Chapter 10

It was 10:00 the next day when I knocked on Bri’s door. She opened it, took one look at me, and hugged me. “What happened?” I walked in and sat down on her couch. She sat down next to me and I told her the whole story.

“So do you mind if I stay here for a while? I can’t really go home.”

“Sure you can stay here. I’ll postpone leaving for a couple of days.”

“NO! You go tomorrow as planned.”

“I can’t leave you like this.”

“Bri, I don’t want anyone else to hurt because of him. JC really wants you with him. Plus, I don’t want Justin to know where I am, and if you don’t go, he’ll know I’m here.”

“Ok. I’ll go because I want to see JC. But I will call daily to check up on you.”

“As long as you’re away form Justin and the other guys that’s fine.”

“Honey, I hate to say this, but I have to go to work.”

“It’s ok, Bri. Go to work. I have things I have to do anyway.”

“I’ll be back at 5:00.”

“Ok. Have fun at work for me.”

Bri laughed. “There’s the girl I know. I’ll see ya later.” She hugged me and left. I sat and stared at the phone for a long time before I picked it up and dialed Chris’ cell phone. He answered after 2 rings.


“Chris?” I said weakly. I had suddenly lost all my energy.

Chris recognized my voice immediately. He looked at all the guys staring at him. “Aunt Carol. How are you doing?”

“All the guys are there aren’t they?”


“Well I won’t take up your time. I just wanted you to know that I’m safe and all right.”

“Where are you at?”

“Chris, I can’t tell you that. Just know I’m safe. I’ll call back in a few days.”

“Ok. Thanks for calling.”

“I didn’t want you to worry. You can tell everyone except Justin that I’m ok.”

“Ok. I’ll do that.”

“Thanks, Chris. Bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief. I decided to lay down and take a quick nap. I had a restless sleep with bad dreams about Justin. I woke up at 4:30 in a cold sweat. I laid there until I heard Bri come home. I walked out to the living room to see her laying on the couch.

“Tough day at work?”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“Are you already packed?”


“What time are you leaving tomorrow?”

“Um…10:00. I’m flying into New York.”


Bri sat up and patted the seat next to her. I sat down. “Soph, can I ask you a question?”


“When you said you were ready to marry Justin, did you mean that?”

I thought for a minute. “Yeah, I did. If he would have asked me yesterday I would have said yes in a second. But that was before I found out the real person inside him.”

“I’m sorry. When I get a hold of him I’m going to ring his neck.”

“Just don’t kill him. I doubt JC would like that.” Bri laughed.

“What do you want to do tonight?”

“Let’s just watch some TV.”

“Ok. Sounds good.” At 7:00 the phone rang. “Bri, if it’s one of the guys I’m not here. You’ve talked to me, but don’t know where I am.”

“Ok.” She answered the phone. “Hello?”

“Hey, babe. What’s up?” JC asked.

“Hi, JC. Not much. I’m excited about tomorrow.”

“Me too. Me too. Are you all packed?”

Bri laughed. “OF course. I’ve been packed for 2 days.”

JC laughed. “Ask her about Sophie,” Justin said. He was standing beside JC.

JC looked at him. “Babe, have you talked to Sophie?”

“Yes I have.” Her voice was rigid.

“Do you know where she is? Justin is worried.”

“No. She wouldn’t tell me where she is.”

“Is she ok?”

“She says she is, but I don’t think she is.”

“Ok. Well I have to go. We’re about to go on stage. I love you.”

“Love you too.”

“See ya tomorrow.”

“Can’t wait.”



JC turned to Justin. “She doesn’t know where she is. She’s talked to her and says she’s ok.”

“Where would she have gone?”

“I don’t know, but we have to get focused. Come on.” They walked out to find the other guys starting the haceysack.

The next morning Bri woke me up at 9:00. “I’m leaving in half an hour and I want to show you a few things.” She showed me where the washer and dryer were. She showed me how to use the answering machine so I could screen calls.

“Thanks, Bri. This means a lot to me.”

“You’re my best friend, and I know you would do the same for me.”

“Well it’s time for you to go. Do you mind if I don’t come with you to the airport?”

“No. That’s fine. Get some rest for me ok?”

“Will do.” I hugged her. Then I helped her carry her bags down to her car.

“I’ll call ya later today, ok?”

“Sounds good.” She hugged me then got into her car and drove off.

Later that night…

Bri walked into the hotel where the guys were staying. She walked up to the room JC said was his. She knocked on the door a minute later JC answered. His eyes lit up. He hugged her with his good arm. Then he pulled back and kissed her. After a while Bri pulled back. She looked him over. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

“I was thinking the same thing.”

“How’s your arm?”

“It still hurts quite a bit, but that’s to be expected.”

“I wish there was something I could do to make it better.”

“You just being here makes me better.”

“You can thank Sophie for that one,” Bri mumbled.

“What? Why do I have to thank Sophie?”

“No reason. Forget I said anything.”

“No. Tell me what you meant.”

“Ok. Let me come in and close the door.” JC stepped to the side. Bri entered and JC closed the door. Bri put her bags down and laid down on the bed. “I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone and I mean no one. Do you understand?”

JC sat down next to her. “I understand. Tell no one.”

“Sophie is at my apartment and I was going to wait a few days to come so she wouldn’t be alone. But she wouldn’t have it. She didn’t want to hurt you by keeping me away and she didn’t want anyone to know where she was.” Bri put here hands on her head. “God! I’ve been here 10 minutes and I’ve already betrayed my best friend.”

“Bri, don’t worry. I’m not going to tell anyone. I promise.

Bri sat up. “JC, why did he do it? He seem like such a nice guy. Why did he use and hurt her like that? She loved him so much.”

JC hugged her. “I don’t know, honey. He wouldn’t talk to any of us about it. All we know is he’s hurting too. Probably not as much as Sophie, but he’s hurting.”

“Well after what he did to her he deserves to hurt.”

“Why don’t we go say hi to the others?”

“Ok. Sounds good.” They walked down the hall and JC knocked on the door and entered. There sat the other 4 guys. Chris jumped up and hugged her. “Nice to see you too, Chris.”

“I’ve missed you.”

“Ok, Chris. Get off my girlfriend.” Everyone laughed.

“Hi, Joe, Lance.” Lance nodded. He was on the phone.

“Hey, girl. How are you?” Joey asked.

“I’m surviving.”

“Hi, Bri,” Justin said meekly.


“Wanna watch some TV with us?” Chris asked.

Bri looked at JC. “Sure.” Bri and JC laid down on one bed. Joey was on the other. Justin was in a chair across the room. Lance and Chris were on the floor. After about an hour there was a knock at the door. Justin go up and answered it since he was the closest. He answered the door and was shocked to find Britney standing there. He had called and left a message for her not to come. She threw herself into his arms. When Britney pulled back, Justin looked at Bri. She was lying on the bed with a discusted look on her face. She stood up and slowly walked up to Jusitn. She got right in his face. She looked him in the eys. “You are so discusting. You make me sick.” Then she pushed her way past Justin and Britney. She walked to JC’s room and realized she couldn’t get in because she didn’t have a key. She sat down in the hallway. She brought her knees to her chest and cried.

“What was that about?” Britney asked confused. Justin just shook his head.

“I better go see if she’s alright,” JC said. He left.

“Britney, we need to talk,” Justin said. He led her to his room. “Didn’t you get my message?”


“Well I have to explain something to you.”


“7 months ago when you left I was going to tell you something. I was going to tell you that we should see other people. Britney, we just don’t work. You’re a wonderful person.”


“I love someone else.”


“Her name is Sophie Saintjohn. The only reason I started dating her is because I thought we were over. We hadn’t talked in over a month and a half.”

“It’s ok, Jusitn. I understand. So where is Sophie? I want to meet the girl who stole her heart.”

Justin looked at the floor and Britney could see the pain in his eyes. “She read the email you sent me and she left.”

“Justin, I’m sorry. Who was that girl out there?”

“That’s Bri. She’s Sophie’s best friend and JC’s girlfriend.”

“Oh. That sence makes sense now.”


“Well, I think I’m going to leave.”

“I think that’s probably a good idea.”

“Justin, I know you’re going to need time, but I hope we can still be friends.” She got up and left. Jusitn laid down on his bed and cried.

JC found Bri sitting in the hallway. He wanted to pick her up and carry her into the safety of his room, but he couldn’t. He felt helpless. He leaned down beside her. “Honey, are you ok?” She nodded her head. “Let’s get up and go into my room.” They stood up. She leaned into him. He helped her in the room and laid down on the bed. He rubbed her back. After a while there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” JC said not wanting to leave Bri. The door opened and Britney walked in. “Britney, what are you doing here?”

“I need to talk to Bri. I know I’m not the person you want to hear right now, but I need to say something.”

Bri sat up next to JC. “Go ahead.”

“I wanted to say when I left 7 months ago, I knew Justin and I weren’t working. I was hoping that time apart would do us good. In the back of my mind I knew when he didn’t call it was over. I didn’t want to believe it was over because I love him so much. I know he doesn’t love me. He probably never did. He loves Sophie. I want her to know all this. She deserves to know how much Justin loves her. Could you tell me where she lives?”

“She’s staying at my apartment.” She got up and wrote down the address for her.

“Thanks. I’m going to try and make this right.” She turned around and left.

“I have to call Soph. I promised I’d call and check up on her tonight.” Bri picked up the phone and dailed her number. As she expected the machine picked up. “Soph, it’s Bri. Pick up.” After a few seconds she picked up.


“How are you doing?”

“I’m ok.” Bri could tell that she’d been crying. “How are the guys?”

Bri looked at JC. “They’re all good. JC just walked in. Do you want to talk to him.?”

“Sure.” Bri handed the phone to JC.

“I’ll be right back,” Bri said. She left. She walked down to the other guys’ room. She knocked on the door. Chris answered. “Chris, Sophie’s on the phone. Do you want to talk to her?”

“Yeah.” She turned around. “I’ll be back.” Then he followed Bri to JC’s room.

When JC saw them walk in room he said, “Here’s Chris.” He handed the phone to Chris.”

“Hey, girl. What’s up?”

Sophie laughed. He was the only one who treated her normal and she loved him for that. “Hey, dreadhead.”

“Not anymore. I cut them off today.”

“What? No way!”

“Yup. Completely dread free.”

“How does it look?”

“I’m still as handsome as ever.” Sophie laughed freely. “Hey now. It’s not nice to laugh at me.”

“You’re just so darn funny.”

“Well I’ll give you back to Bri. Take care of yourself and call back soon.”

“Bye, Chris.” He handed the phone to Bri.


“Hey, Bri. I’m going to go. I’m tired so I’m going to get some sleep.”

“Ok. Call me tomorrow ok?”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye.” Bri hung up the phone to see Chris looking at her. “What?”

“Where is she? We called her parents and they don’t know. The only other person she would have gone to was you, so you have to know where she is.”

“Chris, I have no idea where she is. Plus, even if I did I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

“Why?” Chris asked getting upset.

“Because I don’t want to him to know where she is. She’ been hurt enough why hurt her more?”

“He loves her, how can that hurt her?”

Bri didn’t say anything for a while. “Because she loves him too, and he doesn’t deserve her love.”

“He made a mistake. He’s human. All humans make mistakes.”

“I know but this mistake hurt someone very badly. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to shower and get some sleep.” She grabbed her bad and headed into the bathroom. When she came back out Chris was gone and JC was half-alseep in bed. Bri crawled under the covers. JC wrapped his good arm around her and pulled her close to him. “I don’t want to hurt your arm.”

“Don’t worry about it. I just want to hold you.” They fell asleep in each others arms.

The next morning I slept all morning. It was the first night of peaceful sleep I had gotten in the past couple of days. I tried to eat, but I wasn’t hungry, so I sat down to watch TV hoping to take my ming off everything. I had been watching TB for about 4 hours when there was a knock at the door. I got up and looked through the peephole to see who it was. I was shocked to see Britney Spears standing there. I opened the door.

“Sophie?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m Sophie.”

“Can I come in? I just need 5 minutes of your time.” I stepped back and ler her in. “Nice place. This is Bri’s right?” I shut the door and nodded my head. “Her and JC make such a cute couple.”

“Yes, they do. Britney, I’m going to be blunt. Why are you here?”

“I came to talk to you about Justin.”

“You can save your breath. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say on that subject.”

“I think you do. There is a lot you don’t know. Sit down and I’ll fill you in.” I sat down on the couch and Britney sat down in the chair by the couch. “Let me start at 7 months ago. The only reason I even thought about leaving the country is because I knew Justin and I needed time apart. We were having problems and I hoped that time apart would help, but it didn’t. We never called each other. Before Sunday we hadn’t talked for 7 months. I knew that we were over. I just didn’t want to believe it because I love him so much. But he doesn’t love me. He loves you, and you love him.”

I looked at her. “How do you know? Maybe I hate him for what he did.”

“I can see it in your eyes. They light up at the mention of his name. Justin is a good guy. He would never intentionally hurt someone, especially someone he loves.”

I sat there thinking about what she said. It all started to sink in. “You’re right. If everything you said is true, you’re right. And I’m an idot for overreacting.”

“No, don’t think that way. I would have reacted the same way if I was in your shoes. Just make I right.”

“I can’t face him after all the terrible things I said to him.”

“He probably doesn’t remember any of it. Just go to him. Tell him you understand the situation and are sorry for everything that was said.” I didn’t respond. “Just go to him soon. He’s hurting. I’ve got to go now. Just think about what I said.” Britney stood. She took a paper out of her pocket and put it on the coffeetable. “Here’s my number. Keep in touch.” Then she left. I sat in a daze for a long time.

I thought about what Britney said for the next 2 months. I didn’t have much better to do. I was living off my savings and money from my parents. Bri had kept her promise. No one other than her ever called. One day I was watching NSYNC on TV like I often did and I got a call from Bri. “Hello?”



“It’s Bri. I have something to tell you”

“What’s wrong?”

“You know how Jon was coming on tour with Justin?”


“Well he was in a plane crash.”

“What ?! Is he ok?”

“We don’t know. “We’re headed to Lucas Hosptial in Charlotte, North Carolina. I have to go now. I just though you’d like to know.”


“I’ll call when I know more.”

“Thanks. Bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up the phone and stared off into space. Then I make a split-second decision and called the airport. I got a seat on the next fight to North Carolina. I grabbed my bag that was still packed and headed to the airport. I arrived at 10:00 the next morning. When I got to the hospital there were reporters everywhere, and I had to fight to get into the waiting room. When I finally got in everyone had their backs to me. They were talking to the doctor. I walked up and stood behind Justin. I heard the doctor say Jon would be fine. Justin’s hands were at his side so I slipped my hand into his as the doctor left. He looked at me. He had a shocked expression on his face.

“What…” I put my finger to his lips to silence him.

“We’ll talk later.” I hugged him and he cried openly in my arms. I held him tight until he calmed down. I led him over to a chair. “How is he?”

“The doctor says he’ll be fine. He just has a broken leg and some stitches on his stomach.”

“I’m glad he’s ok.”

“I was so scared that he’d…”

“Justin, he’s fine. Don’t think things like that. When can you see him?”

“In a couple of hours. Then we have to leave. We have a concert tomorrow that we can’t cancel. Are you going to be coming with?”

“We’ll talk about that later.”

“Ok.” For the next couple hours Justin kept me close to him. He hardly ever let my hand go. Finally came the time he could go see Jon. He started to pull me in with him.

“Justin, I’ll stay out here. I think you two need some time alone.”

“But I want you with me.”

“I’ll be right here when you come back out. I’m not going anywhere.”


“Give Jon my love.”

“I will.” He slowly walked down the hall towards Jon’s room. I looked around and saw Bri and JC staring at me. I went over and sat down next to them.

“He didn’t want to let you go huh?” Bri said.

“Nope. I think he was afraid I would leave.”

“What changed your mind?”

“I’ve been thinking about what Britney said and I finally realized she’s right and I’m an idot to act the way I did.”

“So are you coming back on tour?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?! Why wouldn’t you?”

“Justin and I haven’t talked yet. We still have a lot to work out.”

“But you can to that on tour,” JC said.

“We’ll just have to see.”

“Have you talked to your parents yet?”


“I just told them we were have differences. Josh told them about what happened that day.”

“What did they say?”

“They asked me what happened and why Justin was in my bed. I explained everything to them. They said they believed me and would talk to Josh.”

“That’s good that they believe you.”

“Yup. JC, how’s that arm doing?”

“It still hurts, but that’s normal.”

I looked around the room and saw Chris and Lance talking. “I’m going to go talk to Chris and Lance. I’ll be back.” I got up and walked across the room and sat down next to Chris. “You’re right. You’re still handsome as ever.”

He hugged her. “We’re glad you’re here, especially Justin.”

“I had to come. My friends are hurting.”

“Well it means a lot. Thand God Jon is going to be ok. I wish we didn’t have to leave so soon. I think Justin needs to spend some time with Jon after all of this.”

“I agress. That’s why I didn’t go in there with him. He needs time alone with him.”

“How long are you here for?” Lance asked.

“I don’t know. Justin and I have to talk about that.”

“Well you know you’re welcome to come with us. We all want you to come.”

“I know. I just don’t know if my place is with you guys.”

“Just think about it,” Lance said.

“I will.” Justin walked into the room. He had tears in his eyes. I went to him. “Justin, what’s wrong?”

“He’s so small and fragile. It’s all my fault he’s laying in that bed.”

I hugged him tightly. “Baby, it’s not your fault. Don’t think that way. He’s going to be fine. You’ll see. He’ll be back beating you at playstation soon.”

Justin laughed slightly. Then he got serious. “Sophie, will you come with me? I need you.”

I thought for a minute before answering. “Yes, I’ll come with you for a few days.”

“Thanks, Soph. That means a lot to me.”

JC walked up behind Justin and tapped him on the back. “Justin, I’m sorry, but we have to go. Are you ready?”

He let me go and grabbed my hand. “Yeah, lets go.” He started out the door dragging me behind.

“Justin, wait! My bag!”

“Mike, will you grab Sophie’s bag.” Justin’s bodyguard went back and got my bag. We got on the bus and headed to the back lounge. I sat down and patted the couh beside me.

“Lay down and get some sleep. I can tell you’re exhausted.” Justin laid down on the couch with his head in my lap. He wrapped his arm around my knee. The rest of the group sat down aroud us. Bri and JC were on the other couch. Lance, Chris, and Joey stretched out on the floor. Someone put in the movie Jerry Maguire. I started stroking Justin’s hair and could tell he was asleep. I looked around the room and realized I was the only one awake. I finished watching the movie. When the movie was over, I sat there staring at Justin. I started running my fingers threw his hair but stopped when he stirred.

“Don’t stop. That feels good.”

I started playing with one fo his cruls. “I didn’t know you were awake.”

“That was so soothing, how could I sleep through it?” He rolled over so he was looking at me. He reached his hand up and stroked my cheek. “I’ve missed you a lot.”

“I’ve missed you too.”

“Ever minute without you seems like an eterrnity to me.”

“I feel the same way Justin.” Justin leaned up to kiss me, but I pulled back. “We need to talk.”

“So talk. I want to get this all out in the open.”

“Not here. In private.”

“Well technically we are all these people are sleeping.”


“Ok. Ok.” He got up then helped her up. They walked to the lounge in the front of the bus.

“Let me go first,” Justin said.


He moved closer to her and took her hand in his. “This time we have spent apart have shown me just how much I love you. And what you said the day you left rings in my head everyday. Even though I’m not ready for marrage, I know you are the one for me. I don’t think I’ll ever love someone the way I love you.”

“What I said the day I left is still true today. You’re right though, neither one of us is ready for that. Like you, this time we spent apart has shown me how much I love you. It also gave me a lot of time to think. I realized that I have a dream that I have to go after. I have to give it a shot.”

“Babe, that’s great. I’ll support you in anything you do. What is your dream?”

“I want to go to law school and become a lawyer.” Justin’s heart fell. He understood the meaning of what she said. “Which means in a month I will go to college like planned. I never told you because I didn’t know what would happen between us.”

“Nothing. We are going to stay as close as we are now. Sophie, I love you and nothing is going to change that. I'll support you and maybe even help you study.”

I laughed. “Sure you will. You’ll distract me is more like it.”

“You mean something like this.” He kissed me passionatly.

“Yeah. Something like that. So where are we headed?”

“We’re heading to Ohio.”

“Cool. I’ve never been there.”

“I have it’s not that exciting.” Justin inched closer. He started kissing me. He pushed me back and ended up on top of me. Justin started kissing my neck and I ran my fingers through his hair. He moaned softly. That turned me on immensly. I pulled Justin’s head up to mine. He kissed my cheek and down my jawline.


“Yeah,” he said continuing to kiss me.

“We need to stop.”

Justin stopped and looked me in the eye. “I want you to know that I love you very much and I want you so badly righ now. But if you’re not ready I’ll stop.”

I quickly kissed his lips. “I’m ready. Believe me. I just think we should wait for a better time. All the guys and Bri are sleeping back there. And Bri would kill me if she knew.”

“Yeah, same with JC. You’re right. It should be special for you.”

“It should be special for you too. When it’s right it’ll happen. And it’ll be special because it’s with you.”

“I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” Justin leaned down and kissed me. While we were kissing we heard the door open. We looked up to see JC standing in the door to the back lounge. Justin slowly got off me and I sat up. JC walked to the fridge and got a bottled water then headed back to the lounge and closed the door behind him. Justin sat beside me with his head in his hands.

“Justin, are you ok?”

“Yeah. I just think I’m gong to get a lecture later. In fact I’m positive.”

“Well, if he tells Bri, I’m going to be getting one too. I already got one from the last time she walked in on us.”

“You did? When was that?”

“That morning after the dance.”

“Oh. Yeah.”

We sat in silence for a while. “What right do they have to tell us what to do? Their not our parents. We’re adults. We can make our own decisions.”

“They’re just trying to be good friends.”

“I know. I’m just tired of being controlled. At home it was my brother. Now Bri is trying to.”

“Don’t worry, babe. Everything will be fine.” He put his arm around me and we watched TV until we were both asleep. JC woke us up the next morning.

“We’re just about to Ohio. We have a radio interview in about an hour.”

“Aren’t we going to the hotel first?” Justin asked.

“Nope. We won’t get to the hotel until after the concert tonight.”

“Ok. I’ll start getting ready in a minute.”

“Ok.” JC headed back to the bunk to wake the others up.

“Looks like it’s going to be a long day,” Justin said. “I’m sorry your frist day with me has to be like this.”

“It’s ok. I’ll see you tonight after the concert.”


“Ok. Now go make yourself attractive.”

“I’m always attractive.”

“What an ego. Now go. You don’t want to make JC mad now do you?”

“God no.” He got up. He kissed me then headed back to his bunk to get ready. 45 minutes later he came out of the bathroom to see me in the exact same spot I was when he left. “Hey sleepy head wake up.”

“I don’t want to.” He kneeled down in front of me.”

“I’ll give you a present if you do.” I opened my eyes slowly.

“What’s my present?” He leaned forward and kissed me. “That was worth it,” I said sarcastically.

“That’s it you’re going to get it.” He started tickling me.

“Justin, stop.”

“Nope.” I could only think of one thing that would make him stop. I grabbed his face and pulled his towards me. I kissed him gently at first. Then I deepened the kiss.

When I pulled back I said, “Now that was worth it.” I ran my fingers through his hair. He leaned his head into my hand.

“You know I love it when you do that.”

I smiled. “I know it. That’s why I do it. Plus I love the feel of your curls.”

Just then the bus stopped and everyone filed out of the back room. Justin got up and kissed me quickly on the lips. Then all the guys got off the bus and Bri sat down next to me. “Soph, can we talk?”

I knew what was coming. “Sure.”

“JC told me about what he saw yesterday.”

“Bri, just stop right now. I don’t need to be lectured. I’m 18 years old. I think I can make my own decisions.”

“I know that, and I’m not going to lecture you. I just want to know if you need someone to talk to.”

I was shocked. “Well nothing happened, but I wanted it to. And it probably would have if you guys hadn’t been in the back of the bus.”

“So I take it you two worked your problems out.”

“Yeah. I basically told him I would spend the summer with him, but in August I’m going to school.”

“You are? Where?”

“In Orlando.”

“Your parents are allowing that?”

I nodded. “I basically told them this I show it’s going to be.”

“Have you talked to Josh yet?”

“No and I don’t plan to. There is no relationship left there.”

“I understand.”

“I’m going to go make a phone call.”

“Ok.” I got up and headed to the back lounge. I grabbed my phone and the slip of paper with Britney’s number on it. I dialed the number and got her voice mail. I left a message and laid down. I laid there thinking until I fell asleep. When I woke up I looked at my watch and found out it was 5:00. I got up and looked in the bunks and in the front of the bus, but couldn’t find anyone. I got off the bus and was scared by Justin’s a bodyguard standing there.

“Hi, Miss.”

“Hi. Can I ask where we are?”

“We’re at the venue.”

“Really? Well I think I’ll go in.” I started walking and he followed me. “I can make it by myself.”

“I was told to stay with you.”

“Who said that? Justin.” He nodded his head. “Ok. Let’s just go.” They walked to the venue and he led her to the guys’ dressing room. The bodyguard knocked on the door. After a few minutes JC answered.

“Sophie, come in. We’re just sitting around talking.

“Is it ok with you?” I asked the bodyguard standing beside me. He looked at JC. JC just shook his head and pulled me into the room. I walked in front of Justin.

“Hi, babe,” he said standing up and trying to kiss me.

I pulled back. Justin had a confused look on his face. “What was that all about?”


“I don’t need a bodyguard. I think I can walk from the bus to the building just fine. I won’t get lost or hurt, I promise.”

“Babe, I was just thinking about your safety. I didn’t want to leave you out there all alone.”

He tried to wrap his arms around my waist, but I pushed him away and sat down on the couch. “You should have woken me up when we got here.”

“That was my fault. He wanted to, but I said you looked so peaceful that he should leave you,” Chris said.

“Well, next time wake me up.”

Justin sat down next to me. “I promise next time I’ll wake you up.”

“You better or I’ll pull all of those curls out of your head,” I said smiling. Justin put a protective hand over his hair.

“Watch out, Curly or we’ll have to get a new nickname for you,” JC said.

“How’s your arm feeling?” I asked.

“It feels pretty good. I’m pumped up and ready to go out there.”

“Well, I think the girls outside are pretty pumped up too.”

“There’s people out there already?” Joey asked. I nodded. Joey went to the window and looked out.

“Joe, you’re acting like this is new. People are always lined up this early,” Justin said. I looked at Justin shocked he would say something like that. He looked at me and saw the expression on my face. “That’s not the way I meant it. It amazes me that all those people are out there to see us, and it’s so flattering that they’re here and will wait in line for 2 hours. I just think it’s stupid that people repeat something we all know. Guys, can I talk to Sophie in private please?”

“Yeah, we’ll be back in about an hour so we can get ready,” JC said. Everyone but Justin and I got up and left.

Justin kneeled in front of me. “Are you still upset about the bodyguard thing?”

“I’m not upset. I just don’t like it.” I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, and he put his hands on my hips. “I’m sorry about the way I’ve been acting. For some reason I’m really grumpy today.”

“It’s ok. We all have day’s like that.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing you perform tonight. It’s been forever.”

“You haven’t seen us perform since before we started going out have you?”

“Nope. Now I’m even more anxious.”

“I’m going to be nervous now.”

“Don’t be. You won’t even know where I am”

“Why’s that?”

“You’ll see after the concert.”

“I trust you. I love you.”

“I love you too.” I leaned forward more and kissed him. He lost his balance and fell backwards pulling me with him. Justin ended up laying on his back with me on top of him. We both started laughing hysterically. I started to get up, but Justin pulled me back down. “Babe, we’ve got to get up.”


“Because the guys said they were coming back.” Right on cue we heard laughing outside the door. I scrambled up on the couch, but Justin just laid there. The door opened and in walked the guys and Bri. They all stopped laughing when they say Justin lying on the floor.

“Uh…Curly, can I ask what you’re doing on the floor?” Lance asked.

“Just resting. It’s been a long day.”

“Uh huh. Well it’s time to get ready.”

“Ok.” He got up and walked towards me with a silly grin on his face. He kissed me. “I’ll see ya after the concert.” Then he walked off with the others.

Bri stood there staring at her. “What?” I asked.

“Nothing. We better get our seats.”

“Ok.” I got up and followed her. “Our seats are far enough back where they won’t see us right?”

“Right. The only thing is JC know where they are.”


“I made him promise not to tell Justin.”

“But if he looks for you Justin is going to catch on.”

“Don’t worry. Why do you want to be so secretive about this anyway?”

“No reason. I just like playing with the boy’s mind.”

“You’re cruel.”

“That’s what you love about me.”

“You know it.” We finally found our seats and waited for the show to start.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 11
