bet ya just can’t wait.”

JC had a sly grin on his face. “Nope. Can’t wait.” Justin started laughing. “Well let’s go get Kesha so we can get out of here.” They walked back to the pool where the girls were hugging again.

“Do all girls do this?” JC asked laughing. The girls stepped back and wipped tears from their eyes.

“Well we gotta get going. I’ll call ya later, Abby. Bye, Justin,” Kesha said.

“Bye guys,” Abby and Justin said. Abby, Jon, and Justin played around in the pool until 1:00.

“Oh my gosh! We missed lunch. Ok, Jon, get out of the pool. We have to get lunch,” Abby said.

“But I’m not hungary,” Jon whined.

“But you need to eat.”

“Come on Jon. I’ll give you your shower,” Justin said.

“Ok.” Jon reluctantly got out of the pool.

“Run upstairs and get your clothes. I’ll be up with you in a minute.”

“Ok.” When Jon was gone, Justin turned to Abby who was picking up towels. He walked over to her and put his arms around her waist. She looked into his amazing blue eyes. She wanted to run her fingers through his curly hair but her hands were full of towels. To her delight he leaned down and kissed her. She felt akward still holding the towels so she dropped them and put her arms around his waist. She pulled him as close as possible. She was aware of every place their bodies touched as his tongue slipped into her mouth.

After Jon, Abby, and Justin finished eating it was 2:00. “I’m going to go talk to Lance. I’ll be back later,” Justin said.

“Ok. See ya later.”

“Bye, Buddy.”

“Bye, Just.”

On the way to Lance’s apartment all Justin could think about was Abby. When he knocked on Lance’s door no one answered. After knocking 3 times he tried the door. It was open so he walked in and stopped in his tracks. Lance was sleeping on his couch, kleenx all around him. Justin went over to Lance and shook his shoulders trying to wake him up. Lance slowly woke up. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to talk to you. What’s wrong man? And don’t tell me nothing because I know better.”

“I’m just burnt out. We have been on tour for 6 months ya know.”

“Yeah, that’s why you’ve been crying. I don’t think so. Tell me what’s wrong.”

Lance sat with his head in his hands. “Justin, Stacey was raped.”


“You heard me. Don’t make me say it again.”

“I heard you. When?”

“2 days ago.”

“Lance I’m sorry.” Justin gave his friend a hug.

“Justin, I’m her brother. I’m supposed to protect her. How could this happen?”

“I don’t know, Lance. I don’t know.”

Lance looked Justin in the eye for the first time. “I have to go home. I have to be there for her. I know we have rehearsing and promotions but I have to be therefor her.”

“I understand and I’m sure the others will too.”

“Justin, you can’t tell the others. You have to promise me.”

“I promise. I won’t tell them. Will you do me a favor before you leave?”

“What’s that?”

“Go and talk to Abby. I can’t explain how but she’ll understand.”

Lance looked confused. “Ok I will.”

“Ok. Good.” Justin sat with his friend untl 3:00. “Lance, I’m sorry but I have to go. I’m late to meet someone.”

“That’s ok. I have to get a plane ticket and pack. Oh and talk to Abby.”

“Ok. Call me when you get there.”

“Ok. I will. And, Justin?”


“Thanks. For everything.”

“You’re welcome.” He hugged him again before he left.

Kesha sat in a secluded booth. It was 3:15 and he was still not here. Justin was know to be late but not this late. She was starting to worry when she saw Justin walk in. He looked around the coffee house and spotted her. He came over and sat down. He looked worn out.

Sorry I’m late. Something came up that I had to take care of.”

“That’s ok. Are you alright?” We could do this some other time if you want to.”

“No, we need to talk about this now.”

“Ok. So talk.”

Justin took a deep breath. “Kesha, that kiss this morning was a mistake.”

Kesha breathed a sigh of relief. “I feel the same way. It should have never happened.”

“I’m glad we’re in agreement on this. Also I don’t think we should tell JC and Abby about this. It would only hurt Abby and give JC reason to be suspicious.”

“I think you’re absolutely right.”

“Good. Now let’s have some coffee.”

“Sounds good.”

To Be Continued…
