Chapter 6

After the conert....

Everyone was in the lounge area of the bus when JC said,"Justin, can you come with me for a second?"

"Yeah, sure." They got up and walked to the front of the bus. "What's up?"

"I wanted to ask you about this morning. I already talked to Kesah. I've heard her side; now I want to hear your side."

"JC, nothing happened. We were talking about her and Chris. The only reason I had ahold of her hands was because I led her to the bed because she looked like she was going to faint."

"That's basically what Kesha told me."

"I know how much you love her. I would never try to take her from you."

"I know. I just had to check." Then he suddenly hugged Justin.

"I'm going to see what's going on out there," Kesha said. She got up and walked out of the room. She walked to the front of the bus and she saw JC and Justin hugging.

"Justin, are you trying to steal my man?" She couldn't help but start laughing because they quickly pushed each other away.

"You know it," Justin said.

JC walked over to Kesha and put his arm around her. "Sorry, Justin, I perfer her."

"Ah man. I thought I had you there for a minute." They all started laughing. "I'll go put the moves on Chris." Then he left laughing.

"And we're alone," Kesha said.

"Yup." JC walked over to the CD player on the counter. He turned on the song "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain. "May I have this dance?"

"I don't know. I don't think I can compete with Justin." She tried no to laugh, but she couldn't help it.

JC walked over to Kesha and pulled her close. They swayed to the music. "You're a much better dancer than Justin. I think I'll keep ya." Kesha couldn't say anything or laugh, she was so lost in his arms. He always seemed to have this affect on her. "Kesha, I have something to tell you." Kesha still couldn't say anything, so she just nodded her head yes. "I love you and want to be with you forever."

Kesha finally found her voice and said, "I love you so much." Then she leaned up and kissed him.

The End
