Chapter 9

4 months later…

I reached up to grab the box with my shoes in it. “Soph, when did you get that?” Bri asked. She was sitting on my bed. It was my graduation day and she was helping me get dressed.


“That ring in your bellybutton.”

“Oh, that. 2 months ago.”

“And you didn’t tell me?”

“I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t really want my parents to know about it.”

“Ok. I see.” She suddenly got quiet.

“What’s wrong?” I grabbed the shoebox and sat down on the bed next to her.

“I miss him.”

I hugged her.” I know how you feel. I still can’t believe he’s not going to be there today. But just think, in 2 days we’ll be with them for the next 2 months.”

“I know. I can’t wait. Now let’s get you ready.” I put on my dress, which was white with flowers on the top. Bri did my make-up and hair. Finally I was ready to go. The actual ceremony was pretty boring. After the ceremony we formed a line and people came through and congratulated us. My family and younger friends went by. The line was almost done when someone came up behind me and hugged me. I turned around and saw Chris.

“Oh my God!” I hugged him again. “What are you doing here?”

“Well we had a break unexpentantly come up. Congrats on that.” He pointed to my diploma.

“Thanks. Did the rest of the guys come with you?”

“Yeah, they already headed to your house. I had to fight Curly to be the one to take you home.” I laughed.

“Well lets get going.” He led me to the car he was driving. “What happened that you got a break? Just 2 days ago when I talked to Justin you guys had shows all week.”

“You’ll see when we get to your house.”

“You make it sound so mysterious.” We talked and joked all the way to my house. There were already a lot of people at my house. When I got into the house everyone jumped me at once. Finally, I had talked to everyone, family and friends. I went in search of the guys. I found them sitting on my deck talking. I immediately noticed JC had a cast on his arm. I walked up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. “What did you do to yourself?”

“I had a little accident.” He stood up and hugged me the best he could. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks. Have you seen Bri yet? She’s around here somewhere.”

“Yeah. She just went to get something to drink.” Lance and Joey hugged me and said congrats. Then I walked over to Justin who was waiting quite impatiently. He stood up and hugged me.

“Thanks.” I breathed in his wonderful sent and just enjoyed having his arms around me.

About 5 minutes later we heard Chris say, “Ok, lovebirds, break it up.” We pulled apart and saw everyone staring at us.

“What? It’s my graduation and I can do whatever I want to.”

“You go girl,” Justin said.

Just then my mom walked out. “Soph, people are starting to leave. You need to say goodbye and thank you.”

“Ok. I’ll be right there.” She left. “Looks like I have to make an appearance. Are you guys going to stay here?”

“Yeah. We’ll wait for you here,” Justin said.

“Ok.” I kissed him on the cheek and left to mingle with my guests. I talked to everyone again. I said thank you so my times I thought I was going to throw up. Finally all the guests were gone and only family was left. I went out to the deck to see the guys where I left them. Bri was sitting next to JC holding his good hand. I walked up to Justin and sat down on his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder.


“Yes. I’m glad this only happens once.”

“Well you handled it beautifully,” Chris said.

“Thanks. I’m going to go change. I’ll be right back.” I got up and headed for my room. I put on a t-shirt and shorts. I was just putting my hair in a ponytail when there was a knock at the door. “Come in.” Just come in, looked at me, and stopped. “What?” I dropped my arms.

“Did you always have that?”


He walked over to me, lifted my shirt slightly and gently touched my bellybutton ring. “That?”

“No. I got it a couple of months ago. I didn’t tell anyone because I don’t want my parents to know.”

“I see.”

“Do you like it?”

He touched it again. “Yes. I think it’s sexy.”

“Well that’s what I was going for. Did you come up here for a reason or just to see little old me.”

“Actually, I came up to talk to you.”

I stared at him. “This doesn’t sound good.”

He took my hand and led me to the bed where we sat down. “Don’t worry. It’s nothing bad. First, I want to know if you can be ready to leave with us tomorrow instead of in 2 days. We only canceled 2 shows because JC feels he can perform. We all have our doubts but if he wants to we’re not going to stop him.”

“Yeah, I can be ready tomorrow. To tell you the truth, I’m already packed.”

“Really? A little excited aren’t we?”

“Well I have reason to be. So what else did you want to talk to me about?”

“I want to go public with our relationship. I want everyone to know how much I love you.”

“Justin, have you thought about this? Have you thought about what this could do to your career?”

“Soph, I have been thinking about it for 4 months. I have talked to Lou and Johnny about it. They’re not happy about it, but they know I’m going to do what I want. And what I want is for the whole world to know that I love you.”

“Justin, I don’t want to hurt your career in any way. I know that your career is the most important thing in your life right now. If I in any way hurt that, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”

“Soph, you are just as important as my career. I love you. Love is the one thing I thought I would never find. Now that I have it I’m not letting it go.”

“Justin, I love you so much. If this is what you want to do, lets do it.”

“Ok. We have an interview tomorrow night. I thought that would be appropriate.”

“Sounds good.” I started to get up, but Justin pulled me back down. He looked at me tenderly stroking my check. Then he leaned down and kissed me. Just then there was a knock at the door. “Yeah?”

My mom came in. She raised her eyebrow when she saw us sitting on my bed. “Honey, I was just wondering if you wanted to open your presents now?”

“Um…yeah. We’ll be right down.”

“Ok.” She left but didn’t close the door.

“We should probably be heading down,” Justin said standing up.

“We will. In a minute.” I stood up and hugged him. I kissed his neck lightly. I pulled back and kissed his lips. Five minutes later I pulled back. “I started something didn’t I?”

“Uh huh,” Justin said nodding his head with his eyes closed.

“Sorry. I just couldn’t help myself.”

“I know. It’s okay. Let’s just head down now so you can open your presents.”

I jumped up and down. “Presents for me! Presents for me!” I started skipping out of the room with Justin following behind me shaking his head.

After 2 hours we finally had all the presents opened. I had gotten many things from money to a bracelet. The guys gave me a bracelet with an inscription on the back. The inscription said To our best friend and biggest fan. We love you! My parents gave me a brand new Geo Tracker. Bri gave me a framed picture of me and her. “So you won’t forget me,” she had said. Joey, Lance, and Chris offered to help my parents clean up while JC and Bri went off and Justin and I went off. Justin and I went to the playground by the elementary school. We were sitting on the swings in silence. I was looking at Justin and I saw something glinting in the moonlight. It was the ring I had given him. I got up and walked over to him. I took his right hand and slipped it off. I took his left hand and put it on his ring finger. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I haven’t given you my present yet.”

“Yeah, you did. The bracelet.”

“That was from all of us. This is from just me.”

“Justin, you didn’t have to.”

“I couldn’t help myself. I saw it and thought of you.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a sack. I took it and opened it. When I saw what was inside I started laughing I pulled out the earrings. One said Justin, and the other said Timberlake.

“That’s hilarious. I’ve seen these before.” I couldn’t stop laughing.

“I thought you’d like them.” He stood up.

“I do.” I was still laughing.

“What can I do to make you stop laughing?”

“Nothing,” I said between laughs.

“I think I have something.” He cupped my face with his hands. He kissed me tenderly. I stopped laughing instantly. “I knew that would work.”

“We should be heading back.” Justin nodded his head and took my hand. When we got back to my house I noticed that my parents car was gone. When we walked inside we found Chris, Joey, and Lance sitting in the living room, “Hey, guys. Did my parents go somewhere?”

“Yeah. They got a phone call and left. They asked us to stay here tonight to keep you company. They said they would try to be back before we leave tomorrow,” Lance said.

“Did they say where they were going?”

“Nope, they just left.”

“Ok. Do you guys remember where my brothers room is?” Lance nodded his head. “Two people can sleep there and someone can sleep in my parents room. It’s down that hall to the right.”

“Ok. Sounds good,” Chris said.

“I’m going to hit the sack. I’m exhausted.” I turned around towards Justin. “Are you sleeping in my room?”

“If you want me to.”

“I do.”

“Ok. Nite guys.”

‘Nite,” Joey and Lance said.

“Don’t get too playful in there,” Chris said with a smirk on his face. Justin glared at him.

“Oh. Where are JC and Bri?”

“They’re out by the pool,” Joey said.

“Ok.” We walked up to my room. I realized Justin didn’t have any extra clothes. “Honey, what are you going to sleep in? I noticed you don’t have a suitcase or anything.”

“Our stuff is in the car. I’ll just sleep in my boxers and t-shirt.”

“Sounds good.”

“Do you know what sounds good to me?”

“What’s that?” He intertwined his fingers with mine then wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked at him strangely. “What are you doing?” He smiled then kissed me. I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck, but they were trapped behind my back. I pulled back a little. “Can I have my arms back?” He laughed slightly then let go of my hands. They were immediately around his neck pulling him closer to me. We kissed again deepening the kiss. My hands ran through his soft curly hair. I started walking backwards toward the bed pulling Justin with me. Once we reached the bed I laid down pulling him down on top of me. We continued to kiss until I ran my hands up under his shirt over his chest. He pulled back and rolled off me. I rolled onto my side and looked at him. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. We just need to slow down and stop now before things get out of hand.

I put my hand on his chest. “What if I don’t want to stop?”

He put his hand over mine. “You do. You may not think you do, but you do.”

I looked at him sadly. “Don’t you want to?”

“Of course I do. You have no idea how much strength it took me to stop, but I know you’re not ready and I’m not sure I am either.”

“How are you so certain I’m not ready?”

“Because we were in this exact same position 4 months ago and you said yourself you weren’t ready.”

“Justin, it’s been 4 months!”

“4 months we haven’t seen each other. I just think we should wait a little longer.”

“If that’s what you want?”

“It is.”

“I love you!”

“I love YOU!”

“I’m going to go shower and change.” I kissed him on his cheek then got up. When I got back he was under the covers fast asleep. He looked so cute. I gently got in bed and covered up. I was almost asleep when I felt his arms around my waist and pull me close. He snuggled up to me and snuggled his head into my neck. I fell asleep with his breathe on my neck.

The next morning I woke up with Justin’s head snuggled up close to my chest. I smiled remembering last night. I laid there just enjoying be close to him. There was a knock at the door. I tried to pull away gently, but Justin’s arms tightened. I looked down at him. “Just let whoever it is in,” he mumbled.

“Come in,” I said.

In walked my brother Josh. I gently but forcefully pushed Justin away. “Soph, can I talk to you for a minute?” Justin looked up at my brother shocked. He had never met him.

“I’ll be out in a second.” My brother reluctantly turned around and left. “He’s going to yell at me.”

“Why? We weren’t doing anything. We were just sleeping.”

“I know that, but he doesn’t.” I started to get up, but he pulled my back down. “Justin, he’s waiting for me.”

“I know, just calm down. If you go out there all worked up you’ll just make things worse. Give me a kiss before you go.” I took a deep breath then kissed him softly on the lips. He then let me go, and to my amazement I wasn’t as upset. It amazed me what Justin could do to me. I put on my robe and walked downstairs. I walked downstairs to find my brother sitting at the table. I got some OJ and sat down across from him.

“What was that?”

“What was what?”

“You and blondie up there.”

“He has a name, and we weren’t doing anything. We were sleeping.”

“That’s not what it looked like.”

“Well I’m sorry, but I know what was happening.”

“Wait until Mom and Dad hear about what you were doing.”

“Josh, you know what? I’m 18 years old and I can handle myself. I’m legal now. I can do whatever I want.”

“That’s what you think. I’m going to tell them they shouldn’t let you go with him this summer.”

“Josh, just shut up. I know what I’m doing and you have no say in my life.”

I could tell that made him mad. “You’re nothing but a SLUT.” He yelled the last word. I felt like I’d been stabbed. We had had our share of fights, but had never been deliberately mean to each other. I was so shocked I didn’t see Chris or Lance run in fully dressed and Justin run in still in the clothes he slept in.

“You know what, Josh? Maybe I am a slut, but a least I have a heart. I would never say something so disrespectful or hurtful to you.” By the time I finish speaking I was in tears. Justin tried to comfort me, but I pushed him away and ran upstairs. I threw myself on my unmade bed and cried.

Downstairs Justin was furious. “How can you be mean to you sister? She’s you flesh and blood. You know her better than that. If you really cared about her, you wouldn’t hurt her like that.” Then he went after me. He came up to my room and sat down beside me on the bed. He rubbed my back until I stopped crying. I looked at him with my bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks. I rolled over so I was on my back. Justin’s hand rested on my stomach.

I looked at the ceiling and thought for a minute. “He’s right you know. He’s right about everything.”

Justin stopped me by putting his finger on my lips. “Soph, stop. You are not….that. Nothing happened last night. All we did was sleep.”

“But, Justin, I wanted something to happen.”

“No. You thought you did, but you really didn’t. Sophie, I don’t know what all he said, but I’m sure none of it was true.”

“Some of it was.”

“Let’s not think about him. We’re leaving in,” he looked at the clock, “2 hours. Go get dressed and get all your everyday stuff packed.”

“Ok.” I got up and showered. Then I packed everything up. When I got done, I walked downstairs to the kitchen. All the guys there, but I didn’t see Bri. “Where’s Bri?”

“She had to work,” JC said sadly.

“So she’s not coming with us today?”

“Nope. She’s going to come on Wednesday like originally planned.”

“Cool. So what car do you want me to put these in?” I asked referring to the bags I was holding. “They’re getting kinda heavy.”

“Let me take them,” Justin said jumping up. He took two of the three bags I was holding. “We’re not actually taking a car. Our bus is picking us up.”

“Cool.” We walked out and put my bags on the bus. “This is nice.”

“Thanks. Are you ready for tonight?”

I was silent for a while. “Yeah, I think I am.”

“I’m glad.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. I was so into the kiss I didn’t see or hear the other guys get on the bus. Justin pulled away and looked at the guys. They were laughing. I just buried my head in Justin’s chest. “Guys, we need to talk about what is going to be said at the interview tonight.”

“Let’s head to the back,” JC said. We all went back and sat down. “So you two are definitely going through with it?”

“Yes. We definitely are,” I said. Justin looked at me with a huge smile on his face.

“So what are you going to say?” Lance asked.

“Well when the interviewer asks if we have girlfriends, I’m going to say yes.”

“What if they ask more?”

“I’m not going to say anymore. People are going to have to respect my privacy.” Justin was getting upset so I squeezed his hand. He looked at me and I could see him physically relax.

“I’m going to get some sleep. I’m exhausted,” JC said.

“I think I’m going to get some rest too. After this morning, I’m dead,” I said. Justin showed me to his bunk where I could sleep. I kissed him and crawled in to the bunk. As he walked away, I heard his phone start ringing.


“Hey, baby. How are you?”

“Britney? Is that you?” He headed to the front of the bus.


“Where are you?”

“I’m in Orlando.”

“I thought you were going to be in Europe for the whole year.”

“Well, I was supposed to be, but they canceled some things. People wanted me back in the states, so here I am. And guess who has 2 weeks off starting next week.”

“You,” he choked out.

“And guess who’s going to spend that time with you?”

Justin found his voice. “Britney, baby, we’re going to be really, really busy and I don’t want you to feel neglected. I think it would be better if you didn’t come.”

“I already feel neglected. You didn’t call once during the 7 months I was gone.”

“You didn’t call me either.” He was hoping he could start a fight.

“Well I was busy and I’m know you were too, so I forgive you.”

“Britney, I need to tell you something.”

“Ok, baby.”

“I’ve found…..”

“Honey, I have to go. They’re calling me. I’ll email you tomorrow with all the details about next week. Love you. Bye.” With that she hung up.

Justin threw his phone down, then sat down at the booth in front of the bus with his head in his hands. A few minutes later Lance walked in. He saw Justin and sat down across from him. “Justin, what’s wrong?”

“Lance, I screwed up,” he said his head still in his hands. “I have to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone, especially JC or Sophie.” He looked up.

“I promise.”

“I just talked to Britney.” Lance looked confused. “She’s back in the states, and she’s coming to see me in a week.”

Lance was even more confused. “Why did she call you and why is she coming to see you? I thought you broke it off with her before she left.”

Justin shook his head. “She left early and I never got a chance to. I figured she would get the hint when I never called. When she didn’t call me I guess I thought she understood. But obviously she didn’t.”

“You’re right. You did screw up. You need to tell Sophie and Britney what’s been happening for the last 6 months.”

“I can’t. If I tell Sophie she’ll leave me, and I don’t think I can live without her. And if I tell Britney she’ll somehow get to Sophie and tell her. I have to break if off for good with Britney before she gets here.”

“If that’s what you feel is best. What are you going to do about the interview tonight?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“I’ll give you some time to think. Good luck.”

After Lance left Justin sat there thinking. Finally he thought of something. He picked up his phone and called information to get the number he needed. He dialed the number. “Yes. Hello. I have some top-secret news about Justin Timberlake of NSYNC.”

I woke up just as the bus stopped. I got out of the bunk and found all the guys sitting in the back of the bus. Justin got up and met me at the door. “Hey, Sweety.”

“Hello.” He put his hands on my waist and backed me out the door to the hallway in front of the bunks. “Justin, what….” He interrupted me by kissing me passionately. He continued to kiss me. He was so forceful it scared me. I tried to pull back gently, but he held me to him tightly. Then I pushed against his chest hard. It worked, but I ended up on the floor on my butt. I looked up at him and at that moment I was scared of him. He looked down at me and saw the fear in my eyes. Seeing me afraid of him broke his heart.

“Soph, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” He kneeled down beside me.

When I heard the sensarity in his voice all the fear I was feeling before left. I stood up and pulled him up. “It’s ok. We all have lapses. Just remember me last night.”

Justin laughed a little. “Yeah.” I kissed him gently but full of love. Justin returned the kiss and I could tell he was back to his old self. Just as he pulled back the guys came bursting through the door.

“Are we ready for this interview?” Chris asked.

“Yup. Let’s go,” Justin said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bus.

“Justin, I haven’t even brushed my hair yet.”

He stopped and looked at me. He ran his free hand through my hair. “You look beautiful. Now let’s go.” We walked into the radio station and were greeted by a leggy blonde. She was about 5’8”, with long, flowing, blonde hair and gorgeous, big brown eyes. She had on the shortest skirt I had ever seen.

“Hello. My name is Tonya. I’ll be helping you while you’re here.” She smiled at the guys. Then she saw me and frowned. “Frank, can you come here?” A dorky redhead by who looked like he hadn’t hit puberty yet walked up. “Frank, can you show……” She looked at me.

“Sophie,” I said.

“Please show Sophie to the guest room.”

I looked at Justin. “I thought I was coming with you.”

“It’s ok, Hon. We’ll do the interview quickly then get out of here.”

I wasn’t too happy about leaving Justin with Tonya, but he said everything would be ok. So I followed Frank down a long, narrow hallway to a small room with a chair and radio in it. “You can listen to the interview on the radio. Would you like me to stay to keep you company?”

“No, thanks. I’ll be fine alone.”

“Ok.” He closed the door and left. I turned on the radio and waited.

Tonya led the guys to the studio. She gave them headphone and said good luck. Soon the DJ came in and sat down across from them.

DJ: We’re back. As I’m sure you all know that was NSYNC’s Somewhere Someday. Speaking of NSYNC we have them in the studio right now. Hi, guys.

JC: Hi all.

JOEY: Hey.

CHRIS: Howdy.


JUSTIN: What’s up?

DJ: I see JC has a cast on his arm and I was told you canceled 3 shows.

JC: 2 actually. I had an accident during a show. I was doing a back flip and broke my arm.

DJ: Did you continue with the show?”

JC: Yes. It happened towards the end of the show and I didn’t want to disappoint the fans.

DJ: Complete dedication. How much longer are you guys on tour?”

LANCE: 2 more months. Then we’re taking a week off before we finish recording our new album.

DJ: I bet you’re looking forward to that.

CHRIS: Yes we are.

DJ: Ok I have to ask what you guys think of the rumor floating around that the Backstreet Boys are breaking up after they finish their tour.

JC: We feel that that is their business and doesn’t need to be discussed.

DJ: Ok. Justin, I was informed of a rumor about you today. Is it true that you have a girlfriend?

JUSTIN: Actually, yes I do.

DJ: Really? Will you tell us a little bit about her?

JUSTIN: All I’m going to say is she’s a wonderful woman who has captured my heart.

DJ: Sounds like you really care for her.


DJ: What about the rest of you? Anyone else have a girlfriend?”


CHRIS: We’re never in one place long enough to get to know someone.

JOEY: Nope.

JC looked at Justin.

JC: Haven’t met the right girl yet.

DJ: There you go girls. 4 of the 5 members of NSYNC are still single and ready to mingle. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk with us today.

JC: It was our pleasure.

JOEY: Bye all.

LANCE: Keep listening.


JUSTIN: Stay cool.

The guys left the studio and got on the bus. They found me sitting in the back. “Hi, guys.”

“Hi, Sweety,” Justin said sitting down almost on top of me. The rest of the guys sat down. I kissed Justin’s cheek. Lance turned on the TV and we watched until we fell sleep. The next morning one of the guys’ bodyguards came and woke us up. We were at the hotel. I got a room to myself. I showered and dried my hair. Then I got dressed and put on make-up. I walked out of my bathroom to find Justin laying on my bed.

“How did you get in here?”

He pointed to the door across the room. “That door connects to my room.”

“Really?” He nodded his head. “Did someone plan that?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Sure you don’t.” He got up and walked towards me. He pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately.

He pulled back and looked into my eyes. “I love you so much. Every breath I take is for you. You’re the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep. All my dreams are of you and I feel complete when you’re in my arms.” I looked at him completely shocked. “I want you to know exactly how I feel about you.”

There was a knock on the door. “Justin, you’re wanted in here,” JC yelled through the door.

“Looks like I’ve go to go.”

“Ok. I’m going to go get some breakfast. Then can I use your laptop to check my email?”

“Yeah. Could you check mine for me? My brother was supposed to email me.”

“Sure. What’s your password?”

“Randall. See ya later.” He kissed me softly.

“Bye.” He left. I grabbed my purse and put my sandals on. Then I left. When I walked outside, there were girls everywhere.

“Are you Justin’s girlfriend?” one girl asked.

“Yes I am.”

“Can I have you autograph?”

“Yeah.” I signed the girl’s paper then went to the nearest gas station. I got a donut and some Sunny D. Then I went back to the hotel. The time there were reporters with cameras who took pictures of me. I finally got to my room to find Justin’s laptop sitting on my bed. I checked my email and mailed some people back. Then I got into Justin’s. There was a letter from Jon so I printed it out. There was another letter there. The sender’s name was Britney. I was curious, so I opened it. As I read each line my heart broke more. When I finished the letter I closed the computer down and curled up in a ball. A long time later I heard the door open. I pretended to be asleep. When I heard the door close and knew I was alone I started crying. I cried until there were no tears left. Then I got up, made sure all my things were packed, grabbed Justin’s letter from Jon, and opened the door to the other room. All the guys were sitting there with their choreographer. “Justin, I need to talk to you.”

“Can’t it wait? We’re just about done here.”

“No it can’t wait.”

“Ok.” Justin said confused. Everyone started to get up.

“No, stay. You can all hear this.” They all sat down. “Here’s your email from Jon.” I threw the papers down in front of him.

“Thanks, but couldn’t that wait?”

“Oh no. There’s more. You got another email. Britney is going to be here on Wednesday instead of next week.” When he heard Britney’s name he stopped picking up the papers in front of him. He looked up at me. “Oh, yeah. I know it all. I have one question though. When were you planning on telling me I was just a replacement while she was out of the country?” He got up and started walking towards me. “Don’t. Stop. I don’t want you near me.” He stopped.

“Soph, that’s not it. Let me explain.”

“NO, Justin! NO! All those sweet things you said to me this morning were lies. Do you have any idea how much that hurts? Do you have any clue?” Justin, you were the first person I ever loved. Hell, I was read to marry you if you would have asked.” Everyone looked at me. “But now I know you never loved me. I was just a pawn in your little game. Well you know what? You can tell Britney she can have you, because I don’t want you anymore.” Even as I said it I knew it was a lie. I walked out of the room and grabbed my bags. As the elevator doors shut I heard Justin calling my name. I rode down to the first floor. I put on my sunglass and got off the elevator. As I left the hotel photographers took pictures and people yelled questions. I just kept walking. Then I got on the bus and headed to the one person I knew would be there for me.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 10
