Chapter 15

At about 5:00 Jeff, Drew, and Jas came back. I hugged Jas. “Thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Then I hugged Drew. “Thank you too. You’re one of my best friends.” When I pulled away from Drew I looked at Justin. I could see the jealousy in his eyes. “Come down here and sit with me,” I said to Justin. I saw him hesitate before climbing down.

“Soph, what happened to your cheek?” Jas asked hesitantly.

“I’ll explain later.”

“So how long are you guys here for?” Justin asked.

“We’re on break for the next month. Then it’s to LA to start recording the new album,” Jeff said.

“New album?” Jas said looking at him.


“When were you going to tell me?”

”Jas, babe, what’s the big deal?”

Jas got up and walked to her desk. “Absolutely nothing. Everything’s perfect.” She started her computer. An image of Jeff filled the screen. Jeff got up and walked over to her.

“Babe, what are you doing?”

She shook off the hand he placed on her shoulder. “I just remembered some work I have to do.”

“Soph, we’d better go see the guys. I’m sure they’re worried sick.”

“Ok.” I walked over to Jas. “Hon I have my cell phone. Call if you need me.”

She looked at me. “Ok. I will.”

“Jeff, I’m going to head over to the hotel. I’ll see you later,” Drew said. He followed us out the door.

“Do you want a ride?” I asked Drew.

“Sure, if you guys don’t mind.”

”Of course not.” We all climbed into Justin’s car. We rode in silence to the hotel.

“I’ll talk to you later,” I said as Drew got out.

“Ok. Bye.” Justin and I rode to Chris’s house in silence. When we walked in Bri practically tackled me. “Are you ok? What happened to your cheek? Sophie, what happened?”

“Bri, I’m ok.” We walked into the living room where all the guys were. Chris ran up to me. “Soph, what happened? Why is your cheek bruised?” “Ok, everyone sit down and I’ll tell everyone.” I told them what happened. “Justin’s right. His words mean nothing. He was just trying to hurt you,” JC said.

“Soph, you know he’s always been the one that will say or do anything when he’s mad. Don’t forget freshman year,” Bri said.

“Don’t worry. I’ll never forget that.”

“What happened?” Justin asked.

“Nothing. Just my brother being my brother,” I said. We sat around talking for a while.

“Does anyone want anything to drink?” Chris asked. Everyone said yes. “Justin, will you help me?”

“Yeah.” He kissed me on the cheek and got up.

When they got to the kitchen, Chris turned on him. “What was that?”

Justin looked at him confused. “What are you talking about?”

“Why are you being so overprotective of Sophie today?”

“Geez, I wonder. Did you hear any of that story she just told?”

“Yeah, but I can tell there is something more going on.”

“Chris, you’re crazy. There is nothing else going on.”

“Come on, Curly. Just tell me. I’m going to find out anyway.”

“Ok. Ok. You know how she’s friends with all the 98* guys?”


“Well like two weeks ago when we were hanging out, Drew called. And he’s called every night since then.”

“Well, they’re friends. What’s the big deal?”

“Well when I walked into her place today, they were hugging?”

“This was when she was hysterically crying?”

“Yeah, but why wasn’t Jas holding her?”

“She called you right?”

“True, but all I keep seeing is those two holding each other.”

“Justin, don’t worry about it. The fact that she’s with you right now and not with him means something.”

“Yeah I know. I guess I’m just paranoid.”

“Well we better get out there before they start to wonder.” They each grabbed a couple sodas and walked back into the living room. I looked up and could tell there was something wrong with Justin, but I decided to wait until later to talk to him about it. We all sat around talking until I decided it was time to go home and get some sleep.

“Justin, I think I want to go home. My eyes hurt and I have a headache. I want to go to sleep.”

“Ok, baby. I’ll take ya home. I’ll talk to you later guys.” Everyone said bye.

When we got into his car I questioned him. “Justin, is something wrong?”

Justin looked at me. “What are you talking about? I’m fine.”

“Justin, take a left here.”


“I want to take you somewhere. Please?”

Justin smiled. “You know I can’t resist that face. Where are we going?”

“A beach.”

“A beach? Honey, I’ve seen most of the beaches around here.”

“You haven’t seen this one trust me.”

“How do you know?”

“I just do. Take a right. Now take that little gravel road.”

“Wow! Babe, this is beautiful.”

“Isn’t it?” I got out of the car and headed towards the water. I stood there staring at the water. The wind was blowing in off the water and I shivered. I soon felt Justin’s arms wrap around me from behind. “It’s kinda chilly.”

He tightened his hold. “Is that better?”

I smiled. “Yeah.”

“This is kinda secluded. We’re not going to get in trouble for being here are we?”


“Who’s property is this?”


Justin turned me around so I was facing him. “What?”

“This is what my grandparents left me when they died.”


“Right before the end of the tour.”

“You didn’t tell me.”

I pulled out of his arms and sat down by the water. “I didn’t see any reason to.”

Justin kneeled in front of me. “Babe, that’s a huge deal. I can tell they meant a lot to you. You must have meant a lot to them too if they left you this.”

“It’s ok. They never called, never came and saw me. They just left this to me because they knew Josh wouldn’t take care of it. They never really cared. They wouldn’t even acknowledge my mom as my father’s wife because they didn’t like her.”

“Oh, Soph. I don’t know what to say.”

“There’s nothing to say. Sit here. I want to talk to you.” Justin sat down beside me. “Justin what’s wrong? Ever since this morning you’ve had this look in your eyes.”

“I’m upset with myself. I wasn’t there for you this morning and it kills me that I couldn’t protect you.”

I hugged him. “Oh, baby. There was nothing you could do. You’re here now and I could never ask for anything more.”

Justin pulled back and gently rubbed my bruised cheek. “If I would have been there you wouldn’t have had to go through this.”

I took his hand in my own and put it over my heart. “Justin, I love you! I don’t need anything else.” I kissed him. He deepened the kiss and I pushed him back into the sand climbing on top of him. I ran my hands through his curly hair and heard him moan against my lips. I knew I was ready for this and that it was time. I pulled away and looked at him. I smiled and he smiled back at me.

The next morning I woke up freezing. I snuggled closer to Justin for warmth. “Morning,” Justin said.


“It’s kinda chilly.”

“Yes it is. Why are we still here again?”

“I think we wanted to see the sunset after that wonderful night last night.”

I smiled remembering last night. “I think we missed it. It was wonderful wasn’t it?”

“Better than I could have ever dreamed about.” We both smiled.

“Well since we missed it maybe we should go somewhere warmer. I’ve got goose bumps all over my body.”

Justin looked at me. “Can I see that? I’d like to see that.”

“Didn’t you get enough last night?”

“Nope. I can never get enough. Honey, I need to ask you something.”

“What honey?”

“Should we like go to a clinic to get that…morning after pill…or something. Cause I mean this wasn’t planned or anything.” I started laughing. Justin pulled away and looked at me. “What’s so funny?”

I kissed his cheek. “It’s ok, babe. I’m on the pill.”

Justin looked shocked. “Since when?”

“Do you remember that day on the bus a long time ago? You know the day we got back together?”

Justin thought for a minute. “Oh yeah. I remember that. You’ve been on it since then?”


“Why did you think you were going to get some?” Justin asked with an evil smile.

I tickled his bare stomach. “Yup. I knew you wanted me.”

Justin’s face got serious. “You’re right. I still want you.” He leaned over and started kissing me. His kisses were full of passion and I could tell what he wanted.

I pulled way burying the back of my head in the sand. “Justin, as much as I want to we better get home. No one has heard from us since last night. Don’t you think they’re going to start getting worried?”

“Let them worry. We’re having too much fun.” He started kissing my shoulders and neck.

I almost gave in, but the thought of Jas sitting at home worrying about me made me stop. “Justin?”

“Hmmm,” he said not stopping what he was doing.

“Baby, we have to get back. Jas is probably worried sick. I probably have tons of messages on my phone. We’ll have plenty of time later. We have this beach whenever.”

Justin reluctantly gave in. “Ok.” He got off me and sat up. I laid there staring at Justin’s bare back. I sat up beside him and rubbed his back. I got up and slipped on my jeans. “Awww…why did you have to go and do that?”

I took off his shirt and put mine back on. “Because I think it would look bad if we showed up in each others clothes. I don’t want everyone to know about this. We need to talk about that.”

Justin stood up. “Don’t worry babe. I’m not going to tell anyone. That’s not something I’m going to run to the guys and tell them.”

I hugged him to me. “Good because I wouldn’t want to have to cut off something that I enjoy so much.”

I had to laugh at his expression. “That was just plain mean.”

“I was kiddin.”

“Not funny.”

I let go of Justin and picked up his shirt and through it at him. I started walking towards the car. “Come on babe. I wouldn’t want to have to leave you here.” I got in the drivers seat as Justin walked up. He stood there until I rolled down the window. “Yes?”

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m driving.”

“No. No one drives my car except me.”

“Well…we’re all for new experiences today huh?”

Justin stood there for a few minutes trying to decide if he should let me or not. Finally he walked around and got in the passengers side. He handed me the keys. “Be careful.”

I kissed him. “Don’t worry babe. I’m always careful.” I carefully drove back to the dorm. I got out and met Justin halfway around the car. I wrapped my arms around his neck. “What are you going to do today?”

“Sleep. We start recording again tomorrow.”

“I though you guys had that all recorded?”

“We did, but Johnny just got a new song he thinks will be perfect for us. We have to record that then the album is finished.”

“When is it coming out?”

Justin’s eyes clouded over. “Um…we’re not sure.”


“How about we get together this afternoon. I’m sure you need sleep after that wild ride last night.” He got an evil grin on his face. “I know I need do.”

“Ok. Call me.” I kissed him softly then pulled away. “Bye.”

“Bye.” He looked after me longingly.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 16
