Chapter 3

During most of the sound check Carly sat in the stands and watched the guys. It was amazing to see them interact with each other. They acted like little kids bursting with energy. She was laughing at something AJ and Howie were doing when Nick said, “Angel, come up here.”

She looked at him. “Nope.”


“I’m having too much fun right here.”

“Come on Angel. Either come up here on your own or I’m going to come down there and drag you up here.”

“Carter, don’t even think about it.” Again all the guys had weird expressions on their faces. They had never heard anyone call him that. They would never think of calling him that. They were afraid he would hurt them or something. Nick jumped down off the stage and headed for her. “Carter, stay away.”

“Then come up here. I want to here that angelic voice of yours.”

“Carter, I can’t sing. You really don’t want to hear my voice.”

“Yes I do.” She started running, Nick right behind her. He caught up with her in no time. “Come on. Just sing for me.”

Carly struggled to get away but finally gave up. “Ok, just one song. But you have to promise me that you’ll never make me sing again.”

“Ok, I promise.”

“Ok, now let go of me so we can walk up to the stage.” He let go of her but grabbed her hand. When they got up onstage she asked, “What do you want me to sing?”

“I don’t care. Whatever you want to.”

“Ok here I go.”

It’s been awhile now;

How have you been doing.

Do you ever think about me and you?

And all the things we used to do.

The times that we shared.

Well I’ve been looking for love and affection.

It’s brought me back in your direction.

Even though we’ve been apart.

You’re part of my soul.

Okay, I know (I know I was a fool)

A fool (to lose my faith in you)

But girl before you go

I want you to know

That I think of you everyday baby

And I can’t seem to get away from these feelings

And I,

I need to tell you somehow

I need your love right now

I need your love

Looking back I can see things clearly

The mistakes that I paid for dearly

Taking love for granted only leaves you alone

Well if we talked you would understand that time has made

Me a better man and with your love behind me

There’s nowhere I can go

So take a chance (just take a chance on me)

And you’ll see (it’s where you need to be)

In your heart it tells you so

You’ll know what I know

That I think of you everyday baby

And I can’t seem to get away from these feelings

And I

I need to tell you somehow

That I need your love right now

Right now is the time for both of us

To put aside our differences and trust

All the words I never used to say

Now I’ve found the way.

And I by Boyzone

Carly had gotten lost in the song she was singing and was shocked when she heard applause. Nick came up to her and put his arms around her from behind. “Angel that was so good. You have a beautiful voice,” he whispered into her ear.

“Carly, that was wonderful,” Brian and AJ said.

“Thanks guys, but you don’t have to lie to me. I know I can’t sing.”

“Carly, you’re crazy. You can sing just like an angel,” Howie said.

“That’s right. She’s my angel.”

“Guys, quit. You’re embarrassing me. Just get back to your sound check.”

When Lance walked into the venue, he could hear a wonderful voice singing. It was a girl’s voice. “I thought BSB was here,” he said to himself. He walked towards the back of the venue looking for Lou. As he went by the sage he saw BSB and a girl. He stopped to see who the girl was. As he looked closer he saw the girl looked familiar. When the girl stopped singing all the guys applauded and Nick went and put his arms around her. She’s just Nick’s new girlfriend he thought to himself. When he saw the girl walking offstage he started walking onstage towards Kevin. “Hey, Kev. What’s up?” All the guys turned and looked at him. He saw the girl stop dead in her tracks when she heard him. Kevin walked over to him and gave him a hug.

“I’m good man. How are you?”

“I’m good. Keeping busy as I’m sure you are too.”

“Yup. What are you doing here?”

“Well Lou called and told me to come down to pick up some papers.”


“Kevin, we need to get back to sound check,” Howie said.

“Well it sounds like I have to go.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Yeah, make it quick.”

“Who is that girl?”

“You don’t recognize her?”

“She looks familiar but I haven’t gotten a close look at her face.”

Kevin looked down at Carly sitting in the front row trying to hide her face. “I think you need to go down and talk to her, because you definitely know her.”

“Ok. I think I’ll do that.”

“Lance, stay for a little bit. We should be done here in about 20 minutes then we can catch up.”

“Ok. I’ll be here.” Kevin walked back to the guys and Lance walked off stage.

“What’s he doing here?” Nick asked worried that he saw Carly.

“He came to pick up some papers from Lou. And Nick, lay off. He is my friend.”

“I know. I'm sorry."

Lance walked off stage and down to the floor level. The girl was staring up at the stage and didn’t notice Lance coming towards her. As Lance got closer and got a good look at her he recognized her. He stopped dead in his tracks. All of the sudden she looked in his direction and got wide eyed. Lance walked up to her. “Carly, what are you doing here?”

“Lance, um there’s not good explanation for this.”

“Carly just tell me the truth.”

“Well I met Nick that day I got here. He comforted me when I was upset about Joey. We talked and now we’re kinda together.”


“Lance, I’m not sure what’s going on between us. You have got to promise not to tell the guys.”

“Carly, these are very public people. You know it’s going to come out sometime.”

“I know. I will tell them soon. I just need to figure out what’s happening exactly.”

“Ok. I promise I won’t tell them until you do.”

“Thanks Lance.” She gave him a hug. Nick saw this and felt jealous. He hoped everything was ok. After the sound check, Nick went down to Carly who was now sitting by herself.

“How are you?” he asked sitting down.

“I’m ok. Lance said he wouldn’t say anything until I did. He’s being a pretty good guy about this. I wish he wouldn’t have seen me. There for a minute I thought I had gotten away with out him seeing me.”

“Yeah me too. I’m just glad he won’t say anything.”

“Nick, we need to talk and figure things out. Because if this is going to go anywhere I need to tell them and soon.”

“I know. We’ll talk after the concert.”


To Be Continued…

Chapter 4
