Chapter 4

Carly went to an empty dressing room during the last song of the concert. She knew the guys had to take care of things and she didn’t want to be in the way. She kept thinking about her and Nick. What had happened to them in the last two days? It was like a dream come true. She felt herself falling a little more every time she looked into his stunning blue eyes. She sat there thinking about Nick and how special he was to her until she fell asleep. Nick found her still sitting there sleeping an hour later. He gently shook her trying to wake her up.

“Angel, wake up.”

Carly slowly woke up. She looked up at Nick and smiled when she recognized who it was. She sat up so he could sit down beside her. “Hey there,” she said as he sat down beside her.

“Are you tired?”

“Yeah I was. I’m feeling better now. I have to save up my energy for the wrath of Joey when I get back. I’m sure he’ll be waiting up for me.”

Nick got an evil grin on his face. “Maybe you shouldn’t go back tonight.”

Carly playfully hit him. “Carter, get your mind out of the gutter.”

“But it’s so much more fun there.” He caught her eye and stared into them. He leaned closer till he was inches away from her lips. “We should probably talk now huh?”

“Who wants to talk?” She put her hands around his neck and pulled him into the kiss. They kissed until Brian came to get Nick because they were leaving. Brain cleared his throat trying to get their attention.

“What do you need Bri?” Nick said only inches from Carly’s lips.

“Sorry to interrupt but we’re leaving now. Just thought you might like to know.”

“We’ll be out in a minute ok?”

“Ok.” Brian left. Nick started kissing her check and ear lobe.

“Nick, shouldn’t we be going before they leave us.”

“They won’t leave us. Plus I’m having too much fun.”

“Oh, I’m having fun, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that we haven’t talked yet and I’d rather not get stuck here all night, so let’s go.” She pulled herself away from him and got up. She held out her hand to pull him up. He took it, but instead of standing up he pulled her down into his lap. He then started kissing her neck. “NICK! We have to go. Plus we still need to talk.” When she said that he stopped kissing her and stood up just about dropping her on the floor. “Watch it, Carter!”

“Angel, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s ok. Let’s just go.” Nick grabbed her hand and entwined his fingers with hers. She smiled and gave his hand a little squeeze. They walked out to the bus together.

Joey knocked on Carly’s door. He thought they needed to talk. He had left her alone in her room all day and now he thought it was time she came out and faced everyone. They were all sitting in the living area of the suite. When she didn’t answer he knocked again. She still didn’t answer so he went in. There was no one was there. Joey went back to the living area and asked, “Where’s Carly?”

“She went shopping with a friend today,” Justin said.

“And why wasn’t I told?”

“Didn’t think about it,” Justin answered.

“When did she say she was coming back?”

“She didn’t say. She just told me to tell you not to wait up because she would probably be late.”


“Joey, chill. She’s 20 years old I think she can handle herself,” Chris said.

“Chris, she’s my responsibility. Her mother will kill me if anything happens to her.”

“Man just chill. She’s going to be fine. She just went out with a friend. Why don’t you get some sleep, we have a busy day tomorrow.”

“I think I will. If anyone is up when she gets home come wake me up.” Everyone nodded. Joey went to the room he was sharing with Chris.

“Is anyone actually thinking about doing what he asked?” Justin asked. The three people shook their heads no. “Didn’t think so.”

Somehow everyone got back to the hotel in one piece. Carly thought for sure that the girls outside the hotel were going to rip the guys to shreds. Carly and Nick were now sitting alone in the room Nick shared with Brian. Carly was lying on her stomach on Nick’s bed and Nick was sitting on Brian’s bed.

“Sooo…” Nick said.

“I suppose we should talk huh?”

“Yeah we probably should.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes. “I’ll go first. Nick, you are a sweet, sensitive, caring guy. I knew that the minute you came into the ladies restroom at the studio. You’re cute, but then you already knew that, and you’re smart. I think I fell for you that first day in the restroom. You’re the first person to really care about me in a long time; obviously Joey doesn’t care. And every time I look into those amazing blue eyes of yours I fall a little deeper.” She couldn’t look him in the eye after saying all this to him, so she didn’t see him get up and come over to her. She jumped when she felt his hand rubbing her back.

“Angel, I feel the same way. I’m falling for you too. I don’t have all those fancy words to say it like you just did. But I want you to know I feel the same way about you as you do about me.”

She still couldn’t look him in the eye. “So are we a couple now or what?”

Nick laughed slightly. “Yes, I think that would be a good idea don’t you?”

“Yeah, I think that’s a wonderful idea.” Carly rolled over so she was on her back. She finally looked him in the eyes. She saw something there. Nick’s hand was now on her stomach since she rolled over. He started rubbing it and she started giggling.

“What’s so funny?” Nick asked smiling.

Carly put her hand over his to stop it. “That tickles.”

“Does it really?”

“Yes and I don’t like that look in your eyes. Don’t even think about it.”

“What? I wouldn’t do anything.”

“Why don’t I believe you?”

“I don’t know.” He leaned down and kissed her. Then all of the sudden he started tickling her stomach.

“Nick, stop!”

“I’m having too much fun to stop.”

“Please. Stop. I. Can’t. Breathe.” she said between laughs.

“Ok. I’ll stop. I’d rather have a girlfriend that can breathe than one that can’t.”

When he stopped tickling her, she took both his hands in hers. She leaned up to kiss him but he pulled back. She was stunned. “What?”


“Well than get your butt down her and give me a kiss.” He shook his head no. “Please?” She gave him a puppy dog look. He held out for a while then he couldn’t stand her look anymore. He leaned down and kissed her with so much passion that he even shocked himself. When they pulled apart all Carly could say was “Wow.”

“That’s what I was thinking.”

Carly looked at her watch. “Oh my God. Nick it’s two in the morning. I have got to get back to the hotel before Joey has a heart attack.”

“Carly, I wasn’t joking when I said maybe you shouldn’t go home tonight. Just stay here with me. I promise I won’t try anything. I just want to wake up with you in my arms tomorrow morning. Please just stay with me.”

“I don’t know.” Carly thought about it for a few minutes then said, “Ok, I’ll stay with you. I can’t think of anything more wonderful than waking up in your arms tomorrow morning. But I should probably call and tell them I’m staying with my friend. That’s where they think I am so it should be fine.”

“Ok, that sounds good.”

Carly picked up the phone and dug the number out of her purse. She dialed the number and waited for someone to answer hoping it wouldn’t be Joey or Lance.



“Yeah, who’s this?” She could tell she woke him up.

“It’s Carly. I’m just calling to tell you that since it’s so late I’m just going to stay at my friend’s house tonight. I’ll probably be home sometime tomorrow morning.”

“Ok, but we probably won’t be here. We have an early interview then some promotional stuff then the sound check and the concert.”

“Ok, how about I just meet you at the sound check. That way I don’t have to hurry in the morning.”

“Ok, sounds good. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Ok. Bye. And thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Bye.”

Carly hung up the phone and looked at Nick. “What?” he said after she had been staring at him for 5 minutes.

“Nothing. Just admiring my cute boyfriend.”

“Really? What’s he like?”

“Oh, no. We’re not going there again tonight. I was actually thinking that I need something to sleep in. I don’t think I’ll be very comfortable in this.” She pointed to the skirt she was wearing.

“But I like that.”

“I’m sure you do. Now quit whining and get me something to wear.”

“Yes Sir. And I wasn’t whining.”

“Don’t call me sir and yes you were.”

Nick looked through the mess on the floor for a clean shirt. He finally found one. “Will this do?”

She looked at the forest green T-shirt. “Yeah, I think it’ll work.” She went into the bathroom to change. She laughed at her reflection when she put on the shirt. It was so big it went to below her knees. She walked out of the room and said, “Don’t even say anything. It’s just a little big.”

“I’ve never seen that shirt look better.” He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He had to lean down because she was so much shorter than he was. She was only 5’3” compared to his 6’1”. He kissed her softly on her forehead. Then he picked her up and carried her to the bed.

“Nick, put me down. Please! I’m too heavy for you to carry,” Carly said in a slightly frightened voice.

“You’re light as a feather girl. What are you talking about?” He laid her down in bed then crawled in beside her. He had changed into boxers and a T-shirt while she was in the bathroom. They lay there in each other’s arms talking. About half an hour later they heard Brian come in the room to go to bed so they decided it was time to quit talking and go to sleep.

The next morning Joey woke up and went straight to Carly’s room. He opened the door to find no one there and the bed made. It looked like no one had slept in this room last night. He went out to the kitchen. There he found Justin eating his AppleJacks. “Justin, have you seen Carly this morning?”

“She stayed at her friends house last night. She called at about 2 last night and told me where she was.”

“She what?! And you let her?!”

“Joey, she’s 20 years old and I’m not her father so I had no right to tell her that she couldn’t.”

“Maybe you didn’t but I did.”

“No you didn’t either. Joey why are you being so overprotective all the sudden? Two days ago you left 5 minutes after she got here. I don’t get it.”

Joey ignored his comment. “When is she coming back.”

Justin sighed. “She’s meeting us at the sound check tonight. And please just be nice and don’t start all this fathering. So far she hasn’t spent any time with us since she got her and that’s most likely because of you. So just lay off her or you’re going to drive her away.”

Justin’s words were like a dagger to Joey’s heart. “Am I really driving her away?”

“Yeah, Joey. You are. Just be her cousin and her friend. Just be there for her when she needs you and support her in the decisions she makes. Don’t try to control her life. That’ll get you nowhere.”

All this was starting to make sense to Joey. “Kid, when did you get so smart.”

“Don’t call me kid. I’ve always been smart. I just usually don’t like to show it. Don’t want to ruin my image.” They both laughed and finished their breakfast.

Carly woke up to unfamiliar surroundings. She sat up quickly when she realized she didn’t know where she was.

“Angel, what’s wrong?”

When she heard his sweet voice she remembered where she was. She smiled and lay down. “Nothing. I didn’t know where I was there for a second.” She felt his arms wrap around her waist and she felt completely safe. She tried to go back to sleep but she couldn’t. She listened to his breathing. When she was sure he was asleep she quietly slipped out of his arms. She heard talking out in the main room and decided to go out there. When she walked out the talking stopped.

“Carly? We didn’t know you were still here,” AJ said.

“Yeah. It was pretty late so I decided to stay. I hope you guys don’t mind.”

“No, that’s fine,” Howie said.

Carly noticed all three of them staring at her. She realized she still had Nick’s shirt on. “Well I suppose I should go get some clothes on.” She quietly walked back into Nick and Brian’s room to their bathroom. She quickly put her clothes on. She wished she had some clean clothes but these were going to have to do. Just as she was about to open the door it opened from the outside. There stood Brian. They stood and looked at each other for a few minutes. “Well let me get out of your way so you can get ready.” She slipped past him. She looked over at Nick who was cuddled up with his pillow. She thought about waking him up, but then thought he looked too peaceful to wake up. She walked back out to the main room. Kevin, Howie, and AJ were still there.

When AJ saw her he asked, “Would you like some breakfast?”

“No thanks. I’m not a big breakfast person.”

“Are Nick and Bri still asleep?” Kevin asked looking up from the paper he was reading.

“Brian is awake but Nick’s still sleeping like an angel.” The three guys shared a look.

“So are you coming with us today?” Howie asked.

“I don’t know. What do you guys have planned for today?”

“Nick didn’t tell you?” AJ asked.


“We’re going to a Yankees game. Nick’s been excited about for a month,” AJ said.

“Sounds like fun.” Then she had a second thought. “There will be a lot of press there won’t there?”

“Yeah probably,” Howie said.

“What time is the game?”

“It starts at 2:00,” Kevin said.

“Oh.” NSYNC’s sound check started at 3:00. She went over to a barstool at the breakfast bar. She was lost in her thoughts when she felt arms wrap around her waist. She jumped a little.

“Angel, what’s wrong?”

When she heard his comforting voice she relaxed. “Nothing. You just scared me. I was deep in thought.”

“What were you thinking about?”

“Nothing important,” she lied.

“Now I know you’re lying. No one thinks that hard on nothing.”

She turned around so she was facing him. “Actually I was thinking about how I’m going to tell the guys about us.” She had forgotten there were other people in the room and regretted say this as soon as she saw all the guys’ heads snap in her direction.

“You mean they don’t know about you two?” Kevin asked. I shook my head no. “Does Lou?”

“I don’t think so.” She could see that Kevin was getting mad.

“Do you two have any idea how Lou is going to react to you two sneaking around behind his back?” He was yelling now.

“You know what, Kevin. I really don’t care. It’s my life. I will date whom I want when I want. And no manager is going to tell me otherwise.” Nick was yelling too.

“I’m just going to leave. I can see I’m causing problems.” Carly was on the verge of tears and she started walking towards the door but was stopped by Nick grabbing her wrist.

“Please don’t go. You’re not causing any problems. She’s not causing any problems is she, guys?"

All the guys said no. “Carly, don’t go. I’m sorry I yelled. You’re not causing any problems,” Kevin said.

“Yeah, and I’m sorry I yelled. Please don’t leave me.” She turned around to look at him. She could see he was on the verge of tears. She hugged him tightly not caring that the other guys were in the room.

“I’ll never leave you,” she whispered in his ear. He hugged her tighter when he heard her words.

When they pulled apart Kevin came up to them. “I’m sorry. You’re right, Nick. It’s your life and you can date whoever you want. I was wrong and I’m really sorry.”

“It’s ok, Kev. I know you’re just trying to look out for me,” Nick said.

“Yeah. We understand. The guys and Lou aren’t going to be happy about this. We understand that. But we want to be together so we’re willing to work through this. Thanks for the concern though.”

“We’ll be here for you guys if you need anything. We want you to know that,” Brian said.

“You guys are great. Carter, you have some wonderful friends.”

“Don’t I know it.” They sat around talking until the subject of the game was brought up again.

“So Carly, are you going to come to the game with us?” Howie asked.

She looked over at Nick. “No, I don’t think I am.”

Nick looked shocked. “Carly, you can come. I want you to come. It won’t be any fun without you.”

“I would love to go but first off there will be a lot of press and until I tell the guys I don’t think I should be seen with you guys in public. Second off I have to meet the guys at their sound check at 3:00.”

“Oh,” Nick said.

“Speaking of time. I should probably be going. I only have three hours to walk across town, make my self presentable, then walk across town again.”

“You think you’re walking back to your hotel?” Nick asked.

She gave him a funny look. “Well yeah.”

“I don’t think so. We have a rental car. I’ll drive you.”

All the guys started laughing. “You’re taking your life in your hands if you ride with Nicky over there,” Brain said.

“Shut up, Brian. I’m a good driver.” Again all the guys started laughing.

“Nick, it’s ok. I can walk. I could use the exercise.”

“No. I’m driving you and that’s final.” He leaned over to her ear and whispered, “You don’t need any excursus. You’re beautiful the way you are.” Carly blushed and playfully hit Nick in the stomach.

“Well let’s get going Mr. Chauffeur.” They went down to the lobby and Nick got the keys to the rental car. They rode in silence till they got to her hotel.

“So I’m not going to see you the rest of the day am I?” Nick asked.

“Probably not. I wish I could come with you guys. You have no idea how much I want to. But I’ve only been here for three days and I’ve kinda ignored the guys that whole time, so I’m obligated to spend today with them. Hopefully I can find the courage and a way to tell them tonight so we don’t have to hide it anymore.”

“That would be wonderful. How do you think they’re going to handle it?”

“I’m not sure. Lance took it really well, but him and Kevin are good friends so that might have something to do with it. I think Joey will probably blow a gasket and probably Justin too. I know how wonderfully you two get along. I’m hoping Chris and JC will be on my side. Otherwise I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

Nick got a concerned look on his face. “If you need anything just give me a call. It doesn’t matter what time, day or night, just call me.”

“Don’t worry Nick. I’ll be fine. And if I do get into trouble I’ll call you.”

“Promise me we’ll get to see each other tomorrow.”

“Oh yeah. We have to see each other tomorrow. I don’t think I can go more than a day without one of your kisses.”

Nick suddenly leaned in and kissed her. She was a little startled at first but she soon kissed him back. After a while they pulled apart. “Think that’ll surfice for a day?” Nick asked with a smile on his face.

“I don’t know. I think I might need some more.” He grinned and kissed her sweetly on the lips.

“Thank you so very much. I should probably go make myself presentable now. I’ll call you in the morning ok?”

“Ok. Bye. I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too. Have fun at the game today.”

“I’ll try but it’ll be hard without you there.”

“You’re too sweet. I really gotta go now. I’ll talk to ya tomorrow.”


“Bye.” She got out of the car and headed up to the room. She figured it would take her an hour or so to walk across town so she had to leave the hotel by 2:00. It was 12:30 now. She had an hour and a half to get ready. She took a shower and put on a tight, green baby tee and a pair of khaki bibs. She put her hair in braided pigtails. She looked at herself in the mirror. She could have passed for a 16-year-old, but she liked the look so she left it. She looked at her watch. It was 1:45, Might as well get an early start she thought to herself. She grabbed her purse and hotel key and left. She was right when she estimated an hour to walk so she was a little early. She sat on the steps of the venue waiting for the guys to arrive. She was amazed at how many girls were already lined up. The concert didn’t start until 8:00 and it was only 3:00. She knew the guys had arrived when she heard girls screaming. She went up to the security guard who was now posted at the front door. She told him her name and showed him id to prove she was who she said she was. He let her in and she went looking for the guys. As she got closer she heard singing so she knew they had started. She decided she was going to sit in one of the balcony seats and see if they saw her. As she headed up the stairs she heard the guys talking. They must have forgotten their mikes were on.

“Guys, I’m worried. It’s not like her to be late,” she heard Joey said.

“Joey chill. It’s only 10 minutes after 3. She had to walk remember. She’ll be here. Plus remember what I told you this morning,” Justin said.

“Oh yeah that.” Carly wondered what Justin had told Joey.

“Guys we really need to get this done,” Lance said. They went back to singing. Carly sat in one of the seats clear up at the top of the balcony. They were almost done with the sound check when someone noticed her. She saw Justin whisper something to JC and saw him look up in her direction. She knew she was caught so she started walking down. When she got down to the main floor one of their bodyguards came up to her.

“Miss Fatone, the guys would like you to come on stage with them.” She followed him to the stage. When she got out on stage all the guys just stared at her.

She looked down at herself then behind her. “What do I have something on me or something?”

Justin walked up to her and fingered her braids. “How old are we again, Carly?”

“I was going for the 16 year old look. Did I succeed?”

They all started laughing. “Yeah, I think you got the look down pat,” Chris said.

They were all still laughing. “Ok, you all can stop laughing at me now.”

“But it’s so funny,” Chris said between laughs.

“It’s not that funny.”

“Yes it is,” Justin said. Justin was standing next to her so she hit him in the arm. “Oww. That hurt.”

“Well you deserve it. I’m leaving now since all you guys want to do is laugh at my appearance.” She stared to walk away but Justin grabbed her wrist and pulled back.

“We’ll stop laughing now. Don’t go,” he said.

Carly thought about it for a few minutes. “Alright I guess but you better not say anything for the rest of the night.”

“Don’t worry we’ll be perfect angels,” Chris said.

“For some reason I don’t believe that.”

“Carly, can we talk for a minute?” Joey asked.

“Yeah, I guess so.” They went to one of the empty dressing room. “What do you want to talk about?”

“I want to say I’m sorry. I should have never said or did what I did. I hope that you can forgive me.”

“Yeah Superman, I can forgive you. You just have to realize that I’m 20 and I can make my own decisions and take care of myself.”

“I know. I understand that. I will always see you as my little cousin, but I’m going to give you your space and let you take care of yourself. Just promise me you will come to me if you ever need anything.”

“I will, don’t worry about it. You’re my Superman, who else would I go to?”

“Come here and give me a hug Cos.” She did what she was told. She was still wondering what Justin had said to him. They went back out to find the others. They were in the guys’ dressing room. They sat around talking until they had to get ready for the concert. Carly had decided to stay backstage and watch the concert so she got her spot. She was sitting there thinking about Nick when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Lance.

“Carly, I don’t want to be too forward but when are you going to tell them?”

“Lance, I don’t know. It has to be the right time or they’re all going to blow.”

“They’ll be even madder if they know you lied to them. We take a little time to relax before we leave after the concert. I think you should tell them then.”

“Ok, I will if you will be there to support me.”

“Of course I will.”

“Thanks, Lance.”

“You’re welcome.” He walked off the join the rest of the guys. Soon the concert started. As the guys were singing their last song Carly got really nervous. The concert ended and she gave the guys half and hour to get ready then she went to talk to them. She knocked on their door and Lance answered. He gave her a reassuring look. She walked in and sat down.

“Guys, I have something to tell you, and I don’t think you’re going to like it.” All the guys looked up at her. She looked at Lance. He nodded his head. “Ok, here goes nothing. You all know who Nick Carter is right.” She looked up then looked back down. “Well I met him the other day at the studio when I went to the bathroom. He heard my crying and asked if I was ok.”

“Why were you crying?” Joey asked not knowing how stupid his question was.

“That’s not the point. The point is we became friends in that short time. Well he gave me his number and I called him. We got together for coffee and hit it off great. We have spent a lot of time together in the past three days and now we are a couple.” She put her head in her hands so she wouldn’t have to see their reaction. She felt someone give her a hug. She looked up to see it was Lance.

“Lance, did you know about this?” JC asked.

“I found out last night. Lou asked me to come over to the venue where they were doing their concert to pick up some papers. I saw her there and talked to her. I promised her I wouldn’t say anything until she was ready, so I didn’t.”

Carly finally got the courage to look at all the guys. Chris looked like he didn’t care. JC looked like he was concerned about something. Joey and Justin just looked plain pissed. “Please guys, tell me what you’re feeling. I know you don’t like him. Just tell me so I know.”

“Well I feel that it’s your life. I would have picked someone different but if you like him I say go for it,” Chris said.

“Thanks, Chris.” When no one else said anything Carly said, “JC, what do you think?”

“I partly agree with Chris. It is your life. But I have one question. Does Lou know about this?” Carly shook her head no. “Well you know he’s not going to like it.”

“I know. But we care for each other and we’re willing to handle this. Justin, what do you think.”

“Well as you know me and him don’t get along very well, but it doesn’t matter if I like him. It only matters if you like him. What I don’t like is that you lied about it. You specifically lied to me last night.”

“I know. And believe me I’m so sorry about that. I never meant to. I just didn’t think you guys would be so understanding. Can you ever forgive me.”

“Yeah I think I can as long as you promise to never do it again.”

“I promise.” She hesitated a second before asking Joey. “Joey what do you think?”

“I think everything you said to me before is a lie. You talked about being old enough to take care of yourself and to be trusted, when all along you were lying. You were acting like a kid.”

“Whoa wait a minute. Old enough to take care of myself? Old enough to be trusted? Joey I’m 20 God damn years old. I have earned trust and the right to do what I want. And I’m sorry if you don’t see that.”

“Well I’m not going to allow you to see him.” Everyone looked at him.

“What? I was not asking your permission to see him. I was asking what you thought and felt, I was giving you the courtesy to express your feelings not getting permission.”

Joey thought for a minute. He looked at Justin then said, “You’re right. I was way out of line. I’m sorry. I’m just really shocked is all.”

“Well I’m sorry I lied. I should have told you guys from the beginning. Can you guys ever forgive me?”

“Of course. We’ve only know you for three days and already you feel like our little sister,” JC said.

“Thanks guys.”

“Awww. Group hug!” Justin said. Carly was happy that everything was ok.

“So who wants to go clubbing?” Joey asked. Every one said yes except Carly and Justin.

“I think I’m just going to go home and get some sleep,” Carly said.

“Me too,” Justin said.

“Ok, your guys’ loss,” Joey said. Justin and Carly got on the tour bus to head back to the hotel and the rest of the guys got into the provided van with bodyguards heading towards a club. On the ride back to the hotel Justin and Carly talked and talked. They stayed up talking till the guys got back. They realized they had a lot in common and could be great friends.

The next day everyone woke up late. No one got up before 10:00. Carly was the first one up so she thought this would be a good time to call Nick. She dialed his number. It only rang once before someone answered.


“Brian? How’s it going?”

“Pretty good. Can I ask who this is?”

Carly laughed a little. “It’s Carly.”

“Oh, hey. I’m sorry. I guess I don’t know your voice yet.”

“That’s ok. Did you guys have fun at the game yesterday?”

“Oh, yeah it was awesome. Nick was excited and down at the same time.”

“Speaking of the lug, is he around so I can talk to him?”

“Yeah I think he’s here somewhere.” There was silence for a few seconds then she heard someone pick up the phone.

“Hello?” He sounded irritated.

“I can call back later if this is a bad time.”

“Angel? No. It’s better now that I hear your voice.”

“Aww. You’re so sweet.”

Just then Chris walked in the room. “Morning,” he said before he noticed she was on the phone. When he noticed he whispered, “Sorry.” And went to the kitchen.

“Who was that?”

“Oh that was just Chris. So what are you’re plans today?”

“Well believe it or not we have another day off.”

“Wow! Tow in a row, I’m impressed.”

“So am I. So do you want to come over and just hang out? It’ll be just the two of us. The rest of the guys are going shopping.”

“Sounds good. What time do you want me to come over?”

“Well right now seems pretty good to me.”

“Well I’m sitting in my pj’s and haven’t showered or anything so give me a couple hours.”

“A couple hours? It takes you that long to shower and change?”

“No, I have to walk over there.”

“Carly, I told you you don’t have to walk. I’ll send a car.”

Justin walked in the room at the minute, he was behind Carly so she didn’t see him. “Nick I don’t think that would be a good idea. Plus, I have two good legs I can walk. I’ll be fine.”

“If you insist.”

“I do.” Justin walked out of the room without being noticed. “Bye the way I have something to tell you but I want to wait till I’m face to face with you. So I’m going to go know so I can get there sooner.”

“Ok. I’ll see ya in a couple of hours.”

“Ok. Bye.” Carly went and took her shower. She dried her hair and left it down. She put on a pair of khaki cargo shorts and a white tank top with a purple shirt over it. She then put on her make-up and her sandals. She walked out of the bathroom into her room. She picked up some clothes that were lying on the floor. She smiled remembering the mess of clothes on Nick’s floor. She had no idea how he could let it get so messy. She heard laughter coming from the kitchen and decided to see what was going on. When she got to the kitchen she saw Joey sitting on the counter talking on the phone and the rest of the guys sitting around the bar eating breakfast. “What’s so funny out here?”

“We don’t know. Ask Joey, he’s the one laughing his head off,” JC said. As if on cue Joey started laughing, then he got serious.

He looked up and saw Carly. “Cos, guess who’s coming to see us?”



“AHHHHH!” Carly started jumping up and down screaming like a lunatic. Joey got off the phone and joined her. He lifted her above his head in his excitement. “JOOEEYY! PUT ME DOWN!”

“Oh, man. I’m sorry Cos. I forgot.”

“Forgot what? And why are you two acting like you just lost your minds?” JC asked.

“I hate to be picked up. It completely terrifies me. And Dopy coming. God I haven’t seen him for 2 years.”

“I haven’t seen him for 3 or 4,” Joey said.

“Ok, who’s Dopy?” Lance asked.

“He’s our best friend. He went to school with us. He’s Joey’s age.”


Carly looked at her watch. “Shit, I’m late.”

“Late for what?” Chris asked.

“I’m supposed to meet…Nick in half and hour.” No one said anything. “Joe when is Dopy coming?”

“He’s flying in tomorrow and he’s going to go to Indiana with us.”

“Cool. What are you guys doing today?”

“We have to record some music,” Lance said.

“Cool. Why don’t you call me later and maybe we can have supper together. I have my cell phone and Joe has the number. Now I have to run I’ll talk to you guys later. Bye.” She grabbed her purse off the table and walked out. It only took her 45 minutes to walk to Nick’s hotel so she was only 15 minutes late. She was surprised to find all the guys still there. “How is everyone doing today?”

“Good. And yourself?” Howie asked.

“I’m wonderful.”

“Geez, Nicky. Look at what a day away from you does to a girl. Makes them really happy,” Brian teased.

“Actually, I’m in such a good mood because my best friend from high school is coming tomorrow.”

“Cool, can’t wait to meet her. I’m sure she’s wonderful if she’s your friend,” Nick said as Carly sat down next to him.

“Actually it’s a guy. His real name is Drew but we call him Dopy. He’s funny. You’ll like him.”

There was a long silence. “So how old are you? You talk about high school like it was a while ago,” Kevin asked.

“I’m 20. It does seem like a long time ago even if it was only 2 years ago.” Again there was another long silence.

“Well if we want to get any shopping done we better be going,” AJ said.

“Ok. See ya later guys.”

“Bye Carly. Bye Nick.”

“Yeah, bye.”

Carly stared at Nick for about 20 minutes. She could tell he was thinking about something, but had no idea what. Finally she decided to say something. “Nick, what’s wrong?” She gently touched his arm. He flinched and pulled away. She felt like someone had stabbed her in the heart. She got up went out onto the balcony not waiting for an answer. She had been sitting there for a while when she heard the balcony doors open and shut. When he didn’t say anything she asked, “What did I do? What did I do wrong that messed this up?”

“You didn’t tell me you were older.”

“Nick I’m two years older than you what difference does that make?”

“It doesn’t make any difference. It just shocked me that’s all.” He walked over to her and pulled her up into his arms. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I care about you a lot and a two-year age difference isn’t going to change that.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t think it mattered.”

“You’re right it doesn’t.” He looked into her eyes then leaned down and kissed her. When they pulled away he asked, “What did you have to tell me?”

“Oh yeah. I told the guys about us last night.”

“Oh. And what did they say?”

“Chris didn’t really care. JC like Kevin is concerned about what Lou is going to say. Justin and Joey were pissed that I lied to them but they got over it and everything’s fine now.”

Nick let out a sigh of relief. “I’m glad everyone’s ok with this. Let’s just hope Lou is as understanding.”

“I guess I don’t get how he can control your life like that. I mean I know he can but I don’t get why he would want to. He causes himself so much more stress than if he didn’t.”

“I know. We’ve all tried to tell him that but he won’t listen to us. He thinks he needs to protect our image.”

“I think your image looks fine.” She looked him up and down. “It looks good from where I was standing anyway.”

“Does it really?” Carly nodded her head yes. She grabbed his hand and pulled him back inside. When they got inside he picked her up. She screamed and he put her down. “What? Did I hurt you? I’m sorry for whatever I did.”

“It’s ok. I just don’t like being picked up. It terrifies me. I can’t explain it. Just promise me that you won’t pick me up anymore.”

“I won’t. I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“It’s ok. Just don’t do it again.”

“Don’t worry I won’t.” He protectively put his arms around her. She was shaking a little bit.

She looked up and saw the concern on his face. “Nick, I’m fine. You didn’t know so it’s not your fault.” She gently stroked his check with her hand. She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. “See I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.” She kissed him again, then led him to the couch and turned on the TV. She turned it to MTV. As Long As You Love Me video was on. Half way through the video Nick started kissing her neck. “Mmmm.”

“You like that?”

“I like this video.”

“I hate my hair in that video.”

“I love your hair now.”

“Why thank you.”

“Your welcome.” She turned around so she was facing him. Just as she was about to kiss him when she heard her cell phone ring. “Damn it!” She dug it out of her purse. Nick went to the bathroom as she was answering her phone. “Hello?”

“Hey, Cos!”

“Hey, Joe! What do you need?”

“What did I interrupt something?”

“We were watching a movie if you really want to know,” she said defensively.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. The guys and I are going to go get an early supper. We wanted to know if you wanted to come.”

Carly looked at her watch. It was 4:00. “Would you guys mind if I brought Nick. I know you guys aren’t the best of friends, but since I’m going out with him you guys are going to have to get used to him being around.”

“Let me ask the rest of the guys.” There was silence for a few minutes. “They guys say they don’t care as long as he’s nice.”

“Put the phone up and have them say it into it.” There was silence for a minute then she heard everyone yell that they didn’t care.

“Good enough?”

“Just one more thing. You have to promise to be nice, no ganging up on him. I want to hear everyone say I promise.” A few minutes later she heard everyone say I promise.

“Now is that good enough?”

“Yeah. Now I just need to ask him. Call me back in about 10 minutes.”

“Ok. Talk to ya in a little bit.”

“Ok. Bye.”


A few minutes later Nick came out of the bathroom. He walked up and kissed her on the forehead. “That was the guys on the phone.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah they want us to come eat an early lunch with them.”

“Us? I don’t think so.”

“It’s ok. I understand that you don’t want to go. I’ll just tell him no when he calls back.”

“You can go. I just don’t think I’d feel comfortable being alone with them.”

“I totally understand. But I want to spend time with you today and I’m afraid that if I leave now I won’t be able to come back. Wait. I have a brilliant idea. Well maybe not brilliant but we’ll be together.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“Do you think you and the guys would want to go clubbing tonight?”

“I don’t know why?”

“Well I was thinking that if we got both groups to go clubbing we could be together. And the place would be so packed that the two groups probably wouldn’t know the other was there and we could get lost in the crowd.”

“I’m liking this idea. Let me call the guys and find out if they want to go.” He picked up the phone and dialed Brian’s cell phone.


“Hey, Brian. Do you guys want to go clubbing tonight at the….” He looked towards Carly. Carly whispered ‘The Rock’. “At The Rock?”

“Let me ask.” There was silence for a while then Nick heard screams in the background. “They said yes.”

“I heard. Hold on a sec and I’ll find out what time. Carly, what time do you want to go?”

“Um…how about 7:00. That gives us plenty of time.”

“Ok. Bri, we’re thinking 7:00.”

“Ok. We’ll probably just meet you there.”

“Ok. See ya then. Bye.”


Nick hung up the phone. “They said yes.”

“Good. I know Joey, he won’t turn down a chance to go clubbing.”

“Ok. Cool. So are you going to go eat with them?”

“Um….only if you can’t give me a reason to stay.”

“How about this.” He leaned down and started kissing her neck and ear lobes.

“I’m almost convinced but not quite yet.”

“Ohhh.” He kissed up her jawbone to her chin. Then he kissed her nose before finally moving to her mouth. They were interrupted by Carly’s phone ringing.

“God, they have the worst timing,” Carly mumbled to herself. Nick laughed. “Hello?”

“Hey, Cos. Are you guys coming or what?”

Nick started kissing her neck. “Um…”

“Carly it’s not that hard. A simple yes or no will do.”

“I’m going to have to say no. But I wanted to ask you if you guys wanted to go clubbing tonight at about 7:00.”


“Joe, do the other guys want to go?”

“Let me ask.”

“Nick stop. I’m trying to have a serious conversation with my cousin here. How can I do tha when you’re kissing me?” Nick just shrugged his shoulders and kept kissing her neck.

“They guys say that’s fine. What club?”

“The Rock.”

“Cool. Do you want us to pick you up?”

“Yeah, pick me up at the hotel at 6:30.”

“Ours or HIS?”

“God, Joe. Could you be any more of a jerk?”


Nick stopped kissing her when heard the tension in her voice. “Joe, he has a name.”

“I’m sorry. Our hotel or Nick’s hotel?”

“Thank you. Ours.”

“Ok, see ya at 6:30.”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye. And Carly?”


“I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“It’s ok Joe. Just don’t let it.”

“It won’t. Bye.”

“Bye.” She hung up the phone and looked at Nick.

“What did he say?”

“He was just being his normal self and not thinking about anyone elses feelings.”

“Carly, you have no idea how much I just want to hit him right now for hurting you. I know that you love him because he’s family, but if he says anything to hurt you while I’m around I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself.”

“Nick, that’s sweet, but please don’t beat up my cousin.”

“I’ll try not to. Nothing should happen if keeps his mouth shut.”

“Let’s stop talking about this. Where were we before we were rudely interupted?”

“I think we were right about here.” He kissed her sweetly on the lips. He kissed her again with more passion this time. They continued kissing until the phone rang again. “God. One interuption after another.” He picked up the phone. “Hello?”

“Hey, Choas. We’re downstairs. We wanted to call up so we didn’t interupt something.”

“Well it’s too late, so come on up.”

“Ok. We’ll be up in a minute.”

Nick hung up the phone. “The guys are downstairs. They’re coming up.”

Carly put her purple shirt back on over her white tanktop. “Better make myself presentable.”

“Awww. But why.” He started kissing her again.

“Carter, your friends are on their way up here.”

“Oh yeah. That’s right.” A minute later the door burst open and 4 laughing guys came in. “Hey guys.”

The guys looked at the two sitting on the couch and could tell what they had been doing. “Sorry to interupt, but we wanted to come home and get cleaned up,” Brian said.

“What? You didn’t interupt. They didn’t interupt did they, Carly?”

“Nope. Didn’t interupt.”

“Yeah well whatever. I’m going to go take a shower,” Brian said.

“I should probably be going and get clean up too,” Carly said.

“Aren’t you going clubbing with us tonight?” AJ asked.

“Yeah, but I’m going to go back to my hotel, get cleaned up, and meet you guys there.”

“I see,” AJ said.

“Well I should be going.”

“Angel, you don’t think I’m going to let you walk again do you?”

“Carter, I can walk. I have no problem with that.”

“Well I do so I’m going to drive you.”

“I can see you’re not going to give up so let’s go.” They rode in silence to the hotel. When they got to the hotel, Carly leaned over and kissed Nick. “I’ll meet you by the women’s bathroom at the club.”

“Ok. It might be 7:30 before I get there, knowing the guys.”

“Ok. I’ll see ya there then.” She kissed him again. “Bye.”

“Bye.” She walked into the hotel and up to the room and went in. As she was walking to her room Chris jumped out of nowhere. Carly screamed. “Oh my God, Chris! What are you doing here. You scared the shit out of me.”

Justin and JC had heard Carly scream and came running to where she was at. “Are you ok?” JC asked.

“Yeah. Chris just scared me.”

“Way to go Chris.” Justin said.

“I’m fine. I just need to calm down. My heart is racing.”

“Why don’t you go sit down for a minute,” JC said.

“I’m fine. I just need to go get ready. I’ve only got half an hour.” She walked to her room and took a shower. She put her hair up in a french twist and went to pick out an outfit. She finally decided on a short black halter dress with strapy sandles. When she walked out to the main room all the guys were there waiting for her. They all just sat there and stared at her. “Ok. You can all put your tounges back in your mouthes.”

“Cos, you look good. No you look great.”

“Thanks Joey.”

“He’s right. You look absolutely fabulous,” Justin said.

“Alright, enough already. You guys are going to make me blush. Let’s just go.” She looked at her watch. They were 15 minutes late. Everyone got up and filed out the door. Justin offered his arm to Carly and she took it. They left heading for the club.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 5
