Chapter 18

I looked at my watch. It said 1:30. I laid my head back on Justin’s chest. “We should head back. I told JC we would be home by midnight, and it’s 1:30.”

Justin’s hand ran up and down my back in a very soothing motion. “Can I ask why you told JC?”

“Well you don’t think I did this all myself do you?” She looked up at him and could tell he did. “Well I had a little help.”

“Well we better get going then. I don’t want to be lectured tomorrow morning.”

“Me either.” We got up and picked everything up. I realized we never touched the wine. “Justin do you realize we never touched the wine?”

“That’s ok. We don’t need alchol to have fun.” He raised his eyebrow up and down.

“I know,” I said with the same look. We finished picking up all our stuff and put it all in my car. I drove us back to Justin’s house. He started getting the stuff out of the car. “Just leave it in here. We can get it tomorrow.”

“Ok.” We got out of the car and headed inside. It was dark so I figured everyone was still asleep. We went straight up to Justin’s room. We laid down and instantly fell sleep. I woke up to a pounding on the door. I got up and answered it. I think Chris was shocked to find me in Justin’s room.

“What’s up Chris?”

“Um…Justin needs to get up. We have to be somewhere be today.”

I was too tired to care if he was acting suspicioius. “I’ll have him up in a few minutes.”


I walked over to Justin and climbed into the bed beside him. I kissed his cheek. He moaned, but didn’t wake up. I gave him a quick peck on the lips, but he still didn’t wake up. Finally I crawled on top of him and started kissing his chest. I knew he was awake when I felt his arms wrap around me. I pulled back a little and looked at him. “Well good morning.”

“That was a great way to wake up.”

“I try.”

”I can only think of one thing that would be better.”

”What’s that?”

“This.” He captured my mouth with his slipping his tongue into my mouth. After a few minutes I pulled back. “What?”

”You have to get up. Chris just about broke the door down bagging on it a while ago. He said you guys have to be somewhere today.” Justin sat up quickly just about knocking me off the bed. He grabbed me before I could fall. “Geez, Justin. If you want me to get off then just tell me. You don’t have to knock me on the floor.”

“Sorry babe. I just forgot we have a meeting today about the new album.”

“Oh. Well you better go get ready then.” Justin kissed me quickly then ran off to get ready. I laid back down and started to drift back to sleep. I woke up a couple of hours later realizing Justin had left without saying goodbye. I got up, showered and got dressed. Then I started packing up my clothes and the few things I had moved there two weeks ago. I knew Justin and Lynn weren’t going to be happy about me moving back, but I had to. I only had a month of classes left and I needed to think about what I was going to do in the summer. I finally got all my stuff packed into my car and headed to the dorms. Jas was there when I got there. She took on look at the box I was holding and looked confused.

“Hey, Soph! What are you doing here?”

I smiled at her. “I’m moving back in. That is if you’ll have me.”

“Of course, but I thought you were going to be staying at Justin’s for the rest of the school year.”

“What made you think that?” I asked confused.

“That’s what Justin told me.”

“Oh he did, did he?” I set the box down next to the closet. “Well I feel 100% better and I think it’s time I moved back here. I’m sure he’ll understand.”

Jas hugged me. “Well I’m glad to have you back. I don’t want to damper the mood, but….”

“No the trial hasn’t started. They said it would be a while. The courts are backed up. They said probably a month.”

“They can’t get out can they?” She looked worried.

“If someone makes bail, I suppose they can. I don’t exactly know for sure. “

“Aren’t you worried?”

“No, I know there is no one that would make bail for them.”

“They’ll be convicted. I’m sure of it.”

“I know. You wanna help me carry the rest of my stuff up. All I have left are two suitcases and some stuff from last night.”

“How did that go?” I got this huge smile on my face that I couldn’t seem to wipe off. Jas laughed. “That good huh?” I just nodded my head. Jas helped me with my stuff and we sat around talking. Later, at about 4:30, there was a knock at the door. I kinda jumped. Jas saw this so she answered it. “Hey, Justin.”

“Is she here?” He sounded worried.

“Yeah she’s right here.” She opened the door more so he could see me sitting at my computer.

He ran to me, pulled me off the chair, and hugged me tightly. “Babe, what’s wrong.” He didn’t say anything. He just hugged me tighter. “Honey, I need air.” He loosened his grip and I pulled away. “Sit down and tell me what’s wrong.”

“You scared the hell out of me.”

“What? What did I do?”

“I got home and you were gone. I couldn’t find you anywhere. You could have left a note or something.”

“I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t think about it.” It was then that Justin looked around and noticed the suitcases and box. It hit him and his smile dissapeared.

“What is this?”

“Justin, calm down. I’m feeling 100% better. You of all people should know that from last night. It’s time my life got back to normal. It can’t do that when I’m always be watched over by you, one of the guys, your parents, or Bri.”

“But Jas is here.”

“She’s too busy to care what I’m doing.”

“Soph, that’s not true,” she said.

“I know. I’m just trying to make this lug feel better.” They both laughed. “Justin, baby, I’ll be fine. If I need anything and I mean anything I’ll call you.”

“Promise me you will.”

“I promise.”

“Jas, promise me you’ll call me if she needs me, but is too stubborn to call me.”

“I promise.”

“Now that we’ve all promised, tell me about this big meeting.”

“We talked about when we were going to go on tour. We’re releasing the album in a week and management thinks it would be a good idea to not wait too long on the tour.”

My smile faded. “So when are you leaving?”

“We’re thinking beginning of June.” I just nodded my head. “Babe can we go somewhere and talk?”

“No, you guys stay here. I have to go meet Jeff anyway,” Jas said.

I looked up at her. “Oh tell him I said hi and that I’m doing good. Also have him tell Drew to call me. I haven’t heard from him in a while.”

“He went back to Ohio last week.”

“Well that’s good. At least he’s with his family.”

“Yeah, well I’ll call ya later.”

“Ok. Bye.”

Jas left and I hugged Justin to me. “Babe, I talked to the guys and management. I want you to come with me. The guys think it’s a good idea and management agreed to it after they heard what happened.”


Justin pulled away a little bit to look me in the eyes. “What?” He was a little shocked. He had expected me to put up a fight.

“I said yes. I want to be with you. I don’t think I could handle being away from you.”

Justin hugged me tightly. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I hugged him a little longer then I pulled away and walked to the door. I locked it then turned around and smiled at him. I walked back to the bed and kissed him. I ran my hands through his curly hair. Justin moaned against my lips. “You like that?” He moaned again. I gently pushed him down on the bed and crawled on top of him stratling his hips. I gently sucked on his ear lobe then ran my tonuge down his jaw line. I kissed his neck and then moved on to his adams apple. That’s when I realized his breathing was a little too rythmic. I looked up and saw that he was sleeping with a smile on his face. I laughed at him and layed down beside him wrapping my arms around him and closing my eyes thinking about Justin.

I woke up hearing people laughing. I looked and there were Jas and Jeff. I started to get up, but a strong arm held me in place. I looked up to see Justin looking at me. “I think they’re messing around,” Justin whispered. I listened to them a little more and indeed they were. I laughed a little and I guess Jas heard me. “Soph, are you awake?”

“Um…Yeah.” I heard rustling and some laughter. “So Jeff, how are you doing?”

“I’m good. How about you, Soph?”

I laughed. “Not as good as you.” I looked at Justin and he must of remembered what happened because he got very red. “Sorry inside joke.”

“Well we’re going to go get something to eat. Do you two want to go?” Jas asked.

“Nope. I’m going to get some more sleep. I didn’t get much last night.”

“Ok. I’ll see ya later.”


“So do you want to finished what I started earlier?” Justin asked.

“Nope. I want to get some sleep.” I laid down and fell asleep.

The last month of school flew by and before I knew it, it was finals time. Justin and I hardly saw each other. He was busy getting ready for the tour and I was busy with finals. After I took the last test of the year I was supposed to meet Justin in my room. I ran all the way across campus only to find the room empty. I finished packing up everything that would be stored at Justin’s house while we were on tour. Then I decided I needed a nap. I woke up feeling someone lay down beside me. I figured it was Justin so I snuggled up next to him. “It’s nice to see you’re so glad to see me,” a familiar voice said.

I shot straight up in bed. “Scott, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in jail.”

“Made bail baby. By the way that was a really mean thing you did. You shouldn’t have done that.”

I jumped off the bed and ran across the room. “Why are you here. You need to get out of here.” I wasn’t going to let him know I was scared of him.

He got up slowly and started walking towards me. “I’ll leave when I’m done with what I came here for.”

Just then there was a knock on the door. I ran over to it and answered it. It was Justin. I threw myself into his arms and tried to back him out into the hallway, but he wouldn’t budge. “Hey, baby. What are you doing? Are you that anxious to get going? I thought we could grab your stuff and take it over to my place while we’re going.” He let go of me and walked around me into the room before I could say anything. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Scott. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I came to repay Sophie here for everything she has done.”

“You need to get out of here and stay away from her.”

“Why? There is no restraining order against me. I checked before leaving the courthouse.”

Justin looked at me. “Well that will change today.”

“Too late because neither of you will be leaving this room.” He pulled out a gun. He put the gun up and aimed at Justin.

“Noooo!” I screamed. I ran and jumped in front of Justin. I feel to the floor with a sharp pain in my arm. As Justin leaned over me, campus security ran in the door. Seems someone had heard the screaming and called campus security. He tackled Scott as he tried to get away.

“What the hell were you thinking?” Justin asked me.

“I don’t know. Just a reaction I guess.”

“Stupid reaction I would say. But thanks.”

“How bad does it look?”

“It doesn’t look that bad. We just need to stop the bleeding.” Justin took off the button down shirt he was wearing over a wife-beater and put pressure on my arm. I let out a cry of pain. “Someone call 911,” Justin yelled at all the people standing around. I blacked out and woke up in the hospital. Justin was sitting beside me. BJ and JC were sitting over in the corner. The rest of the guys were standing around the room. I tried to set up, but a shooting pain in my arm made me think twice.

Justin looked at me and gripped my hand tighter. “Are you ok?” He asked. “Yeah, my arm’s a little sore, but I’m fine.”

“Sophie, I was so scared.”

“Justin, baby, it’s fine. It’s just my arm. I think I’ll survive.”

“I’ve almost lost you twice and I don’t think I could bare to lose you.”

“What are you saying Justin?”

“Sophie, marry me and promise me we will be together all the time.”

“Justin, I think you’re overreacting.”

“No I’m not. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. This is just my opportunity. Please say you’ll be my wife.”

“Yes.” Justin got this huge grin on his face. Then he leaned in and sweetly kissed me. We stopped when we heard applause around us. “I love you, Justin.”

“I love you too baby. I love you so much.”


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