Chapter 7

Carly started crying as she headed back to the hotel. She missed him already and they had only been apart for 10 minutes. She dried her eyes knowing she had to stop crying before she got in an accident. She had a whole three months to cry. When she got back to the hotel she was surprised to find all the guys there.

“Hi, guys.”

They all looked up at her. They all could see her tear stained face.

“He left huh?” Joey asked. Carly nodded her head and started crying again. Joey got up and hugged her tightly. She collapsed into his arms. “Cos, it’ll all work out. You’ll see him again soon. I’m sure of it.”

All Carly could do was nod her head. “I think I’m going to go lay down now.”

“Ok.” Carly went to her room and dreamt about Nick.

“She must really love him,” Justin said.

“She said she did and she doesn’t take that word lightly. I think I’ve only heard her say she loved one other person,” Joey said.


“Yeah. She’s had some bad luck with guys. She’s been hurt so much before. I know he’s not hurting her on purpose and there’s nothing he can do about it but I’m so pissed. Why does she always have to be hurt?”

“She’ll be ok. I think she’s stronger than all of us think,” JC said.

“I hope you’re right because this is going to be hard on her,” Lance said ending the conversation.

It was planned that Carly would stay on tour with the guys till the end of the tour then go back to Orlando and stay with Joey. But Carly decided to go to Joey’s a month and a half early. She thought it would be easier. She wouldn’t have to deal with the press all the time. Since Nick and Carly had went public the reporters had swarmed her everywhere she went. She was getting some hate mail but not too much. The fans seemed to except her. She was just tired of seeing her picture in magazines and reading articles about herself. She had read one that had said she wasn’t good enough for Nick. That one had really upset her and so she decided to get off the tour. The guys were sad to see her go but they knew she had too. They had all escorted her to the airport and said their good byes. Carly had grown really close with JC and even closer to Joey. She had cried all the way to Orlando but knew she was doing the right thing. In Orlando she had found some piece. Joey had a great security system so she was safe and all the fans she had run into were supportive. She had even had some fun. When she started to tour with the guys she become a huge fan of 98 Degrees. While in Orlando she had gotten to go to two of their concerts and had a blast at both of them. It was now the day before NSYNC was coming home. They would arrive tomorrow morning and would give a concert tomorrow night before getting two whole months off. Nick and the Backstreet Boys would be coming home in two weeks and doing the same. Nick and Carly had talked everyday they were apart and had somehow grown closer than ever. She missed him a lot but knew they would be together in two weeks.

The next day Carly woke up when she heard a loud noise downstairs. She got up and put on her robe. She cautiously went down stairs. On her way down she heard a loud thump followed by laughter. She peeked around the corner into the living room. What she saw brought a huge smile to her face.

“Excuse me. Do I know you? Is there a reason you’re in my house?” Carly asked smiling.

“YOUR house?” Joey said.

“Well it’s been my house for a month and a half.”

“Well the owner’s back now. So come over here a give him a huge.”

“Joe, is that you,” Carly said squinting. “I didn’t recognize you.” She went over and gave him a long hug. “It’s nice to see you again. I missed you.”

“What about us? I’m not feeling any love in here for the rest of us,” JC said. Carly gave him a hug.

“Jace, I missed you too. I had no one to talk to and sing with. Who else could make my voice sound good?”

“Girl, you have wonderful voice and you know it. I’ve missed you too. We’ll have to have one of our long talks again soon.”

“Yes we will.”

Just then someone put their hands over her eyes. “Guess who?”

“Umm…let me think. Could it be a tall guy with blonde curls?”

“You’re no fun.”

“Oh, I’m sorry Curly I’ll guess wrong next time ok? Now give me a hug.”

Justin’s face lit up. “Whatever you say.” He hugged her tightly and picked her up.”

“Justin, you know how I feel about being picked up! Please put me down!”

“I know. I’m sorry. I just couldn’t resist.”

“Well if you do it again, I’m going to pull out those curls one by one.” Justin put a protective hand over his hair. Everyone started laughing.

“Good one, Sis,” Chris said. He had taken to calling her Sis.

“Crazy, it’s good to see you.” She gave him a hug. “Hi, Lance,” she said giving him a hug too.

“Hey, Carly. How are ya doing?”

“I’m good. Only two weeks left. Oh, did I tell you guys I went to another 98 Degrees concert?”

“No. I’m starting to think you like them better than us, Cos.”

“Joe, you know better than that. I just really like their music. They’re not bad looking either, but don’t tell Nick I said that.”

“Speaking of talking to Nick are we going ahead with this thing?” Joey asked.

“He never really answered me. He said he needed time to think so I gave him time and it never came up again. I’ll ask him tonight when I talk to him.”

“You’re not coming to the concert tonight?” JC asked kinda hurt.

“Oh, I forgot all about it. Of course I’m coming. I’ll just have to call him earlier.”

“Joe, do you have someplace where I can lay down. I’m exhausted,” Lance said.

“Yeah, up the stairs to the left, third room.”

“Ok, thanks.” Lance went up stairs to sleep.

“By the way why didn’t you guys tell me when you were coming so I could meet you at the airport?”

“We wanted to surprise you, which I see we did.”

Carly looked down and realized for the first time she was still wearing her tank top and boxers with her robe over it. “Well I’m going to go get dressed. Do you guys have to rehearse today?”

“Yeah we have to be there in three hours. We’re all going to lay down and get some sleep so you can go back to bed if you want to,” JC said.

“That sounds like a good idea.” She was tired because she had stayed up till 3:00 talking to Nick. She went back to her room and went to sleep. When she woke up it was noon. She figured the guys were at rehearsal since she had been asleep for five hours. She got up and got dressed. She decided now would be a good time to call Nick.


“Hi, Carter.”

“Angel! How are you doing this wonderful day?”

“I’m great. The guys came home today and totally surprised me. That’s why I’m calling now instead of later. I have to go to their last concert tonight.”

“That’s cool. I got some really good new today too.”

“Well what is it?”

“It’s a surprise. You’ll find out tomorrow.”

“Ok.” They talked for the next hour and a half. She had become friends with all the others guys and had to talk to them for a little bit. It was 2:00 when she got off the phone. She decided she would surprise the guys by bringing them some food. She went to McDonalds and headed for the studio where they would be rehearsing. They guys were totally surprised and devoured the food she had brought them. They spent the rest of the day joking and messing around. Carly stood backstage and watched the concert. The guys had somehow gotten even better than the last time she had seen them perform. She hugged each of the guys as they came off stage. She gave them time to get dressed then went in their dressing room. She stopped when she saw who was in their dressing room.

“Hi, Carly!” Joey said. Carly opened her mouth to say something but nothing would come out. “Carly as you know this is Jeff, Nick, Justin, and Drew a.k.a. 98 Degrees. Guys this is my cousin Carly.”

“Hi, Carly,” Drew said. He hummed the starting note and they began to sing I Do(Cherish You). Carly was so happy.

When the song was over Carly found her voice. “Thank you so much. As you probably already know I am a huge fan. This means a lot to me. Thanks again. This means so much to me.”

“It was our pleasure. It was fun,” Nick said.

“Well we’ve got to be going,” Jeff said.

“Thanks again. I can’t say it enough.”

“Again it was our pleasure. Bye,” Drew said.

Everyone said good bye and 98 Degrees left.

“Joey, what was that for?”

“It’s a really, really late birthday present. I know you can never forgive me but I had to do something.”

Carly gave him a huge hug. “Joey that is so sweet. Thanks so much.”

“It was my pleasure. You deserve to be happy. I’ve seen you down for a while and I was hoping this would make you happy.” Carly let go of Joey and sat down on the couch with her head in her hands. “Carly, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad. I guess I had the opposite effect I was going for.”

“No, Joey. It’s not your fault. I just miss him so much. I haven’t seen him for two and a half months.”

“You’ll see him soon. Just think in two weeks he’ll be here and you’ll get to spend one whole month with him.”

“I know. I just wish he was here now.”

“I know. I gotta go to the restroom. I’ll be right back.” Joey went into the bathroom and took out the number he had gotten out of her address book earlier. He took out his cell phone and dialed the number.


“Can I speak to Nick please?”

“This is him. Can I ask who this is?”

“Nick, this is Joey.”

“Joey Fatone?”


“What’s wrong. There’s nothing wrong with Carly is there?”

Joey could hear the concern in his voice. “No. Nothing physical anyway. You’re probably wondering why I’m calling.”

“Actually yes.”

“I was wondering when you are coming back to Orlando. Carly has been depressed.

“Actually I’m coming home tomorrow. They got the dates for the last two weeks messed up so they just canceled the rest of the tour. Don’t tell Carly. I’m going to surprise her.”

“I’ll keep her at my house and then when you get there I’ll go out with Victoria to give you two some time alone.”

“Thanks Joey. I miss her so much. I feel like crap because it’s my fault she’s depressed.”

“Don’t worry about it. You’re going to make her so happy tomorrow.”

“Well thank you again. I gotta go.”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye.” Joey went out joined the rest of the group. They sat around talking for half an hour then everyone left and went home to get some sleep.

Carly woke up the next day to the smell of coffee. She went downstairs and found Joey cooking. “Joe, when did you start cooking?”

When he heard her voice he jumped about two feet into the air. “Carly, don’t sneak up on me like that!”

Carly went over and hugged him. “Sorry, Joe. I didn’t realize I was sneaking up on you.”

“It’s ok. Just make some noise next time. And for your information I’ve always cooked, just never in front of you.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes really.”

“So what did you cook for me?”

“We have freshly brewed coffee, French toast, pancakes, and orange juice.”

“All that for us?”

“No, the rest of the guys are coming. They will be here in a little bit. Lance would kill us if we had French toast and didn’t invite him.”

“Well if they’re coming I better take a shower and get dressed.”

“Ok, see ya in a little bit.”

Carly went up to her room and got out a pair of jeans and a dark green shirt of Nicks. She looked at the shirt and almost starting crying. She just missed him so much. Only two more weeks Carly told herself. She got in the shower and quickly showered. She got out and blow dried her hair and put on a little makeup. She heard laughter downstairs and figured the guys were here. She walked downstairs and saw all the guys and Victoria sitting around the table eating.

“Hi, Guys! Hi, Victoria.” Victoria and her had become civil to each other since they knew they were going to have to be around each other a lot.

“Hi, Carly! How you doing today?” Justin asked.

“I’m good. And how are you guys?”

“I’m good. Got my girl,” Joey said putting his arm around Victoria. “And I got my friends and my favorite cousin.”

“Stop with the buttering me up, Joe. I don’t know what you want but I’m not going to do it.”

“I don’t want you to do anything. I’m just in a good mood.”

“What’s with you guys? You all have huge smiles on your faces.” Joey had told the guys that Nick was coming today and they were all happy for her.

“We’re just happy to finally have some time off,” JC said.

“So what are we going to do today?”

“I think we should just hang out here. Maybe we can watch a movie or go for a swim or something. I just don’t feel like going out,” Joey said.

“Sounds good. I’m kinda tired from all the excitement yesterday.”

“So we’re all agreed?” Joey asked. They all said yes.

“I’m going to go make a phone call. I’ll be right back,” Carly said and left the room.

“When is Nick supposed to get here?” Lance asked. Kevin was coming with him and Lance and him were going to hang out for the rest of the day.

“He didn’t say. He just said he was coming today.”

“She is going to be so happy,” Chris said.

“I know. I wish it could be someone else who was making her happy but I guess I can’t choose who does.”

“Joey, that was really nice. You’ve come a long way,” Justin said.

“I just want to see her happy.”

“She will be soon,” Chris said.

Carly dialed Nick’s cell phone number. It rang and rang and finally Carly gave up. She was depressed because she really needed to hear his voice right now. She was missing him more than she ever had. “Just two more weeks. Two more weeks.” Carly sat there thinking for a long time.

About an hour later Joey came in to check on her. “Carly, are you ok? You’ve been up here for an hour.”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just tried to call Nick but he didn’t answer his cell phone. I guess he’s busy. I just really needed to hear his voice. I miss him so much.”

Joey hugged her. “I’m sure everything will work out. Maybe he’ll call you later and you can talk for a long time.”

“I’d like that.”

“Now we’re going for a swim. Do you want to come?”

“I don’t think I’ll get in but I’ll come and watch.”

“Ok, let’s go.” He pulled her up and dragged her downstairs. All the guys and Victoria were already in the pool. Carly sat down on a lounge chair and Joey jumped in with rest of the guys.

“Carly, aren’t you going to get in?” Justin yelled.

“No. I don’t feel like swimming but I’ll sit here and watch. And if any of you try to get me wet I’m going to kick your butts.”

“Don’t worry. We won’t,” Lance said.

The guys swam for about two hours when the doorbell rang. Before Carly could even think Joey had jumped out of the pool yelling, “I’ll get it.” He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked into the house. He opened the door to find all five of the Backstreet Boys.

“Hi,” Nick said.

“Hi, everyone,” Joey said.

“Oh sorry about that. I hope you don’t mind but all the guys wanted to see Carly,” Nick said.

“No, it’s ok. Just let me go warn the guys. Come in. Carly is out back by the swimming pool. We’ll get to her in a minute ok?”

“Ok.” The guys came in and sat down in the living room. Joey went out to the pool and called all the guys.

“Guys, can you come in here for a second. Vic why don’t you stay out here and keep Carly company. We’ll be right back.”

“Ok. Sweetie.” She got out and sat down by Carly. They started talking politely.

The guys got out and got towels and followed Joey inside. “What’s this about?” JC asked.

“Well Nick brought his friends with him so I thought I would warn you that the Backstreet Boys are sitting in my living room.”

“Wow! Thanks for warning us. That would have been a shock,” Chris said.

“Well we better get in there,” Joey said.

“I’m going to go upstairs. I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to go in there. If they ask just tell them I’m not feeling well or something,” Justin said. He ran upstairs to the guestroom to change.

The rest of the guys went into the living room and chatted with the guys for a while. “Well I’m going to go get Carly,” Joey said. He went out back and said, “Carly, can you come in here for a sec.”

Carly got up. “Yeah. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just come in here. Vic come with.” She got up and Joey wrapped his arm around her waist. Joey and Victoria walked in before Carly. When they stepped out of the way Carly looked up and froze.

“Oh my God!” Carly said then put her hand over her mouth.

“Hi, Angel,” Nick said. Carly suddenly stared running towards him and hugged him so hard he would have fell down if Kevin hadn’t been behind him to hold him up. They stood like that for awhile.

“Hey Lance!” Kevin said. “How ya doing?”

“Pretty good. How are you?” Lance asked.

“Great. One more concert and we’re done for two months.”

“I know that feeling.”

“Nick, I’ve missed you so much! God I love you so much!” Carly had forgotten there were other people in the room and when Nick heard her say that so did he.

“Angel, I felt the same way. I feel like a part of me is missing when you’re not around. I love you!” Then he kissed her like he had wanted to do for two months.

“Um…I think we should leave them alone. We can all go into the kitchen,” Joey said and everyone followed him.

When Carly and Nick pulled apart they just looked into each other’s eyes. “What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be on tour.”

“Well they screwed up the dates and places for the last two weeks so we just canceled all them and cut the tour short. We have to perform tonight then we get a month and a half off.”

“So you’re hear to stay?”

“Yup. I’m actually going to be staying here in Orlando with Brian instead of going back home to Ruskin. We will be recording some and I don’t want to have to drive back and forth all the time. Plus I want to be close to you.”

She kissed him softly. “You are so sweet.” Carly looked around the room for the first time. “Did the rest of the guys come with you? I want to see them too.”

“Yeah, I don’t know where they went but they’re here.”

“Well let’s go find them.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him along. They went down the hall and heard laughing. “It’s coming from the kitchen. I think they’re in there.” They walked into the kitchen to see all the guys of NSYNC, minus Justin, sitting on the counter. Victoria was standing by Joey. And all the Backstreet Boys were sitting around the table. Carly went up behind Brian and put her hands over his eyes. “Guess who?”

“A short, brunette with an attitude.”

Carly put her hands on her hips and made a fake pout. “How did ya know?”

“Good guess.” He got up and hugged her. “How are you?”

“Better now. I missed everyone.” She waited for the other guys to greet her. “Geez, I see how loved I am. Kevin get up here and give me a hug.” Kevin did as he was told. He picked her up not knowing about her fear of that. She tightened her hold on his neck, but she didn’t scream. She saw out of the corner of her eye that Joey had jumped off the counter and Nick had moved towards them. Kevin set her back down not realizing anything was wrong. Carly gave Joey and Nick a look that said she was fine. “AJ, are just going to set there and ignore me?”

“Of course not. I was just waiting for my turn.” He got up and gave her a big hug.

“Howie, your turn.” He got up and hugged her. “Now I feel loved.” Nick came up behind her and wrapped his arms her waist.

He whispered, “You should because you are.” She just smiled.

Just then Justin appeared in the doorway fully dressed. “Joey, can you give JC and Chris a ride home. I’m going to go home now. I’m not feeling well.”

“Yeah, sure. Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I just need to go home and lay down.”

“Ok. See ya tomorrow. Get better.”

“I’ll try. Bye.” With that he looked at Carly and Nick then walked away.

“I have to find out what’s wrong. I’ll be right back.” She ran after Justin leaving a stunned Nick. “Justin! Justin, wait!” He was at his car about to get in.


She finally got up to him. “What’s wrong?”

“Like I said I’m not feeling good. I just want to go home and sleep.”

“Justin, you were fine ten minutes ago. You were splashing around in the pool before….” It hit her why he was leaving.

Justin saw this on her face. “Carly, it just hit. I’m tired and need sleep. I’ll be fine tomorrow.”

Carly didn’t believe him but she didn’t want to get into it then. “Yeah. You guys are recording tomorrow at 10:00 right?”

“Yeah. You’re coming?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

“I just thought that since Nick was back you would want to spend as much time with him as possible.”

“Well I promised you guys I would go and plus he’ll be tired since he has a concert tonight.”

“Ok. Well I really need to get going. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Just as he was about to get in his car, Carly pulled him back up and hugged him.

“You get better, you hear me? We all need you. Even me.” She let him go and he got in his car stunned. She walked back to the house to find Nick standing at the door. She walked up to him and hugged his waist. She was surprised when he didn’t put his arms around her. She looked up at him to see anger in his eyes. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong? How can you ask me that?” He was yelling.

Carly pulled back surprised. “What? I don’t understand.”

“Carly, I see you hugging a guy and telling him you need him and you can’t see why I’m mad? Then you’re not as smart as I thought you were.” He was still yelling. Carly felt like he had just slapped her or something. Carly just stood there looking at him. She didn’t see all the guys come running up.

“Nick, what’s going on?” Brian asked.

“She’s cheating on me. That’s what’s going on,” Nick yelled.

Carly couldn’t believe he had said that. She fell down to the ground on her knees. Joey ran to her and put his arms around her. “Nick, I think you should leave,” he said.

“Yeah, I think I will,” Nick said. He walked to the van, that he and the guys had come in, with the guys following him. Carly was crying now.

Joey picked her up and carried her into the house to her room. “Cos, it’ll all be ok. Everything will work out.” He stayed with her until she fell asleep. When she was asleep he headed downstairs. Everyone was sitting in the living room watching TV.

“How is she?” JC asked concerned.

“She’s asleep. I wonder what happened. What is Nick’s problem? She would never even think about cheating on him, especially with Justin. She loves him so much and look at what he’s doing to her.”

“There’s got to be an explanation for all of this,” Lance said.

“We’ll ask her when she wakes up if she’s up to it,” Joey said. They watched TV for about 3 hours when Carly came downstairs with clean kinda dressy clothes on. She walked to the stand by the door and grabbed her purse and looked through it. “Carly, what are you doing?”

“I’m getting ready to leave.”

“Where are you going?” JC asked.

“I’m going to the concert.”

“Carly, I really think that’s not such a good idea,” Lance said.

“I promised all of them that I’d be there and I’m not going to break a promise just because one of them is being the jerk of the century.” She finally found her keys and headed for the door. “I’ll probably be back late so don’t wait up.” With that she walked out of the door to her car and left.

“For some reason I think this is all going to turn out good,” Chris said.

“Chris, what are you talking about?”

“I just have this feeling that everything will work out.”


“Nick, what happened?” Brian asked.

“She hugged that Justin and told him that she needed him.”

“Nick, what exactly did she say?” Brain asked.

“Well, she hugged him and said ‘You get better, you hear me? We all need you. Even me.” Then he got in his car and drove away.”

“Nick, you idiot!” AJ said.


“She was trying to make him feel better. She’s not cheating on you. She loves you more than anything in the world. You could tell by the way she acted when she saw you. And if you can’t see it than your blind,” Brain said.

“He’s right,” Howie said.

Nick thought for a minute then let his head fall into his hands. “What have I done?”

“Just explain it to her. Tell her you’re an idiot who is blind,” AJ said.

“You’re not helping,” Kevin said.

“Do you guys think she’ll come to the concert tonight?” Nick asked.

“I wouldn’t expect it. After what was said I would be surprised,” Kevin said.

“I don’t know. She made a promise. She never breaks a promise,” Howie said.

“We’ll just have to see,” Brian said.

Carly thought about Nick on her drive to the venue. She couldn’t understand why he had said what he said. Maybe she was wrong telling Justin that she needed him. But all she meant is that she needed his friendship. She was really worried about him. He seemed to shut everyone out when it came to Carly and Nick being together. “If there even is an us anymore.” She drove for about 20 minutes till she got to the venue. Security let her past and she walked to the guys’ dressing room door. She didn’t knock she just stood there. She had been standing there for about 20 minutes when suddenly the door jerked open. She stood face to face with AJ. AJ just stared at her.

“Hey, girl! We didn’t expect you to show up,” he said while hugging her.

“Well I made a promise and I never break a promise. So here I am.” She noticed all the guys sitting around a coffee table in the room.

“Well get in here and say hi to the guys.” He took her arm and pulled her into the room shutting the door after her. “Guys, look who’s here.” Everyone looked at her.

“Hi, Guys!” Brian jumped up and hugged her.

“How are you doing?” he whispered.

“I’ve been better,” she whispered back.

All the guys except Nick said hi and hugged her. “Kev, how long do we have before we go on?” Nick asked.

“About an hour.”

“Thanks. Carly, can I talk to you in private?”

Carly looked at Brian who nodded his head. “Sure.” Nick led her into the bathroom where they could have some privacy. “Nick, I’m sorry if what I told Justin hurt you. I didn’t mean what you think I meant. I meant I need his friendship. He seems to shut me out sometimes and it hurts me when he does. I just wanted him to know that I needed his friendship.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Now you have to listen to me. I’m sorry for what I said. I meant none of it. I was being stupid and not thinking. I know you would never do anything like that to me just like I’d never do anything like that to you. I love you and I hope you can find some way to forgive me for being an idiot.” Nick looked at her hopefully.

“Of course I can. I love you! We all make mistakes and need to be able to forgive.” She walked over to him and kissed him softly on the lips.

“Thanks.” He hugged her tightly to him. “I love you more than you will ever know.”

“I love you too.” They stayed like that until they heard a knock at the door. Nick let go of her and answered the door. There stood Brian.

“Hi, Bri. What can I help you with?”

“Well you two have been in there for a long time and some of us have to go to the bathroom.”

Nick and Carly started laughing. “Sorry. You can have it.” Nick grabbed Carly’s hand and walked out past Brian. Nick went over to the couch and sat down pulling Carly down on his lap.

“I take it you two made up,” AJ said.

“Yup,” Nick said. They sat around talking like old times until it was time for the guys to go on. Carly watched the concert from backstage. Every once in a while Nick would look over and smile at her. After the show the guys were dead tired.

“Carter, I’m going to go home now. I can tell you’re tired and need sleep and so do I. Call me tomorrow and we’ll do something. I love you!” She kissed him softly.

“I love you too! I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye.” Carly went home and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Nick did the same thing.

Chapter 8
