
The Nation of Rottentusk orcs live cheerfully in the swamplands to the east. Their weapon of choice is the crossbow, though they also use axes and shields in closer combat. They have also been known to use spears and javelins for the advantage of distancing themselves from their prey. Their armor and livery are green and black. arranged in irregular horizontal splotches for camoflauge.

Rottentusk orcs subsist mainly on carrion, although they will not turn down fresh meat (just stash it for awhile until properly “seasoned”) They are the smallest local breed of orc, though their cunning often makes up for this shortcoming. They usually live in small packs near predator dens, ensuring a supply of leftovers while their shrewd minds keep them clear of the beast themselves.

While not living in stationary villages the Rottentusk orcs do build shelters, often in trees or underground dens. They often migrate freely through a broad stretch of marshy regions, hunting and trapping. They will not raid villages openly by themselves, although they will lend support to stronger breeds for whatever leftovers they can scrounge.

The Rottentusk orcs are the most wretched of all orcish nations, although they live happily enough. Sly and swift, they are much sought after by war bands for their skill with bow and javelin. In combat they excel in dexterity, rolling and tumbling away from the swords of their foes, or in close enough to make a fatal strike. Often Rottentusks will attack with paired archers, having one bow nocked while the other reloads.

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