Chapter 11

We sat through the opening acts. They were good, but I as anxious to see the guys up there. Finally the time came. The guys walked out on stage. It was evident that they had made some big changes because of JC’s arm. The fans didn’t seem to care. They were just happy to see the guys up there. They immediately launched into Here We Go. JC did the moves he could and just kinda danced around when he couldn’t do them. Throughout the concert I tried to watch all the guys, but my eyes kept drifting back to Justin. I didn’t remember him doing so many pelvic thrusts last time. It was a whole new side of him and I loved it. When the show was over we headed backstage and towards the bus.

“I’m going to lay down. My head hurts from all the screaming,” Bri said.

“Ok.” She went and laid down in JC’s bunk. I went and sat in the back lounge and waited for the guys. About 10 minutes later I heard their laughter. Soon Justin poked his head through the door I had closed so I wouldn’t disturb Bri.

“There you are.”

“Where else would I be?” I asked sweetly.

He smiled. “Where’s Bri?”

“She’s sleeping in JC’s bunk.”

“I’ll be right back.” He disappeared for a few minutes then came back in and sat down beside me. We sat in silence for a while.

“Why don’t you just ask? I know you’re dying to so just ask.”

“Ask what?”

I turned sideways so I was facing him. “Ask me if I liked the show.”

“I know you did so why ask?” My jaw dropped and I stared at him. He smiled and took my hand. “I was kidding. What did you think of the show?”

I pulled my hand away and faced forward. “I was going to say it was one of the most amazing and wonderful things I’ve ever seen, but I don’t think you deserve it.”

“Babe, I was kidding. Your opinion means a lot to me. If you want to know the real reason I didn’t ask was because I was afraid you wouldn’t like it.”

“I loved it because I love you.”

“I love you too.” I laid my head on his shoulder and he laid his head on mine.

The next morning we woke up to screaming. “What was that?” Justin asked.

“It sounded like Bri.” I got up and headed to JC’s bunk. When I got there Bri was crying. JC was trying to comfort her, but she was pushing him away. “JC, let me try. Go talk to Justin.”

“I don’t want to leave her.”

“JC, please just go.” He reluctantly got up and left. “Bri, come here.” I pulled her up and pulled her towards the lounge. We sat down on the couch and I hugged her and let her cry on me. When she stopped crying I asked, “Was it another dream?” She nodded. “Do you want to tell me about it?” She shook her head. “That’s ok. Just know I’m here if you ever want to talk.”

“I know. Thanks.”

“Are you going to be ok?”

“Yeah. Just sit with me or a while.”

“Ok.” I sat there with her until she fell asleep. I covered her with a blanket and headed to the back of the bus. I found all the guys sitting there wide-awake. They all looked at me for an answer. I just sat down beside Justin.

“Is she ok?” JC asked.

“Yeah. She’s asleep. It was just a bad dream.”


“What does your schedule look like today?”

“We’ll be on the bus all day. We’re heading to Seattle,” Lance said.

“That’s good. Just let her sleep for a while.” Chris got out the Playstation.

“Curly, play me.” Justin sat on the floor next to him. While the game was starting up it was completely silent. I heard my cell phone ringing. It was in my bag in Justin’s bunk. I got up and answered it.



“Yeah. Brit?”

“Yeah. I got your message. Did you need something?”

“No, I just wanted to chat. Do you have time?”

“Yeah. I’m on my bus.”

“I’m on a bus too.”

“Are you two back together?”

“Yeah. Jon was in a plane crash so I went to Justin. Jon is going to be fine and so are Justin and I.”

“I’m glad. You two are god for each other. I’m glad Jon’s ok. Was he on his way to see Justin?”

“Yeah. He’s in North Carolina right now. He should be able to go home tomorrow.”

“That’s good.”

“So how have you been?”

“I’m doing ok. Everyday it gets a little easier.”

“That’s good. I’m here if you need to talk.”

“Thanks. Hey I have to go. I’m being called. I’ll talk to ya later.”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up the phone and sat there. After 10 minutes of staring off into space I got up and checked on Bri. She was sleeping peacefully. I then decided to get some sleep myself. I climbed into Justin’s bunk and fell asleep instantly. I woke up to people talking in front of the bunk.

“Is she still asleep?”

“Yeah.” It was Justin and JC.

“What happened this morning?”

“I don’t know. I woke up to her screaming. I tried to comfort her and she pushed me away. I have no idea what happened.”

“That’s weird. And she’s been sleeping all day. Something’s not right.”

“I don’t know. Sophie knows more than I do.”

“I’ll talk to her later and find out what’s going on.” I opened the curtain to the bunk and slipped out. I looked at the two guys and walked to the front of the bus to check on Bri. Like the guys had said, she was still asleep. I kneeled beside her and shook her. She rolled over and looked at me.

“What time is it?”

I looked at my watch. “It’s just about 5:00. Probably time for you to get up. JC is worried. You need to explain what happened this morning.”

“Do I have to?”

“I think he deserves to know.”

“I know. I know.” Bri got up and headed for her bag. She grabbed some clean clothes and headed for the bathroom. I sat down where she had gotten up. I turned on the radio next to the couch. I started humming to the song that was playing. A little while later Justin appeared at the door. He stood there staring at me.

“Are you going to come in and sit down, or are you going to stand there staring at me?” He came in and sat down next to me.

“Are you mad?”


“Than what’s wrong? You don’t sit and stare off into space unless something’s wrong.”

“I’m worried about Bri.”

“What is up with her anyway? JC is worried too. He has not idea what’s going on.”

“JC will know soon. She’s going to talk to him. Just give her time.”

“Are you ok? Whatever is bothering her seems to be getting to you too.”

“I’m fine. I’m just really tired. I haven’t had a good nights sleep in a couple of months.”

“I know what you mean. Do you want to lay down?”

“No. I want to be with you.” Justin put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder.

The next month passed too quickly. Before I knew it, it was time to head for campus. I said goodbye to the guys and Bri at the hotel. I hugged each guy and managed not to cry until I got to Bri. I hugged her and she said, “We’ll see you in a month and a half. Take care of yourself and get good grades for me.” Bri had decided to take a year off to be with JC.

“I will if you will do something for me.”


“Tell him. He needs to know and you need his support.”

“I will.”

“Good. Do it soon.”

“I will.”


“Bye.” Justin went to the airport with me. We didn’t say much. We just held onto each other until we heard the last boarding call.

“Well, I have to go.”

“I know. I just don’t want you to.”

“I don’t either, but I have to. I’ll see you in a month and a half.”

“I’m going to miss you so much.”

“I’m going to miss you too, but this will only make our love stronger. You’ll see.”

“I know.”

“Just kiss me.” He did. We pulled apart and I said, “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I turned and got on the plane. When I got to my dorm room in Orlando my roommate had already moved in. There were pictured of 98* all over her side of the room. There was a framed picture of her and Jeff on the nightstand beside her bed. I unpacked and put up one picture of NYSNC. Just as I was sitting down the door burst open and my roommate walked in. I introduced myself.

“Hi. My name’s Sophie.”

“I’m Jasmine.”

I couldn’t think of anything to say so I said, “I see you like 98*. I think they’re pretty good.”

“Yeah I like them a lot. I see you like NSYNC.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“I think they’re good.” We talked for a while and became fast friends.

After we had talked for a while I asked about the picture. “So have you met them?” I asked pointing the picture.

She got a dreamy look on her face. “Yeah, I have. They’re great, especially Jeff.”

“I guess I don’t have to ask which one is your favorite.”

“I guess it shows huh?”


“So what about you? Have you met NSYNC?”

I laughed. “Yeah. It’s a funny story.” I told her about how I first met the guys.

“That is pretty weird and lucky.”

“Yeah it is.”

“Which one is your favorite?”

“I guess I would have to say Justin.” Just then the phone rang. I answered it. “Hello?”

“Is Jasmine there?”

“Yeah. Hold on.” I handed the phone to Jasmine. The next day was the start of classes so I decided to go to bed and get some sleep. When I woke up the next morning Jasmine was already up.

“Some guy named Justin called last night.”

“Oh man. I forgot to call him.”



“I have to get to class. I’ll see ya later.”

“Bye.” Jasmine left and I got ready for class.

I got back to the dorm room at 4:00. Jasmine was gone so I decided to call Justin hoping to catch him after sound check. Just as I picked up the phone someone knocked at the door. I sighed, put down the phone, and went to the door. When I opened the door my mouth dropped open.

“Hi. Is Jasmine here?”

“Um… no. She’s still in class.” We stood there for a few seconds. “Oh. Excuse me. Come in.” I stepped back so they could walk in.

“Jasmine didn’t tell you did she?” I shook my head. “I’m Jeff Timmons, Jasmine’s boyfriend. This is Justin, Nick, and Drew.”

“Nice to meet you.” I noticed Drew was staring at me. “If you can find a place to sit down take a seat.” Jeff and Nick sat on Jasmine’s bed. Justin sat in the computer chair and Drew sat on the floor. I couldn’t think of anything to say so I just sat there.

“So what’s your name?” Drew asked.

“Sophie. Sophie Saintjohn.”

“Where are from?” Justin asked.

“I’m from a small town in California.” The door opened and Jasmine walked in. She dropped the books she was carrying.

“What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you,” Jeff said. “These people just tagged along.” He pointed to the three guys. Jeff stood up and walked to Jasmine. He hugged her.

I looked at the other 3 guys. “So do you guys want to see campus?”

“Sure,” Nick said. All the guys got up and followed me out the door.

“I have to admit I haven’t seen much of it myself. This is only my second day on campus.” We walked around and I pointed out buildings that I knew.

“So how old are you?” Drew asked.

“I’m 18.”

“Do you know what you want to major in?” Nick asked.

“Yeah. I want to be a lawyer. Always have.”

“That’s great. I admire people who have a dream and go for it,” Justin said.

“Thanks.” We walked around and talked for an hour. “Well do you think they’ve had enough time alone?”

“So that was the plan? And here I thought you just wanted to spend some time with us,” Drew said laughing.

“That was just a benefit,” I said laughing. “How long have Jasmine and Jeff been going out?”

“Two very long years,” Nick said.

“Wow! That’s a long time.”

“Yeah, we figure they would be married right now if it weren’t for the group,” Justin said.

“Doesn’t that put a strain on the group?”

“No. She said she would wait for him so he knows she’ll always be there,” Nick said. By this time we were back at the dorm room. I knocked on the door before I entered. Jasmine and Jeff were sitting on her bed.

“Sophie, Justin called. He said it was very important the he talks to you. You’re supposed to call him immediately.”

My smile faded. I picked up the phone and dialed his cell phone number. Chris answered. “Hello?”

“Chris, what’s wrong?”


“Justin called and said it was very important that I call him back.”

Chris laughed. “He wanted to talk to you. He’s going nuts as well as the rest of us. He hasn’t stopped talking about you since he got back yesterday.”

“Where is he?”

“He had to go do an interview.”

“Well I have company right now so I have to go. Tell him I’m going to kill him for giving me a heart attack. I’ll call back at about 10:00 tonight.”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up the phone and everyone was staring at me. “False alarm. My boyfriend trying to be cute.”

“So where are you guys staying tonight?” Jasmine asked.

“I wanted to stay here, but I know that’s not allowed so we have a room at the Holiday Inn down the road,” Jeff said.

“You can’t stay here, but that doesn’t mean I can’t say with you.”

“Very true,” he said kissing her on the forehead. “Very true.”

“How about some supper? I’m starving,” Nick said.

“Sounds good, how about Chinese? I know this great Chinese place not far from here,” Jasmine said.

Everyone said ok. We all piled into Jasmine’s car and headed to the Great Wong. The meal was fun. The 4 guys were hilarious. Jasmine and I laughed the whole meal. After we ate, Jeff suggested a movie.

“I’m going to have to decline. I have work I have to do. Who would have thought they would give us homework on the first day?”

They drove me back to the dorm. “Are you sure you won’t change your mind?” Drew asked.

I shook my head. “Sorry. Maybe some other time.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” he said. I went up to the room and tried to read the assignment I was given. I finally gave up and turned on the TV. I turned it to MTV hoping to see Justin. I couldn’t believe I missed him so much after only 2 days. I was in luck. TRL was on. Music of my Heart was # 2. Seeing Justin only made me miss him more. I was so engrossed in the TV I just about had a heart attack when the phone rang. I took a deep breath before I answered.


“Hey, babe.”

“Justin!” I sat up excited.

“Yeah. It’s me.”

I looked at the clock. “Justin, its 8:15. Aren’t you supposed to be doing a show right now.”

“We’re about to go on. I just had to call and hear your voice before I go out there.”

“How sweet! Now that you’ve heard my voice, go out there and entertain thousands of girls. I’ll call you at 10:00.”

“Ok. I love you!”

“I love you too!” I hung up the phone and laid on the bed with a smile on my face. I fought to stay awake, but couldn’t. Jasmine woke me up at 9:45 when she came in. “I thought you were staying with Jeff tonight.”

“I am. I just had to get some clothes.” She grabbed some clean clothes and headed for the door. “I’ll see ya tomorrow.”

“Ok. Bye.” I picked up the phone and dialed Justin’s number. It rang forever. I finally gave up. I picked up my book and tried to read again. Half an hour later I gave up and tried to call Justin again. He answered on the first ring. “Are you a little anxious?”

“Yeah. I’ve been waiting for 15 minutes.”

“Sorry, I tried at 9:45, but no one answered. So I tried to do some homework. I got caught up in it.”

“It’s ok. I’m glad I’m talking to you now.”

“How was your day?”

“Same old, same old. How about you.”

“Well I had a heart attack when my roommate told me I had to call you immediately.”

“Sorry. I just wanted to talk to you.”

“Well next time just tell her that.”


“I started some of my classes today. Nothing extraordinary. I also met 98* today.”

“You what?”

“Jasmine, my roommate, is Jeff’s girlfriend. He came to see her and brought the rest of the guys with him. They’re nice. It’s just been an exciting day.”

“Sounds like it.”

“Did you perform good?”

“As always. It wasn’t the same without you there. The crowd was as pumped up as ever.” We talked for the next 2 hours.

“Honey, it’s after midnight and I have to get up early for class tomorrow. And I’m sure you have to get up early so we should go.”

“I know. I just really miss you.”

“I really miss you too.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Ok. Bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up the phone and tried to go to sleep, but I couldn’t. I just laid there thinking about Justin. When I finally did get to sleep, I dreamt of Justin. I got up and went to classes the next day, but all I could think about was Justin. When I got back to my room at 5:30, Jeff and Drew were there. “Hi.”

“How was your day?” Jasmine asked.


“Why’s that.”

“It’s a long story. I’ll explain later.”

“Well, baby, it’s time,” Jeff said.

Jasmine wrapped her arms around him tightly. “I don’t want you to go.”

“I know. I don’t want to go either.”

“We’ll be down at the car,” Drew said grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door. We walked down to their car.

“So are you guys going back on tour?”

“Yeah. Two months before we get a real break. I’m sure Jeff will be back then.”

“Will you?”

“I don’t know. Nick and I will probably go home and see the family.”

“I can understand that.” We stood in silence for a while.

“Sophie, it was really nice to met you. You’re a great person. I’ve had fun getting to know you.”

“It’s been fun getting to know you too.” He hugged me. When we pulled apart Jeff appeared. “It was nice to meet you, Jeff.”

“Nice to meet you too, Sophie. Take care of her for me.”

“I will.”

“Bye,” Jeff said.

“Bye,” Drew said.

“Bye.” They got into the car and left. I went back up to my room to find Jasmine laying on her bed crying. I sat down beside her and hugged her. “It’ll be ok.”

“I know. It just gets harder and harder every time.”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

“Well you know my boyfriend Justin?”


“Well he’s Justin Timberlake of NSYNC.”


“Yeah. So I know what you’re feeling right now.”

“Sophie, he proposed last night.”


She got up and walked across the room to her jewelry box. She pulled out a black box and walked back and sat down next to me. She handed me to box and I opened it. It was the most beautiful ring. I had ever seen. The band was gold and it had a huge diamond. “I said yes.”

I hugged her. “I’m really happy for you. You two are perfect for each other.”


“So when is the wedding?”

She took the ring and put it back into her jewelry box. “Not for a while. I have to get through this year and his career. We won’t do anything until after their popularity dies down.”

“I understand.”

“So how long have you and Justin been together?”

“9 months.” Jasmine nodded. “I know it’s not 2 years or anything, but it’s the longest relationship I’ve ever been in. I guess you could say all of this is new to me.”

“Sophie, you’re at that point where you start to question everything, especially in your situation. Don’t question the love you have for him or how much he loves you. That will only make things worse. You know he loved you or he wouldn’t go through all he had to be with you.”

“I know. You’re right. Let’s go celebrate.” I jumped up and grabbed my purse and we headed out.

For the next month and a half Justin and I talked everyday. Finally it was the day before Justin and the guys were to come home. I was sitting in my dorm room watching TV when the phone starting ringing. It was about 6:00 so I figured it was Justin. I turned down the TV and sat back to have a long conversation. “Hello?”

“May I speak to Sophie?”

I sat up knowing it wasn’t Justin. “Yes this is her. Who is this?”

“It’s Drew.”

“Hi. How are you?”

“I’m doing good, really tired, but good. How are you?”

“I’m good, very good actually.”

“Something good happening?”

“Actually yes. My boyfriend is coming home tomorrow.”

“Do you mind if I ask who your boyfriend is?”

“I don’t mind. He’s Justin Timberlake.”

“Nice guy.”

“I seem to think so.” There was an awkward silence. “So how’s the tour going?”

“Pretty good. We’re in Vancouver right now.”

“Sounds cold.”

“It is. I wish I was in Florida where it’s nice and warm.”

“It is pretty nice here.” We both laughed. We ended up talking for the next 3 hours. Jasmine came in half way through the conversation. When I hung up the phone it was 9:00.

“Who were you talking to?” Jasmine asked.


“Drew? As in Drew Lachey?” She put down her books and walked over to my bed and sat down next to me.

I nodded my head. “Yeah.”

“How long have you two been talking?”

I looked at the clock. “About 3 hours.” Jasmine’s mouth dropped open. The phone started ringing and I answered it. “Hello?”

“Hey babe.”

“Hi. Aren’t you supposed to be giving a concert?” Jasmine got up and went back to her books.

“It was this afternoon.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“I’ve been trying to call you all night.”

“I was talking to a friend.” I looked at Jasmine. She was smirking at me. “So what time are you guys coming home tomorrow?”

“We’re catching a flight at 10:00.”

“And I’ll meet you at your house?”


“Is Bri coming?”

“Yes. JC convinced her that he needs her.”

“I’m glad. I miss her.”

“I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”

“I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I can’t wait to touch you, hug you, and kiss you.”

“I know, babe, me either. I bet your family feels the same way.”

“I hope not,” Justin said laughing.

I laughed too. “You know what I mean. I saw Jon the other day. He’s really excited to see you.”

“I’m excited to see him too. I miss my family a lot.”

“I know you do.” We talked for the next 3 hours. Jasmine was still awake when I hung up the phone.

You’ve just got a talking bug tonight don’t you?” she joked.

“Shut up. You’ve talked to Jeff longer that that and you know it.”

“Yeah, but I’ve never talked for 6 hours.”

“I didn’t do it on purpose. Drew surprised me. He and I have a lot in common. What can I say? We’re friends. Then Justin. I could talk to him all night. Just hearing his voice brightens my day.”

“I know what you’re saying.”

“You should come with me tomorrow.”

“To meet Justin? I don’t think so. You two are going to need some time alone. You said they’re going to be here for a month. We can meet some other time.”

“Ok. Well, I’m going to get some sleep so I can be rested tomorrow.”


“Night.” I slept peacefully, dreaming of Justin. When I woke up the next morning Jasmine was gone. There was a note on my computer.


I know we were supposed to have breakfast together, but something came up. I’ll explain it all later. Have a good day and have some fun for me.


I smiled and got ready for my first and only class of the day. It was Friday, which meant I would have to whole weekend to spend with Justin. I headed off to class with a smile on my face.

Class ended at noon. I headed across town to pick up my date for lunch. I pulled into the driveway and walked up to the door. Before I even had a chance to knock, the door flew open. There stood Jon smiling.

“Hi buddy. How are you feeling today?”

“I feel great.” She turned around and hugged me. “Hi, Sophie. It’s good to see you.”

“Good to see you too.”

“I hear you’re taking Jon here on a date.” She winked at me.

“Yup. I think we’re going to head to McDonalds then the park.”

“Well you better be heading out if you’re going to make it back.” “Yup. Let’s go. Bye, Mom.” He grabbed my hand and we were off.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 12
