Over Coffee one Midsummer Morning

I know this chick, see, & she has this problem...
her old boyfriend, well, let's just say he ain't exactly good people.
She had is daughter, and the jerk turned into an abusive freak,
insults, yelling at her, started to drink, slapped her around a bit,
you know, same old cycle you hear about every day,
that you see on primetime news shows and so on,
only this was someone I knew, which made it real.
So she left him, pretty much in the dust, as it were,
only she had nowhere to go but her grandparents,
and her grandparents are these psycho nuts,
both of them bitter, loveless, stupid, senile people.
They blame her for the whole situation,
claim she didn't try hard enough, tell her its her fault,
and they spoil her child.  Spoil the kid like mad.
So this chick has another crazy homelife,
one barely better than the place she left,
and her daughter is getting all these mixed up signals,
doesn't understand why her daddy doesn't want to see her,
why her mommy doesn't give her all the stuff grandma does,
and is turning into a hyperactive nightmare.
What's she going to do?  She doesn't have the slightest idea.
Her ex-boyfriend has never paid a dime in child support,
and has apparently skipped town, leaving her to raise
her kid all on her lonesome.
The kid happens to be my god-daughter,
making this whole thing a personal issue for me,
and since I have this heart of gold thing,
along with a healthy dose of ethics & morals,
I'm almost obliged to interfere in the whole situation.
I know I can't exactly track down the bastard,
squeeze him until he pops,
and make off with his cash,
but it doesn't stop me
from thinking about it

:on programming a machinehead:

intuit everything, that which is & that which is not. Part of the process is to unleash the symptom, evaluate the systems, & expose the symmetry. This is the world between veils, erected before comatose erections, developed over centuries of phalic monoliths. Devote time to the passage of memory, & engage in reflection of 'from whence you came.' As the wheel turns you must be a center at the edge of it, both creator & instigator of the wheel & its motion. Reality turns on ideals. A shifting of thought processes, when directed by will, can create trapdoors into the next fractal universe. Pass through these whorls to the world around you. Remember the seed knows not the outcome, it is only a seed.

The purpose of the will is the assistance of the self. Masks are but the face beneath the face beneath the mask. Their nature is to please the wearer with the pleasure of wearing a new nature. Nothing is static. To move forward is to grow, & it is also to cut off that which kept growth from occuring. By being determined to forge ahead regardless of the consequences all things become known & reality, twisted, accommodates. Even though there may be pain, there is understanding that the pain has a reason, that pain is purification. Do not accept a teacher as master, for by accepting a master you have become a slave. Individualism is essential for creation exists only in a vacuum. It is the urgency to fill the void, to compile understanding, to engage in conflict & proclaim visions that give life meaning.

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