Chapter 8

The next morning Carly woke up to five guys singing to her. She opened her eyes to see Joey, JC, Lance, Chris, and Justin standing around her bed. “Morning, Sleepyhead,” Joey said.

“What time is it?”


Carly sat straight up in bed. “What? Why didn’t you get me up earlier? I only have 15 minutes to get ready!” She jumped out of bed knocking JC over.

“Geez, calm down. You have 45 minutes. We don’t have to be at the studio until 10:30.”

I turned around and looked at him to see if he was joking. “Really? I thought you guys had to be there at 10:00.”

“Nope. They called us last night and told us not to come in till 10:30.”

“Good. That gives me time. Now get out of my room so I can get ready.” Carly started pushing the guys out of her room one by one. When she had gotten them all out and shut the door she took a shower and put on a pair of jeans and one of Nick’s shirts. Then she went downstairs to find Nick and the Backstreet Boys sitting in the living room with Lance. She heard laughing coming from the kitchen and figured it was the rest of the guys. “Hi, guys. What are you doing here?”

Nick stood up and walked over to her. “I came to see my beautiful girlfriend.”

“Oh really can I meet her?” Nick looked at her shocked for a second then started laughing.

“Nope, I’m keeping her all to myself.”

“Shoot. I heard she was smart, funny, beautiful, wonderful, spectacular…..”

“Ok. Ok. Stop. You’re right she is all those things and more.” She smiled at Nick and hugged him. She looked at the clock behind them, which said 10:15.

She pulled away from Nick. “Lance, shouldn’t we be leaving soon? It’s a quarter after.”

Lance looked at the clock. “Yeah, we really need to be going. I’ll get the others.”

When he left the room Nick asked, “Where are you going?” He had a sad expression on his face.

“I promised them I would go to the studio with them until noon today.”

“I thought we could spend the day together.”

“We can, after noon. I made a promise Nick. You know how I feel about breaking a promise.”

“I know. I’ll just miss you is all. How about I pick you up at noon and we can go to my parents house and you can meet my parents.”

Carly took a step back. “So today’s the big day huh?”

“Yeah, my parents have been dying to meet you and my brother and sisters too.”

“Cool. I can’t wait to meet them either.” Carly wasn’t sure she was ready for this. She had heard about how close Nick’s family was. Carly’s family had never been that close so she didn’t know how she was going to react to Nick’s family.

“Hey, guys you wanna come over for a barbecue tonight. We can just stay out there tonight since we don’t have anything to do tomorrow morning.”

“Sounds like fun,” Brain and Kevin said.

“I would love to,” AJ and Howie said.

“Great, it’s settled. I’ll see ya at noon, babe.” He leaned down and kissed her. “I love you!”

“I love you too!” Carly said still in a daze. “I’ll see ya at noon. Bye guys.”

Everyone said bye to her and left. Justin, JC, Lance, Joey, and Chris walked in a minute later and saw her standing there staring off into space. “Cos, what’s wrong?”

Carly snapped back into reality. “I’m meeting Nick’s parents and staying at their house tonight.”

“And you don’t want to?” JC asked.

“It’s not that. I just don’t know how I’m going to react to them. They are really close and my family has never been close so I don’t think I’ll know how to react.”

“You’ll do fine. Don’t worry about it. Now lets get going before we’re late,” Joey said.

“Whoa, Joey caring if we’re late. Is the world coming to an end?” Lance joked.

“Funny. Very funny. Let’s just go.” They all headed out the door.

They had some much fun at rehearsal that Carly forgot all about meeting Nick’s family. The guys tried to teach her some of the dances. The guys choreographer was good about letting them have fun. At one point she said, “Carly, can I talk to you privately?”

Carly looked at he guys then at her. “Yeah, sure.”

“Don’t worry. You’re not in trouble. I just want to talk to you for a few minutes.”

They went on with rehearsal and when they were done, Carly went with the choreographer to her office. “Don’t be so nervous, Carly. I really just wanted to tell you that you are a great dancer and learn quickly. Have you ever thought about being a professional dancer?”

“No, I never have.”

“Well I would like you to think about it. The guys have rehearsal in a week. Come with them and we'll talk more about it.”

“Ok. Thanks.” Carly stood up and shook her hand. She walked out to the studio to find the guys sitting there waiting. “Hi, guys.”

“What did she say?” Joey asked.

“I’ll tell you later. I’m already late. Nick was supposed to pick me up at noon and it’s already 12:15.” Carly started gathering her stuff.

“At least let us walk you down,” Justin said.

“Justin, you half to; my bag is in your trunk.” Carly grabbed his arm and pulled him all the way to the elevator. The rest of the guys followed. On the elevator ride all the guys looked deep in thought. “Guys, what’s up? Why are you all so deep in thought?”

“Oh nothing,” Joey said still deep in thought.

They rode the rest of the way and walked to Justin’s car in silence. When they walked out Carly saw Brian and Nick sitting on the front of the van. Carly could see the other guys sitting in the van. They walked to Justin’s car and Justin got her bags out for her. When he handed her the bags he pulled her into a hug. When he let her go JC, Chris, and Lance hugged her. Joey hugged her last and the longest. Finally he let her go. “Guys you’re acting like I’m leaving and never coming back. I’ll be back tomorrow. I’ll call ya later today and tell ya what’s going on tomorrow. Bye guys.” Before they could say anything Carly picked up her bags and started walking towards Nick and Brian. “Hey guys.”

“Hi, Carly,” Brian said. He took Carly’s bags and put them in the back.

Carly hugged Nick and kissed him on the cheek. “Hi, Angel. What was all that about?”

“I don’t know. They’re acting really weird. Let’s just go.”

“Ok. I’m really excited about you meeting my family.”

“Yeah me too,” Carly said with fake enthusiasm. She walked around the van and got in the passenger seat as Nick got in the driver’s seat. “Hi, guys.” AJ, Howie, and Kevin all said hi. As they started on their way to Nick’s house Carly got lost in thought. She was thinking about what NSYNC’s choreographer had said. And she was thinking about meeting Nick’s family. She was so deep in thought she didn’t realize Nick was talking to her.

“Carly, my family is so excited to meet you. They’ve been bugging me for the past 2 months about it. Aren’t you excited?” Carly didn’t respond. “Angel?” She still didn’t answer. “Carly,” he said louder. By now all the guys in the back were listening. AJ who was sitting behind her shook her shoulders slightly.

She finally came back to reality. She looked around and saw all the guys except Nick staring at her. “Did I miss something?”

“You were in your own little world,” Brian said.

“Was I? I’m sorry.”

“Care to tell us what you’re thinking about?” Nick asked.

“After I figure it out I’ll tell ya all about it.” Carly grabbed Nick’s hand and squeezed it to reassure him. He gave her a little smile. They rode the rest of the way in silence. When they got to Ruskin, Carly was fascinated by the little town. She had spent all her life in big cities. Nick drove clear through town then pulled up to a big white wall with a security gate. He pulled up to the intercom, pushed a few buttons and the gate opened. Nick drove up the long driveway to a huge white house. Carly was staring at the house as all the guys got out. Brian and Kevin got her bags. Nick walked around and opened her door. When he grabbed her hand she snapped back to reality. “Nick, your house is so beautiful.”

“Well thanks but I’m afraid I can’t take any of the credit. It’s all my mom’s doing.”

Carly looked around and saw that all the other guys had already went in. Carly had butterflies in her stomach. “Nick, I’m nervous.” I looked at him expecting him to be mad.

He hugged me. “Angel, that’s ok. I was nervous when I met your parents. Don’t worry about it. They’ll love you and you’ll love them. I’m sure of it.”

“I’m sure I will if they’re anything like you. I love you so much!”

“I love you too Angel.”

“Well let’s go so I can meet your family.” They walked into the house the house hand in hand. When they walked in we heard laughing and splashing water. “I guess they’re out back in the pool.” Nick took her out back to where his family and the rest of the guys were. As soon as Nick’s little brother Aaron saw him he came running up to him. He jumped in Nick’s arms and hugged him. “Hi buddy! I see you missed me. I missed you too.”

When Nick put him down, Aaron shouted, “Look who’s home.” Nick’s whole family ran up and hugged him. Carly stepped back to give them time and space.

All of Nick’s family hugged and greeted him. Then his mom said, “Where is this girl we’ve heard all about?”

“Well she was here just a second ago.” He looked around and saw me standing behind all of them. “Carly, come here. I want you to my family. This is my mom Jane and my dad Robert. These are my sisters BJ and Leslie. And these are my twin brother and sister Aaron and Angel. Guys this is my girlfriend Carly.”

“Hi, Carly. It’s nice to meet you,” Jane said

“It’s nice to meet you too Mrs. Carter. It’s nice to meet all of you. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you.”

“Call me Jane please. And we’ve heard wonderful things about you too. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to finish cooking. We’ll talk later.” She patted Carly’s hand then rushed off.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry but I have to help my mom,” BJ said. She walked off after her mother.

Aaron pulled on Nick’s free hand. “Nick, your girlfriend’s pretty.”

Carly blushed. Nick leaned down to Aaron. “Yeah, buddy I think so.” Carly couldn’t hear what he said next because he was whispering. “So do you approve?” Aaron shook his head yes. Nick laughed and stood up.

“Carly, if you need anything just let me know,” Robert said.

“I will thank you.”

“Carly, I’m going to show you to your room now.” Nick grabbed Carly’s hand and pulled her back into the house. He took her upstairs and to a room. “This is BJ’s room. You’re going to be sleeping in here tonight.”

“Where’s BJ sleeping?”

“On the couch.”

“Nick, no. I don’t want to put her out of her room. I’ll sleep on the couch.” Nick just looked at me. “What?”

“I’m not going to let you sleep on the couch. And you better bet my mom isn’t either. If I had my way you would be sleeping in my room with me.” Nick wrapped his arms around Carly’s waist. “BJ offered. She wants you to feel comfortable here.”

“Nick, it’s a great gesture, but I can’t feel comfortable if I’m putting someone out.”

“Fine you can tell my mom that you’re sleeping on the couch.” Carly looked scared to death. Nick started laughing. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll work it out later. Let’s go get some food.”

“Ok lets go.” They walked down the stairs and out back. Everyone was sitting around the pool eating and talking. Nick and Carly got their food and sat down with them.

When Carly sat down people started asking her questions. “Carly, where are you from?” Jane asked.

“Brooklyn. Lived there all my life. I’ve been in Orlando for about the last month and a half.” Nick looked at her. She had never told him that she left the tour.

“What do your parents do?” Robert asked.

“My dad owns an Italian restaurant and my mom is a lawyer.”

“Strange mixture,” Leslie said.

“Leslie, that’s not nice. Apologize right now,” Jane said.

“No that’s ok. Everyone says that when they hear what my parents do. Even Nick here said that.”

“Nick you didn’t! I’m sorry Carly. You must think my children have no manners. They really do.”

“It’s ok Mrs. Carter. I’m used to it.”

“Call me Jane.”

“Ok. Jane.”

“Carly, what’s your last name?” BJ asked.

Carly looked at Nick. Nick had hoped this wouldn’t come up. He looked at Brian who just shook his head. “Nick didn’t tell you?” His family shook their heads. “Well my last name is Fatone.” Everyone’s head shot up to look at her.

“As is Joey Fatone?” BJ asked.

“Yes, he’s my cousin.” There was an uncomfortable silence.

“Carly, how old are you?” Angel asked breaking the silence.

“I’m 20.” Again Nick’s whole family looked at her.

“You’re older than Nick?” Aaron asked.

“Yeah, I am.”

“What do you do?” Robert asked.

“Well I’m in school still.”

“What are you majoring in?” Jane asked.

“Well I’m majoring in paralegal, but I would like to go on to law school.”

“That’s wonderful, Carly.”

“Is 20 questions over yet?” Nick asked sounding annoyed.

“Nick, we weren’t asking 20 questions. We were trying to find out something about her since you obviously didn’t tell us everything,” BJ said.

“Nick, BJ stop. So how does it feel to be off tour guys?” Jane said.

“Sleeping in my own bed last night was wonderful. Never thought I’d enjoy it that much,” Brian said.

“Excuse me. I’m sorry to interrupt but can someone show me to the bathroom?” Carly asked.

“I will,” Nick said grabbing Carly’s hand. When they got into the house Carly stopped.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why didn’t you tell them who I am and who I’m related to?”

“Carly I don’t know. I guess I didn’t think they’d be able to handle it.”

“Nick, you have to give your family credit. I think they took it pretty well for hearing it from me and not from you. I know I would have been more upset if I was them. Why didn’t you tell them about the age thing? I thought we’d resolved that two months ago.”

“We did. Carly, my parents are so old fashioned I didn’t know how they would handle it. You’re right I did handle some things wrong but what about you? What was that about you being in Orlando for the last month and a half? I thought you were on tour with your cousin.”

“I left the tour. I couldn’t handle it. I just couldn’t. So I left and stayed in Joe’s house.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want you to worry about me. You have so much to worry about without me dumping my problems on you.”

“Angel, I love you. I want to know when you’re hurting so I can help you.”

“I’m sorry. I was wrong and I apologize.”

“I apologize too.”

“Ok, now where is that bathroom?”

“Right this way?” He led her down the hall to the bathroom.

When he walked back outside BJ ran up to him. “Nick, why did you leave out the important info about Carly being related to a member of NSYNC?”

“I guess I just didn’t know how you would react. Or should I say how the rest of the family would react.” He walked away towards the guys who were messing around with Angel and Aaron.

Later that night Carly and Nick were sitting out on Nick’s dock. “Nick, you’re family is wonderful.”

“So are you.”

“You are so sweet to me. What did I do to deserve you?”

“I’ve asked myself that question so many times since I met you.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. He leaned down and kissed her.

They kissed until they heard Brian clear his throat. “Nick, you’re mom told me to come and get you two. She says it’s getting late.”

“Ok, Bri. We’ll be in in a minute.”

“Ok.” Brian left.

Nick looked at Carly. “I love you!”

“And I love you!” They kissed once more then went back to the house.

“So what are the sleeping arrangements for tonight?”

“Well BJ and I are sleeping in her room. I don’t know where you’re sleeping.” She started laughing.

“Very funny, Angel. Very funny.” By this time they were back at the house.

“Are you ready to go to bed,” BJ asked.

“Yeah, I’m pretty tired from all that dancing this mooring.” As soon as she said it she wished she could take it back.

“Dancing? Dancing with who?” Nick asked.

“Ummmm….I was just messing around this morning.” Carly really didn’t want to talk about NSYNC in front of Nick’s family.

“Where you dancing with NSYNC?” Howie asked.

“Yeah, we were just messing around. It’s no big deal.”

“Goodnight everyone. Carly and I are going to sleep,” BJ said.

“Goodnight everyone. It was a pleasure to meet all of you. Night guys.”

“Goodnight,” everyone said.

“I’ll walk you up,” Nick said. All the guys oohhed and aahhed. “Oh shut up.”

They walked up the stairs to BJ’s room. BJ went in while Nick and Carly stood at the door. “Goodnight, Carter.”

“Goodnight, Angel. I love you!”

“I love you too.” She kissed him quickly on the cheek then went into BJ’s room. BJ was lying in her sleeping bag on the floor. “BJ, I told you I’d sleep on the floor. I don’t feel right taking your bed.”

“Ok. How about we both sleep in the bed. I wouldn’t feel right if you slept on the floor and my mom would kill me if she found out.”

“Ok. Sounds good.” Carly changed into her pajamas and got into bed with BJ next to her.

“Carly can I ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Will you take me to meet NSYNC?”

“What?” Carly sat straight up in bed.

“Ok. Calm down. And you can’t tell Nick I asked you this or tell him anything about this.”

“Ok. Just explain this to me.”

“See I’m what you could call a fan of theirs, but I’m not allowed to be really open about it because of course my brother is a member of the Backstreet Boys. I just want to meet them. That’s all. I’ve asked Nick a hundred times but he won’t take me. He says it wouldn’t look good. If I went with you it wouldn’t look suspicious because you’re Joey’s cousin.”

“BJ, if Nick doesn’t want you to do this maybe you shouldn’t. I don’t understand or like his reasoning but I’m not sure.”

“Just think about it. I would really appreciate it. You have no idea what it would mean to me.”

“Ok. I’ll think about it.”

“Thanks, Carly. I really appreciate it.”

“Ok. Goodnight.”

“Night.” Carly stayed awake for another 2 hours thinking about what BJ had asked of her. The more she thought about it, the more she thought she would do it. Nick’s logic and reason for not doing it just made her want to do it more. Finally she made a decision. She would ask the guys if they wanted to meet BJ and if they said yes; she would introduce them. She finally went to sleep at 2:00 AM.

The next morning Carly woke up alone. She looked at the clock. It said 10:30. She got up, showered, and dressed. When she went down to the kitchen, she found all the guys and all of Nick’s family there. “I’m sorry I slept so late. I don’t normally do that.”

“It’s ok, Carly. You’re allowed to sleep as late as you want to,” Jane said. Carly sat down next to Nick.

“So, Nick, what are we doing today?”

“Well we have to record at 2:00 so I thought we would just head into Orlando and hang out until then.”

“Well while you’re recording would you mind if me and your sister went shopping? We got to talking last night and found out that we have a lot in common, especially clothes.”

“I don’t care. Mom, do you care? She can stay with Brian and I tonight and I’ll bring her back out tomorrow.”

“I don’t care,” Jane said.

“Thanks, Mom,” BJ said. They ate their breakfast. “Carly, come help me pack.”

“Ok. I have to grab my bags anyway.”

When they got to her room BJ was really excited. “Are you going to introduce me to them?”

“I’m going to call them and ask. If they say yes then I’m going to and if they say no I not going to. It’s all their hands now.”

“And you’re not going to tell Nick?”

“No. But if he somehow finds out then I will tell him the truth.”

“Ok sounds fair. Now help me pick out clothes to wear.”

On the way back to Orlando, BJ was so excited. Nick kept telling her to quit down. “Carly, why is she so hyper?” Nick had asked her once.

“I don’t know. She was earlier too.” They rode the rest of the way listening to BJ. At one point Brian had her laughing for at least 10 minutes. Finally they arrived at Brain’s house. “I’m not sure I can handle her and shopping if she doesn’t calm down.”

“I’ll talk to her,” Nick said.

“No, honey. It’s ok. If she gets out of hand I’ll just come back here or go to the studio.”

“Ok. Sounds good.” They hung out at Brian’s house. When it was time for the guys to leave Nick insisted that Carly take his Durango. She finally gave in and agreed to take it. After the guys left Carly called Joey.




“Its Carly.”

“Hi, Cos.”

“All the guys wouldn’t happen to be there would they?”

“Why yes. How did you know?”

“It was just a guess. I have a question to ask of all of you. If you guys don’t want to do this just say so. As you know I met Nick’s family last night. Well his sister BJ is kind of a fan of yours. She wants to meet you. She has asked her brother many times, but he always says no. I told her I would ask you and go depending on your answer. Ask the other guys then call me back on my cell phone.”

“Ok.” Joey hung up and looked at the other guys. “Guys, I have some strange news. It seems that Nick Carter’s sister is a fan of ours.”

“What?” Chris said.

“Are you kidding me?” Justin asked.

“That’s different,” JC said.

“Lance, aren’t you going to say anything?” Joey asked.

“Well, I kinda already knew that. Kevin has mentioned it. He also told me she wants to meet us but Nick won’t let her.”

“Well she asked Carly and Carly said she’d ask us then go on what we said. So what do you think?”

They were silent for a whole 5 minutes thinking. “I think that we should. If it was any other fan we wouldn’t have even thought about it. We should do it,” Justin said.

“You’re right, Justin. You’re absolutely right,” Lance said.

“I think we should do it too,” JC said.

“What harm could it do,” Chris said.

“Ok lets do it. I’ll call Carly back. Do we want them to come here?” Joey said.

“Yeah, that way it’ll be casual,” JC said.


Joey dialed Carly’s cell phone.


“Cos, we’ll do it. Bring her over here and we’ll just chill for a while.”

“Ok. We’ll be there in about 10 or 15 minutes.”

“Ok. See ya then.”

Carly walked into the living room where BJ was sitting. BJ looked anxious.

“Well what did they say?”

“They said they want to meet you.” BJ jumped up and hugged Carly.

“Thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to me!”

“Well isn’t that what friends do for each other.” BJ hugged her again. “Well let’s go. We’ve got people to see.”

“Ok. Let’s go.” Carly grabbed the keys to Nick’s truck and the house key Brian had given her. They got in Nick’s truck and started on their way. Twenty minutes later, they arrived at Joey’s house.

“Whose house is this?” BJ asked.

“This is Joey’s house, but I live here too.”

“Cool.” As they parked and got out of the Durango BJ got really quiet.

“BJ, it’s ok. These guys are normal. They’re just in a group like your brother and his friends. That’s all they are. Their good, normal guys nothing more.”

“I know. I just really like their music. I don’t even know why. I don’t even listen to my brother’s music that much, but I listen to these guys all the time. In my headphones of course.”

“Well let’s go in there and meet these guys.”

Chapter 9
