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Get the Best

Published: 27th December, 1998
Changed: 28th December, 1998 Added example to usage and data for lower zubat & onix and more data for charmander. I'll add a few here and there in the future without mentioning it here.

To have the best you have to start with the best at the lowest. These are some stats to help you determine if you did get the best.

[ Usage | Data ]


         ### Pokemon Name L(Lowest) [n = (How many caught)]

Stats    Mean SD   Min  Max


[ 020 | 040 | 060 | 080 | 100 | 120 | 140 ]
001     Bulbasaur L5 [n = 30]

HP       19.9  0.5   19   21
Attack   10.3  0.5    9   11
Defense  10.1  0.6    9   11
Speed     9.9  0.5    9   11
Special  11.8  0.5   11   13

Total    62.0  1.2   60   65

004     Charmander L5 [n = 20]

HP       19.3  0.6   18   20
Attack   10.4  0.5   10   11
Defense   9.7  0.5    9   10
Speed    11.7  0.5   11   12
Special  10.6  0.5   10   11

Total    61.6  1.1   59   63

007     Squirtle L5 [n = 25]

HP       19.6  0.5   19   20
Attack   10.0  0.5    9   11
Defense  11.6  0.6   11   13
Speed     9.5  0.5    9   10
Special  10.3  0.5   10   11

Total    60.9  1.2   58   63

010     Caterpie L3 [n = 15]

HP       15.7  0.5   15   16
Attack    7.0  0.0    7    7
Defense   7.0  0.0    7    7
Speed     7.8  0.4    7    8
Special   6.1  0.2    6    7

Total    43.5  0.7   42   45

013     Weedle L3 [n = 20]

HP       15.3  0.5   15   16
Attack    7.0  0.2    7    8
Defense   6.8  0.4    6    7
Speed     8.0  0.0    8    8
Special   6.2  0.4    6    7

Total    43.3  0.8   42   45

016     Pidgey L2 [n = 30]

HP       13.3  0.5   13   14
Attack    6.8  0.4    6    7
Defense   6.6  0.5    6    7
Speed     7.0  0.0    7    7
Special   6.1  0.2    6    7

Total    39.7  0.9   38   41

019     Rattata L2 [n = 24]

HP       13.0  0.0   13   13
Attack    7.0  0.0    7    7
Defense   6.0  0.2    6    7
Speed     8.0  0.2    7    8
Special   6.0  0.0    6    6

Total    40.0  0.3   39   41

021     Spearow L3 [n = 20]

HP       15.4  0.5   15   16
Attack    8.6  0.5    8    9
Defense   6.9  0.3    6    7
Speed     9.1  0.3    9   10
Special   6.7  0.5    6    7

Total    46.7  1.1   45   48

023     Ekans L6 [n = 20]

HP       20.6  0.7   20   22
Attack   12.8  0.6   12   14
Defense  10.6  0.5   10   11
Speed    12.1  0.7   11   13
Special  10.3  0.6    9   11

Total    66.5  1.2   64   69

025     Pikachu L3 [n = 20]

HP       15.0  0.0   15   15
Attack    8.2  0.4    8    9
Defense   6.8  0.4    6    7
Speed    10.4  0.5   10   11
Special   8.0  0.0    8    8

Total    48.5  0.7   47   50

027     Sandshrew L6 [n = 10]

HP       22.4  0.5   22   23
Attack   14.2  0.4   14   15
Defense  15.4  0.5   15   16
Speed    10.3  0.5   10   11
Special   8.5  0.7    8   10

Total    70.8  1.4   69   73

029     Nidoran (F) L2 [n = 15]

HP       14.0  0.0   14   14
Attack    6.7  0.5    6    7
Defense   7.0  0.0    7    7
Speed     6.3  0.5    6    7
Special   6.3  0.4    6    7

Total    40.3  0.8   39   41

031     Nidoran (M) L2 [n = 30]

HP       13.7  0.5   13   14
Attack    7.0  0.0    7    7
Defense   6.5  0.5    6    7
Speed     7.0  0.0    7    7
Special   6.6  0.5    6    7

Total    40.7  0.7   40   42

035     Clefairy L8 [n = 25]

HP       29.8  0.7   29   31
Attack   13.0  0.8   12   14
Defense  13.4  0.6   12   14
Speed    11.4  0.8   10   13
Special  15.1  0.7   14   16

Total    82.7  1.4   80   85

037     Vulpix L15 [n = 25]

HP       38.3  1.4   36   40
Attack   19.2  1.3   17   21
Defense  18.4  1.3   17   21
Speed    26.0  1.3   24   28
Special  26.3  1.0   24   28

Total   128.2  2.7  123  134

039     Jigglypuff L3 [n = 20]

HP       19.9  0.3   19   20
Attack    7.5  0.5    7    8
Defense   6.2  0.4    6    7
Speed     6.2  0.4    6    7
Special   6.5  0.5    6    7

Total    46.3  1.0   44   48

041     Zubat L6 [n = 25]

HP       21.2  0.6   20   22
Attack   10.9  0.7   10   12
Defense   9.6  0.5    9   10
Speed    12.0  0.7   11   13
Special  10.4  0.6    9   11

Total    64.1  1.3   61   66

043     Oddish L12 [n = 21]

HP       34.4  1.3   32   36
Attack   17.7  0.8   17   19
Defense  19.3  1.2   18   21
Speed    13.4  1.1   12   15
Special  24.5  1.2   23   26

Total   109.3  2.2  104  113

046     Paras L8 [n = 25]

HP       24.4  0.8   23   26
Attack   17.0  0.8   16   18
Defense  14.0  0.8   13   16
Speed    10.0  0.8    9   11
Special  14.5  1.0   13   16

Total    79.8  2.1   75   84

048     Venonat L22 [n = 20]

HP       60.6  1.8   58   65
Attack   32.4  2.2   29   35
Defense  30.7  1.7   28   33
Speed    27.4  1.9   24   30
Special  24.9  2.0   22   29

Total   175.8  4.1  169  184

050     Diglett L15 [n = 15]

HP       29.7  1.7   28   32
Attack   23.3  1.7   21   26
Defense  14.1  1.4   12   16
Speed    35.3  1.4   33   38
Special  20.4  1.5   18   23

Total   122.7  4.0  114  128

052     Meowth L10 [n = 20]

HP       29.2  0.9   28   31
Attack   14.9  0.9   14   17
Defense  13.6  1.1   12   15
Speed    24.1  0.7   23   25
Special  13.8  0.9   13   15

Total    95.7  1.8   91   99

054     Psyduck L15 [n = 20]

HP       41.9  1.6   40   44
Attack   22.0  1.6   20   25
Defense  20.7  1.5   19   23
Speed    23.4  1.4   21   25
Special  21.9  1.3   20   24

Total   129.8  3.2  122  135

056     Mankey L10 [n = 25]

HP       28.8  0.8   28   30
Attack   22.1  1.0   21   24
Defense  13.2  0.9   12   15
Speed    19.7  0.9   19   21
Special  13.2  0.9   12   15

Total    97.0  2.0   93  101

058     Growlithe L15 [n = 15]

HP       44.1  1.4   42   46
Attack   28.2  1.2   26   30
Defense  19.9  1.6   18   23
Speed    25.4  1.3   23   27
Special  22.1  1.3   20   24

Total   139.7  3.2  134  146

060     Poliwag L10 [n = 20]    Poliwag L15 [n = 20]

HP       29.3  1.0   28   31     38.6  1.4   37   41
Attack   15.9  1.0   15   18     21.9  1.3   20   24
Defense  14.3  1.0   13   16     18.7  1.3   17   21
Speed    24.0  0.8   23   25     33.7  1.1   32   35
Special  14.3  0.9   13   16     18.2  1.4   17   21

Total    97.8  2.5   93  103    131.2  3.0  127  137

063     Abra L6 [n = 25]

HP       19.3  0.5   19   20
Attack    7.7  0.5    7    9
Defense   7.0  0.6    6    8
Speed    16.5  0.6   15   17
Special  17.9  0.8   17   19

Total    68.5  1.1   67   70

066     Machop L15 [n = 20]

HP       48.0  1.6   46   50
Attack   30.4  1.2   29   32
Defense  21.8  1.2   20   24
Speed    17.5  1.3   15   20
Special  17.6  1.4   15   20

Total   135.4  2.9  131  142

069     Bellsprout L12 [n = 25]

HP       34.6  0.6   34   36
Attack   24.4  1.1   23   26
Defense  14.3  1.3   13   17
Speed    15.7  1.1   14   17
Special  23.0  1.1   21   25

Total   112.0  2.2  107  117

072     Tentacool L5 [n = 30]

HP       19.3  0.4   19   20
Attack    9.3  0.5    9   10
Defense   8.8  0.5    8   10
Speed    12.6  0.5   12   13
Special  15.2  0.4   15   16

Total    65.2  1.1   63   67

074     Geodude L7 [n = 25]

HP       23.3  0.7   22   24
Attack   16.8  0.7   16   18
Defense  19.7  0.6   19   21
Speed     8.0  0.6    7    9
Special   9.6  0.6    9   11

Total    77.4  1.1   76   80

077     Ponyta L28 [n = 30]

HP       69.7  2.4   66   74
Attack   56.6  2.9   52   61
Defense  39.3  2.6   35   44
Speed    59.4  2.8   55   63
Special  45.0  2.9   41   49

Total   270.0  5.4  261  284

079     Slowpoke L15 [n = 25]

HP       53.7  1.4   52   56
Attack   25.8  1.4   24   28
Defense  26.2  1.7   24   29
Speed    12.0  1.7    9   14
Special  18.8  1.5   17   21

Total   136.4  3.5  128  142

081     Magnemite L21 [n = 25]

HP       44.8  1.9   41   47
Attack   21.8  1.9   19   25
Defense  37.1  2.0   34   40
Speed    27.1  2.0   24   30
Special  48.0  1.5   45   51

Total   178.7  4.0  170  188

083     Farfetch'd L3 [n = 30]

HP       16.0  0.0   16   16
Attack    8.8  0.4    8    9
Defense   8.4  0.5    8    9
Speed     8.5  0.5    8    9
Special   8.5  0.5    8    9

Total    50.1  1.0   48   52

084     Doduo L18 [n = 25]

HP       42.9  1.5   41   46
Attack   38.1  1.8   35   41
Defense  23.2  1.5   21   26
Speed    34.1  1.7   32   37
Special  20.1  1.6   17   23

Total   158.3  4.0  152  171

086     Seel L28 [n = 25]

HP       77.6  2.2   74   82
Attack   32.7  2.7   30   38
Defense  40.0  2.7   35   44
Speed    34.6  2.3   30   38
Special  49.1  2.6   44   52

Total   233.9  5.0  223  244

088     Grimer L30 [n = 25]

HP       93.0  2.5   88   97
Attack   58.2  3.0   53   62
Defense  40.2  2.7   35   44
Speed    23.5  2.8   20   29
Special  32.9  2.9   29   37

Total   247.7  5.5  236  261

090     Shellder L15 [n = 20]

HP       35.5  1.5   34   38
Attack   26.4  1.2   24   28
Defense  36.4  1.4   35   39
Speed    18.8  1.4   17   21
Special  20.8  1.1   19   23

Total   137.8  3.5  132  148

092     Gastly L18 [n = 25]

HP       40.9  1.7   38   43
Attack   19.9  1.8   17   23
Defense  17.2  1.6   15   21
Speed    35.7  1.8   33   38
Special  43.4  1.6   41   46

Total   157.2  3.9  151  164

095     Onix L12 [n = 20]

HP       31.6  1.4   30   34
Attack   17.4  1.2   16   19
Defense  44.6  1.1   43   46
Speed    23.4  1.0   21   25
Special  13.9  1.1   12   15

Total   130.8  3.5  124  138

096     Drowzee L9 [n = 15]

HP       30.3  1.1   29   32
Attack   14.7  0.6   14   16
Defense  14.1  0.8   13   15
Speed    13.8  0.9   12   15
Special  22.3  0.9   21   23

Total    95.2  2.4   91   99

098     Krabby L15 [n = 25]

HP       35.3  1.3   34   38
Attack   38.2  1.2   36   40
Defense  34.2  1.4   32   36
Speed    21.7  1.5   20   24
Special  14.2  1.5   12   17

Total   143.6  3.6  138  151

100     Voltorb L14 [n = 25]

HP       36.9  1.4   35   39
Attack   15.5  1.1   13   17
Defense  20.6  1.3   19   23
Speed    34.5  1.2   33   37
Special  22.0  1.3   20   24

Total   129.5  2.9  125  137

102     Exeggutor L23 [n = 25]

HP       63.8  2.2   60   67
Attack   26.5  2.2   23   30
Defense  45.3  2.2   41   48
Speed    26.4  1.5   24   30
Special  35.6  2.0   32   39

Total   197.6  4.5  188  205

104     Cubone L20 [n = 25]

HP       52.6  1.4   50   55
Attack   27.3  1.8   25   30
Defense  45.1  1.5   43   47
Speed    20.8  1.6   19   25
Special  23.9  1.9   21   27

Total   169.7  4.3  163  179

106     Hitmonlee L30 [n = 25]

HP       72.9  2.3   70   77
Attack   80.1  2.5   77   86
Defense  41.6  2.8   36   45
Speed    60.0  2.4   57   65
Special  29.3  2.9   26   35

Total   284.0  6.1  270  296

107     Hitmonchan L30 [n = 25]

HP       74.6  2.6   70   79
Attack   72.5  2.8   68   77
Defense  56.1  3.0   52   61
Speed    54.8  3.0   50   59
Special  29.3  2.4   25   35

Total   287.3  5.8  279  299

108     Lickitung L23 [n = 20]

HP       77.3  2.1   74   80
Attack   33.2  2.4   30   37
Defense  42.5  2.6   39   49
Speed    21.4  2.0   18   25
Special  35.7  2.1   32   38

Total   210.2  4.9  204  222

109     Koffing L30 [n = 20]

HP       67.8  2.7   64   73
Attack   48.4  2.5   44   52
Defense  66.8  2.7   62   71
Speed    30.9  2.7   26   35
Special  45.5  2.6   41   49

Total   259.3  7.7  245  276

111     Rhyhorn L25 [n = 20]

HP       78.5  2.4   75   82
Attack   51.2  2.2   47   55
Defense  57.2  2.5   52   60
Speed    22.0  2.1   18   25
Special  23.4  2.4   20   27

Total   232.3  5.9  223  245

113     Chansey L23 [n = 20]

HP      151.2  2.0  148  154
Attack   10.3  2.4    7   14
Defense  10.7  2.1    7   14
Speed    31.1  2.3   28   34
Special  56.2  2.3   53   59

Total   259.4  6.1  250  271

114     Tangela L24 [n = 20]

HP       68.8  2.1   65   72
Attack   34.1  2.0   31   38
Defense  63.0  2.4   60   66
Speed    37.9  2.7   33   41
Special  55.0  2.2   53   60

Total   258.9  4.1  246  264

115     Kangaskan L25 [n = 20]

HP       91.5  2.5   87   95
Attack   57.3  1.9   54   60
Defense  48.8  2.1   45   52
Speed    53.6  2.1   50   57
Special  27.9  2.1   25   31

Total   279.1  5.0  270  290

116     Horsea L15 [n = 25]

HP       35.8  1.3   34   38
Attack   18.6  1.2   17   21
Defense  28.0  1.6   26   30
Speed    24.6  1.4   23   27
Special  27.7  1.2   26   30

Total   134.8  2.7  129  139

118     Goldeen L10 [n = 20]    Goldeen L15 [n = 15]

HP       30.2  1.0   29   32     40.5  1.5   38   43
Attack   19.5  1.0   18   21     27.1  1.4   25   29
Defense  18.1  0.8   17   20     24.6  1.3   23   26
Speed    18.7  1.1   17   20     25.6  1.5   23   28
Special  16.4  1.1   15   18     22.1  1.3   20   24

Total   102.8  1.9  100  106    140.0  2.9  135  145

120     Staryu L15 [n = 25]

HP       35.4  1.3   34   38
Attack   20.5  1.6   18   24
Defense  23.6  1.1   22   25
Speed    32.5  1.5   30   35
Special  27.8  1.6   26   30

Total   139.8  4.2  132  148

122     Mr. Mime L6 [n = 20]

HP       21.1  0.5   20   22
Attack   11.0  0.6   10   12
Defense  12.9  0.7   12   14
Speed    16.1  0.8   15   17
Special  17.3  0.5   17   18

Total    78.5  1.2   76   80

123     Scyther L25 [n = 30]

HP       72.7  2.4   70   77
Attack   63.4  1.7   60   66
Defense  48.3  2.2   45   52
Speed    61.4  2.6   57   65
Special  36.6  2.3   32   40

Total   282.4  5.5  272  295

124     Jynx L23 [n = 20]

HP       65.8  2.0   62   69
Attack   30.8  2.0   28   34
Defense  24.4  2.2   21   28
Speed    51.4  2.0   48   55
Special  51.7  1.8   49   55

Total   224.1  5.1  215  232

125     Electabuzz L36 [n = 20]

HP       97.8  3.0   93  103
Attack   71.1  3.3   64   74
Defense  53.0  3.0   46   56
Speed    84.5  3.4   80   91
Special  71.0  3.4   66   77

Total   377.4  5.2  364  384

126     Magmar L34 [n = 30]

HP       92.8  3.6   88   98
Attack   73.3  3.2   69   79
Defense  48.5  2.8   43   53
Speed    72.8  2.8   68   78
Special  67.4  3.5   62   73

Total   354.9  7.1  340  367

127     Pinsir L20 [n = 25]

HP       57.7  2.9   47   62
Attack   58.4  1.1   56   60
Defense  47.8  1.8   45   50
Speed    42.0  2.0   39   45
Special  29.4  1.9   27   33

Total   235.4  4.3  225  247

128     Tauros L26 [n = 27]

HP       78.4  2.8   75   82
Attack   60.1  2.3   57   64
Defense  57.7  2.2   54   62
Speed    65.5  2.4   62   70
Special  45.4  2.6   41   49

Total   307.1  6.0  298  322

129     Magikarp L5 [n = 25]

HP       17.3  0.5   17   18
Attack    6.4  0.5    6    7
Defense  10.6  0.6   10   12
Speed    13.4  0.5   13   14
Special   7.3  0.5    7    8

Total    55.1  1.2   53   59

131     Lapras L15 [n = 25]

HP       65.8  1.5   64   68
Attack   32.4  1.3   30   35
Defense  30.6  1.2   29   33
Speed    25.2  1.3   23   27
Special  35.5  1.4   33   38

Total   189.6  3.0  184  195

132     Ditto L26 [n = 15]

HP       64.1  2.5   60   68
Attack   33.9  2.6   29   37
Defense  33.9  2.5   29   37
Speed    33.2  2.7   29   37
Special  33.1  2.5   29   37

Total   198.1  7.3  184  210

133     Eevee L25 [n = 40]

HP       66.3  2.0   62   70
Attack   35.9  2.6   32   40
Defense  33.7  2.2   30   37
Speed    35.8  2.2   32   40
Special  41.4  2.2   37   45

Total   213.0  5.2  202  223

137     Porygon L18 [n = 20]

HP       53.0  1.5   51   56
Attack   29.5  1.7   26   32
Defense  32.1  1.4   30   35
Speed    21.7  1.3   19   24
Special  33.9  1.4   32   37

Total   170.2  3.8  163  177

138     Omanyte L30 [n = 25]

HP       65.6  2.6   61   70
Attack   33.2  2.6   29   38
Defense  68.7  3.0   65   74
Speed    31.4  2.5   26   35
Special  62.8  2.6   59   66

Total   261.6  5.6  248  273

140     Kabuto L30 [n = 30]

HP       62.1  2.7   58   67
Attack   57.2  2.7   53   62
Defense  63.0  2.7   59   68
Speed    41.9  2.6   38   46
Special  36.5  2.8   32   41

Total   260.7  7.7  245  275

142     Aerodactyl L30 [n = 30]

HP       92.2  2.7   88   97
Attack   71.9  2.7   68   77
Defense  48.1  2.6   44   53
Speed    86.5  2.6   83   92
Special  45.2  2.9   41   50

Total   343.9  4.2  334  350

143     Snorlax L30 [n = 25]

HP      139.6  2.5  136  144
Attack   75.4  2.9   71   80
Defense  47.7  2.5   44   53
Speed    26.4  2.4   23   31
Special  47.8  2.7   44   53

Total   336.9  6.0  328  356

144     Articuno L50 [n = 30]

HP      158.1  4.6  151  165
Attack   98.3  4.4   91  105
Defense 112.6  5.0  105  120
Speed    98.9  4.4   91  105
Special 138.1  4.0  131  144

Total   606.1  8.5  580  622

145     Zapdos L50 [n = 30]

HP      157.4  4.3  150  165
Attack  102.7  4.5   95  110
Defense  96.0  3.9   90  103
Speed   112.9  4.8  105  120
Special 136.8  4.8  130  144

Total   605.8 10.5  580  630

146     Moltres L50 [n = 30]

HP      156.5  5.6  150  165
Attack  112.5  4.2  105  120
Defense 102.2  4.3   95  109
Speed   102.6  4.4   95  110
Special 137.7  4.8  130  145

Total   611.4 10.6  589  634

147     Dratini L15 [n = 30]

HP       39.2  1.5   37   41
Attack   26.2  1.2   24   28
Defense  20.4  1.7   18   23
Speed    22.1  1.3   20   24
Special  22.1  1.4   20   24

Total   129.9  3.5  124  137

150     Mewtwo L70 [n = 60]

HP      239.1  6.7  228  249
Attack  170.2  6.4  159  180
Defense 141.0  6.2  131  152
Speed   197.1  6.7  187  208
Special 231.7  7.2  220  241

Total   979.0 16.2  946 1018

How to Use

No crazy formulas. Just get one that has the same or larger max total as mine and have the important stats equal to or larger than the the max value I got. It's up to you which stats are important. My personal choices are speed then one of the stats that control damage -- either attack or special.


Suppose I want the best bulbasaur. The max total is 65 but does not equal the total of the max stats (21 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 13 = 67), I'll have to compromise by keeping a bulbasaur with only some stats maxed. As mentioned above I like speed; and bulbasaur's stronger attacks are special based, so I'll keep one with maxed special. Hence, any bulbasaur that has speed = 11 and special = 13 and max total = 65 will do it for me.

It may or may not be possible to get the pokemon you want; you'll have to decide for yourself whether it's worth your time to get the best.
