Chapter 12

After the press conference, BJ and Justin headed to his house to have dinner with his parents. Carly and Nick headed back to Joey’s place. When they got there, no one was home. Carly walked into the living room, turned around, and looked at him following her. “Do you realize we are completely alone?”

Nick looked around. “I guess you’re right. What do you suppose we do about it?”

She walked up to him and hugged him around the waist. “What do you want to do?”

“I don’t care. It’s all up to you.”

Carly thought for a minute. “I have an idea." She let go of Nick and went to the radio to look through the cds stacked there. She finally found the one she was looking for and put it in the cd player. She walked back to Nick as the song “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” started. “Dance with me.”

“Here? Now?” Carly nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she laid her head on his chest. They danced through 3 songs before anyone said anything. “What is this cd?” Nick asked.

“It’s Joey’s. It’s all slow love songs. He uses it when he and Venessa are here,” she said without looking up.

“Carly, did you mean what you said about not coming on tour with me?”

She still didn’t look up. “Yes.”

Nick stopped dancing. “Why?”

“You haven’t asked me.”

“Well I’m asking you now. I want you to come. I want to be able to see you everyday. And after the press conference tonight everyone will know so we wont have to sneak around…” Nick kept blabbing on until Carly reached up and brought his head down to hers for a kiss. “Is that a yes?” Nick asked when they pulled apart.

“No. That’s a we’ll discuss it later.” She kissed him again. Then the phone started ringing. “God! Does it ever stop?” She walked over to the phone. “Hello?”

“Coz, it’s me.”

“What do you need Joey?”

“I’m just calling to let you know I won’t be home tonight. I’m staying at Venessa’s place.”

“Ok. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye.” Carly hung up the phone and walked to the front door to lock it. When she walked back into the living room Nick was standing there with a confused look on his face. “Joey’s not coming home tonight.”

Nick raised an eyebrow. “Really?” Carly nodded. “So we have this whole house to ourselves all night?”

“Yup.” She walked over to the phone and unplugged it. “With no interruptions.” She walked over to Nick and kissed him.

The next morning Nick woke up and didn’t recognize where he was. He remembered when he saw the picture of him and Carly on the bedside table. He looked around the room. Carly was gone. He got up and went looking for her. She was in the shower so he sat down in the living room and watched TV. About 10 minutes later Carly walked into the living room wearing only a towel. “Oh. I thought you were Joey.”

“Nope. Just little old me.”

“Well I’m going to go get dressed.”

Nick stood up. “I think you look great just the way you are.” He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Carter, I’m standing here half naked. What if Joey came home right now?”

“Who really cares.” He bent down and kissed her. He ran his hand down her back under the towel.

She pulled away and started walking towards the stars. “I’m going to get dressed.”

“Wait,” Nick said. He pulled on her towel just about pulling it off, but she was holding onto the front. She turned around and looked at him. He let go of her towel and she walked upstairs. Nick sat down and stared off into space as she got dressed. When she came down and sat down next to him, his expression didn’t change.

“Nick, it’s ok. I’m not mad. I know you didn’t mean to do it.”

Nick looked at her. “I love you!”

“I love you too.” They kissed, then cuddled on the couch.

“So have you thought about going on tour?”

Carly sat up. “I really really want to. But I can’t.”

Nick sat up too. “Why?”

“Well before we got back together the guys kinda asked me to go with them.”

“And you said yes?” I nodded my head yes. Nick was quiet.

“I’m sorry. If I could go back and change things I would. If I would have know we would be together today I would have said no.” He still didn’t say anything. “Nick, do you understand? Are you mad?”

“No, I’m not mad. I understand I’m just going to miss you.”

“Let’s not think about that yet. We have a whole month.”

“I know.” He kissed her. They continued kissing until she felt someone watching them. She pulled away and looked up. There stood Joey and Venessa.

“Hi, Joe,” Carly said. Nick looked up shocked.

“Hey, Coz. Having fun?” Both Nick and Carly turned a dark shade of red. “We’re going to take a dip in the pool. See ya later.” They walked upstairs. She laid back on the couch with her legs draped over Nick. She put her hands over her face.

“Angel?” He tickled behind her knees. She grabbed his hands. Her eyes were still closed. “Angel?”


“You’re not embarrassed are you?”

She opened her eyes and looked at him. “Not at all,” she said sarcastically.

“Don’t be. He’s your cousin. If anyone should be embarrassed, it should be me.”

She smiled evilly. “Are you?”

“Not at all.” He leaned down and kissed her. They spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch.

The next day rehearsals the tour started for both groups. So Carly spent a lot of time by herself or she was with BJ helping her get ready for graduation. As it turned out Justin had asked BJ to go on tour with them and she of course said yes. They were leaving the day after graduation. Carly would join them in month and a half. The day of graduation had arrived. All the guys of NSYNC minus Justin had a party for Carly the night before. They didn’t think they should go to her house. So it was Carly, Justin, the BSB, and the Carter clan. They all talked, ate cake and juice, and talked some more. Finally everyone was gone but Carly and Justin.

“Well I should probably be going,” Justin said. “Have to get up bright and early in the morning.”

“It was nice to have you. You take care of my girl on tour,” Jane said.

“I will.” Justin said smiling. “Are you coming, Carly?”

“Yeah. I’ll be right there.” Justin and BJ walked out to his car to say goodbye.

Nick and Carly walked to the door. Nick had his hands on her hips. She had her hand on his chest. “So I’ll see you tomorrow?” Carly asked.

“I’ll come over after rehearsal.” Nick was going to be staying with Carly for the 2 weeks before tour.

“Well I better go. We both have to get up early tomorrow.”

“Ok. I’ll see ya tomorrow night.”

“Ok. I love you.”

“Love you too.” He kissed her quickly on the lips knowing his parents were hanging around somewhere.

Carly opened the door. “Bye.”

“Bye.” She walked out to find Justin and BJ kissing by his benz. She walked to the passenger side and go in. BJ and Justin finally parted and Justin got into the car, and they were on their way.

“You know you are going to see her tomorrow.”

“I know.”

“Just checking.” She laughed at the funny look he gave her. “I understand. I didn’t want to leave Nick either.” They rode the rest of the way to Joey’s house in silence.

“You’re coming to see us off tomorrow right?” Justin asked as Carly got out of the car.

“Yup. I’ll be there.”

“Ok. See ya then.”

“Bye.” Justin drove away. Carly went into the house and went straight to bed.

The next morning Carly got up at 5:00. The buses were leaving at 6:30. She threw on some clothes and put her hair up in a ponytail. She went downstairs and grabbed some juice from the fridge. She drank it then got in her car and headed to the studio. All the guys had stayed at Justin’s house last night. They were probably already at the studio. She was right. When she pulled into the studio lot she saw all the guys staying good bye to their families. She walked up to the first guy she saw who was Lance. She hugged him. “I’ll see ya in about a month.”

“Can’t wait. Take care of yourself.” When she got to Joey, she broke down. “Don’t cry, Coz. We’ll see each other in a little over a month.”

“I know. I’m just going to miss you and the other guys.”

“We’ll miss you too. I’ll call everyday.”


“I promise.” She hugged him one more time.

“Have you seen BJ around. I want to say bye to her.”

“She’s over there.” He pointed at her. She was talking to a tall guy with a hat one. The guy had his back to her so Carly couldn’t tell who it was.

Carly gave Joey one last hug. “Bye, Superman.”

“Bye, Coz.” Then Carly walked to BJ.

She hugged her. “You take care out there, and keep the curly haired one in line.”

“I will. I’m going to miss you. You’ve become my older sis.”

“I’ll be with you in a month or so. You take care of those boys.”

“I will.” They heard the announcement that the buses were loading. “Bye, Carly.”

“Bye, BJ.” BJ waved at the tall man and got on the bus. For the first time Carly looked at the man beside her. She was shocked to find herself staring into Nick’s blue eyes. She practically jumped on him. “Carter, what are you doing here?”

“I brought my sister in to see her off.” He paused. “And I thought you could use a shoulder to cry on.”

She looked at the buses pulling out and started crying. “It’s like a piece of me is leaving. They’re a part of me and you guys are a part of me. I don’t know what I’m going to do when you leave.”

He hugged her tighter to him. “Don’t think about that.”

They stood there for a while before Carly pulled back. “What time do you have to be at rehearsal.”

“In about half an hour. Why don’t you come with me? Take your mind off things.” He caressed her cheek. She leaned her head into his palm.

“That sounds like a great idea.” He grabbed her hand and led her into the studio. He took her to the room they would be practicing. He showed her some of the new stuff they would be doing. He was talking a mile a minute. She walked up to him and grabbed his face in her hands. “Calm down. Breath a little bit before you pass out.”

He laughed at her and took a long breath. “Better now? I’m breathing.”

“Lots better.” Nick walked over to the radio and turned it on. Christina Agularia’s What a Girl Wants came on.

“Dance with me?” he asked.

“You know I can’t dance.”

“Come on. I’ve seen you.”

“That was slow dancing. Huge difference.”

“Come on. I’ll show you want to do.” He walked over to her. He stood behind her and put his hands on her hips. He started swaying and moving to the music moving her hips too. “Close your eyes and feel the music.” She did and really got into it. He ran his hands around to her stomach and as she moved his hands ran all the way up and down her stomach. They stopped dancing when they heard the door open. They looked over and saw all the guys and their choreographer.

Calry pulled away and walked over to the side of the room. “I’ll just sit over here.”

They started working. They danced for a good 4 hours. “Carly, get your butt up here,” Brian yelled.

“I’m fine right here.” Nick and Brian looked at each other and started walking towards her. “Guys, don’t.” Before she could move, they picked her up and carried her out to the middle of the floor. She stood there. All 5 of them started dancing around her. She still just stood there. Nick walked into the center with her.

“Come on, Angel. You were dancing before.” Carly slapped him on his arm in mock anger. They all kept taunting her so she finally gave in and started swaying her hips. After a while she sad down so they could continue rehearsing. At about 2:00 she stood up. Nick immediately stopped dancing. He walked over to her. “What?”

“I’m going to go home and take a nap. I’ll see you later.”

“Ok. Bye.” He kissed her quickly on the lips. She left and Nick went back to rehearsing.

The next two weeks flew by. Nick and Carly spent every minute they could together. Finally the day they had to leave came. She was as emotional as when NSYNC had left. She hugged all the guys telling them how much she would miss them. Then she came to Nick. She started crying just at the sight of him. He took her in his arms and held her. He ran his hands up and down her back to comfort her. “We’ll see each other in a month, and we’ll talk everyday.” Carly just nodded her head. When Nick pulled away and headed for the bus, she started to cry. Nick hopped on the bottom step of the bus, waved then disappeared onto the bus. Someone tapped Carly on the shoulder she turned around to see Nick’s mom with her arms open. Carly fell into her arms, and they hugged each other as the buses pulled out.

“Carly, why don’t you come out and stay with us? The house will be empty with BJ and Nick gone.”

“I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

“You wouldn’t be. You’re family now.”

“I would love to, but I have classes. Maybe next weekend.”

“Ok. I’ll give you a call then.”

“Ok. Bye.” “I’ll try.” Calry walked to her car and drove home. The next week, she didn’t go anywhere besides class. Then she got a call from Jane.

“Hello, honey. How are you holding up?”

“I’m ok. I’ve been better, but I’m surviving.”

“Well we were just making plans for this weekend and were wondering if you were coming out. The twins have been asking about you.”

I smiled at the thought. “Ok. I’ll come out Friday evening.”

“Ok. See ya then.”


Friday, when Carly got to the Carter’s house, Arron and Angel were running around playing. She stepped out of the car and they came running up to me. She bent down and hugged them. “How are you two doing?”

“Good,” Arron said.

“I’m happy to see you,” Angel said.

“I’m glad to see you too. I’m going to say hi to your mom.”

“Ok. We’re going to play some more,” Arron said.

“Ok.” She walked into the house looking for Jane. She found her in the kitchen. “Hi, Jane. How are you?”

She turned around and hugged me. “Hello, honey. I’m doing well. Are you ready for some Carter fun?”

“Yup,” she said laughing. She did have fun that weekend. She played with the twins, talked with Jane and Robert, and just relaxed with the people who were slowly becoming her family.

The next few weeks she spent reorganizing my life. She finished classes, packed to go on tour, and talked to Nick and Joey. She was looking through my calendar looking at dates when she noticed something. She double-checked the dates. Then she sat there staring at the calendar for the next the next few hours. Then for the next few days she put it out of her mind by getting ready to go on tour. Then the day before she was to leave she went out and bought a test. She sat staring at it all day before she finally took it.

Carly looked at the test in her hands for hours before the realization sank in. When it did she sat on the floor and cried. She stayed there all night. At 6:00 she got up off the floor, picked up the test, and threw it away. Then she took a shower and got dressed. She grabbed her bags and put them in her car. She headed for the airport. Her flight left at 8:00. She got there just in time to board her plane. She slept the whole way to New York. She would spend 2 days with Nick and the gusy then they would leave. She would spend a day by herself then NSYNC would come into town and she would go with them. On the cab ride to the hotel Carly kept telling herself, You have to get into a better mood. They’ll notice if you’re down and gloomy. Carly worked herself into a good mood by thinking about Nick and how good it would be to see him. It had only been a month but she missed him terribly. Finally the cab pulled up in front of the hotel. She got her bags and headed to check in. After she was all checked in the clerk handed her a note. “What’s this?”

“It was left for you.”

“Oh. Ok. Thanks.” She opened it. It was from Nick telling her what room he was in and to come there when she got there. Carly smiled. She took her bags up to her room, which was on the top floor, the 12th. Then she headed down 2 floors to the see the guys. The minute the elevator doors opened and she stepped off, she was surrounded by 3 big black guys.

“Miss, can I ask what you are doing here?”

“I’m here to see Nick.”

“I don’t think so. Fans are not allowed on this floor.”

“I’m not a fan. I’m his girlfriend and he’s expecting me.”

“We haven’t been informed of any girlfriend or anyone coming today.”

“Go ask him!” Carly was getting upset.

“I don’t think so.” He pushed the button for he elevator. “You need to get back on the elevator.” The doors opened and one of them slightly shoved her onto the elevator. She went back up to her room. She was extremely mad. She sat on her bed trying to think of a way to get a hold of Nick. Nick’s cell phone was broken, but she did have Brian’s number. She dug through her bag looking for the number. She finally found it and dialed it. It rang for like 5 minutes before it was answered.


“Brian? Is that you?”

“Yeah. Carly, is that you?”


“What’s wrong? You sound upset.” All the guys looked at him concerned. Nick got up and walked over to Brian. He hovered over him.

“I’ll tell you later. Just meet me at the elevator on your floor.”


“Just do it.”

“Ok.” Carly hung up the phone and headed down.

Brian hung up the phone. “What’s wrong?” Nick asked.

“I don’t know. She just told me to meet her at the elevator.”

“I’m coming with you,” Nick said. They walked to the elevator. When they got there, they saw Carly surrounded by their 3 new bodyguards.

“Miss, we told you before you can’t be here.”

“Darren, what’s the problem?” Nick asked.

“Ask him?” Carly tried to get to Nick, but the guys held her back.

“Let go of her,” Nick said. They looked at him and let her go. She ran to him. “Babe, what’s wrong?”

“This is the 2nd time I’ve been here. They wouldn’t let me in. I told them who I was and to call you, but they wouldn’t.”

“Brian, would you explain things to them? I’m going to take Carly to my room.” He led her to his room and sat her down on his bed. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah. I’m just mad. I understand that they’re new, but they wouldn’t even call you.”

He kneeled down and hugged her. “I know, babe. I’ll never happen again. I’ll make sure of that.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to be any trouble and look at what I’ve caused. I’m really sorry.”

Nick ran his hands up and down her back. “It’s my fault. I didn’t even think about telling the new guys about you. I guess I just assumed they would find out somehow.” They held each other until she calmed down.

“I’m so happy to see you. I missed you so much,” Carly said.

“I’ve missed you too.” He kissed her lovingly. They continued to kiss. He leaned forward making her fall back on the bed with him on top of her. Suddenly an image of last night flashed in her head. She pushed on his chest and rolled over slightly so he wasn’t on top of her anymore.

“I need to go say hi to the other guys. They’re going to be worried.” She got up and left the room leaving a stunned Nick laying on the bed.

Carly walked into the room and saw all the guys sitting there. “Hey all. Did you miss me?”

Brian jumped up and hugged her. “I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s ok. It all worked out.” The rest of the guys stood up and took turns hugging her.

“Where’s Nick?” Brian asked.

“He’s coming. He had to go to the bathroom.” They sat down and talked. Nick walked into the room about 5 minutes later. He sat down next to Carly. He joined the conversation. After about 20 minutes he put his hand on Carly’s upper thigh. She looked down at his hand then up at him. He smiled at her. She let it go for a couple of minutes then she casually reached down and grabbed his hand squeezing it. Nick looked at her. He wondered what was going on with her.

Later that night Carly was heading up to her room. What is up with Nick? she asked herself. He had been doing things all night. It had started when he put his hand on her thigh. It was something he had done a few times before, but never in public. He had been putting his hands all over her. Every time he touched her like that she thought about last night. When she got to her room, she changed and crawled into bed. She laid there thinking for a while. Then she cried herself to sleep and had bad dreams. The next morning there was a knock on her door. She slowly got up. There stood Brian. “Girl, what happened to you?” Carly had bags under her eyes and looked terrible.

“Not a good night.”

“Well we’re going to breakfast as soon as we can get your lazy boyfriend out of bed.”

She laughed. “I’ll get dressed and be right down.”

“Ok.” She shut the door and got dressed. She didn’t bother with make-up because she knew it couldn’t help. When she got down to the main floor the guys had already gotten food and were eating. She walked up to the table and sat down next to Nick. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. “I’m not hungry.”

“Did you eat on the plane last night?” She lifted her head off his shoulder.

“No. Plane food sucks.”

“Babe, you have to eat.”

“Nick, I’m not hungry and I’m not going to eat. Now if you would quit yelling at me and eat you could get done faster.” The whole table sat in silence staring at them.

Carly looked at everyone. “I forgot something in my room. I’ll be right back.” She got up and left.

When she was gone Nick said, “Something’s wrong. I kissed her after she got here and she pushed me away. And you guys saw last night. She would barely let me touch her.”

“Well Nick you were getting a little inappropriate last night. I think any girl probably would have reacted the same way. But I don’t understand the whole kissing thing.”

“Something’s up and she won’t tell me. What could be so bad that she wouldn’t tell me?” No one said anything. Soon they were done eating.

“Are we ready to go?” Kevin asked.

“We have to wait for Carly,” Nick said.

“I’m here,” she said appearing behind them. They all got up and started walking to the door. Carly grabbed Nick’s hand. “Can we talk?”

“Yeah. But let’s wait until we get on the bus.” They got on and headed straight to the back lounge and closed the door. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah. I want to apologize for my outburst earlier. It was uncalled for and mean.”

“I’m sorry too. I’m just concerned about you.”

“I know you are. I’m not feeling up to my normal self. I’m going to see the doctor tomorrow after you leave. I’ll call you as soon as I know anything.”

“Ok. I love you.”

“I love you too.” They kissed. The rest of the day went pretty quickly since it was busy. After the concert they all crashed in Kevin and Howie’s room. Carly had been asleep for about an hour when she woke up from a bad dream. She tried to get out of Nick’s arms so she wouldn’t wake them, but Nick woke up. He saw here crying and immediately became concerned.

“Carly, what’s wrong?” She just shook her head and walked out of the room into AJ’s room. Nick followed her closing the connecting door behind him. She sat on the bed and he kneeled in front of her. “Angel, tell me what’s wrong.” He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and stroked her check. “Come on, Angel. You can tell me anything.”

“Ok, Nick. I’m not going to lie to you. I think I’m pregnant.” His had stopped immediately.

“What did you say?”

“I said I think I’m pregnant.” Nick leaned back and sat on the floor. “I took a pregnancy test 2 days ago. It was positive. I’m going to the doctor tomorrow to be positive.” Nick still didn’t say anything. “Nick, please say something.” When he still didn’t say anything, she got up and started pacing.

“Is it mine?”

Carly immediately stopped pacing. She slowly turned to look at him. “How in the hell could you ask that?” He started to say something. “Don’t. Just don’t.” She walked to the connecting door and slammed it open. Then she left the room. Nick was immediately on his feel following her. The door slamming open had woken up all the other guys. They were staring at the two. Carly grabbed her purse and shoes and went to the door.

Nick grabbed her hand and said, “Carly, wait!”

Carly pulled away from him like she’d been burned. “Don’t touch me. Don’t EVER touch me again.” Carly opened the door and left. She went up to her room and cried all night.

After the door closed Nick slid down it and put his head in his hands. As he started crying, Brian walked up to him and asked, “What was all of that?”

“I just made the biggest mistake of my life,” he said between sobs.

Chapter 13
