Chapter 1

Hi, Superman!” Carly exclaimed.

“Hey, Cos!” Joey yelled running up and giving her a huge hug.

“Superman, how many times have I told you not to pick me up?” Carly asked when he put her down.

“501 I think.”

“Oh shut up.” Carly noticed the 4 guys staring at them. “You must be this big lugs friends. I’m Carly, his cousin.”

“Hi, Carly. We’ve heard a lot about you,” JC said.

“Don’t believe anything he said about me,” Carly said pointing at Joey. “It’s all a lie, I assure you.” All the guys laughed.

“Let me make introductions. That’s JC, Justin, Chris, and Lance,” Joey said.

“Joey, have manners? How did you guys accomplish that one?” Everyone except Joey laughed.

“It took a lot of food,” Chris said.

“I see. My Superman here will do anything for food.” She patted his chest.

“Ha ha. Very funny.” A woman walked into the room. “If you’ll excuse me for a minute.” Carly watched as Joey hugged and kissed this woman. She looked like the type Joey went after, tall probably 5’10”, blonde hair, probably blue eyes, and skinny as a beanpole. Carly herself was short, about 5’3”. She was skinny but not like a beanpole. She had brown hair with blonde highlights and brown eyes.

“So I’m guessing that’s his new girlfriend,” Carly said to no one in particular.

“Yup, the one and only Vanessa,” Lance said sarcastically.

“I take it you don’t like her?”

“About as much as I like zukini,” Chris said.

“That much huh?” Carly said laughing.

“The way you’re staring at the two of them I would say you don’t like it that much either,” Justin said. He had been staring at her the whole time she had been staring at Joey and Vanessa.

“I don’t know her so I can’t make an opinion yet. It’s just that as long as I’ve know him he has never had a substantial relationship that has lasted for more than a couple of months.”

“We know what you’re talking about,” Lance said.

“So how old are you?” Justin asked.

“I just turned 20 two days ago,” Carly said with a hint of dissapointment.

“Are you not happy you turned 20?” JC asked noticing the disappointment.

“No, I am. It’s just that Joey didn’t send a card or call or anything. And he couldn’t have been waiting till I got here because he didn’t know I was coming. Which makes me notice I haven’t even been here for 5 minutes and he’s already ditching me for his flame of the week.” None of the guys knew what to say so no one said anything. “Guys, it’s ok. I’m used to it. I’ll be fine.” Carly talked with the guys while Joey talked to Vanessa.

“Baby, she’s my cousin.”

“So there’s nothing going on between you two?”

“No like I said before she’s my cousin. Come on I want you to meet her.”

“But Joey we have reservations and we’re going to be late.”

“Come on Vanessa. It will only take a few minutes.”

“Alright. Let’s do it then.” They walked towards the group that was chatting.

“Cos, I want you to meet my girlfriend Vanessa. Vanessa this is my cousin Carly.”

“Hi nice to meet you,” Carly said putting her hand out.

“Yeah same here,” Vanessa said shaking her hand like it hurt her to do so. “Joey, honey, we have to go.” She started walking away.

“Well I gotta go. Carly the guys will take care of you. I’ll see ya when I get back.” With that he ran off after Vanessa. Everyone watched in shock as he ran away.

“If someone will point me to the restroom I need to use it,” Carly said. She was on the verge of tears and she didn’t want to let these guys see her cry. Justin showed her to the restroom and as soon as she got through the doors she started crying. She didn’t realize she was crying that loudly when there was a knock at the door. “Who is it?” She asked unsure of whom it could be.

The door opened slowly and a blue-eyed, blonde haired boy peeked his head in. “Can I come in?”

Carly started laughing. “Well usually guys don’t use the girls bathroom but if you really need to….”

“No, I was walking by when I heard you crying.” He had opened the door and came in. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. My cousin’s just being a jerk.”

“Well that sucks. By the way my name’s Nick. Nick Carter.” He searched her face for recognition, but didn't see any.

“My name’s Carly. Carly Fatone.”

“Fatone? Let me guess, you’re jerky cousin is Joey?”

“Yes. Please tell my your not a fan of his or something?”

Nick started laughing. “No. I am in a rival group actually. Have you ever heard of the Backstreet Boys?”

“Yeah. I love their songs. I don’t really know what they look like or anything like that but I know they can sing.”

“Well thanks. I appreciate that.”

“Well you’re welcome. I should probably be getting back before the guys start worrying about me.”

“Let me walk you. We’re using the studio after them.” They walked towards the studio talking about the weather and stuff like that. When they got to the door to the studio the other guys in the Backstreet Boys were standing there waiting. “Well this is my stop. Maybe I’ll see you again.”

“Yeah maybe.” She smiled then walked into the studio.

“Hey Nick, who was that?” Brian asked.

“The girl of my dreams,” Nick answered still staring at the door. He could hear the guys laughing but he didn’t say anything.

Carly walked into the studio and found the guys waiting there for her. “Are we ready to go?”

All the guys looked up surprised to see her. “Yup let’s go,” Justin said. They all got up and walked out the door with Carly bringing up the end.

As they walked past the Backstreet Boys Carly heard someone hollering at her. “Carly, wait a minute.” So she stopped. Nick walked up to her. He didn’t say anything just slipped a piece of paper in her hand and walked into the studio. Carly looked at the paper. It had a phone number on it and it said Call me! Carly just laughed and ran to catch up with the rest of the guys.

When they got back to the hotel, Carly went to her room to get some sleep. It was about 7:00 when she woke up. She heard the guys talking in the outer room.

“Did you see her stop and talk to Nick?” Justin asked.

“Yeah I noticed that. Wonder if she knows him?” JC asked.

“I didn’t even see either of them say anything. They just stood there and looked at each other,” Lance said.

“I don’t know. Do you think we should tell Joey?” Chris asked.

“NO,” the other three said.

“Ok. Geez, it was just a question.”

“Joey would flip and you know it,” Justin said.

“What if she tells him?” Chris asked.

“She won’t. If I were her I probably wouldn’t even talk to him after the birthday thing and what he pulled today. That was just plain rude,” JC said.

“I know what you mean,” Justin said. Carly decided that that was her cue to let them know she was up. She made some noise so before she came out so they wouldn’t know she had been listening to them.

“Did you sleep well?” JC asked.

“Yeah. I needed that. I feel so much better now.”

“I’m glad.” Lance said.

“Is Joey still on his DATE?”

“Yeah. I wouldn’t expect him back too soon,” Justin said.

“Ok. Next time you guys see him, tell him that I really need to talk to him.”

“Will do, but where are you going?” Chris asked.

“Well I think I’m going to go sightseeing by myself tonight.”

“You don’t have to go by yourself. I’ll go with you,” Justin said.

“Thanks but no thanks. I want to be by myself tonight. We’ll have to do it some other time though.”

“Ok. We will.”

“Well I’m going to go freshen up before I leave.” She walked back into her room and pulled the paper with Nick’s number on it out of her pocket. She looked at it for at least 5 minutes then decided she was going to call him. She picked up the phone and dialed the numbers.


“May I speak to Nick please?”

“May I ask who is speaking?”

“Tell him its Carly.”

“Ok. Hold on.” Carly could hear him talking. “Nick, it’s someone named Carly.”

“Oh man, tell her to hang on for a sec.”

“Ok. Carly, he says to hang on for a second.”

“Ok. That’s fine.”

She waited for about 3 minutes before Nick came on the phone. “Hello?”

“Yeah. I’m still here, even though I should have hung up 2 minutes ago.”

“I’m so sorry. I was getting fitted for a costume we have to wear tomorrow in concert. Please, please, please forgive me.”

“Nick, it’s ok. I forgive you.”

“Good. I’m glad you called. I kept thinking about you today.”

“Oh really.”

“Yeah really.”

“Well I called because I was wondering if you wanted to get together and do something tonight. I am bored and don’t want to stay here.”

“Aren’t those NYSNC boys keeping you entertained?”

“Nick, please keep them out of this. I know you probably don’t like them but one of them is my cousin and the others are my friends so please just don’t.”

“I’m sorry, Carly. I didn’t mean to upset you. I won’t say anymore.”

“Thanks. So do you want to do something.”

“Well technically I’m not supposed to leave. But I think I can sneak out and meet you for diner or something.”

“Sounds good. You won’t get into trouble will you?”

“No. The guys will cover for me.”

“Ok. I’ll meet you at the coffeehouse on 86th street. Its called Jitters.”

“Ok. I’ll see you there in half an hour.”

“Ok. Bye.”


“Guys, you’ve got to cover for me. I have to meet Carly.”

“Who is this chick?” Brian asked.

“It’s the girl I was talking to today.”

“The one who was hanging out with NSYNC?” Howie asked.

“Well yeah.”

“Can I ask why she was hanging out with them?” AJ asked.

“Well she’s Fatone’s cousin.”

“Nick, what are you doing? Have you even thought about this? I don’t think management would like this too much,” Kevin said.

“Since when can management tell me who I can and can’t date? God this is my life isn’t?”

“Yeah. Go out and have fun, just don’t be gone too long ok,” Brain said.

“I won’t. And thanks guys.”

Carly sat in a corner booth waiting for Nick. She only had to wait 5 minutes until he showed up. “Hi.”

“Hi. I see you snuck away successfully.”

“Yup. The guys said they would cover me.”

“That’s cool that you guys are such good friends.”

“I’m sure you have good friends like that.”

“I have one really good friend excluding Joey. He’s a really good friend when he decides he wants to be.”

“I get the feeling you two aren’t on really good terms right now.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this since you guys are rivals.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to tell anyone. Sounds like you need someone to talk to.”

“Ok. As long as you promise not to tell anyone.”

“I promise.”

“Ok. Joey and I have been best friends since we were little. We went to the same school and everything. Then he moved down to Orlando. We stayed friends and kept in touch until he started with NSYNC. Then he never called, never wrote, never visited. I know he gets busy, but no one should ever get too busy for their friends and family. Well anyway last year I noticed that Joey had changed. I can’t explain it. He ditches me all the time, whether it is for his flame of the week or for the other guys. And to top it all off my birthday was two days ago and he didn’t call, send a card or nothing. And just today he ditched me to go out with his girlfriend. I was there maybe 5 minutes and he ditched me.”

Nick moved from his side of the booth to next to Carly and gave her a hug. “Carly, I’m so sorry.”

“Thanks, Nick.” Carly noticed Nick hung on a little longer than necessary. She didn’t mind at all when Nick didn’t move back over to the other side of the booth.

“Would you like anything?” the waiter asked.


“Um…French Vanilla.”

“Same thing.”

“Ok. It’ll be about 10 minutes.”

“Fine,” Nick said.

“So tell me about you.”

“This is strange for me. People usually know everything about me.”

“Not me. I don't usually have time to listen to music. I don’t even listen to NSYNC that much. I love music though.” They talked for about an hour.

“Carly, I should probably be getting back. I promised the guys I wouldn’t be gone long.”

“Ok. That’s fine. I had fun, we’ll have to do this again.”

“To tell you the truth, I don’t want to leave you. I’ve got an idea, why don’t you come back to the hotel with me.”

“I don’t know. What would the other guys say?”

“The guys are awesome. I think you would like them.”

“What will they say about me being a cousin of a member of NSYNC.”

“Well they already know and I don’t think they will say anything.”

“Well ok, I’ll go back with you, but the first bad word about NSYNC I’m leaving.”

“Ok. Deal.” Nick insisted on paying and they left. As they walked back to the hotel Nick slipped his hand in hers. She didn’t pull away, she just smiled. They walked into silence the rest of the way. When they walked into the hotel she started getting nervous. While they were riding the elevator Nick noticed she was shaking a little bit. “Are we a little nervous?”

“You could say that. I know you guys don’t get along with NSYNC and I guess I’m a little scared about how they are going to react to me.”

“I put it aside and I know they will too. You can’t judge people by who they hang out with.”

“I know but I’m still a little nervous.”

“Well that’s understandable. Everything will be fine. I promise.” They walked out of the elevator and towards his room. They were still holding hands. Nick gave her hand a small squeeze and that amazingly calmed her. They walked into the hotel suite and all the members of the Backstreet Boys were sitting around watching TV. Nick walked in ahead of Carly so the other guys didn’t see her.

“Did you have fun with the NSYNC girlie?” AJ asked not looking up.

Nick looked at Carly quickly and pulled her out from behind her. “AJ, she has a name and I think that that was very disrespectful.”

AJ looked up wondering why he was talking like that. When he saw Carly, he turned a bright shade of red. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. I was just joking.”

For some reason Carly felt brave and said, “It’s ok. But I’m going to say this so there’s no mistake. The first bad thing I hear about NSYNC I’m going to leave. I understand that you guys might not like them but one of them is my cousin and the others are my friends. And I’m sure we can all be friends too.” Everyone just looked at her shocked.

“I’m sure we’ll all be friends too,” Brain said.

“We’re going to go to my room. I’ll see you guys later,” Nick said. He pulled Carly into his room.

“Nick, I’m so sorry, I have no idea why I just said that. I was so rude. I have to go apologize.” She tried to go back out to the other room but Nick pulled her back. He pulled her close to him and stared into her eyes. She was hypnotized by his eyes. Nick leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. He kissed her again with more force this time. When they pulled apart Carly said, “ Wow! What was that for?”

Nick smiled. “I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you at the coffee house tonight. No I take that back, since the studio this afternoon.”

“Nick, that’s so sweet. I’m really flattered.” Carly kissed him again. They talked and kissed until 1:00 AM. “Nick, I really need to be going. The guys are going to get worried.”

“Carly, it’s one in the morning. I can’t let you walk alone on the streets of Chicago at one in the morning. Just stay here tonight.”

“Nick, I would love to do that, but there would be too many questions that I don’t have answers to. I don’t even know how I’m going to explain where I’ve been all night long.”

“What, you mean you didn’t tell them you were going out on a date with me.”

“No. They would have never let me leave the hotel room. They think I went sightseeing.”

“Until one in the morning. I don’t think they are going to believe you.”

“I’ll tell them I went to a club or something.”

“I think you’re right in not telling them about us. I don’t think they would like it too much.”

“No, I don’t think they would. As much as I hate to say it, I really need to be going.”

“You’re not walking, let me get you a driver.”

“Carter, I think I can handle myself.”

“Well you’re my angel and I’m not letting you walk alone on the streets of New York at one in the morning.”

“Ok, whatever. I just have to get going now.”

“Ok. Hold on.” Nick called down to the desk and got Carly a car and driver. “Now come over and give me a kiss before you leave.”

“I think I can handle that.” She walked over to him and pecked him on the lips and started to walk away.

“I don’t think so. You’re not getting away that easily.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her back into a passionate kiss.

“You know Carter, you make it hard for me to leave.”

“I try,” he said with a smile.

“Bye, Carter.”

“Bye, Angel.” She walked out into the main room. It was dark so she didn’t see anyone sitting there.

“Bye, Carly.” Carly jumped and almost screamed. She looked into the darkness to see who it was. “It’s me Brian. I’m sorry if I scared you.”

“It’s ok. I’m actually glad you’re here. I want to apologize for what I said earlier. That was rude of me.”

“It’s ok, Carly. It’s perfectly understandable. I would feel the same way if I was in your shoes.”

“I still shouldn’t have been so rude.”

“It’s all forgiven.”

“Thanks. Well I should be going. It’s getting really late. It was nice to meet you.”

“Same here. Hope to see you again.”

“I’m sure you will. Bye.”

“Bye.” Carly walked out of the hotel to the waiting car.

Joey came home at 11:00 from his date with Vanessa. He found all the guys but no Carly. “Guys, where is Carly?”

“She went out sightseeing,” Justin said.

“By herself?”

“Yeah. She said she wanted to be by herself and I can’t blame her after the way you treated her today,” JC said.

“What do you mean the way I treated her?”

“Joey, she wasn’t even here 5 minutes before you ditched her to go out with Vanessa.”

“I’ve had these plans set with Vanessa for a while. Plus I didn’t even know she was coming.”

“Joey, you see Vanessa all the time. You could have postponed your plans to spend the night with Carly,” JC said.

“And what about the birthday thing?” Chris asked.

“What birthday thing?” Joey asked confused.

“Joey her birthday was two days ago. You didn’t call, send a card or anything. What’s up with that?” Lance asked.

“Her birthday was two days ago? Man, I completely forgot.”

“Yeah well whatever. I’m going to bed,” Justin said.

“I’m going too,” JC said. One by one all the guys walked out of the room, leaving Joey there all by himself. He decided he was going to wait up for Carly. He sat and sat until 1:30 came around. He heard the door opening. A minute later Carly walked in. She didn’t see Joey because he was sitting in the dark.

“Well, its about time you finally came in,” Joey said scaring Carly. She let out a little scream.

“Jesus Christ Joey! Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Why are you sitting in the dark?”

“Well the rest of the guys went to bed 2 hours ago and I didn’t want to keep them awake by having a light on. Speaking of time, where were you and why were you out so late?”

“Well DAD, I went to a few clubs and I was having fun and I guess I just lost track of time.”

“Don’t call me DAD!”

“Well that’s what you’re acting like right now. God Joey I am 20 years old, old enough to make my own decisions. Now I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”

“Carly, You can’t just walk out on this conversation.” She knew he was getting mad. He never called her Carly, he always called her Cos.

“Why not? You walked out on me earlier. Why is this any different?” Before Joey could say anything Carly walked into her room and shut the door. She felt like crying but she would not let him win by crying. She just changed her clothes and went to bed.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 2
