Chapter 5

The next day Chris woke up with a mission. He wasn't going to let on that he knew about Kesha and JC. He should probably talk to Kesha, but that was one conversation he didn't want to have. So when Kesha came down to breakfast he didn't say anything except "Hi."

Justin went over and sat by Chirs. He said, "Aren't you going to talk to her."

"No," Chris said. "That is one conversation I don't want to have."

"Chris, you need to talk to her."

"What if she says she hates me or something like that. I don't think I could handle that."

"Chris, she doesn't hate you!"

"Justin, how do you know that? You don't." Suddenly Justin got up and walked over to Kesha. He said something to her and walked to his room. She got up and followed him. What is he doing, Chris thought.


"Justin, what's wrong? You seem upset," Kesha said.

"I am. When one of my friends is hurting it upsets me."

"What are you talking about? You're not making any sense."

"Kesha," he said taking her hands in his and leading her to the bed. When she sat down he said, "Chris is hurting. He thinks you hate him."

"What, why would he think that?" Kesha asked shocked.

"He told me he feels like you resent him. Do you resent him for something?"

"No, I would never, could never resent him. I don't know where he is getting this from."

"Well you need to talk to him. I tried to get him to talk to you but he wouldn't. He's afraid you'll say you hate him or something."

"I'll talk to him."


They had all seen Kesha and Justin go into his room. At first they didn't think anything of it but now, 30 minutes later, they were starting to wonder what was going on, especially JC.

"I wonder what's going on in there," Joey said. Everyone started at him. They were thinking that but no gone had the guts to say it, except Joey.

"Well I'm going to find out," said JC. He walked over to the door, took a deep breath, then opened the door. He stood there for a second staring at Kesha and Justin sitting on his bed holding hands. Then he turned around and walked out of the hotel suite. He walked out of the hotel and just kept walking.

Kesha and Justin looked up when the door opened. There stood JC. Kesha was about to say something to him when he turned around and walked away. Then she realized Justin was still holding her hands. She pulled her hands away and said, "I'll talk to Chris." Then she got up and ran after JC. After Kesha left the rest of the guys came to the door.

"What was going on in here?" Joey asked.

"Nothing. We were just talking," Justin said.

"Then why did JC go flying out of here?" Lanced asked.

"We weren't doing anything. I promise," Justin said.

"Justin, you do know JC likes her don't you?" Chris asked.

"Of course I do. You would have to be blind if you didn't"

"I just don't want her to get hurt," Chris said.

"I don't want either of them to get hurt," Lance said.

"I don't think anyone here wants them to get hurt," Joey said. "Now we need to find JC. We have to be at rehearsal in 20 minutes.

As the guys were entering the lobby, they saw Kesha coming into the hotel from outside.

"Any luck," Joey asked. She shook her head.

"We need to get to rehearsal. He will probably show up there," Lance said.

"Ok. Lets go," Joey said.

"Are you coming Kesha?"

"Why not." They all got into the provided van and rode to the venue sight. They hoped JC would be there but he wasn't. They went ahead and started rehearsal. At the end of rehearsal he still hadn't shown up.

"I'm worried about him," Kesha said. They were all sitting on the edge of the stage.

"We all are," Chris said.

"Chris, I don't hate you," Kesha said. Everyone looked up shocked.

"Um....we'll give you some privacy," Justin said dragging Lance and Joey accros the stage.

"Where did that come from?" Chris asked when they all left.

"Justin told me this morning, that you thought I hated you. I want to you to know I don't hate you. I don't resent you either."

"I suppose Justin told you that too. I'm going to kill him."

"No you're not. He's just a being a concerned friend. We need to talk about this."

"Ok, lets talk. I feel like we have lost our bond. It's like you've changed or something. I don't know."

"Chris, I have changed. I grew up. I had to learn to deal with my problems on my own. I couldn't run to you every time I had a problem. I know it's not your fault you weren't there. I understand that. I'm not saying I liked it but I understand it."

"Why can't we get it back?"

"We can. We're here for each other now and we need to take advantage of that. I heard everything you said to me that night in my room."

Chris looked up at her. "You heard that?"

"Yeah and I would tell you if anything was wrong. No matter how horrible it was."

"I'm glad. I want you to know I will be here for you and will try to be understanding about anything you have to tell me."

"Well I need you to be understanding about what I'm going to tell you."

"I'll be as understanding as I can." He had an idea about what she was going to tell him.

"Chris, I don't know how to say this."

"Just say it. You can tell me anything."

"Ok, here it goes. Me and JC are seeing each other." She stood there waiting for him to start yelling.

"I kinda already knew that."

"What?" she screamed. The guys accross the stage stopped what they were doing and looked at her. "How do you know?"

"I saw you two in the alley by the club last night."

Kesha started blushing. "And you're not mad?"

"Do I approve? No. Am I going to stand in your way? Of course not."

"You're a great cousin. I love you." Then she hugged him.

JC walked to just off-stage. He looked at what was going on on-stage. Kesha and Chris were on one side of the stage talking and Justin, Joey and Lance were on the other side goofing around. What am I going to say to them. To Justin. To Kesha. He loved her so much and the sight of her sitting on Justin's bed holding his hands had been almost too much to bear. He had left the hotel and walked around for 4 hours. Not going anywhere specific. He knew they would be mad that he had left without a bodygaurd and missed rehearsal, but he had to think. Oh God. What am I going to do?"

When Kesha and Chris pulled out of the hug, she saw Sean, one of the groups managers pulling JC onstage. He was struggling to get free from his grasp.

Kesha ran over to him and gave him a big hug. He stifly hugged her back. "Where were you? I was worried sick."

He whispered into her ear. "We have to talk." Then he said out loud to the others, "Are we going to rehearse or what?"

"Well, we've been rehearsing for the past 3 hours," Justin said.

JC glared at him and said, "Lets go. We have a concert tonight don't we?"

They rehearsed for another 3 hours, perfecting everything. When they were done they headed back to their dressing room to rest and relax before the concert. JC left the others and went looking for Kesha. He found her asleep in an empty dressing room. "She's even more beautiful when she's sleeping," he said gently. "Kesha, can we talk?"

Waking up she said "Yeah."

"I don't know where to start."

"I think I do. You walked in on me and Justin this morning. We were sitting on his bed holding hands. So now you think there is something going on between me and Justin. Well there's not. He was concerned about me and Chris. As you know we're haveing some rocky times. Does that cover everything?"

"Yeah, that about covers it all. I'm sorry I jumped to conclutions and didn't ask you first."

"It's ok. I can see the situation from your point of view and I would probably jump to the same conclution. You may want to talk to Justin though."

"I will later. But right now I want to kiss you." He lifted her chin up and tenderly kissed her. Then suddenly Joey burst into the room.


"That's ok," JC said.

"JC, Parker wants to see you right now. He sounds really mad," Joey said.

"Ok, I'll be there in a minute," JC said.

"Ok," Joey said, then he left.

"Finally. We're alone." He bent down and kissed her again.

"Shouldn't you be going to talk to Parker?"

"Yeah, I'm going." He kissed her once more then he left. She sat back down and thought about how much she loved him.

JC walked into Parker's office and asked, "What do you need?"

"I'll tell you what I need. I need for you to be the leader you're supposed to be. I just found out what happend this morning. How could you JC? How could you just skip rehearsal the day of a concert?"

JC was shocked. He had never seen Parker so mad. "Parker, I'm sorry. It was all a missunderstanding. I just needed to think."

"Well, ya know what, JC? We all just need to think sometimes. But some of us choose better times to do it. The concert should have been the most important thing on your mind and it wasn't.

JC realized he was right. "Parker, you're right. It will never happen again."

"It better not. Now go get ready for the concert." JC left. Instead of going back to Kesha like he had planned, he went to the dressing room with the other guys.

When he walked in, the guys were chilling, just sitting around talking. They were already dressed for the concert. He looked at everyone, then said, "Justin, I need to talk to you after the concert." Then he walked away to get ready for the concert.

"What do you think he wants to talk about?" Justin asked not realizing how stupid his question was.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe about what happened this morning," Chris said. "By the way, what happened in that room that upset JC so much."

"Nothing. All we did was talk. Really, I swear." They all laughed, then let it drop.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 6
