Chapter 5

When they got to the club it was already packed. Good. The two groups of people will never see each other with this many people here Carly thought to herself. They got in and got a table and sat down. “If you’ll excuse me I’m going to use the restroom,” Carly said. She went to the bathroom and sure enough there was Nick waiting for her. “I’m sorry I’m late. It took me forever to get ready.”

“That’s ok. You look gorgeous.”

“Thanks.” She hugged him and kissed him on the check. “Ok. Now I’m going to go back to the table and tell them I’m going to go dance. I’ll meet you on the middle of the dance floor.”

“Ok, see you in a minute.” He kissed her gently on the lips. She walked back to the table and found all the guys still sitting there.

“What are all you hot guys just sitting around here? Why aren’t you out dancing with some fine ladies?”

“We were waiting for you to get back,” JC said.

“Well I’m going to hit the dance floor. See you guys later.” With that she walked off towards the dance floor. She went straight to the middle of the dance floor. Again there was Nick waiting for her.

“Hey there gorgeous.”

“Hey yourself.” Just then a slow song came on. Nick put his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. Carly put her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder. She was in pure heaven until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and there stood Joey.

“Hi, Nick,” Joey said.

“Hi, Joey,” Nick said.

“Do you mind if I steal my cousin for a quick dance?”

Nick looked down at Carly. Carly nodded her head. “No I don’t mind at all.” He leaned down and kissed her check and whispered in her ear, “I’ll be at the table with the guys. It’s across the club in the secluded corner.” She nodded her head again and Nick left.

Joey put his hands on her hips and she put her arms around his neck. “What do you want Joe? I can tell by the way you’re looking at me that you want something, so just ask.”

“I thought you wanted to come here tonight to spend a little time with us since you were with him all day. You’ve been here four days and I’ve seen you maybe a total of few hours.”

“Why is this any different than the times when I wanted to see you and you would go off with your girlfriend or your friends? Why is it such a big deal when I ignore you, but it’s nothing when you ignore me? Where is Miss Perfect by the way?” By this time Carly had stopped dancing and was standing with her hands on her hips.

“Carly, don’t start this again.”

“Don’t start what? You can’t have it both ways Joe. You chose this now you live with it.” She stomped off. She thought about going to Nick but she didn’t want to face anyone. She went out of the club and down the street to a park. She sat on the first bench she came to and started crying.

Nick had been waiting half an hour. He knew something was wrong. She should have come to find him by now. He finally got up the courage to go looking for her knowing he was probably going to have to talk to Joey or one of the other guys from NSYNC. “AJ, I’ll be back. I’m going to go look for Carly. She should have come back by now.” AJ nodded his head. Nick went and looked around the dance floor. He saw no sign of her or Joey. He finally decided to find NSYNC’s table. He had no trouble finding it. He stood there for five minutes getting up the courage to go over there. All five guys were there so he knew something was wrong, because Carly wasn’t with them. He finally walked over to the table. All five guys stopped talking and stared at him. “I was just wondering if any of you would happen to know where Carly is,” he asked nicely.

“I figured she would be with you,” Joey said bitterly.

“Last time I saw her was when you cut in on us. Did you two fight again?”

“Not that it’s any of your business but yes we did. She ran away from me. I figured she was running to you.”

“Well I haven’t seen her. And if she’s hurting it is my business.” Nick was starting to get mad. Joey was really being a jerk.

“Well maybe it shouldn’t be,” Joey said. It was obvious he was getting mad too.

“Guys, what we should be focusing on now is finding Carly,” Justin said.

“You’re right let’s go,” Joey said. All the guys of NSYNC filed past Nick, Lance bringing up the rear.

“Come on Nick. You come too,” Lance said. Nick followed him. “Let’s all split up and meet back here in an hour. Hopefully someone will have found her by then.” They all went their separate directions.

Nick headed towards the park down the street. He walked all over the park, but didn’t see anyone. Just as he was about to leave he heard someone crying. He looked around and saw a shaking figure on a park bench off the trail. He walked towards it. As he got closer he recognized the black dress and french twist. “Carly? Honey, it’s me Nick.” Carly looked up. Nick could see the pain in her eyes even in the dark. He sat down beside her and she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him. “Angel, it’s ok. I’m here now.” She cried on his shoulder for about 15 minutes.

“Why does he have to be such a jerk?”

“Who Angel?”

“Joey. Why does he think he can have it both ways.”

“I don’t know, Angel. I don’t know.”

“I just want to go home and sleep.”

“Ok. I’ll take you back to the guys.”

She looked up at him. “No. I want to go to the hotel with you, not the guys.”

He looked her in the eye. “Angel, you have no idea what that means to me.”

“Let’s just go.” He helped her stand up and put his arm around her waist. She put hers around his waist and they walked back to the club. All the guys were standing out there waiting for him to come back. When they saw Carly with him they all ran up to her. “Guys, no. I’m just going to go with Nick tonight. I’ll call you tomorrow and work everything out, but tonight I’m staying with Nick.” Joey was about to open his mouth. “Joey don’t even say anything to me. Not right now.” Nick and Carly walked into the club to the rest of the guys so they could leave. When they all walked out NSYNC was still standing there. Brian, Howie, Kevin, and AJ were surprised to see NSYNC standing there but didn’t say anything. They just got into their van and went back to the hotel. When they got there Carly changed into one of Nick’s shirts and went to sleep in Nick’s arms.

Nick woke up early the next morning. He lay looking at Carly for about 15 minutes. He then quietly got up and went to the bathroom. When he came out she was still sleeping peacefully. He didn’t want to wake her after the night she had. He left her sleeping and went out into the kitchen. He got himself some orange juice out of the fridge and sat down at the table. A few minutes later AJ came out of his room and joined Nick at the table. “How is she?”

“She’s still sleeping.”

“What exactly happened last night?”

“I’m not completely sure. All I know for sure is she and Joey got into another fight. They don’t have to best relationship.”

“But you don’t know what was said?”

“I didn’t want to push her in the state she was in.”

“I understand. I was just wondering if there was anything we could do to help.”

“Just be there for her and back off when she wants you to.”

“Ok. We’re here for you too. I can tell it kills you to see her in pain so know we’re here for you too.”

“Thanks AJ. That means a lot to me.”

“You’re welcome.” Nick got up and went back to his room to check on Carly. She was still sleeping but Brian was gone. Nick figured he was in the bathroom since the door was shut. Nick didn’t want to wake Carly up but they had to leave in an hour to do an interview. He sat down beside her on the bed.

“Carly,” he said shaking her gently. She slowly opened her eyes. She looked up at him and smiled. “Morning, Angel.”


“How are you feeling?”

“A lot better actually. I overreacted last night and I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for.”

“It was just a stupid fight. I don’t know why I got so upset.”

“Why don’t you tell me what upset you so much.”

“Well as you know me and Joey got into a fight. He was mad because I was with you. He said that in the four days I’ve been here I haven’t spent any time with him. I got mad and said why is this any different than all the times he’s done the same thing to me. He told me not to start on that again. I told him that he can’t take back what he did and he’s one that made it this way not me. Then I left. I went to that park bench were you found me.”

“Carly, you have every right to be upset.” He leaned down and hugged her. She hugged him back tightly.

“Don’t you think I went a little overboard?”

“No, I don’t. I think Joey is a jerk and if I ever see him I’m going to deck him.”

Carly pulled back from him. “Nick, don’t. It’s not worth getting in trouble with. I can handle Joey. Please promise me you won’t hurt yourself or Joey.”

Nick looked into her eyes. “I promise. I will respect your wishes because I care about you.”

Carly hugged him tightly again. “Thanks, Nick. For everything. I don’t know what I would have done if I would have had to go back to that hotel with them last night.” Nick didn’t say anything. He just pulled back, looked in her eyes, and kissed her sweetly on the lips. When they pulled away they saw Brian trying to sneak out of the room.

“Morning Brian.”

“Oh, hey Nick, Carly.”

“Morning Brian,” Carly said.

“Feeling better?”

Carly looked at Nick. “Yeah, lots.”

“That’s good. Nicky, don’t forget we leave in an hour.”

“Ok. We’ll be out in a little bit.”

“Ok.” Brian left the room.

“Where are you guys going? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Of course I don’t mind. We have an interview to do, and then we’re going to record some music for our new album. You can come if you want.”

“I don’t want to be in the way.”

“Don’t worry, you won’t be.”

“I don’t have any clothes to wear. I would feel stupid if I wore my dress.”

“I think that dress looks good. Please come. I really want you to.”

“If you insist.”

“I do.”

“Then it looks like it’s settled. Now let me out of bed so I can take a shower and get ready.”

Nick got up and let her up. “Don’t be in such a hurry to get away from me. It hurts my ego,” he said smiling.

Carly got up and walked over to him. She put her arms around his waist and said, “Oh, I’m sorry. Let me see if I can make up for it.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his lips softly and sweetly. “Did that help?”


“Well let me try again.” This time he leaned down and she kissed him intensely on the lips.

“That fixed it.”

“Good now get outta here so I can take a shower,” she said pushing him towards the door.

“Geez, don’t be so pushy.” Carly laughed before she shut the door to the bathroom. When she got out of the shower she put on her black dress from the night before. Since she didn’t have a blowdrier she left her hair wet and went without make-up since she didn’t have any.

“God, I look like crap,” she said to herself. She walked out into Nick and Brian’s room. She looked for her sandals but she couldn’t find them. She got down on her hands and knees to look under the bed but they weren’t there. She walked out to the main room of the suite. No one was there, but she could hear laughing coming from the kitchen so she figured they were all in there. She looked around the room and there they were sitting by the main door of the suite. She grabbed them and sat down on the couch to put them on. When she had them on she walked into the kitchen and saw Brian rolling around laughing on the floor. “I don’t want to know.”

“No, you really don’t,” Nick said. “See I told you that dress would be fine. She looks fine doesn’t she guys?”

“NICK!” She slapped his arm and started blushing because all the guys were looking her up and down.

“I think she looks good,” AJ said.

“AJ, you’ll tell any girl she looks good,” Howie said.

“I will not,” AJ defended himself.

“Guys quit arguing,” Kevin said.

“Yes, Dad,” they both said. Kevin just glared at them.

“Guys we better get going if we’re going to make it on time,” Brian said. They all got up and headed out the door. Nick grabbed Carly’s hand as they walked down the hall. They went out the back way so there were no fans or press. Brian and AJ got on the bus first with Howie and Kevin behind them and Nick and Carly bringing up the rear.

As Nick stepped on the bus he heard Brian say, “Hi, Lou. Surprised to see you here.” Nick immediately let go of Carly’s hand. Carly understood. Lou didn’t know yet and he deserved to be told and not see it.

When Carly stepped on the bus Lou just stared at her. “Hi,” Lou said.

“Hi,” Carly said meekly.

“Lou, this is my friend Carly,” Nick said. “She’s going to be hanging with us today.”

Lou didn’t look too happy but he didn’t say anything. When they got to the radio station the guys were rushed into the studio and Carly was showed to room looking into the studio. She could hear the interview, but really didn’t pay attention until she heard herself be mentioned.

“So who is the girl you guys brought with you today?” the interviewer asked.

“She’s a friend of mine,” Nick said.

“Just a friend?”

Nick looked at me. “Yes just a friend.” With that the interviewer let it drop. Every once in a while she would see Nick look at her. They really didn’t get much of a chance to talk for the rest of the day because they were busy and when they had breaks Lou was around. Finally they were done recording for the day. It was 6:00 when we got back to the hotel.

“I should probably be heading back to my hotel and facing the guys now.”

“Carly, you don’t have to go back. You can stay here tonight.”

“Nick, I would love to but I can’t. I need to work this out with Joey.”

“Why? Why are you giving him another chance after he’s been such a jerk to you? I don’t understand.” The rest of the guys in the room tried to look busy with their own conversation.

“Because, Nick. He’s my cousin. He’s part of my family. I would do the same thing with you because I care about you. I care about him but in different way.” She hugged him tightly to her. “I know you don’t understand, but I have to do this.”

“Can I call you tomorrow?”

“Of course you can. I would be mad if you didn’t.”

“Ok. I’ll make sure I do then.”

“Ok. Well I gotta go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Ok. Bye.” She walked out the door. As she was walking down the street she noticed that Nick hadn’t even offered to drive her. He really must not want her to go back.

When she got back to the hotel she stopped at the reception desk. “Can I help you?” the receptionist asked.

“Yes. I need to know if NSYNC is in.”

“Yes, they just got back. You’re not a fan or something are you?”

“No, I’m Joey’s cousin.”

“Ok, just had to make sure.”

“That’s ok. And thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Carly really didn’t want to go up there and face them but she had to. When she got to the door she stood there for few minutes gathering up her courage. She opened the door and walked inside. To her surprise and pleasure no one was in the main room. She started walking towards her room quickly. She was just about there when she heard someone call out her name.

“Carly?!” She turned around and was face to face with Justin.

“Hey, Justin.”

Justin didn’t know where to start. “Where were you all day?”

“I was with Nick.”

“What happened last night. Joey hasn’t said a word all day and he’s been moping around.”

“Justin, I think that is between us and it needs to stay there.”

“Ok. I understand. It’s private.”

“Thanks for understanding, Justin.”

“No problem.” Justin walked away. Carly went and took a shower and changed her clothes. When she came out all the guys were sitting in the main room watching TV. They all looked up at her.

“Joey, can we talk for a minute?”

“Yeah.” They went to Joey’s room to talk. “Let me start. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of those things I said last night. I guess I just see that you’re grown up and I’ve missed it all. I can’t take back all those things I did but I can say that things are going to be different. I am going to change. I promise you that.”

“Oh, Joe.” She ran to him and hugged him. “I’m sorry for what I said last night too. It just hurts.”

“I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you like that.”

“I know Joey. And I forgive you. I’m sorry if I hurt you by not spending very much time with you. It’s just that I’m only going to get to see Nick for the next week and then we leave.”

“You really like him don’t you?”

“Yeah. I can’t explain it. Every time I’m with him I feel complete, whole. He makes me laugh. I think he cares about me.”

“I know he does. After what I saw last night I know he does.”

“Joe, I’m kinda scared. I think I might be falling in love with him.”

“Wow! The big L word.”

“I know. I never thought I would say it again either.” They talked a little while longer until a thought accrued to Carly. “Joe, I thought Dopy was coming today.”

“He called. Something came up and he won’t be able to make it.”


“Joey, can you come out here for a minute,” JC yelled from the other room.

“I’m being called. Come on let’s go.” He offered her his arm and she took it. They walked out to the main room. Carly stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Lou. “What?”

“Um.. nothing. This looks like a business meeting. I should go back to my room.”

“No. I want you to meet Lou.” He dragged her into the room.

When Lou saw her he got this surprised look on his face. “Hi, Lou.”

“Hi, Carly?”

Joey looked from me to Lou. “You two know each other?”

“We met each other today,” Carly said.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here?” Lou asked.

“Lou, I want you to meet my cousin, Carly Fatone.”

“She’s your cousin?” Lou asked.

“Yes I am.”

“And you’re friends with Nick?”

“Yes. We met a few days ago and hit it off.”


“Well I can see this is a business meeting so I’ll be in my room if you need me.” She walked to her room and lay down on her bed. She thought this would be a good time to call Nick. She dug his number out of her purse and dialed it. After about 10 rings Nick answered out of breath.


“Are we a little out of breath?”

“Hey, Angel. Yeah we were having a friendly wrestling match.”

“That’s ok. I don’t need to know. If this is a bad time I can call back.”

“No. It’s a good time. I need a break. So how did things go?”

“Good. I talked to him and he apologized for everything. And he said he was going to change.”

“I’m glad you two worked things out.”

“Yeah, so am I? Hey, guess who is here now?”



“Really and he saw you?”

“Yeah. He took it pretty good. He asked how I knew you and all that. I told him we met a few days ago and hit it off. He let it go at that.”

“That’s cool. Now I have to think of some way to tell him that we’re more than friends. I want to talk to you about something.”

“What is it Nick?”

“I want to know how you feel about make this relationship public.”

“Um…I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it.”

“Well can you give it some thought. I want the whole world to know that I’m dating the wonderful Carly Fatone. And I just found out something today.”

“What’s that?”

“We’re leaving in two days.”

“Two days?”

“Yup. But I want you to know I want to keep us going. I like you a lot and I know we can work through the distance thing. And once you get off tour with NSYNC maybe you can come with us for a while.”

“I would like that.”

“Angel, I have to go. The guys are calling me. I’ll call you tomorrow so we can spend the day together.”

“Ok. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye.” Carly lay there thinking about what Nick had said until she fell asleep.

The next morning Carly woke up with a clear head. She had also made a decision. She got up and took her shower. She put on her long cotton skirt and a gray tank top. She went out to her room and dug her sketchers out of her bag and put them on. She went out to the kitchen and found all the guys there. She was glad. “Guys, I have to tell you something.”

“What?” JC asked.

“Nick and I talked and we are going to go public with our relationship. I wanted to tell you guys this because we all know this is going to affect us all, with Lou and everyone.”

“So you guys are really going to go public with this?” Justin asked.

“Yes. We like each other very much and we want everyone to know that.”

“Carly, why don’t you just admit it. You love him. You may not have admitted it to yourself but if you’re willing to go public about this you do,” Joey said.

Carly thought about it for a while then said, “Joey, I think you’re right. I do love him. I love him very much.” All the guys except Joey stared at her. “So what do you guys think?”

“I think Lou is going to be pissed,” JC said. “But of course we will support anything you do. You’re like our little sister now. So we’ll be behind you every step of the way.”

“Thanks guys. You have no idea what this means to me. If you’ll excuse me I gotta go. Thanks again.”

“Ok. Bye,” Carly ran back to her room and grabbed her purse. Then she left the hotel and walked to Nick’s hotel. When she got there the guys weren’t there. Carly talked to a couple of girls standing outside the hotel that had on BSB shirts. She found out that they had an autograph signing at the mall. She decided to go and act like a fan and get an autograph. When she got there the line was dwindling. She only had to wait in line for 20 minutes before she got to the first guy, Howie.

“Howie, I love you. You are the best, can I please have your autograph,” Carly said winking at him.

“Sure, honey. Anything for the women that loves me.”

Carly moved on to Kevin who was next in line. “Oh my God. Kevin, your voice is so sexy. I just have to have your autograph.” Kevin just about started laughing but composed himself.

“Sure sweet thang.”

After Kevin signed her picture she moved on to AJ. “AJ, I love all your sexy moves. I just have to have your autograph.”

“So you like my moves?”

“Ohh, yeah. Can I have your autograph?”

“Yeah, baby.”

Next she moved on to Brian. “Brian, I love your voice. Please sing something for me.”

“I’m sorry honey, not here. Maybe later in private,” he said with a wink.

“Oh, yeah. I’m there.” He signed her picture and she moved on to Nick. He was looking down so he didn’t see her.

“Hey sexy. Can I have your autograph?” He looked up and was shocked to see her.

She winked at him. “Sure, Angel.”

“What time do you get out of here?”

“20 minutes, I think.”

“I’ll wait for you. I’ll be in the food court if you want to see me.”

“Ok. I’ll see you in 20 minutes in the food court, Angel.”

Carly grabbed her autographed picture and left. She walked to the food court and sat down in at an empty table. She sat there waiting for over 45 minutes. She was about to get up and leave when someone put their hands over her eyes. “Guess who?”

“Um…Brad Pit.”

“Nope, try again.”

“Ben Afleck?”

“No, it’s your wonderful, sexy, smart, talented boyfriend.”

“Oh you mean Matt Damon.” She pulled the hands off her eyes and turned around. Nick was standing there with a weird smile on his face. “Where are the rest of the guys?”

“They’re on the bus waiting for us so we better get going.” As they were walking Nick tried to grab her hand, but she pulled away. Nick gave her a weird look.

“We have to discuss this before we make a public announcement.” They walked to the bus and went to the back with the rest of the guys. They had been riding the bus for about 10 minutes when Carly spoke up. “Carter, can we talk?”

“Yeah, let’s go to my bunk.” As they were walking to his bunk Carly grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze to reassure him. He was looking kinda nervous. Carly got in first and since they couldn’t sit up with out hitting their heads she laid down on her stomach. Nick got in and laid beside her on his side. “So what did you want to talk about?”

“I did a lot of thinking about what you said last night, about going public with this.”

“You did? Angel, I was thinking about this and I don’t want to push you. If you don’t want to go public with this that’s fine.” Carly rolled onto her side and put her fingers on his lips.

“Nick, I want to go public with this.”

“Carly, I don’t think you’ve thought this through. This will affect a lot of people. It’ll effect the guys, NSYNC, your family, my family, but most important us. The fans will….”

“Nick, I love you!”

Nick just kept on talking like he didn’t hear her. “…never understand. They will wonder about the two groups.”

“Nick, I love you!”

“I don’t think your family would understand or approve. My family probably wouldn’t either. Wait a minute! What did you say?”

Carly stroked his cheek and looked into his clear blue eyes. “I said I love you. I realized it this morning. I realized that if I was willing to go public with this relationship and deal with everything that came with it that I love you. I know I’m probably stupid for feeling this much since we’ve only known each other for 5 days but I can’t help it. You have this effect on me.” Nick just stared at her. “Nick, it’s ok. I don’t expect you to say it back.” She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling of the bunk.

“Carly, look at me.” She turned her head so she was looking into his clear blue eyes again. He put his hand softly on her neck. “Carly, I love you too.” He leaned over to her and kissed her softly. She passionately kissed him back. They continued kissing letting things get hot and heavy. She rolled over so she was on top of him. Just then AJ opened the curtain to the bunk.

“Um…excuse me but we’re back at the hotel.” Carly jumped when she heard his voice. She quickly rolled off Nick and turned toward the wall on the other side of the bunk. She was beet red with embarrassment.

“Ok, we’ll be there in a minute.” AJ left and Nick put his hand on Carly’s back. “It’s ok. He won’t say anything. I’ve seen him in too many compromising positions.” When she didn’t turn around he said, “Carly, please look at me.”

“Nick, they probably think I’m a slut or something. Hell, you probably think I’m a slut.” She wouldn’t roll over and look at him.

Nick put his arm around her waist. “Carly, no! I could never think that. Carly, I meant what I said earlier. I love you! Plus nothing happened.”

“Nick, come on you know as well as I do that if he hadn’t interrupted us something would have happened.” She still wouldn’t look at him.

“Carly, will you please look at me.” When she didn’t say anything he rolled her over so she was facing him. He looked her in the eye and kissed her. She kissed him back for a minute then pushed him away.

“We need to be going inside. They’re going to start wondering.”

“I guess you’re right.” He got out and helped her out. He grabbed her hand as they walked into the hotel. The rest of the guys were sitting in the main room when Nick and Carly walked in. Carly couldn’t look any of them in the eyes, especially AJ. “Guys, we have something we need to tell you.”

The guys could hear the importance of whatever it was in his voice. “Sure, Nick. We’re listening.”

Nick and Carly sat down on a couch across from the guys. “We’re going to go public with this relationship. We haven’t decided on when, but we do know it will be soon. We wanted to tell you because it will affect everyone in this room. We want to know what you guys think.”

“I think Lou’s going to be pissed beyond belief. But it’s your life and you should be able to do whatever you want. I’m happy for you two,” Kevin said.

“We all are. What did ya think we were going to say? No you can’t,” AJ said laughing.

“Well personally I wanted to see if you guys were going to stand behind us on this. I told NSYNC earlier this morning and they weren’t very happy about it but they said they would stand behind me,” Carly said.

“Stand behind you or you guys?” Brian asked.

“They said me but if they’re not going to support Nick too then I don’t want their support.” She looked into Nick’s eyes and he looked into hers.

“Guys, it obvious you two love each other so who are we to stand in the way. You’re right it’s going to be a little weird and probably a little stressful Carly being so close to NSYNC and everything but if you guys think it’s worth it go for it,” Howie said.

“We do,” Nick said.

“Now all we have to do is decide on when we’re going to do it,” Carly said.

“Well, we have a radio interview tomorrow before we leave. I thought we could do it then,” Nick said.

“That sounds good but I think we should tell Lou before we tell the world,” Carly said.

“Nick, that is a good idea,” Brian said.

“Yeah, I think I’m going to do it tonight.”

“Do you want me to be there?”

“No, Angel. It’s probably better if you’re not here. That way he won’t jump all over you. He can take it all out on me.”

“Nick, I don’t want that. I’m part of this too. I should be there.”

“No. I don’t want you there. I don’t think I could handle it if he was yelling at you or something.”

“Nick, I need to be there.” Just then Carly’s cell phone rang. “Hello?”

“Carly, whatcha doing?”

“Joe, what do ya need? I’m kinda busy at the moment.”

“I just got a phone call from mom. My parents and your parents are coming into town tonight and want to eat with us.”

“Oh, man.” Carly put her head in her hands.

“What’s wrong, Carly?”

“Well, I kinda have something important to do tonight.”

“Carly, this is your parents we’re talking about. They’re flying into New York for one night just to see you. Now what can be more important than that?”

“God, Joe. You’re right. I hate to admit it but you’re right.”

“What do you mean? I’m always right.”

“Goodbye, Joe.”

“Wait. I didn’t tell you what time their coming.”

“Ok. What time are they coming?”

“They are going to be here in 3 hours and they’re coming straight here then we’re going out.”

“Ok. I’ll see ya in 3 hours then.” Carly hung up the phone. “Looks like you got your wish, Nick. My parents and Joe’s parents are coming and they want to take us out. They’re only here for tonight so I have to go.” She was still looking at the phone.

“Carly, this is for the best.”

She got up and walked across the room to the window. “We’ll leave you two alone,” Brian said and all the guys left.

Nick walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist. “Nick, don’t.” She shrugged him off.

“Carly, this is important to me. It is important for me to do this by myself. I hope you can understand that.”

“I know, Nick. I know. I just don’t understand but I respect it.” She turned around and gave him a hug.

“Carly, you’re wonderful. You know that?”

“Not as wonderful as you.” Nick kissed her neck. “Oh no. We’re not starting this again, not with the guys in the other room.”

“You’re right. I’ll stop.”

“Well I’ve got three hours, what do you want to do?”

Nick got a sly smile on his face. “I know what I want to do but we’re not alone so I guess just watch TV.”

“Carter, you naughty boy. Get those thoughts out of the gutter.”

“But it’s so much fun there. I’m going to go tell the guys they can come back in here.” Calry walked over to the couch by the TV and Nick walked to the door to his and Brian’s room where all the guys went. Nick opened the door and four guys fell on the floor. “Hi guys. Just thought I’d let you know you can come back out here but then you probably already know since you were eavesdropping.” The guys on the floor just got up and laughed nervously. Nick went over to Carly and laid down with his head in her lap and she started stroking his hair. The other guys sat down around them and they all watched TV until Carly had to leave.

Carly looked down at Nick. He was asleep. She gently got up so not to wake him. “Tell him I said bye and that I’ll call him when I get back from dinner.”

“Ok, bye Carly,” Brian said.


“Yeah, AJ?”

“It’s ok.”

Carly smiled and said, “Thanks.”

When she was gone Brian asked, “What was that about?”

“Just something I saw.”

Carly decided she was going to take a cab instead of walking. When she got to the hotel her parents and Joey’s parents were there. “Carly, where have you been?”

Carly looked at Joey. “I was with a friend. Are we ready to go out?”

“Yeah, lets get going,” Joey said.

They went to a pizza place and had a wonderful night. Their parents were staying at a different hotel so they left from the restaurant to their hotel. Joey and Carly walked back to the hotel.

“So when are you going to tell them?”

“I don’t know. We’re going public with this tomorrow so I thought I’d tell them at the airport before they left tomorrow.”

“So tomorrow’s the big day?”

“Yup. Joey, I’m so happy. I haven’t been this happy in a long time.”

“I’m glad. I have to tell you I wish it was someone else making you this happy but it’s your life so it’s your choice.”

“Joey that was really open-minded. I’m proud of you.”


“Joey, I want you two to spend some time together. I mean of course I’ll be there. I want you two to get along. You’re my family, my best friend and he’s the man I love. I want to be able to invite him places with us and to family events and not worry how you two are going to act.”

“Have you talked to him about this?”

“No, I’m asking you first.”

“Let me think about it.”

“Ok.” They walked the rest of the way in silence.

Nick woke up about an hour after Carly left. The guys told him what she said. Nick had called Lou and he was on his way over. Nick was sitting in the main room thinking when Lou knocked on the door. The rest of the guys came in as Nick answered the door. They had insisted they be there to support him.

“Nick, what did you want to tell me?”

“I want to talk to you about Carly.”

“Yes, I wanted to talk to you about that too. Did you know she is Joey Fatone’s cousin?”

“Yes, I knew the day I met her.”

“When and how exactly did you meet her?”

“She was at the studio about a week ago with NSYNC. We meet in the hall outside the studio.” Nick gave the guys a look that told them to go along with his story.

“Well you probably already know I don’t like this too well but what harm can friends do?”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. We’re not just friends. We’re seeing each other.” Lou just sat there and stared at him. “Lou, I know you don’t like this but it’s my life and I love her.”

“You love her?! You’ve known her for five days and you love her? Nick, you’re a kid, you don’t know what love is.”

“Lou, I know what love is. And I love her. There’s more.”

“What more could there possibly be?”

“We’re going public with it. Tomorrow at the interview.”


“This is what I want. And this is the way it’s going to be.”

“Nick, have you thought about this. This could ruin your career.”

“If the fans hate me because I have a girlfriend then they're not real fans in the first place.”

“Lou, he’s right,” Brian said.

“Oh so I suppose you guys approve of this?”

“Yes, we all support Nick and Carly completely,” AJ said.

“Well there’s nothing I can say. You’re going to do this whether I tell you to or not. Just know if this blows up in your face, I told you so.”

“It’s not going to blow up,” Nick said.

“I’ve got to go. I’ve got work to do,” Lou said. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow before the interview.

“Ok, bye Lou.” Lou left and all the guys gave a sigh of relief.

When Carly and Joey got back to the hotel all the guys were watching TV in the main room. “Hey, guys! Did you have fun?” JC asked.

“Yeah, you get all the Fatones together and you’re bound to have a blast,” Carly said. She was gienually happy.

“I can imagine,” Chris said.

“I’m going to change out of the clothes. I’ll be right back,” Carly said.

“Ok,” Joey said. When Carly was out of the room Joey spoke up. “Guys, Carly asked me something on the way back and I don’t know how to answer her.”

“What was it?” Lance asked.

“Well she asked me if I would spend some time with Nick and her.”

“She what?” Justin practically yelled.

“Curly, shut up. I don’t want her to hear. She said she wants us to be able to be in the same room and get along. She wants us to be friends.”

“I don’t see how she can ask you that considering the situation,” Justin said.

“Well we are family and we do a lot of family things together and I’m sure she thinking of the times when we’re together at a family thing.”

“Do you want to do it?” JC asked.

“Do I want to get along with Nick Carter? Not really but I always said I would do anything for her.”

“Do you think you can do it?” Lance asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t think I could go alone, but if I had someone with me I think I could handle it.”

“But you’ll have Carly there,” Chris said.

“No someone else in my position.”

“We I’d be willing to go if you want me to,” Lance said.

“Lance, that would be perfect since you get along with them.”

Just then Carly walked back into the room wearing boxers and a T-shirt of Nicks. “What did I miss?”

“I was just talking to the guys about what you asked me earlier.”


“I will if Lance can come with me.”

“That’s fine. I still have to ask Nick but I’m sure that will be fine.” She ran up to Joey and gave him a hug. “You have no idea how much this means to me.” Just then there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it,” Carly said cheerily. She opened the door and there stood Lou looking like he was about to blow his top.

“Carly, just the girl I wanted to see.” Lou walk past her into the room.

“Why do you want to see Carly,” Joey asked.

“Well I just came from talking to Nick Carter.” Carly shut the door and looked at the ground. “Yes, Carly I know what you two are doing. I’m not happy about it but I can’t stop it. I came here to talk some sense into you. Do you realize you could ruin his career by doing this?”

Carly looked up sharply. “What? How?”

“If the girls know he has a girlfriend they won’t want to listen to him.”

“Lou, that’s crazy and you know it. Stop trying to scare her,” JC said.

“Don’t tell me you guys agree with this too.”

“Yes we do. We support Carly 100%,” Joey said

. “Do you guys have any idea how much this is going to stir up things between the two groups? It’s going to bring everything up again.”

“Lou, we don’t care. We handled it once we can handle it again,” Chris said.

“I love him. That’s why we’re doing this because we love each other,” Carly said.

“That’s what he said. I’m going to tell you the same thing I told him. I’m not happy about this but there’s nothing I can do to stop him or you.”

“Everything will work out. I know it will,” Carly said.

“Now if you don’t mind I have some business to discuss with the guys.”

“I’m going to bed anyway.” She walked by Joey and gave him a hug and a kiss. “Thanks so much. Night guys.” Lou just gave her a look. She went to her room to call Nick. It rang several times before he answered. “Hey sexy!”

“Hey, Angel. How did the dinner with your family go?”

“Good. You’ll never guess who just stopped by to talk to me.”



“What? What did he say?”

“He said he came to try to talk some sense into me. He said that I could ruin your career. Nick, is he right? Can I ruin your career?”

“No, Angel. He’s just trying to scare you. There’s nothing you can do to ruin my career.”

“I didn’t think so. I just needed to hear it from you.”

“Well don’t worry. Nothing bad will happen. So did you tell your family?”


“Why not?”

“I don’t know. I think I’m going to tell them at the airport tomorrow.”

“What time is their flight? Maybe I can go with you.”

“It leaves at 7:00.”

“Well if you want me to I’ll come with you. Our interview isn’t until 10:00.”

“Carter, that would be wonderful. I need to talk to you about something but I want to do it in person so can we talk after they leave?”

“Yeah. I was kinda hoping you would come to the interview with me tomorrow.”

“Of course I will. I wasn’t sure if you wanted me there or not.”

“Of course I do.”

“Well I’ll let you go so you and me can get some sleep. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Ok. I love you, Angel.”

“I love you, Carter.”


“Bye.” Carly hung up and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 6
