Chapter 2

Joey finally arrived and they went to the club. When they arrived Joey said, "I thought we were going to a club. Everyone I see here is young."

"This is the right club," Kesha said. "I'm only 17 so this is the only culb I can go to. We don't have to stay if you don't want to. We can go somewhere else."

"Before we leave, I am going to get a dance with you," Chris said. "I haven't seen you for three years, I think I deserve a dance."

"We don't have to leave. I will be fine, plus I want to dance with you too," Joey said.

"I think we all want to dance with you," JC said. At least I know I want to.

"You guys sure know how to flatter a girl."

"We try," Justin said smiling.

"Well, I get the first dance," Chris said. "Why don't you guys go find a table."

What am I thinking, JC asked himself. She is only 17 and I;m 22. That's a five year difference. How could I possible think she would be interested in me? She probably likes Justin. He is her age after all. I will just have to settle for being friends.

"So who gets to dance wtih me next?" Kesha asked after she had danced with Chris.

"My turn," said JC jumping up, grabbing her hand, and leading her onto the dance floor.

"So what was it like growing up wtih a cousin like Chris?"

"It was pretty exciting. There was always something going on with him around. Then when he left things changed. They got dull and boring."

"You really miss him don't you?"

"Yeah, we were always so close, then he left and hasn't been back since. I really missed having him to talk to." She had really needed him about a year ago.


"Why are you doing this?" Kesha screamed. "Is it my fault? Why are you leaving?"

"Your Mom and I just can't work things out. We have tried and tried but it is just not going to work out," her dad said.

"First Chris leaves me, now you're leaving me too. What did I do to deserve this?" Kesha screamed.


"Are you ok?" JC asked concerned.

She realized that she was crying. She couldn't believe she had started crying. She pushed herself out of JC's arms and ran out of the club. She got outside and fell down. JC was right behind her, he sat next to her, held her, and let her cry on his shoulder. He didn't say or ask anything.

"I'm sorry," she said when she had settled down.

"It's ok. You don't have to say anything."

"I feel like I need to explain."

"Only if you want to."

"I do. About a year ago my parents got a divorce. I didn't expect or see it coming so it devastated me. On top of that Chris wasn't there to talk to. I was in pretty bad shape, and I guess I never really got over it. Every time I think about it, I get upset."

"I'm sorry about your parents. I don't know what I would do if my parents ever got a divorce. Have you ever talked to Chris about this?"

"No and please don't tell him. I don't want to make him feel bad about it and I'm afraid that is all it would do. I mean it wasn't his fault. Just please don't tell him or any of the other guys."

"I promise I won't tell anyone. Just know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I will be here for you."

"Thanks. I'll remember that. We should be heading back now. I'm feeling a lot better and they're going to start wondering where we are."

"Ok." JC said reluctantly letting her go.

"I wonder where they are," Chris said. "They have been gone a long time."

"I'm sure they're just off dancing somewhere," Joey said.

Just then he saw them walking towards the table. As they got closer he noticed Kesha's eyes were puffy and red. When they got to the table, Chris jumped up and asked, "Kesha, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," she said. She was feeling a lot better, thanks to JC.

"Kesha, we need to talk. Come with me!" Chris demanded.

"Ok." She followed him out of the club to the exact same spot where JC and she had been a minute earlier.

"Tell me what's going on."

"I told you earlier that there is nothing wrong with me."

"Kesha, don't lie to me. Earlier you barely said two words on the ride to the hotel....."

"Chris, it was a ten minute ride!" she excaimed interrupting him.

"I don't care. You're not like that. You're always talking. You're usually teasing me! And now you and JC are gone for a long time and you come back looking like you have been crying. Just tell me what's wrong. Maybe I can help," Chris said desperately.

"Chris, for the last time, I am fine. On the bus I was in the mist of superstars, sorry if I was a little tongue-tied. And for your information I wasn't crying. My contacts are bothering my eyes."

"I didn't know you had contacts. You didn't when I left."

"Well, Chris, a lot of things have changed since you left." She turned around and walked back into the club. It was true she had contacts, but they weren't bothering her.

"JC, what happened?" Justin asked.

"What?" JC said playing dumb.

"What happened with Kesha. She looked like she had been crying."

"Nope, I think she said her contacts are bothering her," JC lied, hoping she had contacts.


Just then Kesha walked up to the table and said, "Joey, dance with me."

"Ok." They walked onto the dance floor and started dancing.

"Kesha, are you ok?"

"I will be once everyone quits asking me that!" she snapped.

"I'm sorry, you just look flustered, is all."

"I'm sorry I snapped at you. It's just that everyone keeps asking me if I'm ok. I'm just really tired from the plane ride. In fact, I think I'm going to head back to the hotel and get some sleep."

"Ok, I'll go get the guys." He started walking back to the table.

"Joey," she said pulling him back. "No, you guys can stay. I don't want to ruin your night. I'll catch a cab. Tell the guys I said sorry and goodnight." Then before Joey could protest she walked off.

Joey walked back to the table. All the guys were sitting there talking. "Where's Kesha?" Lance asked Joey when he sat down. "She said she was tired and was going back to the hotel to get some sleep. She said to tell you guys sorry and goodnight."

"Guys, something is up with her, but I can't figure it out," Chris said. "I wish she would just tell me."

JC wanted to tell him what Kesha had confided in him. He hated to see Chris so upset, but he promised he wouldn't say anything. Instead he said, "Going back to the hotel is probably a good idea. We have an early shoot tomorrow."

So they went back to the hotel. Chris checked in on Kesha when they got there. She was sound sleep. He sat there watching her sleep. "Kesha, why can't you tell me what's wrong. You could always tell me everything. What is so horrible that you can't tell me?" She didn't stir, so Chris just sat there and watched her sleep. Soon he fell asleep himself

The next morning no one could find Chris.

"Where could he be?" Lance asked. "We have to leave in half-an-hour."

"Maybe he's with Kesha," JC said hoping they were talking and working things out.

JC stood in front of Kesha's door, he didn't hear anything so he knocked lightly. No one answered the door so he opended it. There was Chris asleep in a chair by Kesha's bed. JC went over and woke him up telling him to go get ready for the photo shoot. After Chris left, JC stood there looking at Kesha. She is so beautiful. JC stop it, remeber only friends.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 3
