Chapter 1

She stood there just off-stage and watched them out there singing and dancing. She looked at each of them carefully. They were so consumed with what they were doing that they didn't notice her intensely staring at them. Boy, would Chris be surprised when he saw her. She had wanted to surprise him by just showing up to go on tour with them for the summer. Coming back to reality she realized they were about done with their song. So she started walking on stage. When they finished their song, they started messing and joking around, pushing each other. She stood there and watched unitl one of them noticed her.

"Oh my God, Kesha! What are you doing here?" Chris asked. Before she could say anything, Chris ran to her and started hugging her. Then he picked her up in a big bear hug like he used to do when she was a little girl.

"Well," she said. "If you would put me down for a minute I will tell you." So Chris put her down. She could feel all the guys' eyes on her.

"Now tell me what you are doing here!" Chris demanded.

Putting on a hurt face, Kesha said, "Well if you want me to leave I can." She turned and started walking of stage.

Chris grabbed her arm and said, "No you're not. I am just surpised to see you here."

"Well I hope you like seeing me because I have a feeling you're going to be seeing a lot of me this summer."

Confused, Chris asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Well....," she said keeping him in suspence, "I'm going to be touring with you this summer. It's all been worked out."

"Why didn't you call and tell me?" Chris asked excited.

"I wanted to surprise you. Did it work?"

"Yeah. And what a wonderful surprise." He started hugging her again.

The guys behind them just stood there shocked and stared. They had never seen their friend act this way. They all wondered whom this woman was, that could make Chris act this way. Then one of them said, "I guess this means it's break time." The other three cheered. They were all tired.

Chris stopped hugging Kesha and said, "Oh, sorry guys. I forgot all about you."

"GEE thanks," Joey said.

"Yeah, don't we just feel so loved," JC said.

"Sorry, I am just so excited. This is my little cousin Kesha. She's going to be touring with us this summer."

They all gathered around her. The platinum blonde one gave her a hug and said, "Nice to meet you." Then they all took turns hugging her and introducing themselves.

"Well, what a friendly group," she said. She didn't mind though.

"That we are," JC said smiling.

Then they decided to leave rehearsal and go back to the hotel and get some sleep before the concert, which was in about five hours. She sat inbetween Chris and Joey on the bus. They chatted most of the way back to the hotel.

"Kesha. KESHA!" Chris yelled.

"Yeah," she said coming back to reality. "What?" she said. Then she realized the bus had stopped and she and Chris were the only ones in the room.

"Are you ok? You hardly said two words on the way here."

"I'm fine. I am just tired from the long plane ride. I just need some sleep."

"Ok, well lets head into the hotel. The guys are already there." He didn't believe a word she had said.

Later at the concert...

They are so good. And they're all so cute. Even Chris with his braids. She had never seen them perform live before and she was shocked at how energetic they were. At the rehearsal they had been so tired. I guess they just get pumped up for concerts.

After the concert, Kesha was waiting for them in an empty dressing room. The first one to come in was Chris.

"Hey, how was the show?" Chris asked.

"Great! I loved it! Your guys are so energetic. It is really good to see you again."

"Thanks," he said sitting down next to her on the couch. "How long has it been?"

She thought for a minute then said, "About two and a half or three years. After you became famous, you never came back to see little old me."

"I am sorry about that. It's just that we get so busy on tour. There was just never time."

She was about to say more when JC walked in and said, "Don't believe anything he says." She let it drop.

"I know. I've learned from experience," she said laughing.

"You've learned what from experience?" asked Lance as he was walking in.

"I have learned never to believe anything Chris says."

"Oh, I know," Lance said. "You should have heard some of the things he had me believing the first couple of months."

"Hey," Chris yelled. "Why is everyone ganging up on me?"

"Because it's so much fun," JC said. "So, Kesha, where are you from?"

"Originally Memphis, but about five years ago my parents moved me to Orlando."

Lance said, "Memphis, really? Justin is from Memphis too."

"What about me and Memphis?" Justin asked. He had just walked in.

JC said, "That is where Kesha is from originally."

"Really?" Justin said.

"Yeah, until about five years ago, when we moved to Orlando." God his hair is really blonde, isn't it?

"That sounds slightly familiar, doesn't it?" JC asked laughing. They all started laughing.

"Where is Joey?" Chris asked. "I thought we could go out in Kesha's honor."

Justin said, "I don't know. He's probably off flirting with some girl."

"Probably. So Kesha do you want to go out dancing at a club?" Chris asked.

"Sure, if it is a 16 and older club. I'm only 17 remember?"

"That's right. I forgot you're a youngin," he said smiling.

"Better than being an old man like you."

"Ouch," Lance said. "That had to hurt."

"I know of a club like that," Justin said. "You know since I'm a youngin too."

"Gosh, this makes me feel old," JC said rubbing his forehead.

"No, you're not old. Chris here is old," she said hitting Chris on the arm.

"OUCH! I forgot how hard you hit," Chris said. "That really hurt."

"Don't forget, Chris, I had to learn how to defend myself. I have two older brothers."

"I know," Chris said. "Guys don't mess with this one. She knows how to defend herself. Trust me." Kesha hit him again and everyone started laughing.

"So are we going to go or what?" Justin said.

"Don't you think we should wait for Joey?" JC asked.

"Well, where is he? I want to get to partying," Justin said doing a little dance.

"Kesha, as you can tell by our weird blonde friend, we don't get to go clubbing very often," JC said. They sat around chatting until Joey arrived.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 2
