Chapter 3

When Kesha woke up, she decided to go for a walk and get some breakfast. She didn't feel like facing the the guys and all their questions yet. She would have to talk to Chris later, but not now. She got dressed and walked down to the lobby. The guy at the desk said there was a message for her, and he handed her a folded piece of paper. She took it and read it:

Hey Kesha, we had to go to a photo shoot. After that, we have to do a radio interview. We will be back at about 2:00 p.m. Be ready to go swimming.

She was relieved. She needed some time to think about what she was going to say to Chris. He really had seemed upset last night.

At 2:00, when the guys got back Kesha was already at the pool. She was sitting there reading. Chris sneaked up behind her and picked her up.

"Chris, put me down!"

"How did you know it was me?"

"You're the only one who would pick me up. Put me down! NOW!"

Next thing she knew she was in the pool. When she got out of the pool she said, "Chris, you are going to pay for that." Then she walked away to get a towel.

"You better watch out. I think she means business," Lance said.

When she came back, all the guys were standing by the pool. So she ran up behind Chris and pushed him with all her might into the pool. Everyone started laughing.

When Chris got out of the pool he said, "Truce." holding up his hands. "I told you man," Lance said.

Kesha asked Chris, "Can we talk for a minute?" Chris nodded and they walked over to the other side of the pool.

"Chris, I want you to know that I love you like a brother and I feel like I can tell you anything. So if something was wrong with me, you would be the first to know. Ok?"

"Ok, I was just worreid about you. You didn't seem like yourself."

"Well I am. Are we cool now?"

"Yeah, we're cool. Now get over here and give me a hug."

JC saw them hugging and was relieved. He was glad they got things worked out and he didn't have to see them hurting anymore. All of the sudden he saw a hand in front of his face. "What the...."

"And he returns from space ladies and gentlemen," Joey said. "Boy, what were you thinking about. You were out there for a while."

"Oh nothing. I was just thinking."

"About what?" He had seen him starring at Kesha.

"Nothing special."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm going to get into the pool now." He got up and jumped into the pool.

"Hey guys, do you want to get something to eat? It's about 5:30," Kesha asked after a while of swimming.

"Yeah sure. Where do you want to go?" Chris said.

"Why don't we order in? How about pizza?"

"Sounds good," JC said.

"What about everyone else?" Kesha asked. Everyone echoed yeahs except Justin. "Justin, what about you?" He didn't answer; he just stared off into space. "Justin," she said again. Again he didn't answer.

"I'll talk to him," JC said. "You go order the pizza. We'll be up pretty soon. Ok."

"Ok." Everyone left.

"Justin. Man, what's going on with you?"

"What? Oh nothing. I just have a really bad headache. That's all."

"I see." JC didn't believe him but decided to let it drop. "What do you think of Kesha?"

"She seems like a very nice girl."

"Justin, do you like her?"

"I don't know, JC. She seems like a wonderful person and she's my type. But there is just something stopping me from going after her."

"And you don't know what it is?"

Yeah, it's you. You are the reason I'm not going after her. I can tell you like her. "No, I can't figure it out. How do you feel about her, JC?"

"She's a really great girl and a really good friend. Now lets go get some pizza."

"Ok." He let it drop.

By the end of the night, they were in two groups: JC and Kesha in one and Joey, Lance, Justin, and Chris in the other. Justin couldn't help but stare at JC and Kesha laughing and having fun. "Hey, Chris, you don't think there is anything going on between JC and Kesha, do you?" Justin asked already knowing the answer.

"They make a cute couple, don't they," Lance said.

"Yeah, they do," Joey said not noticing the look on Chris's face.

"There better not be anything going on. She is only 17." He stared at them for a second then said, "You don't think." Then before anyone could answer him, Chris went over to Kesha and said, "Can we talk?"

"Sure." She was confused but got up and followed him anyway. They went into his room and he shut the door.

"Ok, I'm here. What's up?" Kesha asked.

"Kesha, is there something going on between you and JC?"

"Chris, what on earth are you talking about?"

"You two just seem to be really close for knowing each other for only two days."

"I don't know how to explain it. We just have this special bond, kinda like the bond me and you have." With that Chris let it drop.

To Be Continued..

Chapter 4
