Chapter 7

Justin stopped Julie from opening the door to her apartment.

“Julie,” Justin wrapped his index finger around one of the belt loops to her jeans pulling her towards him and kissing her. After a couple minutes of smooching at the doorstep, Justin pulled away.

“What was all that for?” Julie asked him.

“I need a reason for loving you so much?” he smiled.

“In this case you do”

“Hmm...making up for lost time I guess,” was Justin’s answer.

“Lost time?” Julie said, “We were only in a fight for a few days honey”

“That’s a few days too long. Every moment with you counts to me. I know I haven’t been the best example to that lately but that’s gonna change. I’m not losing you again. You mean too much to me for me to let that happen”

“Heh, you’re such a sweetheart,” Julie squeezed his cheeks.

“Julie, c’mon, I’m serious”

“Aww... But you’re so cute when you’re trying to be serious,” she gave him a peck on the cheek. He moved his head causing them to once again engage in a kissing spree. Julie had her hand on Justin’s arm and as they kissed, she slowly moved it up to the back of his neck.

“Ow!” he jumped back putting his hand over the sore area.

“What Justin? What’s the matter?”

“I don’t know. It hurts right there”

“Come here let me see”

Justin took a step towards her and turned to so she could see his neck.

“Justin, there is a big bruise right there! Holy cow! I don’t know what you guys were arguing about but whatever it was you guys got hurt pretty bad. Lance has a shiner blacker than the night sky. What were you arguing about anyway? I still haven’t figured that out yet”

“Oh nothing, just who could wrestle the best”

“Why did Lance yell at you?”

Justin turned around suddenly.

“Who said Lance yelled at me?”

“Chris did”

“Jewels, don’t worry about it OK? I really don’t want to talk about it right now. I’m really tired. It’s almost midnight”

“You just got stitches, you’re cheek is turning purple, you have a bruise on your neck and who knows where else, and you don’t want me to worry about it?”

“I do, just not right now. I can tell you’re already stressed out enough”

“Yeah, well, I’ve been thinking about what I’m gonna say to Lance. I don’t know what he said to you but I’m positive I’m gonna give him more of a tongue-lashing than he’ll ever give anyone”

“Whoa, Jewels, you’re not that angry are you? I mean, it didn’t seem like it just now”

“Well, I had kinda cooled off some but seeing that bruise on your neck just makes me even more angry than before”

Julie stormed into the apartment.

“LANCE!!!” she exclaimed

“I’m right here,” Lance turned off the TV and walked towards the door to Julie. Julie walked up to him and stopped when she was about two inches away from him.

She opened her mouth as if to say something but then decided against it. She lifted her right hand and slapped Lance with all the anger inside of her.

“You scum of the earth!” she said bitterly, “I have no words for you” Julie walked off and headed for bed.

“Sorry, man,” Justin said as he also started down the hall, “I didn’t know she was gonna do that”

Lance gave Justin a Look as if he was lower than dirt

. “You wouldn’t have stopped her otherwise,” Lance said starting for the door.

“Hey, where you going?” Justin asked.

“Away. It’s obvious I’m not wanted here,” he started to close the door behind him.

“Yes you are”

Lance came to a sudden stop. He turned and gave Justin a bewildered look.

“I want you here”

“You? Yeah right”

“No, really, I do. Look, I wanted to thank you”

“Thank me? For what?” Lance was as confused as ever.

“I know this is gonna sound weird but, thanks for beating the living daylights out of me. It opened my eyes as to what’s really important. Y’know, it’s funny, even though I was only getting stitches and I knew that I was just fine, I just couldn’t help but thinking about you and Julie. I don’t want you to be angry at me anymore. So, I’m apologizing for everything and right now, I need to let Julie know exactly what she means to me cuz I just couldn’t bear to think of what life would be like without her. I never realized what I had until you took her from me. And I know it’s kinda rubbing it in your face since you’re kinda out of luck now but, thanks. I owe you one,” he held out his hand.

Lance extended his hand as well and they shook on it.

“So, you really want me to stay?”


“OK,” Lance said putting his coat back. They both sat at the table and talked over a cup of hot chocolate.

“I can’t believe she hit me!” Lance said with a chuckle.

“Me neither! By the way, I really am sorry about that,” Justin told him.

“Aww... Don’t worry, I’ll get over it. Boy, that sure hurt though”

“It probably did. She hits hard. We were just messing around and she hit me pretty good. I can only imagine the force she put into that one!”

Justin and Lance shared a few more laughs before turning in. Lance took the sofa while Justin headed to Julie’s room.

“Oh, um....where’s Chris and Joey?” Justin asked Lance.

“At the club. They left a few minutes after Julie went to get you and they walked so they’ll probably be back around 3 am”

“Ha! Knowing them they probably will. ‘Night”


Justin softly knocked on the door to Julie’s room. When there wasn’t an answer, he let himself in. He found Julie in her bed asleep. He smiled to himself at the sight of her. She looked so peaceful lying there.

He took the extra blankets sitting on her hope chest and began to spread them across the floor next to Julie’s bed. He then removed his shirt and pants which left him wearing nothing but his boxers and a wife beater. He shut off the small lamp on the nightstand and started for his arrangement of blankets on the floor. He stopped. He looked at Julie and then at the floor. After a few moments of thought, he slipped into the bed next to Julie and put his arm around her waist.

Julie, who had her back to him, woke up and turned to him.

“Hey baby,” Julie whispered, smiling.

“Hi,” Justin replied softly, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up”

“That’s OK,” she said, cuddling up to him. Justin wrapped his arms around her.

“What time is it?” Julie asked him.

“A little after one”

“One? What took you so long to come to bed?”

“I was talking to Lance. It’s cool between us now”

“Oh,” Julie nodded looking away.

“Jewels, I know you’re mad at him right now but we’re like brothers and I’m not angry at him anymore OK? So, you can be mad at him all you want but don’t be mad at me cuz I’m not. OK sweetie?”

“I understand,” she faced him again, “You know, I kinda like being here like this”

“Yeah, me too,” Justin agreed, bringing her a little closer to him and holding her tightly, “I could stay like this all night”

“Mmhmm,” Julie said, nodding off. He kissed her forehead and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

**The Next Morning**

Everyone was at the kitchen table eating breakfast that JC had gotten up early to cook.

“Where’s Justin and Julie?” Kristina asked, “I can’t believe they’re not up yet”

“I’ll go get them,” Lance volunteered, “They’re probably just watching TV in there or something”

Lance walked down the hall and lightly tapped on Julie’s door. There wasn’t a response so he knocked a little harder and called out their names.

“Julie! Justin!”

Still no answer. He cracked open the door and peered inside to see Julie asleep in Justin’s arms. He looked down at the floor next to Julie’s bed and saw the blankets on the floor. He looked closer to see that Justin’s wife beater was thrown on the floor. He quickly shut the door and took a deep breath.

“No,” he said shaking his head, “Please don’t let it have happened" A flood of emotions rushed into his body.

No! This isn’t supposed to happen! Julie is with Justin and I’ve accepted that. These feelings aren’t supposed to come back.

Lance went back to the kitchen in a daze.

“Are they coming?” JC asked.

“They’re still sleeping,” Lance replied suddenly losing his appetite.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Kristina asked him.

“I’m not a big breakfast eater,” he told her.

“Since when?” JC asked.

“Since... I don’t know. I guess taking such a long break from work is getting to me”

“Whatever,” JC said, “Why don’t you wake the two lovebirds up and tell them to come and eat”

Lance cringed at the word ‘lovebirds.’ He most definitely did not want to go back into that room again.

“I think we should let them have a few more minutes,” Lance suggested, “They didn’t come home until midnight and Justin didn’t get to bed until one”

“So?” Joey said out of nowhere, “Chris and I didn’t get back from the club ‘til a little after 3 and we’re awake right now”

“Yeah,” Chris chimed in, “So there”

**In the bedroom**

Justin started to wake up at the smell of breakfast. He looked down at Julie still snuggled against him. He ran his fingers along her arm, then up her neck, and finally along her cheek. When she started to stir, he kissed her gently on the cheek. She slowly opened her eyes.

“Good morning,” Justin smiled.

“Good morning,” she murmured.

“Sleep well?” he asked her.

“Oh yeah,” she leaned forward giving him a kiss, “Thanks, for the best night of my life”

“You’re very welcome,” he said kissing her back.

“We should get up now,” Julie said after a few minutes, “We can’t just lie here and make out all day”

“Why not?” Justin teased.

Julie giggled and gave him a quick peck. She jumped out of bed and gathered her things for a shower.

“I just realized something,” Justin said, “Why do you have a bathroom in your room and Kristina doesn’t?”

“Well, when we were looking for an apartment, this was the only one available at the time. I didn’t really want it since it was kinda big for just me and Kristina but she really liked it so I told her that if we got this apartment that I got the big room with the bathroom in it and she agreed”


“Um... Justin, I’m gonna get in the shower first so you can go ahead and go out there and eat if you want”

“No, that’s OK. I’ll wait for you”

“Alright then,” she gave him a kiss, “I’ll be out in a minute”

She went into her bathroom closing the door behind her. Justin got out of bed and put his wife beater back on. To kill time, he made the bed. He picked up the blankets off the floor and after folding them, put them back on her hope chest.

Julie came out of her bathroom with a pair of jeans on and a baby blue long sleeved blouse that quickly caught Justin’s eye. With her shoulder length hair soaking wet and her face without makeup, she looked comfortable.

“Ready?” he asked her.

“Yup,” she replied with a cheerful smile.

Justin put his arm around her and they made their way down the hall to the table.

“Ooh, you’re hair smells good,” Justin said. He was walking behind Julie with his arms around her waist.

Julie giggled.

“What’s so funny?” he teased, “Huh?” he asked, starting to tickle her.

“Nothing,” she said between laughs, pulling his hands away from her.

He stopped tickling her when he saw everyone staring at them.

When they got to the table, they noticed that the only seats left weren’t together. One seat was open next to Lance and the other was next to Joey. Justin pulled the chair next to Lance out for Julie to sit in but before he could make his way around the table, Lance stood up.

“Here,” he said, “Justin, you can sit here”

“Oh thanks, you didn’t have to move”

“I’m done eating anyway,” he said. He put his plate in the sink and sat on the other side next to Joey.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” JC asked Lance.

“Businesswise, we’re recording a song today. Funwise, I don’t know ask Justin”

“Funwise? Is that even a word?” Kris asked.

“It is now,” Lance laughed, easing up a bit.

Julie and Justin were eating quietly while playing footsies under the table.

“OW!” Lance yelled.

“Oops, sorry,” Julie chuckled, turning red. Justin tried not to laugh, but he couldn’t hold it. He burst into laughter and soon Julie was laughing too.

Everyone at the table just looked at them as if they were nuts.

“I swear you two are in a world of your own sometimes,” Kristina shook her head.

“OK, I need to get in the shower,” Justin was trying to calm down. He quickly finished his food and headed to the bathroom. As everyone began to finish up, Joey and Chris were somehow nominated to do the dishes. Since everyone had already showered and were ready to go, they sat around and talked while waiting for Justin.

After a while, Julie began getting a little restless just sitting there. She kept catching Lance looking at her. It was starting to get on her nerves so she thought of a quick excuse to leave.

“I’m gonna go see what’s taking Justin so long,” she announced.

She opened the door to her room and called Justin’s name.


“AH!” Justin yelled before hitting the floor.

“Justin, are you OK?” she ran over to him to find him lying on the carpet with only one leg in his pants.

“Yeah I’m fine. You startled me”

Julie snickered as she helped him up. He finished putting his clothes on and the two of them walked out to the living room hand in hand.

“Are you two ready?” Lance asked impatiently.

“Uh-Huh,” they said in unison.

The group piled into the car and headed down to the recording studio. When they got there, Julie was in awe.

“Wow,” she said looking around, “This is so cool”

“I thought you’d like it. Now, you and Kris can sit right here and watch through us through the glass OK?”


Julie and Kristina took a seat and watched as the guys put on their headphones and such. The crew worked around the two girls. When they were finally ready, the guys began to sing.

“Where’s the music?” Kristina asked one of the crew members.

“We don’t need it for this song. It’s a cappella”

Kristina nodded and turned her attention back to the guys.

“Wait!” another crew member yelled, “Hold it! Start that over again”

The boys started over and Julie caught Justin looking right at her as he sang his verse of the song.

“...she said I took her for granted, that’s the last thing I would do, oh, I’ll never understand it, I thought she knew....”

A tear came to Julie’s eye as she listened closely to the words of the song. When the song came to an end, the crew members cheered.

“Excellent guys! Excellent! That was perfect!” the producer shouted.

Justin was too much in a trance to hear everyone else’s shouts. He was lost in Julie’s eyes as he mouthed the words “I Love You.” He pressed against the glass as did Julie. She looked him deeper the eyes.

“I love you back,” she said into the glass.

JC looked over and saw Justin and Julie. The wheels in his head were turning a mile a minute.

“Guys! Guys! I’ve got an idea for a song!!!” JC screamed.

He ran into the room where Julie and Kris were and starting scrambling to get lyrics down.

“What babe? What is it?” Kristina gave him a strange look.

“Julie and Justin just gave me an idea for a song. I’m trying to figure some stuff out”

The rest of the guys joined Julie and Kristina and started chatting while JC left to another part of the studio with the band. In the middle of the conversation, JC came back in with a tape in his hand.

“I got it! Here guys check this out,” JC put headphones on Justin and Julie, “Seeing you guys got me thinking about your whole situation with being apart and communicating with computers and phones and stuff and it gave me an idea. Tell me what you think, k?”

“OK,” Justin and Julie nodded.

They listened as the music rang in their ears.

“ digital get down....” the words caused Julie and Justin to exchange embarrassed glances.

“JC!!” they cried.

“What?” he asked, “Well, do you like it?”

The couple laughed as they nodded.

“Yeah, it’s cool,” Justin said.

“I’ve never had a song written about me,” Julie blushed with flattery.

The rest of the group listened to it and everyone liked it.

“Cool!” JC said, “That’s fills another gap in the album”

After a few more minutes, they decided to go back home. Once back in the apartment, tried to come up with some things to do that day. The guys would be leaving around eight the next morning in order to catch their flight at ten. So, whatever they wanted to do, they had to do today.

“Well, all I know is, I’m spending all day with my girlfriend so I don’t really care what you guys decide to do,” Chris said gathering the things he was taking with him that day, “I have to hurry. She’s picking me up in about five minutes”

“You’re making her come and get you?” Julie asked

“Well, I don’t have a car! You guys are all going in Justin’s car”


“She’s here! Gotta go, see ya!” Chris ran out the door.

“Well, at least that gives us a bit more space in the back,” Joey said, trying to look at the bright side of Chris’ sudden departure.

“I’ve got an idea!” JC declared, “How ‘bout we go down to the beach? I mean, I know it’s January but it has been pretty warm today”

“Ooh, good idea honey,” Kris said giving him a kiss, “You’re just on a creative spree today aren’t you?”

JC just smiled smugly.

“Well, that sounds good to me,” Justin turned to Julie, “How ‘bout you?”

“I love the beach,” was her reply.

“Me too,” Lance said, trying to be as optimistic as possible, “I’m sure we’ll all have a great time”

“I vote yes on that,” Joey said raising his hand.

The group burst into laughter. Joey slowly put his hand back down.

“OK then, it’s settled. We’re going to the beach,” JC stood up from the floor. He reached down and helped Kristina up who was sitting next to him. Julie and Justin, who were sitting on the sofa holding hands, tried standing up at the same time but ended up losing their balance and came crashing back down to the couch.

“Ouch, Julie get off me!” Justin said trying to help Julie to her feet.

“I’m trying, I’m trying,” Julie replied, unable to do anything while laughing. They were finally able to get up and which point they shared a kiss and went to go get changed.

Julie went into her room to get her swimsuit on while Justin went into Kristina’s room to get his stuff from there. The past week he had been sleeping on the floor in Kris’ room since he wasn’t welcome in Julie’s. He got what he needed and knocked on Julie’s door.

“Come in,” she answered.

Justin entered the room to catch Julie putting a pair of overalls on over her swimsuit.

“Ugh,” she said having a hard time, “I hate this stupid latches. I can never get them to cooperate”

Justin chuckled and gave Julie a hand.

“There,” he said, “All better”

“Thanks baby,” she said, rewarding him with a kiss, “You need to get ready”

Julie joined the others in the living room while Justin remained in the room to change. He put his swimming trunks on and a wife beater. He went into the living where the others were gathering snacks and food for lunch. JC and Kristina were having fun making sandwiches for everyone while Joey searched through the cabinets for any type of junk food he could find. Lance and Julie were packing up other things such as blankets and towels sunscreen and such. Justin, feeling just a hint of jealousy, decided to help Lance and Julie.

Once everything was ready to go, they all piled into Justin’s car. Julie sat in the front seat with Justin. Kristina and JC squished in the back seat next to Joey and Lance.

“All ready?!” Justin yelled.

“Yeah!” they all yelled back.

Julie leaned over and popped in her *N SYNC CD, blasting it as loud as she could, and off they went to the beach.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 8