Samuel woke with a groan. The very air of the room itself seemed alive, as if it were crawling across his face. A single shotglass on the bedstand boasted a cigarette butt and a quarter inch of amber liquor turned muddy and thick from the ash. He opened one swollen eye and glared at the shotglass, with all the intensity his hangover would allow. There was a noise, a hideous repetitious noise cutting across his brain like a rusty razorblade. He reached out with his trembling fingers and smacked the alarm into silence, hitting the snooze button with all the force he could muster, then rolled back up under the covers. His stomache heaved once, then subsided. Again the alarm sounded. Samuel felt himself slowly drift into awareness, the dream he was having swirled about him until there was only the hot darkness of the conforter and his own sour breath. The alarm continued to rattle him, setting every screaming nerve on edge. His face was damp with sweat, his stomache gurgling for relief. He threw back the covers and winced against the noonday sun that streamed through the windows. Reaching out, he overturned the shotglass while aiming for the alarm. "Fuck!" he said, his voice rough and phlegmy. The last bit of alcohol washed across the bedstand, leaving behind the cigarette butt now almost unrecognizable, a smear of grime and stained paper, flecks of tobacco in pools of yellowish liquid. The scent of whiskey ripped at his nostrils, triggering an upheaval he was unprepared for. Holding back vomit, he rolled out of bed and staggered for the bathroom. The toilet bowl was already up, fortunately, as he was already retching by the time he reached it. His mouth full of vomit, he disgorged himself into the porcelain, dropping to his knees. In the bedroom, the alarm's screetching continued, but mercifully, both Samuel's vision and hearing faded into a kind of white noise, blanketing his dream from his mind. Do you know what the killing wall is? The question had arisen in his dream over and over. What is the Killing Wall? The Killing Wall… A secret stockade outside time where fifth dimensional entities suck the mind and soul from a human. Like the chutes down which you guide a cow to end it up in a little narrow chamber where you slit its throat… same idea, only outside space and time… think mirrors shattering into another place. return to page one