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Pocahontas Area Community Schools
Rolfe Center
Middle School Philosophy

Student Education
  1. To promote active learners rather than passive sponges.
  2. To have students realize their potentials.
  3. To develop a joy for discovery learning.
  4. To develop students' organizational skills.
  5. To develop and use problem solving skills.
  6. To develop and use critical thinking skills.
  7. To teach students to understand failure as a probable part of the learning process, but not to accept it as an inevitable end.

Student Behavior
  1. To provide positive and negative consequences for student behavior.
  2. To promote accountability, citizenship, dependability, and honesty.
  3. To promote proper dress and grooming.
  4. To use cooperative efforts to get along in and out of class.
  5. To teach students to accept each other as individuals.

Teacher Qualities
  1. To be the "guide on the side," rather than the "sage on the stage."
  2. To recognize and respect students as individuals.
  3. To develop a staff that is sensitive to students' changing needs.
  4. To promote staff flexibility and originality.
  5. To stress the need for staff that is receptive to new ideas.

  1. To provide participatory learning experiences.
  2. To have integrated academic units of instruction.
  3. To use authentic assessment of student progress.
  4. To introduce students to careers of the future.
  5. To provide relevant enrichment opportunities.

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Last updated December 6, 2002