Chapter 6

Carly woke up in a wonderful mood. She felt that everything was falling into place. She called Nick at 6:00 to make sure he was up. The phone rang like 10 times before he answered it.


“Morning, Sunshine!”

“Morning, Angel.”

“Just calling to make sure you’re up. I’m going to pick you up in half an hour. I rented a car for the day, figured it would be a good idea.”

“Yeah, sounds good. See ya soon.”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye. Oh, and Angel?”


“I love you!”

“I love you too! Bye.”

“Bye.” Carly hung up the phone with a smile on her face. She went and took a quick shower and put on a short dress with flowers on it. She thought it would be good to kinda dress up for the interview. When she went out to the kitchen she saw Joey sitting there.

“Morning, Joe.”

“Morning, Cos. Wow! You look good. Dressing up for the big day?”

“I thought it might be a good touch. Do you think it’s too much?”

“No. You look great.”

“Thanks. So are you taking your parents to the airport?”

“Yeah, Venessa and I are picking them up in about 20 minutes.”

“Oh, she’s coming here?”


“Well I got to be going.”

“Carly, please make an effort with Venessa like I’m making an effort with Nick, as hard as that may be.”

“I know, Joey. She just doesn’t seem to like me. Plus I told Nick I’d pick him up in 10 minutes and it’s going to take me that long to get to his hotel.”

“So you’re taking Nick to meet the parents huh?”

“Yeah, thought it would be a good idea since the whole country’s going to know by this afternoon. I thought they would like to hear it from me.”

“That’s probably a good idea.”

“Yup. Well I really gotta run. I’ll see ya later. Tell your parents bye for me.”

“Will do. Do the same for me with your parents.”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye.” Carly walked out of the hotel to her rented Jeep. She knew she should have gotten a car but she loved Jeeps. 15 minutes later she pulled up in front of Nick’s hotel. She went up to his room and knocked on the door. Brian answered.

“Hi, Carly!”

“Hi, Brian! Is Nick ready?”

“Well almost. He’s been running around here like a chicken with his head cut off. Where are you taking him? He won’t tell us.”

“Well, he’s meeting my parents.”

“Oh, the big family thing.”

“Well I thought it would be good for them to meet him and hear from me that we’re dating instead of hearing it on the radio or TV or reading it in a magazine or something.”

“I see your point. I’ll go tell him to hurry up.”

“Thanks.” 5 minutes later Brian and Nick walked out of their room. Nick looked great. He was wearing all Tommy. He had his hair slicked back in a more grown up look.

“Hey there, Carter.”

“Hi, Angel. You look great.” He went up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself.”

“Thank you.”

“Well are we ready?”

“Yeah. Let’s go. Guys we’ll meet you at the radio station.”

“Ok, just make sure you’re there at 9:30. Lou will freak if you’re late,” Kevin said.

“Don’t worry. I’ll have him there on time.”

“Bye guys.”

“Bye,” all the guys said. Carly and Nick went down to Carly’s rented jeep.

“Cool Jeep.”

“Thanks. I saw it and just couldn’t resist.”

“So are we picking your parents up at their hotel?”

“No. They insisted on meeting me at the airport. I told them I’d pick them up but they said no.”

“Ok.” Carly looked over at Nick. He was rubbing his hands together and staring at the window.

Carly took one of his hands and gave it a squeeze. He looked over at her. “Are you nervous?”

“Yeah, a little.”

“Don’t be. I want to tell you now they probably know who you are and they will probably be a little shocked at first but don’t worry. They’ll love you when they see what you’re like.” Nick stared at her for a minute, then he kissed her on the cheek. Then he kissed her neck and shoulder and down her arm. “Carter, what are you doing? I’m trying to drive here.”

“Sorry, couldn’t help myself. You’re skin’s just so soft I couldn’t keep my lips away from it.”

“Carter, you are so sweet!”

“Well you deserve it.” By this time they had arrived at the airport. They checked the TV monitors to see what gate her parents would be leaving at. They found the gate number and headed towards the gate. Carly grabbed Nick’s hand and gave it a quick squeeze before letting it go.

When they got to the gate, Carly spotted her parents. “Oh no.”

“What, Angel? What’s wrong.” She pointed to her parents. They were sitting with Phyllis, Joey Sr., Joey, and Victoria.

“It’s ok, Angel. I think I can handle this. Plus I want to meet your parents. So if that involves being around Joey then that’s fine.” She didn’t say a word. She just looked into his eyes and gave him a big hug. Then she headed over to her parents with Nick right behind her.

“Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.” She gave each of her parents a hug.

“Hi, Sweetie. Our plane had been delayed half an hour so we have time to chat,” her Mom said.

“Good, Mom. I have someone I want you to meet.” She pulled Nick out from behind her. “Mom, Dad, this is Nick Carter. He’s my boyfriend.”

Her parents just sat there and stared at him. “Nick, this is my mom, Jean; my dad, George; my aunt, Phyllis; my uncle, Joe; I think you know Joey and that’s his girlfriend Venessa.”

“Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Fatone.” He shook her dad’s hand. “Same to you Mr. and Mrs. Fatone.” He shook Joey’s dad’s hand. “Nice to meet you Venessa and nice to see you again Joey.”

Joey shook his hand. “Nice to see you too, Nick.” Carly was really proud of her cousin. He was making an effort. So she decided to too.

“It’s good to see you again Venessa. How have you been?”

“Good. And yourself?”

Carly looked at Nick. “Great.”

“Carly, can we have a word with you in private please?” Carly’s dad asked.

“Sure. Nick, I’ll be right back.” Nick nodded his head. She walked with her parents away from the group. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Well, about Nick. When did you two start dating? I wasn’t even aware you were seeing anyone, especially him,” Jean asked.

“Well, Mom, we meet about 4 or 5 days ago and hit it off instantly. I’ve never felt this way for anyone in my entire life. We just have this connection.”

“What do Joey and the guys think about this?” George asked.

“Well I don’t think it’s really any of their business and I don’t really care what they think. But we’ve all talked about this and they’re ok with it. Not that it would matter if they weren’t. I like Nick. And just because I’m the cousin of an NSYNC member does not mean I can’t date a Backstreet Boy.” Her parents started at her slightly shocked. “I want to tell you that we are going public with this. He’s going to tell everyone on a radio interview this morning.” This time her parents were extremely shocked. “Well if you’re not going to say anymore, I’m going to stop being rude and get back to my boyfriend.” She walked away from her parents towards Nick.

When she got to Nick he whispered, “What happened?”

“I’ll tell you later.” Her parents walked up to the group just as they heard the boarding announcement to their flight.

“Well I guess that’s us. It was nice to meet you Nick,” Joey’s mom said.

“It was nice to meet you Mrs. Fatone and you too Mr. Fatone,” Nick said.

“It was a pleasure, Nick,” Joey’s dad said.

“Bye Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Joe. It was great to see you,” Carly said while hugging them. When she pulled away she saw Joey saying goodbye to her parents. Then Joey and Venessa went off with Joey’s parents to say their private good byes.

“Carly, I’m going to miss you so much. How long are you going to be on tour with the guys?” her mom asked.

“Till the end of the tour. About two and a half months. Then I’m going to be staying with Joe in Orlando for awhile remember. I’ll come visit soon though. I promise.” She gave her mom a hug that lasted forever. She could feel her tears coming. She turned to her Dad and fell in his arms. “Daddy, I’m going to miss you.”

“Sweetie, I’m going to miss you too. You have to come visit us soon.”

“Don’t worry I will.” They heard the final boarding call.

“Well we better be going,” her dad said. “Nick, it was a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure was all mine. It was wonderful to meet Carly’s parents. I realize now how she became the wonderful person she is; she has great parents.”

“It was nice to meet you Nick. Maybe we’ll see you again,” Carly’s mom said.

“That would be wonderful.”

“Bye, sweetie,” Carly’s dad said. She hugged both of them again.

“Bye. Call my cell when you get home.”

“Ok, we will. Bye.” Nick and Carly watched them board the plane and take off.

Carly started crying and Nick took her in his arms. “It’s ok. You’ll see them soon. I’m sure of it.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m so emotional. I always cry when they leave me.”

“I understand. It’s ok. I’m here for you.”

“Thanks, Nick. Thanks for coming here and doing this. You have no idea what this means to me.”

“It was fun. I like your parents. Now them liking me is a different story but that’s ok.”

“Once they get to know you like I know you they’ll love you.”

“Hey, Cos. Are you ok?” Joey asked. He had walked over to her when he saw her crying.

“Yeah, Joe. I’m fine. You know how I get when I have to leave my parents.”

“Yeah I know. Come here and give me a hug.” Nick let go of her and she hugged Joey. Nick saw Venessa glare at Carly. Wonder what her problem is Nick thought to himself. When Carly and Joey pulled away from each other Venessa put her arm around Joey possessively. “So what are you two doing now? Do you want to go get some breakfast or something?”

Carly looked at Nick. “We would love to Joe, but we already have plans.”

“That’s too bad,” Venessa said. “Let’s go Joe. I’m hungry.”

“Ok. Nick, it was a pleasure. Carly, I’ll see you later.”

“Same here, Joey,” Nick said.

“Bye, Joe. Bye, Venessa,” Carly said. They heard Venessa mumble something as she walked away.

“So we have plans do we?” Nick asked smiling.

“I really didn’t want to spend another minute with Venessa. She drives me up a wall.”

“Couldn’t tell.”

“Well let’s go.”

“Ok. Where are we going?”

“I don’t know. Anywhere but here.” They left the airport and drove around for an hour talking.

“So what did you want to talk to me about?” Nick asked after waiting an hour for her to bring it up.

“Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. I’m going to ask a question and I want the truth. Don’t worry about my feelings getting hurt, just tell me the truth.”


“I have this idea. I would like you and Joey to spend some time together and get to know each other.” She looked hopefully at him. He didn’t say anything; he just stared out the window. “I’ve talked to Joey about it. He said he would if he could bring Lance along. You could bring Kevin since they’re friends.” She looked at him again. He still didn’t say anything, just stared out the window. Carly was getting upset. “Nick, say something, anything. Don’t just sit there and stare out the window.”

Nick sat there for a few more minutes then said, “You told me to be honest so I’m going to. I’m going to have to think about it.”

“That’s fine. It’s not like it’s going to happen anytime soon. I’m going to be on tour with the guys for the next two and a half months and you’re going to be on tour for I don’t know how long.”

“Three months.”

“Really? We’re going to be apart for 3 months?”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Neither of them said anything for about 20 minutes. “Angel, this isn’t going to change anything. I will call you all the time and I’m sure we will be in the same city sometime.”

“I know but it’s just not going to be the same. I won’t be able to look into those amazing blue eyes, and touch your amazing body or be in your strong arms.” She had stopped in a park on the outskirts of the city so she was sitting so she was looking at him. He didn’t say anything. He leaned over and kissed her with such passion. She never wanted it to end but eventually it did.

Nick looked at his watch. “Angel, we need to be heading to the radio station. It will take us half an hour to get there and it’s already 9:00.”

“Ok. I guess your right.” She started the Jeep and drove to the radio station. When they pulled in they saw the tour bus, so they knew the guys were there already. They also saw tons of screaming girls. “Nick, there is no way you’re going out there without security. You’ll be torn to pieces, and I can’t lose you.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll call inside and get someone to come out. And don’t worry, you’re never going to lose me.” They heard screaming and saw all the girls running towards the Jeep. “Drive, Carly. Just drive.” And she did, she drove until the girls stopped chasing them. They were about a mile away from the radio studio. “I guess I should call the studio now.” He got out his cell phone and dialed Brian’s cell number.


“Brian. It’s Nick.”

“Hey Nicky! Where are you? Lou is going to flip out if you don’t get here soon.”

“Well we were there a minute ago but we kinda got chased away by a mob of girls. We’re about a mile away. We need some security so we can get into the studio.”

“Ok. I’ll have security clear a path for you. What car are you in?”

“We’re in a white Jeep Tracker.”

“Ok. Head back to the station and we’ll have a path cleared for you by the time you get here.”

“Ok. Thanks Brian.”

“No prob. Bye.”

“Bye.” He put his cell phone away and turned to Carly. “He’s going to have security clear a path for us. So just head back to the station.”


Nick could tell the mob attack was effecting Carly. He put his hand on hers, which was in her lap. “Angel, everything is going to be fine. No one got hurt and no one will. That was an isolated incident. That normally doesn’t happen.”

“Thanks for trying to make me feel better but I’m fine. Just a little freaked there for a minute, but I’m fine now.” They rode in silence back to the station. They got through the crowd easily this time because as promise security had cleared a path.

As they were walking into the station Nick took Carly’s hand into his own. “Angel, the DJ may want you to get on the radio and talk. What should I tell him if he asks?”

Carly thought for a minute. “Tell him yes. I think I can handle talking on the radio.”

“That’s what I thought you would say.” The guys headed into a studio and Carly stood at a glass window watching them with butterflies in her stomach. The guys got headphones on and they started the interview.

DJ: Today I have with me the Backstreet Boys: Kevin, Howie, AJ, Brian, and Nick. How’s it going guys?


DJ: So how is the tour going?

BRIAN: Good. We’ve been everywhere it seems like.

DJ: Where are you guys headed when you leave here?

KEVIN: We’re going to Chicago next.

The guys went on with the interview until the girlfriend question was asked.

DJ: I know you guys get asked this all the time but I have to ask. Do any of you have girlfriends?”

BRIAN: No. We don’t really have time to get to know a girl.


AJ: Like Brian said we’re never in one place long enough to get to know a girl.

NICK: Actually yes I do.

DJ: Wait! Nick, you have a girlfriend?

NICK: Yes.

He looked and smiled at Carly through the glass. The DJ saw this.

DJ: Is she here?

NICK: Yeah.

DJ: Can we talk to her?

NICK: Yeah. I think that would be all right.

A man went out and got Carly and gave her a set of headphones.

DJ: So you’re Nick’s girlfriend?

CARLY: Yes I am.

DJ: What’s your name?

CARLY: Carly Fatone.

DJ: Wait! Are you related to Joey Fatone from NSYNC?

CARLY: Yes. I’m his cousin.

DJ: Really?


DJ: Interesting. So how did you two meet?

Nick: We were recording at the same studio as NSYNC and we kinda ran into each other.

Nick smiled at Carly. Carly gave him a grateful smile for keeping the real way they met a secret.

DJ: Ok, Carly. The question we’re all dying to know. Is Nick a good kisser?

Carly smiled at Nick. He had his head down but she could tell he was blushing.

CARLY: That’s my little secret.

The DJ started laughing.

DJ: Well that’s all the time we have. Guys, Carly, thanks for being here and I hope you can all come back sometime.

BRIAN: We would love to. Bye Chicago.

All the guys said goodbye and the interview was over. Carly was depressed because she knew that Nick had to leave now. Nick walked out of the station with his arm around Carly. He was just as depressed as she was. When they walked out Carly looked up. What she saw frightened her. All the girls standing outside he station were glaring at her. Guess they heard the interview she thought to herself. She walked to the bus with the guys. Nick dragged her on the bus because he didn’t want all those fans to see their private goodbye.

“Carly, I love you very much. You have to remember that. Don’t believe any of the rumors you hear. I love you and only you.”

“Nick, I love you so much it hurts. We will make it through this and in three months we will be together.”

“Yes we will.” He bent down and kissed her softly. He kissed her again with more passion knowing this was the last time he was going to get to kiss her for three months. Then he let her go and watched her walk off the bus to her rented Jeep. She got in and drove away and Nick felt his heart break.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 7
