Chapter 14

Two weeks flew by and as hard as we tried Justin and I barely got to see each other. It seemed that we interacted more over the phone than in person. Of all times to give me projects and such, it had to be when my boyfriend came for a long visit.

“Soph, are you coming?” Jasmine asked.

“Where to?”

“Oh well I dunno, try class,” she said sarcastically.

“Yeah, right behind you. Just waiting for a call.”

“OK. I’ll save ya a seat.”

“Thanks,” I said.

JC had said he needed to talk to me. He sounded like it was really important. He said he’d call soon. Just then the phone rang.


“Soph, hey it’s me.”

“What’s up?”

“Not much. I just needed to talk to you about something.”

I looked at the clock and saw that I’d be late and tried to hurry JC up. “JC, bad timing. I have a class in three minutes. Can it wait til after? Like 50 minutes?”

“Yeah that’s cool. Talk to you then.”

“Ok, later,” I said grabbing my bag and booking it to class. I saw Jas sitting near the front and took a seat next to her. Class seemed to drag on forever. The more I looked at the clock the longer class was. I was probably just anxious to hear what JC wanted to tell me. Class finally ended, and I ran all the way back to our dorm with Jas chasing after me.

“Goodness woman. Whatever JC has to say better be worth me running all this way from class.”

“I know. Tell me about it.”

The phone rang and Jas dived to answer it. “Hello?” she said breathing heavy.

“Jasmine? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, hey JC. Nothing. We ran all the way here from class because Soph wanted to get your call.”

“Oh I see, well can I talk to her?”

“Yeah sure.” She handed me the phone.

“Hey hun.”

“Hey I need to make this quick. Meet us at Chris’ apartment today at five.”

“Um…okay. Do I…” He hung up. “Boy that was rude.”

“What happened?”

“He told me to meet the guys somewhere then hung up before I got to say anything else.”

“Man, that was rude.”

I looked over at the clock to find that it was 1:00. “Well I have four hours to kill. Want to do something?” I asked.

“Nah, I’m cool. I’m waiting for Jeff to call so I’ll stay here.” She grabbed a bag of chips.

“Ok, then. If I don’t come home tonight, I’ll see you on Monday.”

“Have fun, babe. Bye.”

“Bye,” I said grabbing my purse and heading out. I stayed at the all for the hours I had to kill. I managed to get myself a new outfit. It wasn’t much, but it was good enough. I went to the restroom to change into my new outfit and got into my car soon after. I pulled into the parking lot under the apartment structure at five ‘o clock on the dot. I saw JC’s jeep and Justin’s Benz, so I knew they were already there. I made my way up the stairs to Chris’ door. It was slightly open so I let myself in. I found Bri and all the guys waiting for me on the couch. Bri was in tears and I honestly thought something was truly wrong. “Bri, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I asked worried.

“Oh nothing’s wrong. It’s just that this is an important day,” she said wiping her tears away.

“What?” I was more confused than ever.

Justin walked over to me. “You mean you don’t remember?”

“Remember what?” I said getting a little aggravated. “C’mon guys please clue me in.”

“This is the exact date our cars broke down a little while back.”


“I’ll be blunt. This is the day we first met at you house. Remember now?” Justin said.

Then it hit me, he was right. I couldn’t believe that they’d remember such a day like that one. That day changed my entire life and I had these guys to thank for it.

“Yes, I remember now. I can’t believe I forgot, especially with everything that happened after we met. Oh guys, I think I’m going to cry now,” I said feeling a teardrop down my cheek.

“That’s what I said,” Bri replied. “It’s really something to have you guys as friends. Soph and I truly appreciate everything you’ve given to us.”

“JC’s the one who brought it up last night. So we thought what better way but to celebrate. Kind of like starting over, without all the break-ups, bad dreams, and ex-girlfriends,” Lance said. Everyone had to laugh. After all we’ve been thought we’ve managed to conquer almost everything. We found ourselves getting into a big group huddle. Bri and I were in tears. This moment was something we knew we would remember for a long time. We all separated and sat bad down. I ended up in Justin’s lap.

“So what are we going to do now?” Joey asked.

“How about dinner,” Chris said getting up from his seat. “I ordered some food and thought we should eat here.”

“Good, let’s eat. I’m starving,” I said jumping up.

“Awww…Babe, ya haven’t eaten yet?” Justin asked following me.

“No, babe. Well not since breakfast. I had important classes today so I skipped it.”

“Well don’t get all anorexic on me, ok.” I nodded. He was being cute, something I adored about him.

We all gathered around the table and began eating. Dinner was great. There was an assortment of food on the table, from Italian to Chinese. It was delicious. Bri and JC offered to clear the table while everyone waited for them in the other room.

“JC?” Bri said a little shaky.

“Yeah, babe.”

“Why do I get the feeling I’m not fitting in here?”

“What do you mean hunnie?” JC asked putting down the dishes he was had.

“I mean, you’ve all six know each other and have a special bond between the six of you. I came in a little late to join that bond.”

“Bri, hun, don’t think like that. Of course you fit in here. You’re the big sister of the group. Plus you’re all mine. That has to mean something. We all love you, especially me. What made you think that way?” he asked holding her hands.

“I’m not sure. The thought just ran though my head that’s all,” she said pulling him close.

“You have a special bond with each of the guys and you know it. Joey would be worse than he is if you weren’t around to set him straight. You’re someone other than me that Chris can pick on. You’re someone Lance can really talk to. The things you did to keep Sophie and Justin together are amazing. So baby, please don’t say things like that.”

“I won’t. I’m sorry, JC,” She said hugging him closer to him.

Hours later we all decided to crash at Chris’. Since we’ve been there so many times, we already had our own stash of clothes to change into. We al met back on the couches and talked a while longer. It was nearing 2:00 and I looked up to see Lance, JC, and Bri all sleeping. I turned around to look at Justin behind me. He was asleep too. So Joey, Chris, and I decided we should get some sleep too. The next morning I woke up to a phone ringing somewhere. It was soft and sounded far away. I stretched and felt something move on my stomach. I looked down and there was Joey’s head. I shook his shoulder. “Joe, I’m getting up.” He lifted his head slightly and I slide out. I could still hear the phone ringing. I went to my purse on the chance it could be mine. It was. “Hello?”

“Girl, where are you?”

“I told you I probably wouldn’t come back.”

“Well your brother is standing here. He says you knew he was coming.”

“Josh? Oh my God! I’ll be right there.”

“Ok.” As I hung up the phone up Joey walked past me.

I grabbed his arm. “Joe, something came up and I have to go. Tell Justin I’ll call him later.” Before he could say anything I grabbed my purse and ran out the door. When I got to the dorms I flew up the stairs and flung open the door. There sat Josh and Jasmine.

“Hey little sis.”

I looked at Jas. “Jas, could you give us some time alone?”

“Yeah. Um…I’m picking Jeff up at the airport in an hour. I’ll come back after that.”

“Ok. Thanks.” She hugged me and then left. I looked at Josh. “What are you doing here?”

“Can’t I come to see my little sister?”

“No, not if she doesn’t want you to.”

He looked me up and down. “I see you’re still dressing like a slut.” I had on the boxers and spagetti strap tank top form the night before. “Let me guess, you were with Blondie last night.”

“It doesn’t matter where I was last night. Why are you here?”

“I just came to see how my little sis is doing?” “I’m great, fine, perfect. Now go!”

“I’m getting the feeling that I’m not wanted here.”

“That’s probably because you’re not.”

“That was rude.”

“I’m sorry. Would you like me to say it nicer? I don’t want you here. Would you please leave?”

“You know what? You’re just a little slut. All you are is a whore for that Blondie. He’s using you and soon he’ll dump you.”

“Go to hell!!”

He got up and stepped close to her. “Don’t talk to me like that.” He slapped me across the face. I shrank back and put my hands over my face. “Get out! Now! And don’t ever come back!” Josh slowly got up and walked past me out the door. As soon as the door closed behind him I crumpled into a sobbing ball on my bed with my hands over my throbbing face.

An hour and a half later, I heard the door open. I was in the exact same spot where I collapsed and I was still crying. “Hey, Soph! Look who’s here.” When I didn’t respond, she walked over to my bed. She climbed up and sat down beside me. “Soph, what’s wrong?” I looked up at her with tears streaming down my face. She immediately hugged me. She started rocking me back and forth saying, “It’ll be alright. Everything will be fine.” When I still wouldn’t stop crying she asked, “Do you want Justin?” I nodded my head. “Drew, come here and take my place.” He did what she said. She dialed Justin’s number.



“No. This is JC.”

“Let me talk to Justin. It’s about Sophie. Please it’s important.”

“OK. Hold on.”


“Justin, this is Jasmine. You need to come over here right away. Sophie needs you.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. She won’t tell us.”

“Ok. I’ll be right there.” Jas hung up the phone and looked at me. 15 minutes later Justin showed up. He immediately took the place of Drew. “Baby, what’s wrong? Tell me what happened.” I just shook my head. I didn’t know why I couldn’t tell them. I just couldn’t. “Jas, what happened this morning?”

“I don’t know, Justin. I went to pick up these two because she said she wanted to be alone with him.”

Justin looked at her. “Who?”

“Her brother, Josh.”

Justin was immediately angry. “Baby, what did he say or do?”

“Justin, what’s going on?”

“I’ll explain later.”

“Ok. We’ll leave you two alone.” The three of them left.

“Baby, tell me what happened.”

“H…h…he said I was your wh…who…whore and that you were just u…us…using me and once you were done you would du…dum…dump me.”

“Oh, baby. None of that is true. I love you and I’m never going to leave you.”

“I know, but he..he…”

“Ssshhh. Don’t think about that. You’re here with me and he’s gone. Don’t think about him.” He held me till I stopped crying and fell asleep. He sat beside me and watched me sleep. As he watched me he noticed my red cheek. I woke up an hour later to see him still watching me.

“Do I look that bad?”


“You’re staring at me. I was wondering if I look terrible.”

“I was just watching you sleep. You look like an angel.” I could feel myself start to blush so I hid my face in my pillow. Justin decided not to mention the now turning black and blue cheek until I did. “How are you feeling?”

“Better,” I said lifted my head up. “I’m sure I look great.” I got down and looked in the mirror. My eyes got huge when I saw my left cheek was turning black and blue. I touched it gingerly. I didn’t think it would bruise.

“Did he hit you?” Justin asked calmly. I didn’t answer. Justin climbed down from the bed and walked up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and put his chin on my shoulder. “I know the answer. I just need to hear you say it.” I just nodded my head. “Will you tell me exactly what happened?”

“Jas called telling me Josh was here so I got here as fast as I could. I asked her to leave so she would know what was going on. He asked how I was doing and I told him he wasn’t wanted here. Then he started in on the way I was dressed and where I was last night. I told him it wasn’t any of his business asked him to leave and he stared in with the whole…” my voice cracked and I had to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from my ears. “He started in on those awful words. I told him to go to hell and he slapped me. I told him to leave and he did.” I felt Justin’s arms tighten protectively around me. “Babe, you need to get a restraining order.” “I know. I will first thing in the morning.” Justin kissed my bruised cheek softly.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 15
