Chapter 4

**Back at the Club**

Kris and the guys were dancing the night away and having the time of their lives. Everyone but Lance, that is. He just sat at the table watching everyone else in the club. After the song ended, the DJ announced he was taking a break. Everybody headed back to their seats.

“So, what do you want to do now?” Kris asked, “I mean, this is getting kinda boring”

“It’s already a quarter to nine,” Lance said.

“Justin said we can go back anytime after 8:30 so is that what you wanna do?” JC asked.

“Yeah sure, whatever,” they all agreed.

“OK then let’s go,” Kris said getting up. They all got in Kris’ car and headed back home.

“I don’t think they’re home,” Chris said, “Look, Justin’s car is gone”

“Well, at least we know we’re not disturbing anything,” Joey chuckled.

“Shut up Joey,” Lance said, shaking his head.

Kris finished parking and they hopped out of the car. Chris and Joey raced each other up the stairs while Lance, Kris, and JC took their time. Kris turned the doorknob and walked in. She didn’t see or hear anyone so she assumed no one was there.

“Well, I know it’s early, but I’m beat. I’m going to bed,” Kris yawned.

“Umm...where do we sleep?” JC asked.

“Oh, right,” Kris said, looking around, “Well, I’m assuming Justin will be sleeping in Julie’s room. And let’s see, there’s a bed underneath mine, so someone can sleep there,” she looked at JC as if she was telling him something.

“I’ll sleep there,” he said quickly, before anyone else could.

“OK,” Kris said, trying not to smile, “That leaves the couch and the floor”

“I call the couch!!!” Joey and Chris yelled at the same time.

“In that case, Lance gets the couch,” Kris ordered.

“Man!!!” Joey and Chris said together.

Kris smiled and led JC down the hall to her room. JC helped her pull out the bed from under hers.

“I need to change now,” she told him.

“Right,” he said, “me too”

He left her room and went back to the living room. The other guys had already changed and were falling asleep.

JC found his things in the computer room and changed quickly. He went back to Kris’ room and got in the bed next to hers. He was out within five minutes.

In the living room, Joey and Chris were fast asleep. Lance, however, couldn’t fall asleep no matter how hard he tried. He kept thinking about Julie. Not knowing what else to do, he got up and walked down the hall. He just paced back and forth, wrapped up in his own thoughts, when he thought he heard a noise coming from Julie’s room. He wasn’t sure if he was just hearing things or if he really heard something. He put his ear up to Julie’s door and was surprised to hear crying from inside the room. He lightly tapped on the door. There wasn’t an answer, so he slowly opened the door. Julie was lying on her stomach with her face buried in a pillow, crying her eyes out.

“Oh my God! Julie, what happened?!” Lance asked, concerned. Julie sat up and moved her hair away from her face.

“Justin and I had a fight,” she sniffled. He put his arms around her and she leaned forward and cried into his shirt.

“Is everything OK?” Lance asked her, pulling her away from his shirt.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine”

Lance wiped a tear away from her cheek. Julie put her hand on his. They gazed into each other’s eyes both knowing this was a now or never moment. Suddenly Lance moved his hand from her cheek to the back of her neck pulling her towards him. He closed his eyes and kissed her softly. Once his lips touched hers, he didn’t want to let go. He kissed her more passionately. His hands were soon on her back and she had one hand on his chest and the other was running through his hair on the back of his head. When their tongues met, Julie pulled away.


“Oh no, Julie I’m sorry I didn’t mean-,” Lance said, hardly taking a breath.

“Lance,” Julie interrupted, “It’s OK. Really, it is. It’s just-”

“I shouldn’t have done it. I knew I shouldn’t have kissed you”

“Lance, it’s alright. I liked it. In fact, I liked it a lot. But I can’t do this to Justin. We had a fight, we didn’t break up. And the last thing I’d ever do, to ANY guy, is cheat on him. So we can’t ever do this again”

“So, you still wanna stay with Justin, huh?”

“Yeah I guess so”

Lance wasn’t sure if he should ask the next question that came to mind, or to keep it to himself. But he just couldn’t resist. “Do you love him?”

Julie was expecting the question but was still shocked to hear it. “Yes. I mean no. I mean...” she paused and looked down at the floor softly finishing her sentence, “...I don’t know”

She moved to the edge of the bed with her back to Lance. He put his hand on her shoulder thinking of what to say to her. Before he could say anything, Julie put her left hand on his and turned, facing him. She spoke softly, unable to look him in the eyes.

“Lance, my head is kind of a mess right now. I’m just really confused. I don’t know what I want or what to do. And right now, I need you as a friend and nothing more”

Lance didn’t quite know how to reply to that. He smiled and when he regained his ability to speak, he spoke softly and slowly.

“No matter what, I’ll always be here for you as a friend. Don’t ever forget that OK?”

“OK,” Julie said looking up at him, “I really don’t want to be alone right now, so could you stay with me until I fall asleep?”

“I’ll stay as long as you want me to”

“Thank you,” she smiled, hugging him. He found a pillow and an extra blanket, making a replica of a bed on the floor. Julie turned out the lights.

**The Next Morning**

Justin opened the door to the girls’ apartment. He had been out all night. He didn’t know where to go or what to do, so he just drove all around town. He returned around 2 a.m. but he didn’t have the guts to go inside. He was still uneasy about the fight he had with Julie. So, he slept in his car that night.

Now that he had seven peaceful hours of sleep behind him, he was ready to face Julie again. He walked into the apartment, not even paying attention to Kris and the guys eating in the kitchen. He went down the hall to Julie’s room. He raised his fist to knock on the door, when it swung open. There stood Lance, face to face with Justin, wearing nothing more than his box opened the door to the girls’ apartment. He had been out all night. He didn’t know where to go or what to do, so he just drove all around town. He returned around 2 a.m. but he didn’t have the guts to go inside. He was still uneasy about the fight he had with Julie. So, he slept in his car that night.

Now that he had seven peaceful hours of sleep behind him, he was ready to face Julie again. He walked into the apartment, not even paying attention to Kris and the guys eating in the kitchen. He went down the hall to Julie’s room. He raised his fist to knock on the door, when it swung open. There stood Lance, face to face with Justin, wearing nothing more than his boxers. The clothes he went to bed with were in his hands.

**Back in the Kitchen**

“Holy cow! Is Justin just getting back? Why isn’t Julie with him?” Kris asked.

“Well, Joey, Lance, and I were asleep in the living room and we never heard them come in. I don’t know where Julie could be”

“Speaking of Lance,” JC commented, “Where is he?”

“I don’t know,” they all shrugged.

“So, how long are you guys staying?” Kris asked, changing the subject.

“A week,” JC replied, swallowing his food, “We’ll be leaving early Sunday morning”

“Cool beans,” Kris chuckled, “Too bad Julie and I have school all day”

They all remained silent and continued eating.

**Back at Julie’s room**

“Good morning Justin,” Lance said trying to walk past him.

“Hey stop right there, Poo-fu,” Justin said sternly, “What were you doing in that room?”

“Don’t call me Poo-fu, AfroPuff,” Lance continued down the hall. Justin grabbed Lance’s arm and pulled it towards him, causing Lance to drop the clothes in his hands.

“Answer my question,” he said with a look of hurt on his face. Lance bent down to pick up his clothes.

“Nothing happened,” he whispered.


“I said nothing happened,” Lance said, standing up.

“Oh really?”


“What were you doing in there in the first place?” Justin asked, accusingly.

“She was upset about the fight you had and she needed a friend”

“Oh, yeah, sure!! If she needed a friend, why didn’t she go to Kristina?”

Lance looked down at his feet and shook his head.

“I don’t know. She just needed a friend”

“Oh you really expect me to believe that?”

“Look, nothing happened OK? Why are you so threatened by me?”

“I am NOT threatened by you,” Justin turned to walk away.

“She told me what you said”

Lance’s words stopped Justin in his tracks. “What?” he said, getting in Lance’s face.

“Yeah, that’s right. She told me what you asked her. You ARE threatened by me aren’t you? You’re afraid that I’m gonna steal her from you aren’t you? Well, what if I do Justin? What if last night she was looking for more than a friend? Huh, Justin? Huh?”

“SHUT UP!!!” Justin pinned Lance up against the wall, “You keep your hands off her you understand me?! Stay away from her!!!!!”

Just then Julie opened the door to her room in time to hear that last sentence. “Justin!!” she yelled angrily, “What do you think you’re doing?!”

Justin stepped away from Lance, freeing him. “Julie, we need to talk”

“No. You’re the one who needs to do the talking. I want an explanation right now”

“Honey, I-”

“Don’t you ‘honey’ me! What were you doing to Lance?” Justin didn’t answer.

“Lance? Care to explain to me what’s going on?” Justin looked at Lance with a worried look. Oh no! Now I’m in trouble!, Justin thought,

I just need some time alone with Julie and I’m sure I can fix all this. Lance please don’t screw this up!

Lance, seeing the concern on Justin’s face, decided it wasn’t his place to say. “Umm...I think that’s something you two need to talk about” Julie looked at Lance then at Justin.

“Excuse me I need something to eat,” she said and headed to the kitchen.

Justin looked at Lance with a look that said “Thank you”. Lance nodded and headed for the shower. Justin followed Julie into he kitchen. Julie sat down and started reading the comics. About ten minutes later Justin put a plate of food in front of her. She gave him a Look and pushed the plate away. Kris gave her a strange look. She looked at Justin as if asking “What’s wrong?”. “She’s mad at me” he lipped. “Oh” Kris lipped back, nodding her head.

“Jewels, can I get you something to eat?” Kris asked.

“I need a shower,” she replied getting up and leaving the room. As she left, Lance returned. He quietly got his breakfast and as he ate, Justin told Kris, JC, Joey, and Chris what had happened the night before. Then Lance explained what had just happened down the hall.

“So, what did happen with you and Julie last night?” Kris question almost made Lance drop his fork. Just then Julie walked in. Her hair was wet and she was dressed comfortably.

“Uhh...Julie do you want something to eat?” Lance asked, avoiding Kris’ question.

“Yeah sure. Thanks,” she replied cheerfully.

“Ummm...did I miss something?” Kris asked confused.

Justin stood up to pull out Julie’s chair for her. He put his hand on the chair, but before he could bring it out from under the tale, Julie gave him a dirty look. If looks could kill....... Justin put his hand down and walked out of the kitchen. Lance pulled the chair out for Julie and she sat down to eat.

“OK now I’m really confused,” Kris said.

Justin returned from the shower nearly a half an hour later. He had had some time to think about what he wanted to say to Julie. He sat in the chair next to her and put his hand on hers. She pushed it away, not even looking up from the crossword puzzle she was solving with Lance.

He tried it twice more and the third time Julie turned to him and sternly but softly said, “Stop.” He removed his hand.

“Julie, you have to talk to me sometime”

“What are you doing today?” Joey asked out of nowhere.

“I’ll be able to tell you once I talk to Julie”

“It’s almost 10:30 you know. It’s almost lunch time. You better talk fast”

“OK OK,” Julie said, rolling her eyes. She stood up and Justin lead her down the hall to her room. Once they were in the room with the door closed behind them, Justin was the first to speak.

“Jewels, I don’t know why you’re mad at me so please tell me. I thought it was because I accidentally accused you of kissing Lance but when I got here this morning he came out of this room with boxers on-”

“Whoa whoa wait a minute. Just because Lance spent the night here doesn’t mean that something happened. For your information he slept on the floor because even though we’re really close friends, I would have still felt like I was cheating on you. And I asked him to stay with me because I was upset and he’s my best friend”

“What about Kristina? Why didn’t you ask her to come in here and stay with you?”

“I didn’t seek him out! He heard me crying and came to check on me”

“If Kris didn’t hear you crying in the room next door, then how did Lance hear you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he was in the hall”

“Well, he must have intended on coming in here in the first place”

“What are you talking about? Justin, get a grip! Do you hear what you’re saying? You’re talking crazy!”

Julie headed out the door when Justin stopped her. “Julie, I know you’re pissed at me right now but could we not ruin it for everyone? I planned a really fun day and I’d hate for everyone to be as miserable as us”

“Alright. I’ll try to have a good time”

“OK. Thank you,” he said sweetly, running his hands through her hair. He couldn’t help but kiss her. He leaned forward, softly brushing his lips with hers. She looked down and without saying a word, walked out. He sighed and trailed behind her.

“OK guys, ready to go?”

“Yup,” they chanted.

They all got up and headed out the door. Justin, Julie, and Kris were the last ones out. Justin held the door open for Julie and smiled at her. She frowned at him and his smile disappeared. She rolled her eyes and walked out.

“What? What’d I do?” he asked following her.

“Man,” Kris sighed, locking the door, “ This is gonna be a long week”

To Be Continued…

Chapter 5