Chapter 9

They walked into the house. Carly didn’t see or hear anyone. “Hello? Anyone here?” No one answered. “They’re probably out back.” Carly led her to the patio in the back. They were all sitting around Joey’s patio table. “Hi guys.” They looked up at her. “I would like you to meet BJ Carter. BJ this is Joey, Justin, JC, Chris, and Lance. Otherwise known as NSYNC.”

“Nice to meet you BJ,” Justin said.

“Have a seat,” Joey said.

“Thanks for doing this. If you don’t know, I’m a huge fan of yours. I listen to your music all the time and I think it’s wonderful.”

“Thanks. That means a lot,” JC said.

“Well it’s the truth.” We all sat around talking for the next couple of hours. Then my cell phone rang.


“Hi, Angel.”

“Hi, Carter.”

“Are you guys done shopping?”

“Yeah, we didn’t really buy anything.”

“Well do you want to come have pizza with us?”

“Sure, we’ll be at the parlor by the mall in half an hour.”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye. BJ, we’ve got to get going.”

“Ok. Thanks again. It was fun.” Justin shook BJ’s hand and slipped her a note. When they got into the Durango BJ read it. It said It was fun meeting you. Call me. Then it had his number. BJ smiled all the way to the pizza parlor.

When they got to the pizza parlor, Nick and the guys were waiting for them. When Carly saw Nick a huge guilt came over her. She had to tell him and soon. She tried to find a good time to tell him during the meal, but no time seemed right. She decided to tell him on the way home. It was just her and Nick in his Durango. Halfway home Carly said, “Nick, I have to tell you something.”

“What is it, Angel?”

“Your sister told me about liking NSYNC and how she wanted to meet them. Well I thought it over long and hard. Then I asked the guys if they wanted to meet her. They said yes. So I introduced them. I know for some reason you didn’t want her to meet them, but it is something she really wanted.” He just sat there staring out the windshield. “Nick, I know you’re mad and you have every right to be. But you have to realize she would have done it on her own eventually.” Nick still didn’t say anything. They rode the rest of the way in silence. When they pulled into Brian’s driveway, Carly touched Nick’s arm. He pulled away and stormed out of the Durango and into the house. Carly sat there crying

. BJ saw Nick storm into the house and knew what had happened. “She told him.”

“Told him what?” Brian asked.

“You’ll have to ask Carly. I’m going to talk to my brother.” BJ headed into the house after Nick.

Brian headed over to Carly with the rest of the guys following. “Carly, what happened?” Brian asked tenderly.

“I did something I thought was right. Nick doesn’t share my opinion.”

“What did you do?”

“You’ll have to ask Nick that.” Carly got out of the Durango and started walking towards the street.

“Where are you going?” Kevin asked.

“I’m going home. I don’t think Nick wants me here right now.”

“And how do you expect to get home?” AJ asked.


“You’re not walking this late at night! That’s dangerous!” Howie exclaimed.

“Stay here and I’ll take you home in the morning,” Brian said.

“What about Nick?”

“It’s my house and I say you stay.”

“Ok. I’ll stay.” They all headed into the house.

“You can sleep in the guest room with BJ, if that’s ok?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. Thanks Brian.”

Brian hugged Carly. “No problem.” Carly headed to the guest bedroom and went to sleep. The guys went looking for Nick.

BJ looked all over for Nick. She finally found him sitting in the backyard in the dark. BJ sat down beside him. They didn’t talk for a long time. Finally BJ broke the silence. “Nick, you can’t blame her. I pushed and pushed her until she said yes.”

“She’s a big girl, BJ. She went again my wishes.”

“Well, Nick, your wishes are stupid.” Nick looked at her sharply. BJ took a deep breath then continued. “Nick, how would you feel if I wouldn’t let you meet your idols just because I didn’t like them?”

“BJ, don’t go overboard. Those guys aren’t your idols.”

“Nick, that’s like saying you and the rest of the guys aren’t idols to any girls out there.”

“Don’t compare us to them!” Nick yelled.

“God, Nick. You know what? How would you know what music I like or who my friends are or anything about me? You’re never home and when you are you are never REALLY there.” Nick looked at her with hurt in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Nick. But it’s true.” She ran back into the house crying.

A few minutes later the guys came out. “Nick, what happened?” Brian asked.

“Guys, not now. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.”

“Ok, Nick. We’re going to bed.” They went back into the house leaving Nick alone.

Carly woke up at 4:00 AM. She tried for an hour to go back to sleep, but she couldn’t. She finally decided she should go home. She decided to leave her clothes. She would have Brian brind them over. She wrote a note and left it on the refrigorator. She walked past BJ sleeping on the couch. BJ had a big smile on her face. Carly walke out the door. She walked to the gate and let herself out. She started on her hour walk to Joey’s housse. When she got there no one was up, so she went to her room. When her head hit the pillow, she was dead asleep.

Five hours later Carly woke up. It was noon. She showered and got dressed. When she went downstairs no one was there. She went to the backyard and sat down by the pool. She sat there thinking for a long time. When she looked at her watch it was 7:00. She went inside and decided to watch a movie. An hour into the move she fell asleep. She was still sleeping when Joey came home at midnight. He covered her up then went to bed.

The next morning Carly woke up when the doorbell rang. She got up to answer it knowing Joey was still asleep. Carly was shocked to find BJ standing there. “BJ, what are you doing here at …..” Carly looked at the clock. “7:00 in the morning?”

“Well I’m kinda, sorta meeting Jusitn here. We’re going to the beach. I came early so I could talk to you. How are you doing?”

“Well come in first.” BJ walked in and Carly shut the door. Carly headed to the kitchen with BJ following her. “I’ve been better.”

“Yeah me too.”

“What happened with you? I thought you would be really excited about having a date with Justin?”

“I am, but I haven’t talked to Nick in two days.”

“What?! Why?!”

“Well that night he and I got into a fight. I said something I shouldn’t have. But the next day I apoligized. He still wouldn’t talk to me.”

“BJ, I’m sorry. He should be mad at me, not you.”

“Carly, it’s as much my fault as it is yours. I’m the one who convinced you to do it.”

“Let’s not argue about this. I have to talk to him. Is he still staying at Brian’s?”

“Yup.” Just then there was a knock at the door.

“It’s Justin. He’s the only one who doesn’t use the doorbell.” Carly went to get the door. As she figured there stood Justin. “Hi, Justin.”

He hugged her. “Hi, Carly. You’re probably wondering why I’m here this early.”

“I already know. She’s in the kitchen.”

A smile came over Justin’s face. “Thanks, Carly. Is Joey up yet?”

“Nope. Still sawing logs.”

“Ok. When he wakes up, tell him to call me on my cell phone.”

“Ok. Will do. You two have fun. I’m going to take a shower. Tell BJ I said bye.”

“Ok. Bye, Carly.”

“Bye, Justin.” Justin walked into the kitchen and saw BJ sitting at the table.

“Hi, BJ.”

“Hi, Justin.”

“Are you ready?”

“Yeah just let me say goodbye to Carly.”

“She went to take a shower. She told me to tell you bye.”

“I feel so bad for her. I feel like it’s all my fault.” They headed out the door to Justin’s car.

“What’s all your fault?”

“She didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“I shouldn’t say anything. She probably has a reason for not telling you guys.”

Justin could hear the seriousness in her voice. “BJ, please tell me. If she’s hurt somehow, we need to know.”

“Promise me you won’t say anything to her until she’s ready to tell you.”

“I promise.”

“Go ahead and drive. I can tell you on the way.” Justin started the car and pulled out of the driveway. “I don’t know if you know or not, but my brother was against me meeting you guys. So when I found out Carly was related to Joey, I asked her if she would introduce me. It took a lot of begging and pleading before she would ask you. Well after we left we met up with Nick and the rest of the guys. I guess she felt guilty or something because she told him that she introduced me to you guys. He got really mad. She hasn’t talked to him since.”

Justin was quiet for a while. “When I looked at those two together I would always think those two are perfect for each other and they love each other so much. But if he can get this mad at something so small, I think she’s better off. No offense or anything, but he’s being a jerk.”

“I agree. I do think they’re perfect for each other though. When you see them together you can tell they love each other. Ok enough about them. If it was meant to be, they will work it out.”

“I agree. So what do you want to talk about?”

“How about us?”


“Justin, I know this is a conversation most people don’t have until later, but we’re not most people and our situation is different.”

“I agree. I also think you have something on your mind so why don’t you tell me what’s up?”

“I guess I just want to know what you want out of this and where you want to go with this.”

“You want to know how I feel about dating Nick Carter’s sister?”

“Yeah, I guess that’s what I’m trying to say.”

“Well I like you. I like you a lot. I personally think we should go for it. It will be a little strange at times but think about how wonderful it could be.”

“I agree with you totally. We’re going to have to keep it from everyone until I can find a way to tell Nick, that is when I start talking to him again. I think the rest of my family will be fine with it.”

“What was that comment about not talking to Nick?”

“Well he’s not talking to me right now. He’s just as mad at me as he is at Carly.”


“Don’t worry. We’ve gone through spells like this before. Every brother and sister does.”

Justin pulled into the parking lot. “We’re here. Are you ready to swim?”

“Yup. Let’s go.”

After Carly took her shower, she decided she needed to talk to Nick. She left Joey a note telling him where she was and to call Justin. As she got closer to Brian’s house, she got more and more nervous. She was having second thoughts when she pulled in the driveway and rang the intercom. Brian let her in and was waiting for her at the door when she pulled through. She got out of the car, and Brian hugged her. “It’s good to see you. I’ve been worried about you. Leaving in the middle of the nights not the smartest thing to do.”

“I know, but I just have to. How is he?”

“Not good. All he’s done for the past 2 days is mope around.”

“Well I have to talk to him. Did he tell you?” Brian nodded his head. “Do you think it was the wrong thing to do?”

“It’s not my place to say. Would I have done it? If I was in your position, yeah I probably would. But I would also be mad if I was in Nick’s position. He’s up in his room. Go talk to him.”

Carly walked up the stairs and stood at Nick’s door. Finally she knocked. “Come in, Bri,” Nick said.

Carly opened the door and saw Nick sitting on his bed. “It’s not Brian,” Nick looked up at her for a second. Carly could see love in his eyes for a second, but then it clouded over. “Nick, can we talk?” He didn’t say anything so she continued. “Ok. I’ll do the talking. I know you’re mad at me and you have every right to be. But don’t be mad at BJ. It’s not her fault. I could have said no, but I didn’t. All she did was tell me she wanted to meet them. I did the rest. So be mad at me all you want, but don’t be mad at BJ. Girlfriends can be replaced, sisters can’t.” Carly stood there waiting for him to respond. When he didn’t, she said, “Well I’ve said what I came to say so I’ll leave now.” Carly walked out of his room realizing that this was the last time she would probably ever see him again. She got her bags she had left and went down to the living room. There she found Brian and Kevin. “Hi, guys.”

“Hi. How did it go?” Brian asked.

“Not good. He wouldn’t talk or even look at me. I guess it’s over. I can’t really believe it, but I think it is.”

“He’ll come around. This is just a little bump in the road. All couples go through these things,” Kevin said.

“Kev, I hope you’re right. I love him so much.”

Brian got up and hugged Carly. She fought to keep the tears back. “Carly, if you need anything just let me know. Just know you have friends here for you.”

“Thanks guys. It means a lot to me. I better get going before Joey starts worrying about me. I’ll talk to you guys later.”

“Ok. Bye,” Kevin said. “Tell Lance I said hi.”

“Ok. Will do.”

“Bye, Carly. Remember what I said.”

“I will. Thanks.” Carly left and headed home. When she got there she saw all the guys’ cars in the driveway. When she walked in she was all of them sitting in the living room. “Hi, guys. What’s up?”

“We know what happened. Carly if he gets this mad at something so small he’s not worth it.”

Carly looked at all the guys shocked. Then she looked at Justin. “BJ told you didn’t she?”

“Yes. Please don’t get mad at her. She’s worried about you.”

“I’m not mad. I was going to tell you today anyway. I screwed up. I had something wonderful and I messed it up. It’ll take a lot of time, but I’ll move on. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to be alone.” Carly went to her room and cried herself to sleep.

All the guys stayed at Joey’s house. They were all worried about Carly. They knew she loved him very much. At about 8:00 the doorbell rang. “I wonder who that is,” Joey said walking to the door. He was surprised to see BJ Carter standing there.

“Hi, Joey. Is Justin here by any chance?”

“Yeah, he’s in the living room.”

“Thanks.” She followed Joey into the living room where all the guys were sitting. “Hi, guys.”

“Hi, BJ. How are you?” Lance asked.

“Ok. How are you?”


“Justin, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Yeah, sure.” Justin led her to the kitchen. “What’s up?”

“I’m going to see Nick. I am going to talk to him about us. I just thought you should know.”

“Do you mind if I come with you? I would like to talk to your brother. That is if you don’t mind.”

“No, of course not.”

“Ok. Let’s go.” They walked back to the living room. “Guys, I’m going out. I won’t be too late. See ya.”

“Ok, bye,” Joey said. Justin and BJ left and headed for Brian’s house. When they pulled into his driveway, Justin looked nervous. BJ squeezed his hand to reassure him. They walked to the door hand in hand. Brian answered the door and was shocked to see Justin Timberlake at his door.

“Hi, Bri. Is my brother her?”

“Yeah, he’s in the living room.”

“Thanks. I need to talk to him.”

“Ok. I’ll be in my room if you need me.”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye.” Brian walked off. As they walked into the living room, BJ let go of Justin’s hand. Nick was sitting in a chair watching TV.

“Hi, Nick.” Nick looked up and his eyes narrowed when he saw Justin. BJ and Justin didn’t sit down. They just stood there. “Nick, I need to talk to you. You don’t have to say anything since I know you’re mad at me. I wanted to tell you that Justin and I are seeing each other. I just thought you should know.”

“I know you don’t want to hear anything from me, but I have to speak up in Carly’s defense. She’s a great woman and you’re not very smart if you let her go. She’s a great person and a good catch. Just think about the big deal you’re making out of something so small.” Nick didn’t say anything. He turned away from them.

“Ok. I’ll take that as a goodbye. I’m sorry it has to be this way. Goodbye, Nick,” BJ said. She took Justin’s hand and they left.

One Month Later

Calry and Nick hadn’t spoken to each other since the day Carly went to see him. She was still good friends with the other guys. Whenever she talked to them, they would always tell her how bad Nick was doing. They said he rarely ate, hardly got any sleep, and moped around all the time. Carly was doing about the same. She had lost 15 pounds from not eating. She had huge bags under her eyes form never sleeping. She never went out and did anything. She had started taking classes and that’s the only place she went. Today Brian had called.

“Will you please come. It’ll be fun.”

“I don’t know, Bri. I would feel weird.”

“I won’t let you feel weird. I promise.”

“Ok. I’ll meet you there at 7:00.”

“Great. I’ll see ya later.”


What did I just get myself into? Carly went downstairs to find all the guys sitting in the living room. Victoria and BJ were there too. “Hi, guys.”

“Hi, Carly. How are you feeling?” JC asked. They had become good friends over the last month. JC had always been there to listen.

“I’m fine.”

“Didn’t you have a class this morning?” Joey asked.

“Yeah. The professor told me not to come because I’m about a week ahead of the rest of the class.”


“So what are we discussing?”

“Nothing,” Joey said to quickly.

Carly looked around the room at everyone. “You know it’s really not nice to talk about people.” Then she turned around and walked to the kitchen. She started eating some cereal even though it was 11:30 in the morning. Brian had woken her up when he called. About 5 minutes later JC walked in. He sat down beside her. They sat in silence for about 5 minutes.

“We’re not trying to be mean. We go back on tour in 2 weeks, and we’re worried about you.”

“Well to tell you the truth, I’ve been thinking about that too. What did you guys decide?”

“Well we thought you could come on tour with us. We don’t want you to sit here all by yourself in this huge house.”

“I would have to agree with you, sitting here all alone doesn’t sound like fun to me. So I thought that after my classes are over I would come on tour with you guys.”

“That’s great, Carly. When are your classes over?”

“It’ll be a month after your tour starts.”

“That sounds great. You’ll be with us for 2 and a half months.”

“Why so short?”

“It’s short now, but a lot of things will get added at the end.”

“Ok. I see.”

“What are you doing tonight? I thought we could rent a movie and chill.”

“I would love to, but I actually have plans.”

“Ok. That’s fine. We’ll have to do it another time then.”

“Ok. Sounds good.” She looked at him for a minute. “I know you’re dying to know what I’m doing tonight so I’ll tell you.”

“You don’t have to. It’s none of my business.”

“I’m going to meet Brian, AJ, Kevin, Howie and their girlfriends. I tried to get out of it because I’ll feel strange, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

“Well if you don’t want to go don’t.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to go. I do. I miss Brian and all the guys. They’re my friends. It’s the possibility that Nick could show up at any time. I don’t think I could handle that.”

“So you don’t think you’re over him yet?”

Carly shook her head. “I think it’s going to take a long time to get over him. He’s one of the few people I loved who loved me back.”

“Well you know if you need to talk I’m here. And you have my number when the tour starts.”

“Thanks, JC. That means a lot to me.” Carly hugged JC; then went to do some homework.

After she left JC sat there staring off into space. About 15 minutes later Joey came into the kitchen. “You should tell her how you feel.”

JC snapped out of his trance. “Huh? What are you talking about?”

“JC, in all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen that look on your face. Until now that is.”

“Just tell her. It could be just what she needs to get over him.”

“Joey, you have no idea what you’re talking about. She still loves him. I’m being a good friend and trying to help her.”

“Ok, JC. Whatever you say.” Joey left him sitting in the kitchen thinking.

Carly was getting dressed to go out to a club. She was looking forward to seeing the guys, but was a little nervous about possibly seeing Nick. She had on a yellow summer dress. She had cut her hair short so it was easier to take care of. She put on a little make-up, but not very much. When she walked downstairs no one was there. So she grabbed her keys and left. When she got to the club she saw Brian and Kevin standing outside the club. As she walked up to them, she smiled at the memories seeing them brought back.

“Hi, guys.”

“Hi, Carly,” Brian said. Then he hugged her.

“Hi, Kevin.” She hugged him.

“How are you guys doing?”

“Good. You?” Brian asked.

“I’ve been better, but I’m ok.”

“Well let’s get in. The other guys are waiting for us.”

She tensed up thinking Nick could be in there. “Ok. Let’s go.” Brian offered her his arms and she took it. When they got into the club, she spotted Howie, AJ and AJ’s girlfriend Amanda. Carly had never met her but had her had heard a lot about her. She breathed a sigh of relief because Nick wasn’t there. As they walked toward the table Howie say her first. He jumped up and hugged her tightly. “Howie, I need air. Air would be good.”

Everyone laughed and Howie let go of her. “Sorry, I’m just happy to see you. It’s been a month.”

“I know. I’m happy to see all of you guys too.”

“Ahh. Group hug,” Brian said.

“NO!” rang out three voices.

Brian shrank back. “Sorry.”

Carly sat down at the table between Brian and Kevin. “Hi, Carly. Did you ever meet my girlfriend Amanda?"

“No, but I heard a lot about her. It’s nice to meet you Amanda. As you can probably tell my name is Carly.”

“Hi, Carly. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Carly, will you dance with me?” Brian asked.

She looked into his begging eyes and said, “Yes.”

When they were gone, Amanda turned to AJ. “Who is she?”

AJ looked confused. “She’s Carly.”

“No. I mean what relation does she have to you guys?”

“Well she’s Nick’s ex-girlfriend. They went out for about 2 months or so. It’s a long story about how they broke up.”

“We’ve got all night. Spill.” Howie and Kevin were listening to all of this. AJ told Amanda the whole story with Kevin and Howie helping.

“Wow! Nick dropped her because of that? I always thought he had a good head on his shoulders. How could he dump her over such a small thing?”

“Amanda, she went against his wishes. That’s not a small thing,” Howie said.

“Howie, she’s just across the room. Don’t upset her. She’s been through a lot,” Kevin said.

“So has Nick. You’ve seen him moping around for the last month.”

“Yeah, I know. But how do we know what she’s been going through?”

“We don’t,” AJ said. “All we know is they are both hurting. We can all hope Nick will forgive her and get her back.”

Brian and Carly had been dancing for an hour. “Brian, can we sit down. I’m tired,” Carly asked.

“Yeah, let’s go.” As they were heading back to the table someone caught Brain’s eye. When they got to the table he said, “Guys, can I talk to you alone for a second?”

They all said yes. “What is it, Brian?”

“Look over there.” He pointed across the room. They all looked and there stood Nick. They headed over to him. “Nick, what are you doing here?” Brian asked.

“I had to see her. I know you told me to stay away so I wouldn’t upset her. I tried. I really really did. I just had to see her.” He never took his eyes off Carly.

“It’s ok, Nick. Why don’t you go say hi,” AJ said.

“I think I will.”

“Nick, wait. Come with me for a minute.” They walked away from the rest of the guys. “Nick, have you decided what you want?”

Nick looked at Brian for a minute. “Yeah, I think I have.”

“What do you want?”

“I want Carly.”

Brian smiled. “Then go get her.”

Nick smiled at Brian then headed over to the table. He saw Amanda sitting there with Carly. When Carly saw him her face lost all color. “Hi, Amanda. Hi, Carly.”

“Hi, Nick,” Amanda said. She looked at the two staring at each other. “If you’ll excuse me I’m going to find AJ.”

Nick and Carly said goodbye at the same time. Amanda looked at both of them, then left. Nick sat down. “How are you, Carly?”

Carly was surprised that he was being so nice. “I’m doing ok. I’ve been better, but I’m ok.”

“I know I’m probably the cause of you not being better.” Carly didn’t say anything. She just looked at her hands. “Carly, I want to tell you that I was wrong. I’ve thought about it for the last month and I’ve come to realize I was stupid to ever let you go. And especially for such a stupid reason.” Carly still didn’t say anything. Nick slid around the table till he was sitting next to her. “Carly, I’m trying to say I want a second chance. I want to start over.”

Carly felt her heart flutter. Then she remembered what happened a month ago. “Nick, you say you want to start over again?”

“Yes.” He smiled.

“Then we’ll start at the very beginning. As friends.” Nick’s smile faded. “And if that spark is still there we will try it again.”

Nick thought about it for a few minutes. “Ok, Carly. How about we start tomorrow. Will you join me and the guys and probably Amanda for a movie tomorrow night?”

“I would love to.”

“Ok.” They sat around talking for the next hour. They talked about nothing and everything. At about 9:30 AJ and Amanda came up to the table. AJ grabbed Nick when “Everybody’s Back” came on. They found the other guys and started dancing to the song.

“Now we get a chance to talk. I’ve wanted to talk to you all night, but I though you and Nick were having so much fun I didn’t want to interrupt.”

“Thanks. I appreciate that. I’m guessing AJ told you the story about me and Nick.” Amanda nodded her head. “It’s ok. It’s just something that happens. Well Nick and I are starting over at the very beginning. We’re just going to be friends for now.”

“Is that what you want?”

“Yeah. It was my idea. If he distrusted me once, he could possibly do it again. I need him to earn my trust back.”

“I think that’s a good idea. If you didn’t know AJ and I went through something similar. He did something to make me mistrust him. I made him earn my trust back before I went back out with him.”

“I didn’t know that. I guess if I’m truthful there is another reason. I want to earn his trust too. I’m the one who went against him so I feel I need to prove that I won’t do that again.”

“I see your point. Here come the guys. We should get together and talk. What are you doing tomorrow?”


“Why don’t we go shopping tomorrow?”

“Sounds good.” As the guys got to the table, Carly pulled out a paper and pen. She wrote down her address and phone number. “Pick me up at this address. Just call me about an hour before you’re ready to go.”


“What are you guys talking about?” AJ asked.

“We’re going shopping tomorrow,” Amanda said.

“What time are we going to movie tomorrow?” Carly asked.

“Probably about 7:00,” Nick said.

“We’ll just meet you there.”

“Ok. Sounds good.” They all sat around talking for another hour and a half. “I don’t mean to be a party pooper, but I should be getting home.”

“Ok. Thanks for coming. It was fun,” Brian said hugging her. Nick glared at him. She hugged all the guys, saving Nick for last.

“Nick, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Yeah,” he answered quickly hoping she had changed her mind. They walked out to the street in front of the club.

“Nick, can I ask you a favor?”

“Yeah, anything.”

“Talk to BJ. She may act like she’s fine, but I can tell she’s hurting inside.” Nick didn’t say anything. She grabbed his hands and looked into his eyes. “Please! You both are missing out on a lot by not talking. You are missing out on her growing up. She’s in love for the first time. He may not be a guy you approve of or even like, but he’s the one she loves. Sometimes you have to let you’re little sister grow up. And do you know what she’s missing? She's missing out on knowing a great brother and wonderful guys. Just promise me you’ll think about it.”

Nick didn’t say anything for a minute. “Yeah, I’ll think about it.”

“Thanks, Nick. I’ll see ya tomorrow.” She hugged him one more time then she left.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 10
